On Erebos

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On Erebos where darkness dwells
beyond the westered sun,
each night the Oneiri emerge
and flock toward me as one.
They drown me in their dreams of light,
directed in their mystic flight
by Morpheus, the god of night.

Those from the mighty Gate of Horn
guide true my daily life,
while those that pass the Ivory Gate
engulf me in their strife.
I cannot tell which dreams are true
except for those beloved few
which sing my song of love to you.

I dream of you near every night
in sleep's enchanted Earth
and I with you will dance our joy
until the morning's birth
when sunlight shows her bitter scorn
by washing from my mind your form
so you must wait to be reborn.

Then night, beneath a crescent moon
engulfs me in his shroud
and I, the sacred searcher seek
your form within the crowd.
Within this musty mob you race,
then look to me in hopeful grace
to once again feel my embrace.

My days in tortured boredom flow,
in lonely thoughts they creep,
until the cool of evening's breeze
lulls me at last to sleep.
Then in that night, my dozing shell
awaits the sound of dreamtime's bells
on Erebos, where darkness dwells.

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