I give up.

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I got fired from my Co-Op...I can't find anywhere else because I can't fucking go anywhere else...this is such bullshit. I got fired all because I missed a bunch of days. Most of which I was fucking sick. I supposedly "disappeared" yesterday when in reality I felt like shit because my stomach was really fucking hurting. I would have told them that I felt like I was gonna throw up if they would take a second to fucking talk to me about it, I supposedly made stupid comments about some of the jobs that I had to do. I will admit, I got somewhat annoyed due to the fucking taco dip. I hate doing three-step repetition shit. I accidentally took a thirty minute break when it was supposed to be a 15 minute break, I was fucking reading and I lost track of time. Fuck school. I'm fucking done. I'm not going to take two courses that I will not fucking like all beacause I got fired. I don't give a single fuck if I graduate or not. My parents thought that I was going to be the first of their children that went from kindergarten to college and graduated that, but unfortunately for them I could care less about school. I already stopped caring after grade ten. I've mostly been continuing to attend school because I was happy to be praised by my parents, considering I lack self confidence. But as I said, I give up. I can't do it anymore. I have to get forty hours of community fucking service. Which, fuck that. I'm not that outgoing. I can't find opportunities to do that. In addition to that, I have to waste my own money just to fucking graduate. Greedy pathetic school. That's why I hate this fucking school. Everything about it fucking sucks. The people at the fucking cafeteria were happy to have me but they were all "oh, you know you have to work even if you're sick!" If I can barely fucking breathe, then I can't fucking work! Fuck you! 

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