Time to face facts

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I've already realized that I honestly don't really matter all that much, mainly because I was a brash asshole six months ago, I got fed a lie and blamed myself for something which resulted in me getting hate, I felt like shit then because everybody was turning against me. If that happened now? I'm going to be completely honest and say I WOULD NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK! I wouldn't even be surprised.

To this day I don't even know why any of you are still friends with me irl I have next to no friends because literally every human being I have met irl has let me down. When it comes to unfulfilled promises those assholes wrote the book.

Let's just say I've had trust issues ever since I met this one person. After them I changed my way of thinking. I went from "I want to be a persons friend rather than there enemy!" To "I really don't care if you are a friend or an enemy, betray me once and I'll knock your stupid ass out." I have changed the way I think further, basically I'm trying to detach myself from humanity due to how fucking disappointing and cringeworthy we've become.

People think god complexed are one dimensional, wrong. They aren't. They have many facets.

In terms of mine, I hate people to the point that I'd punch someone in the jaw for saying hello when I'm having a terrible day, really rare but it's happened.

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