Chapter One: A New Dawn

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"Sh. Now, let's get to work," Lucia said, turning away from me and pulling her bra and work shirt on.

I huffed. "You're such a tease!"

Lucia laughed. "Oh, I know," she said, turning to me. "Maybe when we get home we could have a little fun?"

I shook my head quickly. "N-No no! We don't have to!"

Lucia laughed softly. "I was joking, yeesh," she said.

I laughed nervously and pulled on my shoes. "Ah, okay. What a relief though, haha," I looked at the ground. "I-- I thought you were serious! Really," I paused and sighed. "Really got me flustered."

She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "It's called teasing, Sweetheart. Get used to it," she said with a wink. "But seriously, let's get to work before the people there yell at us. We already know how you react when people yell at you."

"Ha, yeah... you're right," I mumbled softly. Something in my chest panged with a small pain, but I tried to hide it with a soft smile. Laughing nervously, I grabbed my small handbag and walked out the door Lucia had opened.

The walk was rather quiet, tense even. What if she saw through my facade? What if she doesn't want to be roomies anymore? No! I can't think this way. Pull yourself together, Nikki. It's just a girl... one you live with... and saw her tits... I mentally squealed. Such perfe--

"Sorry about earlier," Lucia's voice cut through my thoughts. "I just wanted to tease you as friends do. I didn't think you'd be that overwhelmed by it. I thought you'd maybe laugh and just throw my things at me, like a friend would..." Each time she said "friend" seemed pushed, emphasized even. Though, the moment she stopped talking, her eyes shined with something other than hatred and annoyance. I felt like a pressure was lifted off my chest. Her small smile, one filled with hope and joy, filled my heart with as much joy as her smile had shown.

"Don't worry about it, Luci. What's done is done, and now all we can do is move forward with our day," I said with a giggle. "No need to overthink things! It was my first time seeing another girl's, uh...," I stammered over thoughts and words, "um, tits, but oh well! My first experience was spent with you!"

"I mean, you'd think as a succubus, you'd have seen more," Lucia stated and shrugged. "Must've been more dick than anything, huh?"

I sighed softly and nodded. "Yeah... I mean, I may have seen dicks in person, but never touched or anything else. I'm still a virgin y'know," I said and looked at her. "I mean, sure guys are cool and all, but-- actually, I have no idea where I was taking that. Guess my mouth is spewing nonsense as usual." I gave off an awkward laugh. "Anyway, seeing and touching are two different things, same with seeing ti--"

"Follow me," Lucia said before I could finish my statement.

I gave a nod and followed her inside the café where we work. She was leading me to the restrooms. Why is she taking me back here? I wondered. Then she pulled me into the employees-only restroom. I gave a squeak before she shut and locked the door.

"What are w--"

"Give me your hand," she said before taking my hand.

I raised a brow. "Luci, wha--" That was when she moved my hand up and under her shirt. My face turned a dark shade of red. "L-Lucia!?" I squeaked out.

"Chill. You're feeling a titty, my titty," she laughed softly. "Just gently squeeze."

I pulled my hand away and shook my head, quickly covering my face with my hands. So soft and squ-- Stop thinking this way!!! I squealed quietly.

Lucia laughed more. "What's wrong, Nikki?" she asked.

I didn't answer and leaned against the wall. I couldn't show my face; my thoughts were getting the best of me.

"Go on, tell me, Sweetie," she said as she got a bit closer to me. "Like the experience? Any other thoughts pop into that pretty little head of yours, hm?"

I felt my heart race as Lucia got closer, her breath warm against my skin. I couldn't bring myself to look up, my face still buried in my hands.

"Nikki," she said softly, her voice a mix of concern and teasing. "It's just me. You don't have to be so embarrassed."

I peeked through my fingers, meeting her eyes. "It's not that easy, Luci. You know how I am."

She sighed and stepped back, giving me some space. "I know, I know. I'm sorry if I pushed you too far." Her tone was sincere, and I could see the worry in her eyes. "I just thought it would be fun, but I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

I took a deep breath and lowered my hands, trying to steady my racing thoughts. "It's okay. I just... need time to process things like this. It's a lot for me."

Lucia nodded, her expression softening. "I understand. We can take things slow. I'll try not to tease you so much."

I managed a small smile. "Thanks, Luci. I appreciate that."

She gave a small smile back. "No problem. Now, let's get to work before we get in trouble."

We left the restroom and headed to our respective stations. The café was starting to fill up with the morning rush, and the familiar routine helped ground me. I focused on my tasks, trying to push the earlier encounter to the back of my mind. Yet, every time I glanced at Lucia, a warm flutter stirred in my chest.

As the day went on, I couldn't help but think about what she said and did. Was it really just teasing? Or was there something more to it? The thought both excited and terrified me.

When our shift finally ended, Lucia and I walked home together, the silence between us comfortable but charged with unspoken thoughts. When we reached our apartment, Lucia turned to me, her eyes serious.

"Nikki, about earlier... I just want you to know that I care about you a lot. I don't want to mess up our friendship, but if you ever want to talk about... anything, I'm here."

I looked at her, feeling a mix of emotions. "Thanks, Luci. I care about you too. And maybe... we can talk more later."

She smiled, relief evident in her eyes. "I'd like that."

We headed inside, and as I got ready for bed, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us. Despite the confusion and uncertainty, one thing was clear: Lucia was important to me, and I was willing to explore whatever lay ahead, together.


The next day started with a burst of energy from Lucia, who was up early, lacing up her running shoes. She was always athletic, finding joy in a morning run before her shift. Her happy-go-lucky nature was contagious, and despite the previous day's awkwardness, she greeted me with a bright smile.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" she chirped. "Ready to seize the day?"

I rubbed my eyes and groaned. "Barely."

She laughed and tossed me an apple. "Eat up! We've got a busy day ahead."

Her caring nature was evident in these small gestures, always looking out for me even when she had her own stresses. Lucia could be calm and collected most of the time, but she was easily aggravated, especially when things didn't go as planned. Yet, she always managed to bounce back with a smile.

As we walked to the café, Lucia chatted about her run, her excitement infectious. "I love the morning air, don't you? It's so refreshing!"

I nodded, half-listening, but grateful for her presence. Her energy and enthusiasm were just what I needed to start the day.

At the café, Lucia's calm demeanor helped diffuse a few tense moments with difficult customers. Her ability to stay composed was something I admired, even when she was clearly irritated. She handled it all with grace, a testament to her balanced personality.

After our shift, as we headed home, Lucia's happy-go-lucky attitude returned in full force. "So, what's the plan for tonight? Movie? Pizza?"

I smiled, feeling more at ease. "Sounds perfect."

As the evening unfolded, I realized how lucky I was to have someone like Lucia in my life. Her athleticism, happy-go-lucky spirit, caring nature, calmness, and even her moments of aggressiveness made her who she was. I wouldn't change a thing about her.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of soft humming. Lucia was in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of pancakes. I smiled to myself, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. Despite everything, mornings like these made all the struggles worthwhile.

"Morning, Luci," I greeted, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning, sleepyhead! Ready for another day?" Lucia replied with a bright smile, flipping a pancake with expert ease.

"Yeah, I think so," I said, reaching for a cup of coffee. "Thanks for making breakfast."

"Anytime, Nikki. You know I love cooking for us," she said, plating the pancakes and setting them on the table.

As we ate, the conversation flowed easily. We talked about our plans for the day, shared jokes, and reminisced about our school days. Lucia's laughter was infectious, and I found myself relaxing more and more.

After breakfast, we headed to the café for our shift. The morning rush was already in full swing when we arrived. As always, Lucia's presence was a calming influence, her efficiency and friendly demeanor putting both customers and coworkers at ease.

Midway through our shift, Amber walked in, her bright green eyes lighting up when she saw us. She waved and made her way to the counter.

"Hey, Amber! What brings you here?" I asked, handing her a cup of her favorite herbal tea.

"Just needed a break from studying," she replied with a shy smile. "Thought I'd come see my favorite baristas."

Lucia grinned. "Glad you did! We could use some of your magic to make the day go faster."

Amber laughed softly, a gentle sound that matched her sweet demeanor. "I'll see what I can do," she said, taking a seat at the corner table with her tea and a book.

The rest of the day passed quickly. With Amber's quiet presence in the café and Lucia's upbeat energy, the hours seemed to fly by. When our shift ended, the three of us walked home together, chatting and laughing.

Once we were back at the apartment, Amber joined us for dinner. She helped me prepare a simple but delicious meal, while Lucia set the table and kept the conversation lively. The atmosphere was warm and filled with a sense of camaraderie.

As we sat down to eat, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these two amazing women in my life. Despite the challenges we faced, we had each other. And that made all the difference.

"Thanks for being here, you two," I said, raising my glass in a toast. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Lucia clinked her glass against mine. "To friendship and love," she said with a wink.

Amber smiled softly, her green eyes shining. "To us," she echoed, raising her glass as well.

We spent the rest of the evening together, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company. As the night drew to a close, I felt a deep sense of contentment. Whatever the future held, I knew we could face it together.

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