I am always there for you! (2)💕

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As usual Shivaay woke up hearing the first ring of the alarm clock and moved his hand across the bed surface,but he got tensed when he couldn't feel her beside him.He woke up with a jolt and saw that she wasn't there,but the next second sighed in relief as he heard the sound of the shower.He chuckled thinking how this sleepyhead woke up before me? He went to the use the guest room washroom as he had to go to office.


He walked inside his room with a towel in his hand wrapped in his usual 3 piece suit looking drop dead handsome.

"Anika...Anika" he called her out not finding her in room.

Anika hurridely walked out of the bathroom in her bath robe only thinking that it might be something important.She said huffing"What happened?Is everything alright?" She said unaware of the change in colour of his eyes that grew into a darker shade of blue full of lust.Smirking he threw the towel on their bed and pulled her towards him making her lose her balance and they both fell on the bed with Anika on top of Shivaay.Anika gulped in nervousness seeing the look in his eyes and his smirking lips.She gulped.Though it been many years to their marriage but still proximity is something that she can't handle.She breathed heavily as he snaked his hands on her waist tightly.His smirk got bigger seeing his effect on her."Yeh aap kya kar rahe hai?" She breathed over his face making him go wild as her hot breath fanned in his lips.The little amount of cleaveage visible was not doing any good either."yeh main kya kar raha hoon,Anika?" Innocence dripping from his face,he had his mood of teasing her.She closed her eyes and he was quick enough to turn their position and now he was on top of him.He kissed her forehead slowly and her eyelids and then her cheeks,her nose,her chin.She breathed heavily when she felt his breath fanning over her lips, feeling no movements,she opened her eyes slowly and saw him standing there with a wide smirk playing on his lips."What happened,why are you sleeping on the bed, it's not the time to sleep,Anika...Wear your clothes first or shall I help you to do so?" He said in a teasing tone and and she got up from the bed looking down blushing."Why were you calling me?" She asked timidly as she was not over to the incident that took place a while back."Ouh,Woh!Dry my hairs" he said grabbing the towel from the bed and sat down on the floor infront of the bed not before handling her the towel,giving a small peck on her lips making her eyes go wide with her heart thumping wildly inside her ribcage.She sat on the edge of the bed drying his hairs while he sat down facing her,moving his fingers sensuously on her bare legs creating a havoc inside her.


Anika was sitting on the bed folding her and Shivaay's clothes.Shivaay had to leave urgently as a building had caught fire and being one of the best and top companies,his team was called to the rescue,again missing the chance of confronting her.

Here Anika was confused on his behaviour as the actions spoke a different story than the phone call that she attended on his behalf,which was the cause of all the misunderstanding.

Shivaay was walking on the lawn that night when his phone ringed, which was kept in their room, thinking it to be an important call she decided to attend it and hearing the speaker on the other side the phone dropped from her hand and she felt a sting pain in her heart."When are you coming baby,I am waiting for you Shiv..."was the words that kept running in her mind.That night she couldn't sleep the whole night and kept crying but there was no one to console not even Shivaay.

Their relation was breaking apart and she couldn't do anything,the thought that her Shivaay was cheating on her with someone else made her die every minute,every second.But all she could do was cry,weep and feel angry but on herself, thinking wasn't she able to keep him happy? Wasn't she able to fulfill his need? Wasn't she a good wife?

She was not able to control anymore and burst out crying loudly.The whole mansion echoing from her wails,but there was not even a single soul to console her.She felt worse.She felt disgusted of herself.


Shivaay entered their room sneakily with his hands behind holding something.He steps came to a halt seeing her sitting on the bed facing the pool,her face covered with her long, shiny,jasmine black hairs,another reason of why he fell in love with her...Her hairs.

Chuckling silently on his own thoughts he went and sat infront of her but his heart shattered seeing her tear stricken face and puffy eyes.Was she crying? He cupped her face not caring about the thing that fell with a crack sound on the floor which he was holding all this while.On being asked the reason he received a hard glare and then some accusations bit what caught his mind was the third line from her speech ". Don't act so innocent Shiv,you are the sole reason of my tears,you were cheating one with another girl and asking me the damn reason? I don't owe you an explanation,you do..." She told slapping him tightly.

His body fell numb,he didn't knew how to react,he was beyond shock,no,he wasn't angry,hurt was the right word.He felt as if his world tore apart within seconds.How can she,doubt his love? Before she could say anything more he grabbed the car keys from the side table and rushed outside with tears flowing uncontrollably.

Hearing the door closing with a bang,she realised what a big blunder she have created.No...I am not wrong...He cheated me,don't feel sad...he doesn't deserve th... Her words came to a halt as soon as she saw a pieces of glass lying on floor,on watching it closely she realised that Shivika forever was encarved in the glass with a red heart soft toy written Happy Valentine's Day on it.Tears stopped flowing as soon as she saw saw blood nearby which were complementing the bunch of red roses scattered on the floor.Her heart ached thinking how can she say such harsh words to him that too today,when they met for the first time.She rushed outside the room to search for him not caring about her disheveled look with her dupatta socked with blood making it red.Only his thoughts camed to her mind.She was clouded by guilt.She felt as if she would die any moment now.

After searching the whole mansion,not finding him anywhere,she sat dejected on the couch of the hall,with tears falling continuously like river.On hearing the doorbell her face litted up with happiness and she rushed outside only to find a delivery boy with a parcel.

"Mam,this parcel is for Mr.Shivaay Singh Oberoi...it has all the medicines that are required to cure the wound along with pain killers to reduce pain..." The delivery boy said and left handling her the box.

After hearing the words she felt so disgusted of herself.How can she doubt him? He was in so much pain and she blamed him only.Now it was crystal clear on why he hadn't consoled her that night when she was crying,because he didn't wanted her to know about his injury,he didn't wanted her to take tension.

She was feeling worse on blaming him but When are you coming baby?I am waiting for you Shiv... words were ringing in her mind.She had to clear her doubts,she rushed towards their room and relived to find that he left his mobile at home.

With trembling hands she dialed the same number which she attended that day.Before she could say anything the girl on other side said in hastily"I am so sorry Sir...That day I by mistake called you thinking you to be my husband Shivansh because both of the names are similar and before I can realise it was your number the phone was disconnected.I am so sorry Sir,I..." The phone slipped off her hands not in between the conversation breaking the phone into thousand peices and she felt numb,her legs felt weak,her mind went blank,she couldn't think of anything now.She was going crazy on the thought of his condition now.She walked towards the bed and sat with a thud not caring about the glass pieces that peirced her skin,blood flowing out and mixing with his already dried blood making it fresh again.

Only one thought, Where is he? Is he safe? Is he ok? This was enough,she rushed outside the mansion not caring about her wound and the blood that made her footprints all over the floor.She was scared What if he did something to himself? No,No,this can't be..

Her steps unknowingly took her to their favourite spot, don't know why but her heart told that he is here and so did her mind.

On reaching the spot,the Shivika Cliff as they named it,she saw him sitting on the edge with his legs down,one push and he will fall.Fearing she took small baby steps towards him and holder him by his shoulders and pulled him along with her,as a result he fell on top of her.She felt as if someone had stabbed her heart on seeing his puffy,red eyes.He sat upright quickly turning other side as if he didn't wanted to show her his tears as he knows that it will still hurt her and he cannot withstand her pain.But it was too late as she was already too heartbroken seeing his tears and the reason being she herself broke her heart to more thousand pieces.

Turning him to face her she hugged him tightly crying bitterly,he was too numb to react,too many happenings in a day,he was not able to handle this,first the accusations and now her tears,he was broken but still he loved her with all the broken pieces.

Parting away from the hug,she kissed each and every inch of his face not even letting his react.He was shocked now,too shocked to even react.

"I am sorry Shivaayyyy.....Please forgive me...I am not a good wife how can I doubt a husband like you? I am very bad.Please forgive me Shiv...Please...But I was blinded by my wife institution...first of all when you didn't consoled me when I was crying at night,I thought you don't love me anymore,you don't care about me anymore,but I was wrong I was wrong,I was so very wrong....But that phone call further increased my doubt,it was lady who called you by mistake as your name was similar to her husband's name,she is a worker in your company but I thought that you are having a ext...ra ma..rtial af...affair.I am sorry Shiv,Please forgive me,Please,Please...." She was crying bitterly with hands joined together asking for forgiveness

Shivaay came out of his shock zone hearing her loud wails and it didn't took him more than a second to wrap his arms around her hugging her tightly."Shsshh...Meri jaan,in sab mein tumhari koi galti Nahi thi...You are not a fault.There's a reason for which I call you Pagal Khargosh ,you always use to ask me right...Iam telling you today because you react without knowing the whole truth,you are always in a hurry like a cute rabbit,always doing silly mistake and then regretting.You are really crazy." He said with a small generous smile.

"But how can you forgive you so soon,Shiv?" Anika asked sniffing cutely.

"Because I love you..." Was his answer,he said wiping off her running nose with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Now let's go home.."he said lifting her in his arms making her squeal but later realising something she screamed" Get me down..." Making him put her down in a jiffy."Why are you scaring me baby?" He said with a cute pout."Duffer,you got hurt and I am scaring you...Why didn't you told me?" She was scoldinh him and he was standing there like a 5 year old guilty child who was caught eating sugar.

Once she was done with her scolding session,she went aww seeing him standing their with his head down.How much she wished to kiss that cute pout of his and this time she did as her heart told.

They both kissed the hell out of each other and stood their panting hard, leaning against each other's forehead.

And their valentine's day started on a happy note...


The end,

Hope I didn't disappoint you guys...

Signing off-

Words count- 2500+

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