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I'm kissing my crush. And I'm not drunk.

Raph's lips are rough yet sweet at the same time. Every cell in my body is going wild and I literally melt into his arms.

This is what my kiss with Liz should have felt like.

This is what I've wanted all along, and now that its happening, my hormones have lost complete total control.

I push him down with such eagerness that he almost falls off. Despite this though, his lips never leave mine and I am astonished by the way he forces me to be on top of him, his fingers digging into my waist.

Mona Lisa pops into my head but immediately disappears when he brings my face closer to his. I notice how fast he's breathing and how shaky his hands are when he wraps them around my neck.

Its like he's trying to convince himself of something using body language. At this point I don't care if he feels disgusted. If he opens his eyes and realizes what he's doing and leaves me. Heck, I don't care if I'm dreaming that this is happening. I never want to wake up.

Raph parts his legs so I can lay my body between them. I gently pull away, nuzzling my head in his neck, and planting small kisses there. I slowly bring my lips back up where our tongues overlap.

I nearly lose it when he bites my lower lip in the most timid way and I moan into the kiss. This is encouragement for Raph because he does it again, more confidently. I find one of the strands of his mask and twirl it on my finger.

"W-W-What are you doing to me?" He whispers. His breath is hot. "I can't seem to stay away no matter how hard I try."

"What do you mean?" I ask and meet his eyes. I breathe heavily and untwist the strand from my finger. Although I wish for him to answer, part of me wants him to shut up. To just let me touch him and make him scream my name...

"I barely met you last week and you have this weird hook on me that I can't seem to get rid of," he explains and cups my face. His hands are trembling and he looks everywhere except my eyes.

"Why are you shaking," I question softly.

"Because I don't know what I'm doing Leo. I had a girlfriend one minute and suddenly I'm kissing a guy. Its very strange."

His words hit me harder than they should have and I frown. "Oh."

Sensing my disappointment, he puts his hands on my waist again and squeezes. "Its strange but in a good way. I like it."

I weakly smile. "Okay."

My arms begin to tire down and I slowly lay down on his chest, hesitating on wether it would be safe to do it or not. He doesn't say anything. Only takes a shaky breath. In a matter of seconds, I feel him relax under me and he wraps his arms around my shell. A few minutes pass and I wonder if he's asleep.

"You awake?" I ask.

"Sleep is for the weak," he murmurs.

I chuckle and even though I can't see him, I'm sure he's smiling. "Hey Leo?"


"Please don't ever break your promise."


I just noticed my chapters are short and I apologize for that. Would you guys like for me to make them longer? I will do it for you. *whispers* I'll do anything for you.

I have two weeks off for school so that's good news so I can write more.

Also thank you for reading, voting, and commenting on this story. It really does make me happy :D

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love you. Stay rad!❤

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