Something that makes no sense to me

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Okay, so girls bitch about women being oversexualized in games and movies, overwatch, yes I see it. But, many, many girls use kancolle characters as their bases, even though some of the girls have in reality outlandish physical features that are impossible to achieve and not suffer problems in real life. I know that's not the point. As absurd as everything in Kancolle is, it's still good and undoubtedly the shipgirls look amazing. I just don't understand how girls bitch about oversexualization.

Another thing that confuses me is K-Pop. For example, BTS. Do girls listen to the music or just drool over the "singers" they're just another Cliché boy band. Just Korean instead. they can afford plastic surgery. Some of bts has probably had it. As their facial structures are different in every fucking video. A lot of their fan base is cancerous. I cringe every time I see a K-Pop anon. Especially when they have 800+ followers. For what? A yaoi fanfiction involving a not gay member of a boy band? Or being harassed by a "hate account" and getting support? You know who you are. You fake ass bitch. Or those dumb fucktards who treat this app like Instagram and spam posts on message boards instead of not being autistic and making a book. I lost followers because of this new update. And those ignorant cunts get followers. They work for nothing and are "given" other accounts because the original owner "left" which doesn't convince me at fucking all. Considering that they act the exact fucking same as the original owner. Therefore. They are the same. Fucking. Person.

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