Chapter 9

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"Did you inform your parents?" Kinn asked me as we were driving back to his house.

"Yes. She said to be back home by 7:30 pm latest though." I replied giving him an idea of how much time we usually would get for our study sessions. I was determined to not myself get swayed by even his sweet tone and innocent face and extend the duration of the tuition since I had suffered enough struggles already while trying to convince mae to stay outside till even that late.

"Why don't you just spend the night at my place?" Kinn said looking over towards me with a playful expression.

And I smiled widely at him before instantly dropping it and rolling my eyes "turn the car!" I said almost turning the steering wheel myself but he restrained me and pulled me back to make me sit on my seat.

"Fine! Fine! You don't have to stay! I was just trying to mess with you!" He said and sighed pouting slightly which I found adorable but couldn't say that out loud fearing that I would eventually fall into his traps, end up having a night stay at home and then get grounded by mae for breaking my promise of returning back by 7.

After riding for a few more minutes, we arrived infront of a huge building that looked somewhat like some fancy hotel, the Michelin star ones one might find in high-budget movies.

"Is...this your house?" I asked with a pause after coming out of the car.

"Yes, why?" He replied almost immediately as he came out from the other door and joined me.

"Just how rich are you??!!!!!" I exclaimed with a shocked expression and with a change in my pitch making him chuckle.

"Stop overacting" He laughed seeing me almost having a heart attack, cutting my little act short.

"Oh to be so rich that even a genuine reaction looks like overacting! I envy you so much!" I said dramatically expecting him to be sarcastic in his reply or just laugh but he did neither of those two.

"Just marry me, then my house will be yours too" he said smiling at me with a expression that made my heart flutter. His unexpected response had struck me dumb and I closed my mouth not knowing what more to say.

"Stop kidding and let's go!" I slightly hit his shoulder and leaving him behind, started walking towards the entrance to hide the red hue that had tinted my cheeks.

We both took the lift and reached his room.

"Where are your family members? I think it'll be rude if I don't greet them. " I said looking a little concerned.

"Don't worry you don't have to. Phaw must be in his office right now. Khun must be studying and Kim is probably out somewhere playing his guitar. He barely shows us his face anyways, mostly stays locked up in his room." Kinn sighed.

"What about your mom?" I asked feeling a little confused as to why did he leave her out.

" can't meet her." He said.

"Why?" I asked curious to know why couldn't I meet her.

"She is dead" He said and practically saw the emotions changing on my face. From confusion to pure terror, the switch was pretty visible.

"I-I am sorry..." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"'s fine, you don't have to apologise." He said as he smiled and wrapped his little finger around mine to calm me down and lift up the seriousness of the atmosphere.

"S-should we start studying?" I asked to divert the topic. 

"Yes but first let's eat something I'm like really hungry" he said clutching his stomach making me unable to say no to it.

"Hah! Fine. You won't be able to concentrate with an empty stomach anyway." I said sighing.

"Damn right!! Now let's go and eat!!" He said as he pulled me along and led me into the kitchen.

"I have a feeling that it's going to be tough to get him to study" I thought to myself.

There were a few dishes kept in the fridge and he microwaved them.

"Do you usually do this yourself after this?" I asked since I had expected him to have people ready to help him do such things just like the young masters of rich dramas.

"Nope not usually. But I wanted to show-off my skills infront of you" He smirked.

"Skills of microwaving food?" I asked in an innocent tone to tease him and he rolled his eyes irritated because of it.

Right then the microwave started beeping and I patted his head to tease him even more.

"Oh my, our Khun No is so talented! He was able to microwave his food all by himself!! I am truly impressed with such an achievement! Yay Khun No GO!!!" I said barely being able to hold back my chuckles seeing his expressions. But cutting my acting short, he got off his chair and came towards me to catch me.

"You little -" He said as he started running behind me to catch me. We both started running around the aisle with me trying to avoid getting caught and him trying to get a hold of me as our laughs echoed throughout the whole silent house.

Just as I saw him nearing and almost catching upto me, I grabbed a spatula and started waving it infront of him to block his attacks and probably attack him. But unfortunately he got one as well and with his spatula tried to block mine and we ended up using them as if they were swords and we were in some sort of mediaeval setting. But our silly moment was interrupted by a flashy boy who looked a little older than us and was in a quite stylish attire as if he had come there directly from Met Gala.

"Oiii!!! You are both going to set the house on fire! I could hear the beep beep from even my room. It was so loud I was about to break the microwave!" He said with his pitch changing with almost every word.

"Khun! Porsche this is Khun my older brother. Khun this is Porsche my classmate. " Kinn introduced us and 'Khun' looked towards me examining me from head to toe before extending his hand towards me for a handshake.

"Tankhun Teerpanyakul" He said and I accepted the handshake.

"Porsche Pachara Kittisawat" I said introducing myself.

"Do you watch series?" He asked with an extremely serious tone.

"I do" I replied with the same intensity looking directly into his eyes.

"Keep looking at me like that" He said

"And I'll kiss you till you drop!" I continued immediately.

He looked at me dead serious in the eye before his lips broke into a smile and he side-hugged me.

"Ah! You've really watched it!" He said joyfully and I hugged him back feeling glad to finally have a series watching friend.

"Have you watched bad buddy?" He asked.

"I am watching that right now!" I said excitedly.

"Come over to my room, we can watch it together!" He offered.

"For real?!" I said with widened eyes but cutting our exchange short kinn coughed attracting our attention.

"Khunnn~ he's with me" Kinn smiled as he hung his hand around his shoulder and Khun just pouted in return seeing us.

"Oooiiiih! I am not stealing him away! I am just rescuing him so he won't have to stick around you and get bored!" He said.

"Don't worry khun~ I'll make sure not to bore him" Kinn smiled through his teeth as if warning him to go back.

"Ah fine! I'll just go back! But Porsche visit me next time you come or just give me your number so I can text you" He said and I gave him my number and from the corner of my eyes I saw kinn standing with a shocked expression as if he was finding what just happened extremely hard to believe.

"Ah ah! I've got work to do. I'll go back now" Khun said.

"Please!" Kinn smiled sarcastically.

But instead of going back, Khun stopped mid-way and turned to face us.

"I don't mind you two dating! But kinn if you dare break Porsche's heart, I'll break your head! Remember that! " Khun said threatening him and flipping the hem of the coat turned back and left us alone wandering what the hell was that.

"Phi I am out of snacks!" A teen boy who looked a little older than Porchay came walking really fast. He had an uninterested expression on and directly went inside the kitchen and grabbed a packet of chips.

"I have got a workshop so I won't be back for like 3 days" He said as if it was the most normal thing to do for a child his age.

"What the?! Did you even ask phaw" Kinn asked hurriedly but he zoomed away without saying anything else.

" sure you don't want to go behind and catch him?" I asked hoping that he would probably stop that kid from going out on his own.

"Don't worry the bodyguards are going to subdue him and drag him to phaw's office" Kinn said almost shocking me since they were making everything sound so normal.
Right then the boy's voice reached my ears. He sounded pretty irritated and it sounded like he was arguing with someone before getting dragged off to somewhere.

"Uh...I-what?!" I said trying to make sense of everything. Either this was too wierd or I had been living in some sort of lie my whole life.

"Uhm..uh...I-please don't ask me" "Welcome to Teerpanyakul residence" He said as he facepalmed himself.

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