Lovers in Darkness - YJ [Completed]

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They had met each other in the darkness...

Yunho had been playing with his friends but has gotten himself lost in a forest, he doesn’t know the way out or where else to go from this place..but hopes that his family would one day find him

The forest is very beautiful in the morning because there was a small river stream located in the middle of the forest

But at night things gets light, no nothing except creepy bird noises..but Yunho would always see such a beautiful white figure by the river

He doesn’t understand how could he see someone in the dark...he doesn’t have magical eye sight but he knows this person isn’t a ghost..maybe someone in the same situation as him..lost and afraid

Every night he would try to stay up pretty late to see that beautiful glowing figure appear by the river stream

The two has never had a chance to meet each other because every time Yunho would come close the figure would just vanish in front of Yunho’s eyes..

The curiosity that was now burning up inside of Yunho’s thoughts, he knew he had to see that beautiful white figure before his family comes and rescue him. That was his goal


Will Yunho and the mysterious person ever meet each other?

Will they fall in love just like in fairytales?

Or will things change in a blink of an eye

Each of them came from different places, how would they get along?

How would lovers be in love in such a dark and mysterious place?


“I just want to talk to you..please”

“Don’t ever come near me”

“We may even get along with each other, just give me a chance to look at you..”




This is a Yaoi story *Guy/Guy relationship* and if you don’t like that then don’t read this..Seriously

Lol yes I’m writing a new story ^-^ *I think I’m getting carried away but yeah*

I know the forewords sounds kinda creepy..or it’s just pain bad haha. This story isn’t going to be long like 20 chapters and not that short..maybe in between?..*haven’t thought of the ending yet* lol

But I hope you guys will like it and all =D

//Poster Credits//

^ Check them out ^-^. They are awesome and they also love and adore YunJae :D

Chapter 1

Being of a chaos

Yunho and his two friends Donghae and Eunhyuk were playing football, just a typical game that guys likes to play and enjoy..they did not think it was going to lead into chaos

“Yunho go long” Donghae yelled but he threw the football too far away then earning a death glare from Yunho

“Gosh Donghae, you are insane! Who throws a damn football that far!” Yunho yelled

“Oops I just thought when people say go long you really do go long” Donghae said innocently

“Yeah, I agree with can’t go short for a football” Eunhyuk added

“Of course you agree with Donghae, you guys are like in love with each other” Yunho mocked them and they just gave Yunho a dumbfound look. Ignoring his pathetic friends Yunho decided that he’s going to retrieve the football

“Yunho, we can buy a new don’t have to go in the creepy forest” Donghae said trying to warn Yunho

“I’m not scared of a forest, just wait for me out here..the forest is pretty big and if we all go in we might get lost” those were Yunho’s last words to his friends before he walked into the forest looking for the football


“D..Do you think he’ll be alright?” Donghae stuttered while asking Eunhyuk the question

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure” Eunhyuk said and wrapped his arm around Donghae’s waist “Don’t worry too much”

But Eunhyuk did not know how amiss his words were, Yunho did indeed get himself in the forest..and might not even find the way out..


Ahh where’s that damn football? Yunho said to himself while walking around..oh wells I guess Donghae was right..maybe I should just give up and go back outside. Turning around to look at the way out, he just felt confused because it wasn’t there anymore..everything around him were trees and black crows that keeps on flying around, Yunho knew it, he was lost in this creepy forest


While Eunhyuk and Donghae were still waiting for Yunho they had lost’s been 4 hours of waiting for Yunho and the sky was turning dark, scared that they might get into deep trouble when they get home Eunhyuk had to suggest something

“Donghae, lets go home and tell our families about Yunho”

“Ok..but I think they’ll also yell at us because we were playing by the forest..but we need help, Yunho might be in deep fear right now”

“Yunho in fear?” Eunhyuk laughed “He’s scary so I doubt anything in there could scare him”

Then both Donghae and Eunhyuk headed back to their house telling their parents about Yunho


Gosh it’s so dark and this place is so creepy..Donghae and Eunhyuk better call for help. Yunho was now tired and just sat by a tree hoping for his rescue. He took out his cell phone thinking it was the best way to call them, but no luck..his battery is dead..

Knowing now that he has to depend on Donghae and Eunhyuk he just wanted to die at this moment because Donghae and Eunhyuk aren’t the brightest thing..pretty much idiots in Yunho’s eyes

Then something had caught Yunho’s eyes..his football. He walked over to pick it up and wondered why he didn’t see it there in the first place? He isn’t blind..snapped out from his thoughts he walked towards his football and picked it up. The football had a beautiful scent to it which made his astonished because he knew that him and his friends doesn’t have this scent..because they smell like body I’m kidding, they don’t really. They just don’t smell like this

“Hello” Yunho said hoping someone heard him but no one replied to his call

“Um I like to thank you for finding my football for me, can you please appear so I can thanks you?” Yunho then realized what a fool he has been, that person or whoever had given him back the football might have ran away by now that’s why they aren’t responding to him


“Mr. And Mrs. Jung” Donghae stuttered while trying to confess to Yunho’s parents the truth

“What’s wrong? And where’s Yunho?” Mr. Jung asked

“Well we were playing football by the forest and well..Yunho went inside the forest to retrieve the football but when we waited for him for 4 hours he never came back, I think he’s lost..” Eunhyuk said

“Then we have to find him!” Mrs. Jung yelled. That was her only son and she’s not letting him get lost that easily


I guess I’m sleeping here tonight Yunho thought to himself. He did not want to sleep in the cold dark place like this because what if he catches a cold? But he knew he had no choice and so he closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep



Chapter 2

The spell

When Yunho woke up he found a blanket on him, he was astonished of how a blanket had got there in the first place..he was positive that he did not bring a blanket when he got lost in this creepy forest. Snapping out from his thought he got up and looked around the forest again, it was very beautiful in the daylight, so he decided to walk around and take a look at this place..maybe he’ll even find the way out

Walking around he examined each of the creatures that were running around, he laughed at how he never took time to enjoy these creatures in the first place. Suddenly something had caught his attention, a beautiful river stream...

He walked towards the river stream and looked at the water flowing and beautiful flowers located by the stream. I guess this place is only creepy in the dark Yunho thought to himself. He really liked how beautiful nature was, then he heard some noise behind him..he turned around but he didn’t see anyone..thinking it was probably just his own imagination he turn back around and looked at the stream some more


Meanwhile Mr. And Mrs. Jung had sent out peoples to go in the forest to look for her son, but unluckily all the ones that were suppose to be sent out got apprehensive and didn’t want to go in the forest..they were afraid that they were going to get lost

“We can go look for him” Donghae suggested

“You and Eunhyuk?” Mr. Jung asked “No way, you guys are too clumsy, if you guys also get lost your parents might get agitated with us”

“I agree with my husband. You two just stay here, we’ll try to think of something..” Mrs. Jung said


“Is anyone around here?” Yunho yelled hoping for someone to hear him. He was feeling lonely and wanted to talk to someone, have a conversation..

“I know someone is around here, come out..I won’t hurt you. Don’t be shy, my name is Jung Yunho and I got lost here..and I would like to tell you I really appreciate you for bringing me the blanket and keeping me warm yesterday..” Yunho said but felt ashamed since it looked like he was insane because it seems like he’s talking to himself. He knows he isn’t that desperate..

He then walked to the water from the stream and touched it. He could see his reflection from the water so he examined himself a bit, seeing how good looking he has got, or how bad he has looked since he haven’t checked himself out for a while..well not a while, more like only one day..but in Yunho’s eyes, it was like years


Right then someone has been hiding behind a tree and smiling to himself. This person had been admiring Yunho since he saw Yunho yesterday and helped Yunho find his football, also placed a blanket on Yunho so Yunho could be warm. He really wanted to go and talked to Yunho but he knew that if Yunho looks at him..Yunho might be afraid..he still remembers the spell that was cast on him when he was younger


“Because of your parents sin I will cast a spell upon you. You will have to stay in this forest forever looking hideous when it’s daylight..but when it’s dark you will turn back to your beautiful self, this spell cannot be broken until you find your true love but the twist is that the guy has to kiss when you are at your ugliest..which is daylight..”


Jaejoong has never met anyone to call that person his true love, he doesn’t want that person to be in just horrible luck to have kiss someone like him either..tears fell down his eyes as he wonder when will this spell be broken


The sun was setting and Yunho looked at how dark it was, so he just slept by a tree that was close to the river. He really enjoyed looking at the river..he closed his eyes and went to sleep but for some strange reason he couldn’t fall asleep..opening his eyes he looked at the river that he saw from this morning..but a beautiful figure there

His eyes widen as he saw the figure playing with the water from the was dark out but Yunho could clearly see the figure and was astonish at how good looking that figure beautiful..Yunho thought to himself. He slowly crept towards the river to examine that beautiful person again and his heart was now beating like a drum..

I..Is this true love? They say that in true love even though other things are around, you can only notice that one person..the person glowing in front of your eyes..Yunho tried to walk towards the beautiful figure but when the figure noticed him he just dashed off. Darn I scared him away..I’m not that scary am I?

Yunho felt defeated that he didn’t get a chance to talk to the beautiful figure so he went back to the tree and fell asleep dreaming of that beautiful person again, even though it was only a dream Yunho smiled throughout the night

“You are so beautiful” Yunho said as he held on the guy’s hand as the guy giggled from embarrassment

“Am I really?”

“Yes, the most astonishing person I’ve ever met in my life” Yunho said as he leaned over to kiss the beautiful guy until he felt something hit his head. He woke up from his dream and took the pinecone and threw it

“Ahh stupid pinecone ruined my kiss!” Yunho cursed. He was so close of having his imaginary kiss with someone so beautiful but a pine cone ruined it all..well at least he wasn’t laying by a coconut tree..



Chapter 3

An angel..

“Hello, anyone around? I know you are still around. I saw you yesterday night by the river, you are so beautiful..please come out. I don’t rape or hurt you” Yunho said. He knew he was going to be talking to himself for a while since no one is replying to him

“Ok fine don’t talk to me..but what’s your name? So when I get rescued I can tell my friends and families that I’ve met someone as so beautiful”..Yunho paused for a moment hearing how stupid he sounded..but he didn’t care anymore, he really want to meet this person “How about I sing you a song?”

“I’ve dreamed about you

pictured in my mind who I would see

But I never imagined just how beautiful you’d be

I’ve seen rainbows that could take your breath away

The beauty of the setting sun, on any given day

And when it comes to shooting stars I have seen a few

But I’ve never seen beautiful as you..” [A/N this is really a song..I just skipped some parts of it lol]


Jaejoong was behind a bush but when he heard the song he felt flattered, flattered that someone would sing this for him..could it be that this guy is his true love? He wanted to go and tell the guy thank you and wanted to spend his life with the guy..but he is not beautiful right now, more like hideous or terrifying..

Jaejoong hated this curse, it was so hard for him to find true love..when he was younger peoples always told him it’s the inside that counts but once looking at society these days, it’s always the outside that people worthies..

He took a rock that was close to him and carved his name onto another rock and left it by the tree where Yunho laid at, in hope of Yunho finally seeing his name


“I guess you don’t like songs either..” Yunho said in defeat “Do you like poetry then?”

“Roses are red

Violets are blue

Nobody out there

Is prettier than you”

Yunho now looked like a red tomato. He was burning up with embarrassment doing all this to someone who doesn’t even know him..but his heart told him it was the right thing to do..after all he might’ve fell in love..


“Are we going to find Yunho soon? I’m scared that some bear had eaten him up or something” Eunhyuk said

“Bears do that?” Donghae asked

“Yes..and there’s also snakes, and other creepy creatures in there”

“I’m scared..poor Yunho”

“Don’t worry” Eunhyuk tried to comfort Donghae “Yunho will be fine. He probably found some hot dude in there and making love right now”. After Eunhyuk said that he realized how ridiculous that sounded


Yunho was tired with talking to someone who had no idea he existed so he went back to the tree where he sleeps at, the one by the river. He went there and found a rock..the rock had that same scent from the football..he examined the rock some more and found a name carved on it..

Kim Jaejoong

Yunho smiled like he had just won a million dollars. He finally got the guy’s name, maybe the guy heard everything he had said after all..standing up feeling like a winner he held the rock close to him and looked around wondering if the beautiful guy is around right now

“Kim Jaejoong! I finally know your name! I think I have fallen for you..Jaejoong” Yunho knew that tonight he had to see that person again so he’s going to stay up late

“Jaejoong, my name is Yunho so if you ever feel the need to come out and talk to me..we can become friends..or even more. I won’t force you or anything, but I really want to meet you..” even though Yunho felt like he was being desperate he knew that he was really, but he didn’t mind. He really wanted to meet Jaejoong..


That night Yunho stayed up late to try to get a glimpse of what Jaejoong looks like. When seeing Jaejoong come out and play by the river Yunho’s heart was beating fast just like the last time. He had really fell for this Jaejoong guy and he knew it also

“Jaejoong, can I talk to you?” Yunho asked trying to come towards Jaejoong

“No..No you can’t” Jaejoong stuttered and ran away from Yunho

“Please Jaejoong, I really want to look at you” Yunho tried to catch up to Jaejoong but Jaejoong was already gone

He knew he had missed his chance again..but he has always wondered why Jaejoong wouldn’t talk to him? He gave his name out but why can’t they have a conversation? Yunho is dying to talk to the guy..but he had heard Jaejoong speak when Jaejoong had ran away, his beautiful voice..Yunho was still in deep thoughts right now..if only..if only he can hold Jaejoong in his arms, they were strangers but Yunho knew that Jaejoong wasn’t that strange towards him..he helped me find my football and covered me with a blanket..this guy is an angel..



Chapter 4


Almost every night Yunho would stay up for as long as he could so he can see his beautiful lover. Jaejoong was astonishing in his eyes, and even more than that. He crept up this time trying to get even closer to Jaejoong and hugged Jaejoong from the back

“Ahh gotcha beautiful” Yunho said hugging Jaejoong from behind

“P..Please let me go” Jaejoong plead

“No I just want to look at you..when I let you go I’m afraid you’ll run away from me again” Yunho said sounding like a baby who wanted his toy

“I..I’ll stay..” Jaejoong sighed when he said that



“Ok so when I let you go, you have to turn around and look at me..I want to see you up close and see how beautiful you are” Yunho said as he slowly let Jaejoong go. Jaejoong knew he couldn’t run because he told Yunho that he wouldn’t so he turned around and let Yunho look at him. When Yunho saw Jaejoong’s face his mouth hung open, Jaejoong was so beautiful with those large brown eyes of his, his kissable lips, everything about the guy was gorgeous, even beyond that...

“I sang the wrong songs and recite wrong poems about are so beyond that, you are an angel from above”

Jaejoong blushed and tried to look away from Yunho’s gaze. Yunho’s flattering was making him feel so special and so much more than that

“Don’t look away” Yunho held on Jaejoong’s chin and made Jaejoong look at him “May I ask you what are you doing in this forest?”

“I..” Jaejoong was going to tell Yunho the whole story how he has to stay in this forest until his love comes and rescue him..but why should he tell Yunho? Yunho could care less about him..

“You what?”

“It’s nothing really, I just got lost. Like you” Jaejoong lied

“How about we try to get out of this forest together in the morning?” Yunho suggested. Jaejoong was shocked was Yunho said that, he did not want Yunho to see his hideous face in the morning

“No..we can’t do that. You can find the way out, I’m staying here..bye” those were Jaejoong’s last words before he ran away from Yunho leaving Yunho standing there speechless


“I need my son back!” Mrs. Jung said to her husband “I miss him dearly, what if something happened to him?”

“I sent out people to find him..he’ll be alright”

“He better be alright, I only have one son”

“Don’t worry Mrs. Jung” Eunhyuk said “With Yunho’s face he can scare off many things..he scares Donghae and I all the time”

“What did you say Eunhyuk?” Mrs. Jung gave Eunhyuk a mean look

“Um nothing”

“I thought so”


I can’t believe he ran away from me he that afraid of me? Well I don’t care..I find him even more beautiful up close..oh gosh I really want him. Yunho kept on talking to himself as he felt 2 guys came up and tap on his shoulder

“Are you Jung Yunho?” one guy asked

“No” Yunho lied..he knew those guys were probably strangers so he didn’t want to tell them his name

“You aren’t?”


“Oh then we have to look some more” one guy told the other guy and the other one just nodded


“I can’t believe we can’t find him..Mr and Mrs Jung are going to kill us”

“Lets just quit and get out of this creepy forest”

“Yeah, I agree”


“Jaejoong! Please come out!” Yunho begged “Why are you so afraid of me? Jaejoong, I have fallen in love with you..”

“Even if you aren’t going to reply to me can you at least throw something at me so I can tell that you are listening?” Yunho asked but then he felt a pinecone hit his head so he was now positive Jaejoong was listening..he even heard Jaejoong giggle

“Yay you responded!” Yunho cheered “I really like you Jaejoong..”



Chapter 5


Tonight Yunho didn’t fall asleep. Instead he sat by the river waiting for Jaejoong to show up, he was unsure whether Jaejoong would show up with him sitting here..but he had hope that Jaejoong would come

Then he felt a tap on his shoulder, he quickly turned around and see Jaejoong standing there smiling. He held on Jaejoong’s hand and made Jaejoong sit beside him so they could talk

“Thank you so much for showing up, Jaejoong did you hear my confession this morning?” Yunho asked in hope that Jaejoong did so he did not have to rephrase himself

“Yeah, I heard it..why would you fall for someone like me?” Jaejoong asked curiously

“Because you are beautiful and everything about you is amazing. Not only you are beautiful from the outside, even on the’ve helped me so much finding my football and keeping me warm at night..”

“How did you know I’ve helped you?”

“Because your scent, you smell lovely”

Jaejoong smiled at Yunho’s compliment “Thanks..”

“I know it’s so sudden but I really love you. I’ve never fallen this deeply for anyone before, this feeling is just indescribable. Will you accept me Jaejoong?”

“I..” Jaejoong was going to say yes, a million times yes but he couldn’t. What if Yunho sees how hideous he looks? He would totally be disappointed..and Yunho does not deserve such horrible luck to fall in love with someone despicable like him..

“You what?” Yunho asked

“I can’t accept you..” Jaejoong said “I’m not what you think I am..”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that we can’t be together” Jaejoong stood up about to walk away but Yunho pulled on Jaejoong’s hand to hold him back

“Why can’t we be together? Are you too good for me?”

“No” Jaejoong cried “You are too good for me!”


“The two guys we sent out had quit” Mr. Jung said sadly “Who knew finding Yunho would be this tough?”

“I bet if Donghae and I go we can find him in a heartbeat” Eunhyuk bragged

“Oh yeah?” Mr. Jung asked

“Yeah” Donghae replied

“Fine then I’ll let you two go”

“A..Are you serious?” Eunhyuk asked and Mr. Jung nodded. Then Donghae grab Eunhyuk’s hand

“Come on Eunhyuk, we can find Yunho in a heartbeat, you said so yourself” Donghae smiled

“Yeah, but I didn’t know his dad would actually let me go” Eunhyuk sighed “I learned a lesson today, no more bragging!”


“Why am I too good for you? You are everything a guy would want..I mean look at you, there’s nothing wrong with you”

“There’s so much that’s wrong with me” Jaejoong cried “And once you figure them out you would totally hate my guts”

“Don’t cry” Yunho pulled Jaejoong in for a hug “And tell me then, what’s wrong with you?”

“I’m not beautiful, I’m ugly, hideous, terrifying, despicable, a total eyesore” Jaejoong cried on Yunho’s shoulder

“What are you saying? You aren’t ugly at all! You are the most dazzling thing in this planet..see look at the sky right now, it’s totally dark but I can clearly see your beautiful are amazing”

“..And please stop crying” Yunho wiped Jaejoong’s tears away

“You may think I’m beautiful right now, but once the sun rises you wouldn’t think the same way..”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’m horrifying in daylight! I’ve been cast under a spell..” Jaejoong said but then realize that he shouldn’t have said that

“You what?” Yunho’s eyes widen

“Sit down..I’ll tell you everything, then you’ll realize that I’m just a joke” when Yunho heard Jaejoong say that he sat down and Jaejoong sat down beside him. He was curious of what Jaejoong was going to say

..Is everything he thought about Jaejoong just a mistake? He didn’t want to believe that but seeing Jaejoong’s emotions he felt like they don’t belong all..



Chapter 6


“And because of my parents sin I will turn hideous when the sun rises..” Jaejoong told Yunho the whole story making Yunho speechless. He was startled by every word that had came out from Jaejoong’s mouth. He wasn’t sure whether he was shallow or not but it made him think of Jaejoong in a different way..

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” asked Yunho..he was getting kind of agitated over the whole situation

“I never wanted to meet you. I was afraid, but I really wanted to take care of you and protect you..I would’ve never guessed that you would’ve fell for me. Well now that you know everything, I bet the feeling you had for me is going to fade..but it’s don’t deserve to have someone as horrifying as me, you are very good looking”

“I still can’t believe you are horrifying. So you had to use me as a bate to make me fall in love with you then crush my heart by telling me about your freaking spell!” Yunho yelled. He was suddenly pissed off at Jaejoong..Jaejoong was terrified at Yunho’s sudden behavior, he wasn’t like that before..

“I didn’t want you to fall in love with me” Jaejoong said trying to keep the tears from his eyes from falling out..he was crushed feeling so dismal that Yunho would yell at him like that

“Of course you didn’t” Yunho said sarcastically “If you didn’t want me to fall for you, you wouldn’t act like a sweet angel in front of me! Helping me out then seeing how beautiful you are, of course I would fall for idiot”

“Y..You are so shallow” Jaejoong finally said with tears flowing freely from his eyes “You never did like me! I..I hate you..”

“Hate me then, I could care less” Yunho said. Jaejoong felt so melancholic because the pain was stabbing inside his heart, he was speechless so he ran away from Yunho crying and trying to wipe away his tears until he was out of Yunho’s sight


“So how are we going to find him?” Donghae asked Eunhyuk when they were about to go inside the forest

“W..Well we have to yell and call out his name I guess” Eunhyuk said. Donghae and Eunhyuk finally walked inside and called out Yunho’s name very loudly and practically running around the whole forest. Luckily it was bright out so they weren’t worried of getting lost in the darkness

“Jung Yunho get out here! Unless you’re dead then you should’ve text us before so we wouldn’t be so worried” Eunhyuk said then feeling a slap on his head. He turned around and saw Yunho right in front of him

“Ahh Yunho!” Eunhyuk yelled and both guys gave each other a hug

“Who knew finding you would be so easy..” Donghae said

“Well I’m always by this river so I was glad you guys were searching close to here..”

“Actually I thought the river was pretty..” Eunhyuk said. I mean when I looked inside the river I saw my beautiful reflection. Donghae and Yunho rolled their eyes because Eunhyuk was too conceited

“Come on, lets go home now” Donghae suggested

“Y..You know the way out?” Yunho asked

“Yeah..I drew a mark on the floor” Donghae smiled very proudly “So come on lets leave this creepy place”

“Yeah come on lets go” Eunhyuk agreed and pulled on Yunho’s hand but Yunho didn’t move an inch. Yunho did want to go home because he missed his family and friends a lot but this forest was like a second home to him..he didn’t want to leave it yet..


Jaejoong hid behind a bush looking at Yunho as he felt a teardrop roll down from his cheek. Even though Yunho was a shallow person, he didn’t want Yunho to leave..this forest was going to be boring without Yunho singing and reciting poetry..Jaejoong wanted to go out and stop Yunho from leaving but when he realized the sun was out he didn’t want to scare Yunho or his friends..more tears fell from his eyes as he reminisce all the times when he helped Yunho out and Yunho falling in love with him willing to do everything even if he made a fool out of himself..

“I..I’ll miss you” Jaejoong whispered..then he sneaked off and left Yunho and his friends talking to each other


“Yunho, lets go..why aren’t you going?” Eunhyuk asked still confused

“You guys, I can’t leave now. I hurt his feelings and now if I leave I will have this regret stoned into my heart forever..”

“Wait..whose feelings did you hurt?” Donghae asked

“My beautiful angel..oh my gosh I can’t believe what I said last night to him! They were such harsh and cruel words..what is wrong with me! He treated me so nice and caring, and I was so shallow and even treated him like crap. What kind of person will I be if I leave this place without saying thank you to him..or leaving without embracing him in my arms again..”

Donghae and Eunhyuk stared at each other both having a questioning look on their face wondering what the hell is Yunho talking about? They were confused and Yunho could tell that so Yunho then turned to them willing to explain everything that happened when he was stuck in this forest..and the darkness that brought out his beautiful lover..



Chapter 7

Making up

“Wow you are so shallow!!!” Eunhyuk yelled so loudly that some raven birds just flew away, yes it was that loud

“I know, I..I don’t know what has came over me, I was never like that” Yunho sighed “But like it was just a very awkward confession because seeing how beautiful he looked in front of me, then out of nowhere he told me that he isn’t beautiful just crushed my heart..”

“H..Have you seen how bad he looked?” Donghae asked out of curiosity “Maybe he doesn’t look as bad as you make it seem..”

“No cause I kind of rejected him, he even said he hated me and I told him I could care less. My gosh why am I such an idiot!”

“Dude, calm down” Eunhyuk pat Yunho on the back, he was worried that his friend was going to go crazy “So how are you going to find him again?”

“I don’t think he would ever look at me again, after all I have said to him..I don’t think I would even speak to myself” Yunho said as he picked up a rock and threw it by a tree to release all of his inner anger

Donghae and Yunho just looked at each other thinking the same thing. They have to find this Jaejoong person and make him and Yunho be together again. After all Yunho is regretting everything, maybe the two couples can be together without more conflicts..maybe..

“Y..Yunho, why don’t you talk and apologize to him? Meet him at the place you’ve always met him and tell him how you truly feel about him..ugly or beautiful, he’s the same Jaejoong that has been helping you” Donghae said and Eunhyuk was surprised by what came out of Donghae’s mouth. Who knew Donghae was intelligent?

“Yeah you are right. He has been with me right from the beginning and showed me how caring he is..I have to return the favor and no matter what happens, I have to always stick by his side”

“Yes, totally..” Eunhyuk said trying to agree with Yunho. He was the only one confused over the whole situation even though Yunho explained and discuss the whole story to him..he was just kind of..slow


That night Yunho was still debating on whether he should stay up because what if Jaejoong doesn’t want to come to this river anymore? Letting out a heavy sigh Yunho knew he should give it a shot..Maybe Jaejoong would showed up and he can finally tell Jaejoong he loves him, without rejecting the poor guy and hurting him..

A beautiful figure appeared by the river and walked towards it. Jaejoong looked down at the river and used his hand to touch the water making it splash a little. Even though the sky was dark, Jaejoong could see his reflection very well in the river, the beautiful full moon was out and made the place not so dark.. Jaejoong looked into the river seeing his reflection, he was indeed a beautiful person..Jaejoong then felt frustrated about the fact that Yunho only cared about him because he was beautiful..

“Ahh I hate myself!” Jaejoong yelled and then this time he hit the water trying to get rid of his reflection. If only..if only he wasn’t cursed with this spell, maybe someone would actually fall in love with him. He wasn’t only disappointed of the fact that he was ugly..he was also disappointed that he was beautiful. It was his fault that he did attract Yunho, then told Yunho about the spell..


“Yunho, is that the beautiful Jaejoong you were talking about?” Donghae asked while pointing to a beautiful white figure by the river

“Yeah..” Yunho nodded furiously. He was ecstatic seeing Jaejoong was like when he first saw Jaejoong, he was so beautiful and beyond that

“Oh my heavens he is so beautiful” Eunhyuk was memorized by Jaejoong’s beauty but then felt a slap on the back of his head

“Yah Eunhyuk he’s mine!” Yunho yelled but tried to keep his voice down so Jaejoong couldn’t hear him

“Ow I’m sorry..” Eunhyuk apologized while rubbing the back of head. Yunho was too violent at times, especially if the person belonged to one better talk or touch the person or their heads would be gone

Yunho couldn’t control his emotions anymore..he had to talk to Jaejoong no matter what and apologize. Yunho left his 2 friends standing there while he walks slowly to Jaejoong and grab Jaejoong’s hand so Jaejoong would be secure by his side and not run away. Jaejoong was shocked and tried to pull himself off of Yunho’s grip but Yunho was holding on too tight

“L..Let me go” Jaejoong begged “Why are you even here after knowing I’m a hideous freak?”

Yunho didn’t losen the grip but pulled Jaejoong in for a hug. He held on Jaejoong’s waist and did not want to let Jaejoong go, he was deeply in love with Jaejoong. Jaejoong was trying to break through the hug with tears falling freely from his eyes but he realized that Yunho was too strong for him so he just cried on Yunho’s shoulder

“I..I hate you! Why are you doing this to me?” Jaejoong cried while using his hand to hit Yunho on the shoulder. Yunho didn’t care about Jaejoong hitting him, he knew he deserved it all

“I’m sorry Jaejoong, I’m sorry I was so shallow towards you. Truthfully right now I don’t care if you are beautiful or ugly..I just want you, I want to comfort you when you cry or feel depressed. I truly and deeply apologize for everything I’ve said before to you..I love you Kim Jaejoong”

Hearing Yunho’s words Jaejoong stopped hitting Yunho. Instead he leaned his head on Yunho’s shoulder..Yunho smiled to himself knowing Jaejoong had probably forgave him. They remained like that for a long time..Yunho then let one of his hand break free from Jaejoong’s waist and caress Jaejoong’s hair

“I..I apologize again Jaejoong, I love you”



Chapter 8

The kiss

“D..Do you really love me Yunho? I’ve never had someone say that to me before..”

Yunho then held on Jaejoong’s hand and looked deeply into Jaejoong’s eyes. Both of them shared a deep connected feeling of warmth when looking at each other like that..

“I love you Jaejoong. I mean it from the bottom of my heart” Yunho said then leaned over to kiss Jaejoong but Jaejoong backed away

“W..What’s wrong?” Yunho asked not understanding why Jaejoong backed away when they were suppose to share a kiss

“Y..Yunho, I feel bad for shouldn’t fall for someone as hideous as me..we can still be friends. I forgive you”

“No Jaejoong! I mean look up at the dark night sky. It’s still dark out but you shine, you shine right when I first saw your sight. I was blinded by your beauty inside and out. Everything about make me feel happy that I’ve met you..from now on I don’t care if you remain ugly or beautiful..I swear to always love and cherish you from today till the rest of our lives together” hearing every word that Yunho have said to him a teardrop fell from Jaejoong’s eyes. It wasn’t a sad was tears of happiness, happiness he has never had before

“Y..Yunho” Jaejoong cried as he wrapped his arms around Yunho. Yunho smiled as he hugged Jaejoong back..embracing his beautiful lover in his arms


“I..I think they made up” Donghae said

“Well would you hug someone you hate?” Eunhyuk said sarcastically

“I..I don’t think so”

Eunhyuk rolled his eyes. Sometimes Donghae was smart and sometimes Donghae was just plain dumb, unlike him he was just an idiot overall


“J..Jaejoong, it looks like the sun is about to rise” Yunho said when he saw the sunrise

“Y..Yunho, I don’t want you to see me hideous looking” Jaejoong was about to walk away but Yunho pulled his hand back

“I’m kissing you once the sunrise. I’m breaking the spell for you and proving to you that I’m your true love”

Jaejoong let out a smile when he those words came out of Yunho’s mouth. He knew they were full of sincerity and he loved that. Both of them watch the sunrise together and Yunho could see Jaejoong transforming into a totally different person. Sure Jaejoong might be ugly, but in Yunho’s eyes no one can compare to Jaejoong’s one..

“I..I’m ugly right?” Jaejoong asked trying to look away so he doesn’t have to see Yunho’s eyes staring at him

“No, you’re beautiful” Yunho replied as he made Jaejoong look at him. He leaned over and pressed his lips against Jaejoong sharing the deep long kiss. Jaejoong’s heart was beating so fast right now, he has finally found true love..all these years of having such a horrible spell cast upon him, he was finally going to break free from the spell..

When the finally broke the kiss Yunho looked at Jaejoong. Jaejoong was his beautiful self again, even more gorgeous in the daylight if that’s even possible. Yunho then decided to tease his love a little and see how his love would react

“Jaejoong, how come me kissing you did not work?”

“W..What do you mean?”

“You still look the same as when the sun was rising..” when Yunho said that Jaejoong bit his lips because he didn’t know what was going on. Yunho just let a smile and leaned over to whisper something in Jaejoong’s ears

“I was kidding”

“Y..You are so mean” Jaejoong pretended to smack Yunho on the shoulder “I hate you”

“What? Jaejoong I was kidding..I’m sorry” Yunho tried to apologize but Jaejoong just let out a smile

“I’m kidding as well”

“Aw you’re so cute” Yunho said as he pinched Jaejoong’s cheeks


Jaejoong and Yunho were still giggling and laughing with each other as Eunhyuk and Donghae approached them. Jaejoong looked at Eunhyuk and Donghae and gave a smile

“You guys must be Yunho’s friend”

“Y..Yes..Yes we are” Eunhyuk replied still memorized by Jaejoong’s beauty

“Eunhyuk snap out of it!” Donghae yelled

“Um yeah..well anyways I’m Eunhyuk”

“And I’m Donghae” Donghae added

“They are dorks” Yunho whispered to Jaejoong and Jaejoong giggled

“My gosh you are like an angel!” Eunhyuk yelled. Yunho couldn’t take Eunhyuk flirting with Jaejoong anymore so he just pushed Eunhyuk into the river and everyone laughed

“Jaejoong, I have to bring you to my house” Yunho said as he wrapped one of his arm around Jaejoong’s waist

“Y..Your house?” Jaejoong asked nervously. He’s always been the forest..would Yunho’s family and friends treat him differently because he has came from a different place? Jaejoong was still nervous over the whole situation but he knew that if he wants to stay with his lover forever he was going to have to find a new home..a real home..



Chapter 9

True love

Yunho had walked with Jaejoong all the way to his house. The whole time they were walking together, they would hold on each other’s hand..I mean that’s why we have gaps on our fingers right? So someone would fill them up. Jaejoong loved that feeling when Yunho held his hand, sometimes in love it’s not all about the kissing or the major deep lust..sometimes it’s just the simple things that made Jaejoong felt so happy because he’s never been in love before, but his love journey is just about to begin

“Yunho you’re home” Mr. and Mrs. Jung ran up to their son and gave him a hug..well a hug that he cannot really breathe since it was so tight

“I..I can’t breathe” Yunho tried to say although he was out of breath. His parents gasp and let go of their son before he dies

“I told you we can find him” Eunhyuk said still showing off. He loved it when his bragging actually worked

“Good job Eunhyuk and Donghae” Mr. and Mrs. Jung complimented them. They both felt happy because they’ve never been complimented before so they were both jumping around like little kids..Jaejoong laughed at how childish and cute they were. Yunho’s parents then finally realize Jaejoong was standing there, Yunho knew right then he had to tell the whole story again..


“Wow..” Mr. Jung was speechless but had to form out some words to say “So what you’re saying is that you’ve met this beautiful creature in the forest? Is there anymore?”

“Shut up” Mrs. Jung said and slap her husband on the head making everyone laugh

“S..So do you accept our relationship?” Yunho asked

“Of course! Never miss out on an opportunity like that” Mr. Jung said

“Thank you” Jaejoong smiled and came over to give Mr. Jung a hug. Mr. Jung was shocked having someone so beautiful hug him..he was too memorized by Jaejoong’s beauty. Mrs. Jung just gave him a deathly glare when Jaejoong finally let go of him

“I totally accept your relationship as well” Mrs. Jung smiled

“Thank you” Jaejoong smiled and hug his soon to be mother-in-law

“My next mission is going to get lost in a forest and be in need of help” Eunhyuk said and Donghae smacked his hand

“Ow..I’m kidding” Eunhyuk smiled and hug Donghae


After that day and the days following that Yunho treated Jaejoong like his queen. Jaejoong has never felt true love before and he knew it was his goal to make Jaejoong believe there is such thing as a true love. Yunho had stayed by Jaejoong’s side even when Jaejoong made tons of mistakes since he’s never actually been to a ‘new’ world before. Everything was new to him and he felt like he didn’t belong in such place..but Yunho would always teach his love everything

Eunhyuk and Donghae became an amazing couple as well. Each caring for one another and stopped teasing each other because of their stupidity..


“Yunho..” Jaejoong looked at Yunho with his big eyes

“Yes my honey?”

“I..I..” Jaejoong blushed and looked away. Yunho didn’t know what Jaejoong was thinking, but of course Yunho’s mind was in the gutter right now, he thought Jaejoong wanted ‘that’

“Ooh I know what you want” Yunho smiled and picked Jaejoong up bridal style but seeing a startled Jaejoong

“W..What are you doing” Jaejoong said and hit Yunho softly on the shoulder

“I..I thought you wanted ‘that’”

“What? No I wanted ice cream..I’ve never tried it before” Jaejoong pouted

“Ice cream?” Yunho was dumbfound..he didn’t know his Jaejoong was this innocent, blushing about ice cream

“You are so naughty all the time” Jaejoong hit Yunho again but still softly

“It’s not my fault I get turned on by you” Yunho rolled his eyes and got out of his room to go get Jaejoong some ice cream leaving Jaejoong sitting on the bed still giggling


Pretty soon everyone around the whole neighborhood found out about Yunho finding such a beautiful creature like Jaejoong. They all felt happy for him but wondered about how he met Jaejoong in the first place. So like usual Yunho would tell them about the story of how fate brought him and Jaejoong together. Their love life was like a fairytale..of course with a happily ever after. The story that Yunho has told to everyone around him became like a folktale that was passed on to generations..

“Yunho, it’s weird having everyone wondered about how we met..well I guess our love life is different from every one else..” Jaejoong said

“Yeah it is, that’s why it’s so special. I met someone so beautiful beyond words at a forest in the dark and I had to break a spell for you and everything...I’m happy all that happened because never in my life have I been happier, meeting you is a journey of a lifetime” Yunho smiled as he leaned over and kissed Jaejoong, this time there wasn’t a spell to was just pure love..

The End



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