[007] scars

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[007] scars

                                For nearly two months, Elizabeth and Logan had managed to keep their affair hidden from Elizabeth's parents. Really, they only had to worry about Elizabeth's father but still. They were successful in making sure that he didn't find out and that was what mattered.

                                Elizabeth truly felt like she was finally living out a romance straight from the fairy tales. And Logan was her Prince Charming.

                                That's why, after their most recent night out on the town, Elizabeth agrees to go back to Logan's penthouse for a couple drinks. His home is everything she expects it to be and then some. Logan obviously had an eye for the finer things in life, feeling as though he deserved nothing but the very best. And it showed all throughout his apartment. Elizabeth couldn't help but admire it all as she explored his home, eventually stopping in front of the large floor to ceiling windows which overlooked the entire city.

                                "This is such an amazing view," Elizabeth gasps, a smile on her lips. "I'm incredibly jealous of you."

                               "Don't be," Logan says, now approaching Elizabeth with two drinks in hand.

                               Elizabeth turns around to look at him, gingerly taking one glass from Logan before beginning to take a sip from it. Her gaze briefly lingers on the man now beside her before it focuses again on the view right in front of her instead. But Logan's gaze never leaves her for a second. Logan simply can't help himself - Elizabeth practically glows, thanks to the city lights that pour in through the window and shine upon her. It's true that Logan knew how to impress, especially when it pertained to women.

                               And Elizabeth was no exception.

                              "I can't help it," Elizabeth finally speaks up, her tone coming out a lot softer than intended. It was a miracle she was even able to speak when she could feel Logan's eyes on her, only making her feel more beautiful than she ever thought she could be. "You pretty much have everything. You're successful and you have your own house. You live by your own rules. You're free. It's hard to not be jealous of you."

                                "Well, you don't have to be jealous. It can all be yours,

                                "Mine?" Elizabeth repeats.

                                "I'm falling for you, Elizabeth. And I want the entire fucking world to know it," Logan explains. "I want to make you mine. I want to take things to the next level."

                                "You do?" Elizabeth inquired. She feels her heart fluttering at his words.

                                "Yes, I do. But only if you want that too. I don't want to force you into anything that you don't want to do," Logan's quick to add.

                                "You're not. I want that too, Logan," Elizabeth immediately agreed.

                                She was finally going to be able to have the life she always wanted. She was finally going to be one step closer to leaving home and making a life for herself. Elizabeth knew she'd be stupid to let Logan slip away from her grasp now. He was absolutely perfect and he was offering her everything that she always wanted. How could Elizabeth say no?

                                Logan smiles softly before he takes his glass and hers and sets it down onto the nearby table. And that's when he comes back to where Elizabeth stood, cupping her face in his hands and kissing her.

                                Elizabeth immediately kisses Logan back and she holds onto him, wrapping her arms around him. This feels like some sort of dream. It had to be one. There was no way that this was happening and yet it was. She was nervous, she was excited, she was happy, and she was worried that she wouldn't be good enough for him. Aware of his reputation, Elizabeth wanted to be the one woman that stood out the most. The one that would win him over and keep him once and for all.

                                Elizabeth wanted Logan to want her badly.

                                As the kiss intensifies, Logan decides to carry Elizabeth all the way towards his bedroom. She pulls away from him when he scoops her into his arms with ease, giggling as he carried her all the way there. Although it wasn't exactly proper for them to move so fast before marriage, it wasn't as though either of them cared.

                                And Elizabeth felt hopeful that this could lead into that anyway.

                                Elizabeth kisses Logan this time while he carried her into his room, holding onto him even while he placed her down onto the bed. He lowered himself down with her, his body pressed on top of hers. Elizabeth continued the kiss, only pulling away for a couple of seconds so she and Logan could try to catch their breath. But then they'd go right back to kissing each other. Elizabeth was absolutely addicted to kissing Logan and she'd probably do it forever if she could. But tonight, Elizabeth wanted to do much more than that.

                                Logan was already experienced, knowing exactly what to do from the very beginning. So yes, Elizabeth trusted him completely. She's surprised, however, when Logan pulls away from her, glancing down at her with a slightly concerned face. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

                                Oh, so that's what he wanted to ask her. Elizabeth couldn't help but find it sweet. She didn't know a lot of men who would bother to ask. They'd just go ahead and take whatever it was they wanted from women. Women weren't allowed to have much of an option these days.

                                "Yes," Elizabeth nods. She was absolutely sure that this was what she wanted to do. They had already gone this far and Elizabeth didn't want to turn back now.

                                Elizabeth's fingers tremble slightly as she unbuttons his shirt. She wasn't nervous. Perhaps she was a little. But it was more so out of excitement than anything else. Elizabeth felt tired of always wondering about this moment. Now she would finally learn.

                                Logan tosses his shirt to the side before he continues, kissing Elizabeth on the neck. She moves her hands down his back but she was surprised when she felt something strange there. It felt like a scar of some sort. Logan also paused when he felt Elizabeth's fingers Grace the damaged skin and before she could say something, Logan climbed off of Elizabeth and sat on the edge of his bed.

                                 It's in that moment that Elizabeth first sees them. There were scars decorating Logan's back, it appearing as though he had been whipped. Elizabeth reaches over to touch them out of curiosity, her fingertips beginning to graze the ruined skin. But before Elizabeth could get far, Logan quickly turns around and grabs Elizabeth's wrist before she could go further than that.

                                "What happened?" Elizabeth asks, sitting up on his bed. Of course it'd be the first question she'd ask.

                                "I'd prefer not to talk about it," Logan quickly responds, shaking his head afterwards.

                                "Logan... you know you can tell me anything and I won't judge you. I won't think anything less of you because of your past,"' Elizabeth tries to assure him.

                                "Why?" Logan asks, a challenging look in his eyes.

                                "Because... because I think I'm in love with you,"' Elizabeth confesses.

                                Logan strokes Elizabeth's cheek, his expression growing more tender. "You think?"

                               "Alright, I know I am in love with you. I was scared at first but now I know I don't have to be. You don't need to be scared either, Logan. I can handle it, I promise," Elizabeth remarked.

                               Logan sighs. He knew he wouldn't be able to move past it with someone as persistent as Elizabeth. If they were really going to move forward as a couple, he was going to have to tell her. "After my father died, my mother sent my brother and I away to live with our Uncle Noah in Quebec, Canada. It was supposed to be a chance for us to escape poverty. But my uncle was ill-tempered. He was violent when angry and most of it was taken out on me. The scars on my back are just a result of one of his many beatings."

                                "Oh my God," Elizabeth gasps, hugging Logan from behind. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, Logan."

                                "It's fine. I'm over it now," Logan responds. But it was a complete lie. He could never get over the abuse his uncle had put him through. It'd haunt him for the rest of his life, setting him down the wrong path that'd ultimately ruin everyone that got close to him.

                                "Logan -," Elizabeth began to say, desperate to try and find the right words to comfort him. Although she didn't understand what he had gone through, the least she could do was sympathize with him.

                                But he cuts her off with another kiss, this time managing to silence Elizabeth and her questions. And after that, there was no more talking between the two of them.


                                Elizabeth wakes up alone in bed, although she doesn't realize it until she stretches out her arm and doesn't feel Logan sleeping beside her. She sits up almost instantly, wrapping the blanket around herself while she searched for him. But he wasn't anywhere inside the bedroom.  Elizabeth looks over at the clock residing on top of the bedside table, realizing that it was a quarter past four.

                                How long had Elizabeth been asleep for? And how long had Logan been gone?

                                She decides to go and look for him, putting on one of his shirts so she wouldn't be completely naked. And then she wanders outside, glancing around the dimly lit penthouse for any sign of Logan Roy. Eventually, Elizabeth notices a light on in one of the rooms and quietly creeps closer before peering through the crack.

                                Logan was inside, fully dressed and already working as though nothing had happened. Elizabeth was shocked due to how late it was. But it seemed as though sleep was one of the few luxuries the CEO couldn't afford. He was making little notes and looking through documents, a frown on his face. Elizabeth wondered if something was wrong. But then again, that could just be him concentrating. She remembered seeing her father make the same face whenever she was spying on him in his study as a little girl.

                                Elizabeth leans in too close on the door, opening it a little more and causing a loud creak sound to follow. Obviously, the noise captures Logan's attention and he looks over to see a half dressed Elizabeth now awkwardly standing in the doorway.

                                "Hey," she sends him a small smile, "You look cute with your reading glasses."

                                "Thanks. What're you doing up?" Logan asks while taking his glasses off.

                                Elizabeth chuckles. "I could be asking you the same thing. It's late. Most people sleep at this hour."

                                "I can't. I have some business to finish but you can go back. I'll be fine," Logan shakes his head. And he didn't appear very tired at all.

                                "Oh. Uh...," Elizabeth trails off, suddenly growing sheepish. She had hoped that she could convince him back to bed with ease but that obviously wasn't going to be the case.

                                "Yes?" Logan raises a brow, slightly confused as to what more Elizabeth could want from him.

                                "I was hoping you'd come back with me," Elizabeth suggested.

                                After all, the night had already started off so romantic. She wanted it to end romantically too. She had basically given her virginity to Logan and from what she thought, Logan would be there to hold her and comfort her after. Maybe even talk to her a little bit after.

                                But work seemed to be more important. "I'll be there soon. I promise."

                                Elizabeth nods, closing the door behind her as she made the journey back to his bedroom alone. She climbs back into his bed and pulls the covers up to her chest, waiting for Logan to join her before she ultimately falls back to sleep.

                                Logan never came back into bed with her, too consumed with work to even remember. This would be the first of many promises that he'd break.


word count: 2031
notes: yep ik this update was long overdue but i finally finished it so pls be proud of me!

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