Finding A Broken Soal

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A calm autumn breeze flows smoothly through the night, evading the grasp of the awaiting limbs as it continues its journey through the air. A bright full moon shines its rays in large, blissful beams, kissing the shadows of a long forgotten forest with its sweet light. Crisp leaves of orange and brown variations dance on the forest floor as they play with the wind only for it to leave them a few seconds later.

Overall the land was peaceful and quiet. The soft rustle of the grass as it swayed in the breeze, the smooth hoot if an owl every now and then as his large eyes stalk the night, the faint chirping of crickets as they convey to one another their soft secret messages. There was just one abnormal sound that night that didn't seem to belong in these parts of the woods, and that sound was the faint sorrowful whimper of a young infant placed securely in the depths of a hollowed out tree.

The infant was male, a hedgehog in species, no older than a few days in age. His appearance consisted of beautiful cerulean blue fur along his thin legs, back and head. A peach muzzle and its corresponding arms and round belly added emphasis to the azure fur of the boy. Blue eyelids lift open revealing to the heavens a pair of sparkling emerald greens eyes moist by the tears he so willingly continued to shed, while his chubby arms flail around removing the brown warn rag that he was wrapped so securely in.

Luckily for the young boy though he was not the only soul in the forest for meanwhile, walking down an old worn path was another hedgehog, a female this time about her early twenties in age.

The female had been returning from another exhausting day as a waitress for a small diner at the edge of the small washed up town she chose to live in. Small puffs of breath temporarily cloud the vision from her baby blue eyes as she clutches a small shawl around her thin form for warmth. The wind toyed with her golden quills as she continued her walk home.

A blond ear flicked at the sound of a whimper as she passed by a certain rotting tree. She stopped in her tracks and scanned around the area for the source of the whimper but tilted her head I'm confusion when she found nothing. Passing it off as her imagination she shrugged her shoulders and took a step forward to start walking again, but jumped in shock when the whimper was replaced by a loud heart wrenching cry. The girl then became certain that the sound was not in her mind and searched desperately for the source of the cry. Her thoughts were jumbled and her brow was furrowed in a confused expression.

She breathed heavily, the search having added on to her exhaustion, and leaned against a tree to catch her breath. It wasn't until after she had caught her breath and regained her composure, that she realised that there was a small opening in the side of the tree where the tree where the cry was emitting. The girl quickly peered into the hole and gasped when she saw the baby.

She looked around signs of a camp or mother of the child and frowned when she saw none. Reaching to a conclusion that the child was either abandoned or forgotten she reached in and gently picked up the small boy.

The whimpering of the boy stopped as soon as it started when he felt himself being lifted into the air carefully by soft gentle hands. Crystal blue diamonds met dark green emeralds as she cradled the little one in her arms and instantly fell in love with the blue infant.

" Why hello there little one," the girl spoke calmly and in a motherly type tone to the child, " my name is Maria and it looks like you'll be staying with me for a while." The boy giggled and cooed loudly at hearing her voice, seemingly agreeing with her excitedly and understanding every word she said. He smiled up at her and yawned cutely as he nuzzled into her chest and fell asleep.

Maria smiled more and cooed softly at the new sleeping form in her arms and gently placed a kiss with her soft pink lips on his blue forehead. " How could anyone abandon such a such a sweet innocent little hedgehog?" Maria asked herself as she looked at the baby and held him closer to him as she resumed her walk home. Little did she know though her question would be answered a lot quicker than she thought.


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