Chapter 2

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Like all other days, I was one of the few students to arrive first in the class. It wasn't like I was too sincere or anything but it was because my younger brother - Porchay had his classes earlier than me.

" Hey! " Kinn's voice reached my ears snapping me out of my trance. I turned my head to look at him and saw him smiling at me. His bag was hanging from one shoulder and he had his hand shoved into one of his pant pockets.

" Good morning! " I said and sitting down he slid to sit right beside me and started reading from my notes.

" Prepared? " I asked looking at him.

" Better than yesterday atleast. " He said rolling his eyes making me chuckle slightly at his antics.

" So I won't need to show you the answers today? " I asked in a small teasing smile.

" Uhm...I ofcourse won't deny if you are willing to. " He smiled cheekily.

I smiled back at him, looking straight into his eyes and we both averted our gaze feeling probably flustered by this.

" Can I turn the page? " I asked softly to get rid of the atmosphere that had suddenly become so awkward.

" Yeah sure " kinn replied immediately as he moved his hand away from the page and rubbed the back of his neck.

He had to slide back to his own seat as soon as the teacher entered since even though we were sitting on the same bench, we were instructed to sit with one-arm distance between each other.
But nobody really paid any attention to this rule once the exam started. The teacher roamed around the class, separating the students who were sitting really close to each other and looking around to catch anyone trying to cheat.

I averted my gaze to look at kinn from the corner of my eyes and in contrast to the first exam, this time he was actually writing! He was looking extremely focused and seeing him concentrating so much, I smiled and got back to filling my own paper.

The exam passed swiftly with kinn just asking me the answers to only a few mcqs.

" Here, take this, thank you for helping me today as well. " He smiled handing me the same chocolate bar from yesterday.

" Is this your favourite chocolate? " I asked him.

" No, why? " He said confused by my question.

" were carrying one yesterday and then again today, so I thought it was your favourite. " I said but he chuckled in return.

" Ah no yesterday a friend gave it to me but I am not really a fan of chocolates. " He said looking down at the bar.

" Then did you get this one from your friend today as well? " I asked feeling a little uncertain if the friend he was talking about was in reality his love interest or someone who had a one-sided crush on him.

" No it was his birthday yesterday that's why he gave it to me. This one? I bought it myself " He said smiling at me.

" Why? " I asked feeling confused as to why would he buy something he didn't like to eat.

" For you ofcourse! Why else? Your eyes lit up like stars the moment I gave you the chocolate yesterday, so I figured it must be your favourite one that's why I bought it for you today. " He said with a slightly frustrated expression.

You bought it for me?
I thought as my heart skipped a beat hearing his words. And no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't stop myself from saying my thoughts out loud.

" You sure are handsome but I didn't know you could even be so cute! " I said and after hearing me his mouth opened wide as if shocked by my words.

He sighed, closed his mouth and opened it again to say something but instead of uttering even a word, he just dropped his face down to his palms to hide it and groaned.

His ears were completely red and I blushed as well getting caught off-guard by his reaction.

He doesn't look like the one to get shy so easily!

I thought to myself seeing how easy it was to tease him actually.

" How can you say it so easily like it's nothing? " He said looking a little up towards me, while still blushing hard.

" Well you are so handsome, so I thought you must be quite used to such compliments but turns out you probably are not. " I said smiling teasingly at him.

" I am! But it's different when someone even more attractive than me says it! " He said trying to make me understand the reason behind his shyness.

" Oh? What's this? More attractive than you? What a humble good boy you are! I feel honoured to get such a compliment even though it's not sincere! " I said in a mocking grandmother like tone while patting his head.

" Oii stop it! " He said bringing my hand down from his head.
But ofcourse owing to my lack of sense of where to stop, I kept going on with my teasing.

" Why? Aren't you such a good kid? " I said talking to him as if he was a toddler and again reaching my hand to pat him.

But he dodged my hand and I again reached his head but he again dodged it. We were both laughing heartily while I trying to pat him and he was trying to dodge my hand while fake groaning as if annoyed by it when all of a sudden, accidentally his hand roughly nudged my waist making me jump.

Right at the moment he realized how ticklish I was and my eyes widened in horror seeing a playful smirk and a devilish idea creep into his lips and head.

" I am so screwed! " I mumbled in horror and gathering all my strength, I tried to run away but before I could flee from the place, kinn got a hold of my wrist and pulling me towards him started tickling me making me laugh and jump while trying to stop him.

" Who's a good kid huh? " He said while laughing himself.

" Wait- stop! I am sorry- Hahaha! -- wai-- " I managed to say amidst my laughs with small tear drops starting to drip out of my eyes.

" Who's a good kid now? Huh? " He said again increasing the intensity of the tickles making me laugh harder.

" Wait- stop- I am sorry- I am sorry! Wait- wait " I said and he finally stopped tickling me. I slumped down on the bench to catch my breath and wiped the tear drop from the corner of my eyes.

He too sat down to stop laughing and taking out his bottle, handed it to me to drink some water and replenish my energy that he had sapped out with all the tickling.

I accepted it and after extinguishing my thirst, I got up and ran outside but before leaving the class, stopped at the door frame.

" I won't show you any answers tomorrow!! Think of this as a punishment for tickling me so much!!! " I said to him in a childish way while not exactly meaning those words but as soon as I blurted them, I ran out and heard a soft chuckle emerge from the room he was in.

I too was blushing as I ran and for probably the first time in my life, I didn't want to go back to my home. For the first time, the school didn't feel even all that bad and I wanted to go back to the same exam room that I always had dreaded so much.

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