The train journey{3}

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At Shivaay's apartment

Shivaay's P.O.V

I called her in a park to tell her about my feelings to her to be precise to propose her which was unknown to her but Little did I Know that she's gonna broke my heart like this and leave me like others.

After so many years I was started being the real Shivaay which was deep buried inside this fake Shivaay but now it's not needed anymore.She left me,she left like others did,like my mom and dad...(he sobs)


Anika's P.O.V

I was quite excited to meet him after almost a week,last time we met in a coffee shop to grab a coffee and today he called me in the park,I will be meeting him today...

I got ready in a black dress as he told me that we will have dinner so I dressed accordingly...

I was so wrong about Shivaay...I thought he is a money minded,playboy type of boy but no he has the most beautiful heart ever.
I feel guilty for thinking that he sang in the train that day to earn money but actually it was to pacify me and me 😞.He thinks about everyone except himself.The money that he received that day for singing he gaved it to the little girl who was hungry,and I thought him to be a money minded....😥(Refer to Chapter 1 TTJ)

Shrugging my thoughts off I saw myself for the last time in mirror.


At park,

I reached there...There was dark everywhere...
I called out Shivaay twice but no response then suddenly the whole area lighted up and I saw laterns moving upwards from the ground to the sky...It was so dreamy...

I moved forward and the whole area was again dark but this time slowly slowly the place started lighting up with fairy lights...

I sequled in happiness seeing all the trees in the garden lighten up as it was dressed with fairy lights all over it....

Suddenly rose petals started showering all over me and I twirled in happiness dancing like a made person....

(Why the hell the photo is so small?)

And then some lights lighted up leading like a path and was filled with flower petals....

I followed the path...And then I saw him... Shivaay , I said but it came out as a wishper as I was in shock as I knew what's coming next...

There was Shivaay in his white suit looking tempting as ever,and I was not able to shift my eyes from him.

He holded my hand ever so softly and lead me towards the centre and he sat on his knees...

My heart skipped a beat seeing him like that,I knew there was a spark between us but I never thought that this will turn out like this...

He pulled out a box from his hands and placed it on his palm...

"Anika,I know we don't each other much,we are not that close to each other but Anika there's a connection between us a special connection, connection of heart to heart,Dil se Dil ka special connection...*He chuckled*I know Anika this is too early but what to do my desperate heart,*He sighs*My heart just wanted to tell you everything about how I feel about you,how special you are to me,how much I admire you ,how much I respect your opinions and desicions and believe me I will always do...forever
Anika you know when I saw you I didn't fell in love with you, Love at first sight,it was not that no...I started falling for you slowly and gradually...When I saw you for the first time my heart didn't skipped a beat nor I felt soft violin sound playing or soft wind blowing like that in films....But still I felt a connection,an urge to talk to you, an unknown feeling took me towards you and I started to irritate you maybe that was a way to talk to you...I was not sure about my feelings...But when I started seeing you everywhere even when you were not there I was bit suspicious AM I FALLING FOR YOU? The way my heart started thumping faster when you were around,the way you look at me gives me thousands of butterflies in my stomach,the 440 volt ka current I get when you touch me made it clear that I started falling for you that too so badly and I could not control more and decided to tell you about my heart's condition...My heart was in a mess so I decided to let it out of the mess....
Finally I am gonna express myself...

This is my first time that I am going to propose anyone...
Anika I will not say that I will bring you moons and stars but promise to love you moon and back,I will not say that I won't let you cry ever but promise to be with you to wipe your tears,I will not say that I will be with you 24×7 but promise to be with you whenever you will need me....
At last
I..I...I love you Anika...I love you so so much!You mean the world to me Anika,my whole world...." Shivaay said and I was all numb trying to understand what's going on is it reality or dream?My brain completely blanked out.
I was too shocked to react.

"Anika say na mere pair Dard kar rahe hai" he said chuckling...

I somehow gathered myself and pushed him and ran away,tears uncontrollable flowing from my eyes....

I reached home and sat on the floor with a thud,past memories started flashing in front of my eyes....

Author's P.O.V

Anika, a jolly,bubbly girl who was the dream of every boy but she lost her heart to a simple boy Daksh Khurana...

She was happy with her boyfriend Daksh who proposed her first unknown to the fact that she already had a crush on him until one day he died because of heart problems which made Anika a living dead body...

21 June 2018,the most gloomiest day of her life....The day when her love died because of not getting a heart donor,she would have donated her heart if she knew about it but it was too late....Daksh intentionally didn't told her about his health because he knew she would have done something like that....


Anika's P.O.V

I saw my love dying infront of me and I was not able to do anything....That day I promised myself of not loving anyone ever...I am forever my Daksh's ...

Suddenly I started feeling sort of breath...My tablets? Shut!I forgot to take my tablets today....(Anika was suffering from depression since Daksh died)

I took the tablets but still I was feeling good so I decided to pay a visit to my friend who is also a Doctor...

At hospital,

After visiting my Best Friend cum Doctor,Kunju (Ishqbaazianss) I was about to about to leave when I heard her voice shouting that "Take him to the OT first" I turned back and saw SHIVAAY!!?! I rushed to her and asked

"What happened to Shivaay,Kunju tell me?"

"Anika you know him,he is a heart patient and today maybe due to a shock he got a minor heart attack,but still his life is at risk" Kunju said patting my shoulder and went away.

I was numb and was hoping it to turn out as a dream but it was like God didn't wanted me to wake up from this dream

"This can't happen,No...Shivaay!Shivaaayyyyyyyy!!" I screamed and everything black out...

A few years later....

"Baby wake up" A man said seeing his beautiful wife sleeping like a log...

"Two minutes more" the girl said lazily...

"Anika,Tumhare 2 min Ko half an hour Ho Gaya..." The man said...

Shivaay! She whined....

It been 3 years to their marriage but still It was their daily routine...

Shivaay waking Anika and she throwing tantrums...Well somethings never change....

"Anika,tum freshen up ho jao mein breakfast bana ke lata hoon,tumhari favourite Aloo puri!"

Anika sequled in happiness...

She saw his disappearing figure and smiled faintly remembering how she won him even after almost losing him...


Anika woke up and saw that she was in her and Daksh's favourite place...

"Daksh!" She said shockingly after seeing his love infront of him dressed in white clothes...

"Any baby,how are you"

"Daksh,you camed,I knew it you will come"

"No,Anika I camed to tell you that don't stuck on your past and move on...think about future Anu"

"What do you mean"

"Anika you know na I can't come back again...Shivaay is a good guy baby he loves you selflessly,don't lose a gem like him"

"But...How can I forget you?" She said crying.

"Who told you to forget me....Keep my memories with you but also make new memories with Shivaay"

"No,I can't move on ...No...I love you Daksh"

"I love you too baby but see this is only right for you" tears flowing from his eyes.

"Daksh" she said in a breaking voice as she saw him disappearing...

She woke up with a jolt and started crying...

"Are you ok,Anika" Kunju said.

"No...Daksh...Shivaay...How's he?"

Kunju's face colour drained off...

"He...he is no more" she said...

Anika felt like someone stabbed her...she removed the saline from her hand and rushed towards Shivaay's cabin as instructed by Kunju...

Her hearted skipped a beat seeing a lifeless Shivaay laying.

She took baby steps towards him and started crying like a baby scolding him...

"Shivaay can't you take proper responsibility of your health"

"I won't talk to you...Wake up na Shivaay"

"You said you love me right,please wake up Shivaay"

"Shivaay I love you too Shivaay please wake up"

"See I gave your answers too wake up na...Shivaay I can't live without you I love you na,please"

Suddenly she felt someone carressing her hairs,she looked up and saw Shivaay staring her with the brightest smile on his face.

"Shivaay,you ok,Doctors told that...Shivaay!" She cried hugging him crying on his chest.

"Anika,it's true that I got a heart attack but not what Kunju told you after you gained consciousness...It was a lie,I told Kunju to do so..." Shivaay said smiling sheepishly.

"What!?! It was a play,and here I was dying every second,it was hard for me to breath and you all were acting" she said hitting his chest lightly.

"No,Annie I seriously got a heart attack but your love saved me..." Shivaay said.

",M..y... love....sav....saved you"she said trying to digest the fact that she already said those 3 magical words to him...

"Don't get confused baby,I heard whatever you said,I was awake"

"Is he a mind reader"Anika thought.

"Waise how do you know Kunju,she is my best friend" Anika said both out of curiosity and trying to divert the topic.

"What do you think do you have her copyright"Shivaay said.

"She is also my best friend since school...Older friendship" Shivaay declared with a victory smile.



"Waise repeat those words again na,I wanna listen to it again" Shivaay said.

"Which words? I don't know " Anika said teasingly.

"Anika, Don't try to act smart...please tell na see think it as my last wish" Shivaay said.

"Shut up! Don't you dare say it again" Annika said angrily.

"Achha Sholly" Shivaay said making a puppy face.

Anika could not help but smile.

"I love you" Shivaay said crossing his fingers.

"I love you too" Anika said making Shivaay let out his breath which he was holding till now.

Flashback ends

Her trance was broken by Shivaay's voice calling her for breakfast.

"Coming" she told screaming.

"Yeh ladki kabhi nahi sudhregi" Shivaay said shaking his head in disbelief and chuckled....


The end...

So this story ends in a good note...

Hush! 2050+ words...Longest chapter ever written....

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Signing off-


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