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This is a story request by @Kruksana, this is a soukoku family story their will be 3 to 5 chapters. Kruksana I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. :)


The little brunette haired boy who stood no taller than 85 centimeters hummed happily as he sniffed the peach and took a bite. The woman who owned the peach stand sighed and she couldn't help but smile. She often paid no attention to it, she had known the child since he was an infant and his mother. She knew she would get her payment. The ginger male was picking 3 fresh tomatoes for the pasta sauce he was going to make from scratch tonight; he put the tomatoes in the tan bag he had on his shoulder and when he turned around he saw his son eating a peach.

"Ah Luca!" He scolded. "Mia... I am so sorry again." He immediately came over paying her. "What have I told you about just eating what doesn't belong to you??"

"But Mommy I was starving!"

He sighed, rubbing his temples. "Baby I literally fed you before we left."

"But I'm growing!" He debated.

"Still doesn't mean you can just eat all of Mia's peaches and take them when you're hungry. Don't be a little thief. One day Mia could have you arrested. Then what? Mommy can't save you then."

"She wouldn't!" Luca shouted. "Right Mia??"

"I don't know Luca... you have cost me a great deal eating all my peaches."

"Oh no!" The ginger exclaimed. "My son is a criminal... lock him up and throw away the key. My poor heart. Where did I go wrong?"

"Oi! Mommy, that's not funny!" Luca whined.

The ginger chuckled. "I am only joking. But seriously..." He kneeled down to be at the same height as his son. "Next time ask Luca."

"Okay..." Luca said, looking down and moving his little foot.

The ginger gently ruffled his hair. "Promise me?"

"Pwomise! Pinky swear!" He stuck his pinky out, and the ginger took his pinky and they locked it both males kissing their hands.

Mia smiled as she saw the ginger stand back up. "Bye Chuuya, Bye Luca~"

"Bye Mia." Chuuya smiled. "Say bye Luca."

"Bye bye!" Luca waved before taking his mother's hand.

"Want to take a taxi home or walk?"

The child thought for a moment. "Let's walk around Marseille Mama!" He said excitedly.

"Ah, breathe in some of the French air, hm? Good idea."

"Will we see Uncle Vee for dinner?"

"I don't know, baby. Uncle Verlaine has a lot of work."

"I hope he comes! Miss him!"

Chuuya smiled. "Me too baby. Me too."


Chuuya wiped his tears. Verlaine looked at his little brother who was shaking his leg anxiously. Verlaine came over and gently put his hand on his knee and pushed down. Stopping the leg from bouncing.

"Stop... you're gonna stress yourself out more and the baby..."

"How could I have been so fucking stupid?" Chuuya said, sighing. "I'm so angry... so fucking angry he just left... he left me and the baby alone I- I can't do this alone..." Chuuya started to cry as he held his stomach. "A...And if Mori knew he'd tell me to get rid of it. There's no room for children in the mafia..."

"...then come with me." Verlaine offered.


"You know I am going to France... I mean you couldn't stay with me in Paris because the first place they assume you'd be is with me. But I can put you up in Marseille."

"Verlaine I couldn't-"

"You're my baby brother, and you're carrying my one and only nephew or niece. No fucking way am I leaving you both here alone and in an unsafe environment. Come with me Chuuya."


Shortly after Chuuya had left with his brother to France. Verlaine had an apartment in Paris, just as a residence but he stayed in Marseille very close to them. Verlaine was an amazing uncle and Luca adored him. And as far as the man that got Chuuya pregnant. Stupid Osamu fucking Dazai, he had been writing Chuuya lately. How he found their address is beyond him. But the letters consisted of him saying how much he missed Chuuya, the ginger didn't give a shit... well... maybe he did a little. And about how much he wanted to see their baby. Chuuya just didn't know how he felt about that so he never answered the letters.

Chuuya stirred the pasta noodles and sauce, and he peeked out of his kitchen window seeing Luca riding his bike outside. France was a safe place where Chuuya never had to worry about letting Luca outside alone and they lived in a house with a gate. It put Chuuya at ease greatly and also allowed Luca to be a normal child. Chuuya looked from the window and as he walked towards the front door he turned on the record player and what started playing was M'ama o non M'ama, the ginger opened the front door. "Luca baby! Dinner is almost done! Just 10 more minutes okay?"

"Kay!" Luca yelled.

Chuuya heard his phone ring and he left the door open walking to grab his phone. He grabbed it and answered.

Bonjour, Nakahara résidence.

Salut petit frère (hello little brother).

Verlaine! Vous venez dîner? (Verlaine! Are you coming for dinner?).

Mm... ça dépend ce qu'il y a pour le dîner? (Mm... depends what is for dinner?)

Chuuya laughed as he continued the conversation with his brother. And while he did, Luca rode behind their house and he rode the path and a man grabbed his handlebars to steady home.

"Woah! Be careful there little guy."

Luca looked up at the tall man in the tan coat and immediately blurted out an apology. "S...sorry...! I didn't see you!"

The man chuckled. "It's okay I also should have paid attention. What's your name?" He smiled.

"L... Luca..."

"Luca." The man kneeled down and looked up at the little one past the handlebars. "Such a beautiful name." The male brushed Luca's brunette hair back. "You have your Mama's eyes."

Luca's eyes widened. "You know my Mama...?"

"I do. Very well. I am an old friend of your Mama's."

"Mama is inside. You should say hi!"

He shook his head. "I can't. But... I have a gift for you."

"For me?"

He nodded and pulled a stuffed animal lion out of his coat. He handed it to Luca and the 3 year old loved it. He hugged it tightly. "Wow! Thank you!"

"Of course. You should be careful now." He stood back up and turned Luca around. "And don't stray from the house. Mama wouldn't like that and he'd be worried."


The male turned to walk away.

"Wait I didn't-"

"Luca!" Verlaine called and he waved to his nephew.

Luca turned to look at his uncle.

"Come on baby! Dinner is ready!"


When Luca turned back around the male was gone.

To Be Continued...

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