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If I had known that running to Raph and getting drunk would have led me to kissing him, I would have punched Karai.

I would have made sure she would never see daylight again despite the consequences. Heck, getting sent to jail doesn't sound so bad right now compared to losing what I had with him.

When I woke up, my body was heavy and my head was spinning. Everything that happened just last night made its way to my head.

I kissed him. Oh my God. Way to fucking go Leo.

Most of time was spent regretting everything. I regret the way I handled my situation with Karai so poorly. I regret getting drunk. I regret kissing him because knowing he had some type of thing with Mona Lisa, he's not gay.

Maybe he doesn't remember?

I need to get out. I feel suffocated in here, trapped in my own guilt.

I call Liz, hoping to maybe hang out with her but my calls only go directly to voicemails.

"Argh!" I groan and leave a voicemail. "Hey Liz. I was hoping maybe we could hang? I really could use some company right now. Call me back."

Unfortuntley about two hours pass without a call and I grow impatient. Alright, alone it is. I force myself out of my bed and carry my phone with me as I begin to exit. I open the door and-

"Ahh!!!" I yell.

Because in front of me is Raph who also yells at the sight of me. I drop my phone to the ground and hear a crack which makes me flinch.

"I'm in the right place," I hear him say simply.

I shake uncontrollably as I bend down to pick up my phone. My hands miserably fail me though, and I end up dropping it again. I want to cry of humiliation and anger. Control yourself dammit!

I gather every piece of courage inside me and point a trembling finger at him.

"W-What...H-How do you know...Why? Wh-What?" I shriek out, being the only words I can say.

Raph seems to be unaware of my state or something because he just laughs and shrugs. "I bumped into your lady friend and she wanted me to tell you that she was going to be unavailable."

Liz? What the shell?

I clear my throat. "So she gave you my address?"

Raph shake his head, the corners of his lips lifting. "Nah. I went house to house trying to find you like a creep I am."

"W-Was that sarcasm?" I ask.

"Yes bro. Of course she told me where you live."

"I don't understand." Why couldn't she have come to tell me herself?

As if reading my thoughts, Raph says,"She was in a rush and I happened to be walking nearby."


For a minute we both stand there, not really saying anything and all I can think about is me kissing him.

Oh my goodness, I haven't been able to stare at his face this whole time due to the urge of doing it again.

"I'm sorry," I say quielty.

"Sorry for what?" He asks, his tone as gentle as mine.

For kissing you. "For just busting into your house yesterday."

Raph looks away, a frown forming on his beautiful face. "It's fine."

Does he remember?

"Want to come in or something?" I ask shyly, afraid of his answer. He probably has more important things to do right now than to be with me.

"Yeah." He breathes in deeply. "Yeah I would love that actually."

"Come on in," I say and stand aside.

"Why thank you Leonardo," he replies and steps inside.

Holy smokes i meant to update this much earlier but my pregnant cousing had her baby and my mom just dragged me out of the house. It was intense!!

I promise after this, its all love :D

Bare with me ;-;

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay rad!:)

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