Reader X Muriel { Keeping Warm in Winter}

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A/N: As requested by emberakira
Lmaoo this might be ooc

(N/N): Nickname

    Raspy whispers of the wind whipped through your opposing body. The dull scarf wrapped on your shoulder threatened to flutter away, to be swept by the harsh breeze to god-knows-where.

   Breath hitching, you stopped in your path. Squinting at the horizon. It's fluffy white clouds yet to be the slightest sign of danger. Hurry, not much longer till nightfall. You were visiting a dear friend of yours, who, offered for you to stay with them a little over a few days.

   Although it was initially agreed to be just a half-hearted joke, you accepted the invitation; Because, why not? It isn't everyday he'll would be going around welcoming people into his private life.

   Hell, the only other person he happened to open up to was the fortune teller Asra. Obviously, since they practically grew up together. He... Isn't much of a talker,tell you what. He's quite shy, definitely not a people's person.

   Besides, you've might've as  well adored him. In a sort of, more than just a friend sort of way. Besides, it could be said you two are close..You actually had a thing or two for you dear companion. You hesitated on the storm of emotions swirling inside of you.
Maybe you should.
Maybe you shouldn't..

   As you continued to trudge through the thickening snow, you saw distant glowing. It's the cabin, you're almost there! You picked up pace, almost tripping yourself and finally reached the wooden porch of the cozy residence. By the time you reached, stars were already embedded in the evening sky.

  You studied the front door for abit, tracing a finger along the
wood marks.

"Such a secluded place to live.."
You mumbled. By this time numbing cold was beginning to take over your senses.You knocked on the door.
..There was heavy shuffling.

  It creaked open. Revealing Muriel in a cozy tunic, wrapped in blankets.
His features illuminated by the warm glow from inside.

   His usual sullen face immediately lit up at the sight of you. He gave you a warm smile and awkwardly half pulled you, ushering you in from the biting frost of outside. He locked the door shut. Sealing out the brewing snowstorm.

  "Haha, You did arrive after all, (N/N)!"
Muriel grinned, giving your shoulders a good strong patting as welcome.

   You were still shivering, obvious with your chattering teeth and frigid body. His pats really did shake the snow off you, top it off with one of his rare smiles from those scarred lips of his. You mind might've wandered off to how they must've felt. How would they feel grazing your skin?
How they tasted around you-

   You smiled back, halting whatever distasteful was brewing inside that walnut head of yours. The warmth slowly beginning to envelop.

   Looking around the quaint interior. You realised it didn't look much different as his cottage back from the outskirts of the city. There was a small amber hearth burning away by the fireplace. Runes and amulets of mahogany decorated the shelves. A broad bed with the many peculiar quilts gifted by you and the all too familliar scent of burnt Myrrh filled the warm air.

   Muriel gently placed your battered scarf on a small rack and taking advantage amidst your daydreaming, he heaved you up to his chest with his broad arms. Carrying you bridal style with little to no struggle.

   "Muri-Ah!" You panicked.You tried to squirm out from his arms but he only persisted.
Oh god,oh god what is he doing..! Your mind went haywire thanks to your  anxiety.
"You're cold. You need some warming up (Y/N)." A warm and hushed voice broke through the raging war in your head.

   Carrying you, he stumbled over to the nearby pile of pillows beside the fireplace. You gazed at the tall male who held you, somewhat fondly in his arms. You had finally gotten a good glimpse of his face. He looked more defined, actually attractive without his cloak.

   His unkempt hair slowly swaying over those beautiful green eyes. Those eyes. The same eyes that held you captive. Various scars of frenzied battles long past graced his features. God, did you want to kiss those scars.
You wanted to kiss his face and spoil him silly in fluttering affection. There was something so alluring about this lumbering yet, gentle man.

    You nuzzled your face close to the warm, soft fabric he draped over his body. Something about this man, made you felt safe and so..appreciated. He flicked his warm gaze back to you. For a moment your eyes met, you drank in each glimpse of his features. Dark, strong brows, those demure eyes, raw with tenderness and surprise, his stumpy nose, the scruffy jawline you wanted to pepper kisses on so much- You tried to play it off, averting your eyes and tried focusing on the floor. Warmth only dusted your cheeks. Muriel, amused only stifled a breathy giggle, somehow flushed at your adorable reaction. Only reduced to a blushing mess.

   He subconciously bit his lip and finally, gently sat you down on a soft pile of pillows and blankets. You revelled in the warmth while Muriel coughed and scrambled out words to talk, scratching the back of his head nervously,
"..Would you like anything..?" He wasn't the best at talking but god, was he adorable.

  "Some black mead will do just fine" you hummed smiling sweetly. For a second you could've sworn you saw him flush slightly red before quickly turning away to another room.
Not long after, he returned with two steaming mugs and handed one to you. The large male then settled down next to you on the pillows, landing with a small "oof"

   You took a sip of the warm beverage, taking small glances of the male nestled beside you. Lips grazing the mug for a sip  gently licking the small drops, gazing into the swirling liquid, somehow contemplating.

  You were exausted, so you carefully set your mug aside on the floor. He took notice, eventually finishing his and carefully pulled up a quilt to cover the both of you. "Let me help you with that.." he offered, inching closer to you and stacking pillows around your body to balm the aching.

   You nestled closer to him and eventually hugging his broad chest. You didn't think twice and your head leaned closer to listen to the soft thumping within.
It went a little faster.
So you turned to face the male above you.

  Muriel was reduced to a blushing, stuttering mess at the sight of you. He looked so vunerable and..cute. You bursted into laughter, making the place all the warmer. Muriel on the other hand looked awfully confused, even ashamed. You cooed and propped yourself  to meet his face.

  Hands slowly entangled on his shoulders, you kissed him tenderly on his calloused lips.
A pang of realisation suddenly hit you and quickly you pulled away.
Oh no.. He'll hate this.. He'll hate me..--

   Instead you were met with  strong arms enveloping you. With half lidded eyes gazing deep into you. The male whispered out your name and smiled.
"..Oh (N/N).." he slowly approached for a sweet yet sensual kiss.

   "You never knew how long I wanted to do this.." you breathed out, embarassed as you both nestled. He only ruffled your hair as small bubbles of laughter escaped.
Then held you closer to his body, making the night all the warmer.


(A/N) Hey everyone, here's another slow update! I'm extremely sorry for this since I have to juggle tasks and school, but anyways, thank you SO SO mUCH for the votes and reads
They mean so mucchhh 😙

You guys are the BEST :)

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