Chapter 1

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(Have a look at the tiny Hinata)

BRING! BRING! The phone rang. Suga turned of the stove and wiped his hands on a kitchen rag. He shuffled over to his red cased cell phone. He slid the screen and placed the mobile to his ear.

"Hello?" He called into the cell phone. The number that showed itself on the screen was not a familiar one, he thought it was a telemarketer or a wrong number. He heard a breath and a gruff voice on the other side.

"Hello, this is Karasuno elementary, is this Sugawara Koshi?" the voice questioned. Suga was startled that his adoptive son's school had called him. He wondered what kind of trouble the reckless boy could have gotten into.

"Yes, this is he." Suga answered.

"This is Hinata's teacher, he was involved in a fight, we will tell you the details if you come over." The teacher said. Suga's eyes widened, he hung up and ran out the door, his shoes hanging of his heels.

"Suga managed to make it to the building in a few minuets. He speed-walked to the office where his adoptive son sat in the chair, pouting. Another boy, that Suga recognized as Hinata's friend Kageyama, stood in the back of the room with more bruises than Hinata.

"What happened?" Suga asked frantically. Hinata looked up at his father, then looked down in shame. The principle sighed.

"Don't worry, he's not in trouble, he was being bullied when Kageyama stepped in and started a fight, but he was protecting Hinata, so he's not in trouble either." For the first time Suga noticed, who he had presumed was Hinata's teacher, Daichi, spoke up. He was fairly tall and about the same age as Suga. His brown hair was short and his bangs were cut far up to his forehead. Suga had to admit, this man looked nice.

"U-Um... well thank you for calling me, would it be okay if I took the boys home right now? I mean the bruises must hurt, they'll be back tomorrow." Suga asked.

"Do you know Kageyama's parents?" The principle asked.

"Yeah, we went to school together, and know are kids are." Suga beamed. The tall brunette couldn't help think about how adorable the man in front of him was.

"Sure, but make sure they do their homework." Daichi complied. Hinata jumped out of his seat and ran to his taller friend and hugged him, which caused the younger boy to flinch. Hinata knew exactly what was wrong. He picked up his friends hand and kissed the bruising knuckles.

"Thanks for saving me Tobio, you're like my knight." Hinata cheered. Kageyama's face lit up with red ad acted irritated.

"That's stupid dumbass Hinata." Kageyama protested. Suga chuckled, grabbed their hands and walked them out of the building.

After Suga dropped Kageyama off at his house, he and Hinata went for ice cream. Hinata ordered his favorite, vanilla, wile Suga got sorbet. Hinata was swinging his legs under the wooden bench, smiling into his frozen treat.

"So... do you love Kageyama?" Suga asked ambitiously. Hinata's head perked up as he smiled.

"Of course, he's my knight in shining armor, we promised we would get married one day." Hinata boasted. Suga chuckled. "Do you love Sawamura-sensei?" Hinata asked. Suga choked on his runny sorbet and coughed.

"What are you talking about Shoyo?!" Suga asked surprised at the boys question. Hinata giggled. He got up and ran away from his red faced father. "I do not!" Suga protested, but all Hinata did was laugh.

Hinata grabbed sweets from the shelf in the store, he placed them in the cart and snuck off hoping Suga wouldn't see. He felt something hit his head and he turned around, Suga was behind him, his hand placed sideways on Hinata's head.

"We have candy at home Shoyo." Suga rejected. Hinata pouted and ran back to the cart. Suga was about to fallow him when he heard a familiar voice.

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