Someone Like Me

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It was a rather long and boring walk for the small toddler cradled in Maria's arms. The young, now previously named, Sonic cooed and babbled in his inconsistent baby babble as their walk went on. His tiny pointed blue ears and his dazzling emerald eyes swiveling in all directions as they continued as they took in as much sights and sounds as they could get.

The little one would giggle when the wind would graze past his ear or when a leaf would tickle his nose, the walk was overall very enjoyable for the little one but that was until he started to cough. Maria's golden, triangular shaped ears quickly picked up the sound of his coughing and rubbed his back a bit hoping it would calm him down some, but to her disappointment it only seemed to get worse.

She looked down at Sonic, worry that the little guy wouldn't even make the trip home, filled her eyes as she looked the child over. His emerald eyes were starting to fade to a lime green, his peach plump lips and cherry smile slimmed into a straight line, his one perked ears now droopy and folded over at the tips showing no life life that the boy once had.

Desperate to know what was wrong with the boy, Maria quickly ran home as fast as she could all the way to her home. " Hold on little Sonic..." she pleaded as she ran," hold on please....don't loose the hope that still shines in your eyes, I'll make you better i know it just hold on.


Upon reaching her home several minutes later, Maria sat down in a small rocking chair and began to examine the him further. She noticed that his form was shivering slightly once she removed the tarnished from cloth from around his body, but there was something unusual about his shiver. It didn't seem to be coming from the cold per-say, it seemed to derive more from weakness... or lack of energy maybe? Maria didn't really understand but she was determined to figure it out and help the young toddler in anyway she could.

Leaving Sonic in a protective barrier of warm, comforting blankets and pillows, Maria quickly bolted of to the kitchen to search in her cabinets for any home remedies that she had that could possibly help the blue hedgehog in his trouble.

Feeling alone and thinking that he had been forgotten once again, Sonic began to cry. The pain and heart break from his cry seeming to fill up the small cottage and ooze out of its pores, but little did the child know that another resident of the household was also awaken by his mournful crying.

A white, tiny gloved fist rubbed tired crimson irises as miniature footsteps could be heard descending down the stairs. A tired yawn escaped past tan parted lips as a very exhausted ebony hedgehog, adorned with dark crimson red stripes along his four upturned head quills, stood at the bottom of the stairs in the kitchen.

" Mama what's gwoing on wis someone cwing?" the tiny soft voice of the three year old dark one asked as he looked at the old female scurry around in the kitchen.Maria jumped about three feet in the air from the unexpected vocalization of the ebony hedgehog, " Oh Shadow honey you almost gave me a heart attack, Mama told you not to sneak up on her like that." She speaks calmly to young boy as she crouches down in front of him and kisses his forehead.

" I'm sowy Mama i jwust wanted to know where the cwing was coming fwom and if you nweeded my welp." the young Shadow said softly as he looked up at his mother. Maria smiled at his generosity and ruffled his quills a bit wither hand, " You're such a good boy Shadow what would i do without you, yes you may help. Do you see the blue baby hedgehog on the couch over there?" She asks while pointing on the direction to the baby squirming around on the cushions.

Shadow nodded at seeing the newcomer and looked back at her, " Yes Mama i see wim what about wim?" He asked while titling his head a bit in curiosity. "His name is Sonic. He is a very special baby i found today and i would like you to see if you could give the little guy some company until i find something to make him feel better alright?' Shadow nodded his head in understanding and faced the direction of the living-room, " Awright Mama wI'll do my bwest." he says as he walks off to the little Sonic.


It doesn't take long for Shadow to reach the living-room and sit next to the hedgehog. He gently picked up the boy, noticing his misshapen legs and lays him gently in is lap. " Mama wasn't kwidding when she swaid you were a spwecial bwaby." He said jokingly while gently running his fingers over the mangled boy's legs.

Sonic's crying quickly halted almost as soon as it started upon hearing the new voice. He opened this eyes revealing to the ebony hedgehog his weak and feeble appearance. Shadow gasped a bit at seeing how weak and near death the boy looked,but remained calm as he pet the boys head and purred a little to calm him, "Dwon't worry Swonic i know exwactly what you nweed!" he said as he closed his eyes and concentrated hard on his chaos energy, transferring some of it though his hand on Sonic's head and into Sonic.

Shadow smiled happily at seeing Sonic's appearance quickly brighten up and turn vibrant again. He removed his hand from the toddler's forehead and to the bracelet around his left wrist and unclipped it and put it on Sonic's corresponding wrist. Sonic looked at the bracelet confused for a moment and then back at Shadow, " Eh?" he says while tilting his head cutely to show his confusion. Shadow's first response to this was a soft giggle as he looked back at Sonic, " Sonic this is called and inwibator wing it will welp you fweel bwetter when you don't fweel good." he explain the best way he can in his three year old tongue.

Sonic nods and giggles almost as if he understands and starts to teeth on the bracket making Shadow giggle. Not long after, the room was filled with happy little giggles and laughs as the boys played happily together.


Meanwhile in the kitchen a very curious Maria was watching everything the two boys were doing with wide eyes. She was shocked and also very proud of here son for making Sonic feel better and also very curious that there was another baby in the house that required chaos energy just like Shadow, " looks like he is even more of a special baby then i thought." Maria chuckled as she prepared a bottle instead for little Sonic.

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