36. Jealousy at it's peak...

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Now to our chapter. 36

Pragya horrifies and startled to hear her buddies Sid, RK and Madhu's voice from far... She doesn't even know how to escape from them.... She mentally scolds Abhi for trapping her like this...

Sid: Hey Lolly... Whom are you missing haan???

Rk: Lolly... Who is on line??? Boy friend haan??? 😉😉😉

Madhu: Hey lolly... Whom are you talking??? That too in Aaliya's phone...

Abhi suddenly cuts the call, as he doesn't want to bring any kind of trouble to his beloved Fuggy... He prays that no one should find about their wedding at any cost...

However, Abhi felt so jealous on hearing the word Lolly...  He wonders who they are and he hates the fact that the boys calling her darling wife as Lolly...

Just then Abhi's secretary Nishi enters Abhi's cabin and is completely drooling on the handsome boss of her... Abhi got irritated on seeing his PA's idiotic behaviour and he gave a deadly glare towards her...

Abhi: Miss. Nishi... Stop looking at me like this.... Why you are disturbing me??? Can't you see I'm in an important call...

I told Purab also not to trouble me... If you want anything, go and ask him ... I'm very much busy... Don't disturb me, unnecessarily....

Nishi: I'm so sorry sir... I didn't mean to trouble you... You have an important client meeting with our foreign investors sir in a couple of hours.... They are on the way to reach here... Just got a call from them...

Purab sir left hurriedly saying that he has to go and pick up his sister from the college... I don't know what to do sir.. That's why I came here... Sorry for interrupting you, sir...

Abhi mentally scolds himself for forgetting about d client meeting... He only insisted purab to go and pick his fuggy.... He sighs...

Abhi: You are forgetting your duties Miss. Nishi... You are not at all reporting about d important matters to me... Don't forget that's your job... Always taking unwanted leaves and faking excuses na... ( Abhi yells)

Nishi: I'm sorry sir... This won't repeat again....

Abhi: It's okay... Do focus on your job... We are paying you only for that... Got it... Now go and arrange the conference hall... I will be there in five minutes...

Remember... No one should interrupt me in between... Dont connect any phone calls to me...

Nishi nods her head in fear and rushes to arrange d conference room for meeting...

The screen shifts to pragya's college...

Pragya: hmm... Im talking to papa only... Dont think i have boy friends or im in love okay...

Sid: Talking with your papa???

Rk: Seriously????

Madhu: That too in aaliya's phone...

Just then aaliya rushes there and startles to see pragya's friends and she hears only their last convo.

Suddenly, a bright bulb flashes in aaliya's head...

Aaliya: pragya di... Im so sorry.... I left you alone here na... What to do??? That professor is getting on my nerves..

Hey guys... You all are here...

Sid/ Rk/ madhu: Just came to pick up our lolly...

Aaliya: uffo... I wont eat your lolly okay...

( aaliya's pov. Guys... Beware... If my bhai hears you all saying my bhabhi as yours, he will kill you... Seriously stop calling her lolly guys... Sure we are going to do your funeral soon....

My bhai is jealous on seeing me with my bhabhi.... If he knows that bhabhi has 2 boy friends, he will be more possessive and who knows he will burn you all with his jealousy...)

Pragya di .. Have you talked with your father??? Arjun asked to call you na...

Pragya: Ya...Thanks aaliya... Thanks for lending your mobile... I forget to top up my mobile...

Pragya fakes a reason and moves from there with her friends...

Rk, sid n madhu are not convinced with pragya n aaliya's convos... They can easily spot that they are faking and hiding something from them...

As aaliya is not abhi's real sister (aaliya is purab's own sister n abhi's cousin), no one in college knows that she is relative of business tycoon Abhishekh prem mehra... As her name is also Aaliya Khanna no one knows that she too belonged to the mehra family...

The classes got over... All comes out from their classes..

Sid: Hey lolly... Come... We shall go together... I wanna come and see bulz too..

Rk: ya me too will come along with you.... Its long time na since we met sarla aunty n mohan uncle...

Madhu: ya... Me too.... Im longing to eat aunty's hot parathas and wanna hear uncle's jokes...

Sid: wow... Its gonna be fun... Hey lolly... Why are you standing like this????

Pragya does not know how to react... Just then Arjun came calling pragya...

Arjun: Di... Shall we leave... Hey sid bhai... Rk bhai... Madhu di... How are you all??? Not missed me na...

Rk/ madhu/ sid: hey dramabeez ajju... You are too busy man... Always behind hot chicks na....

Pragya glares at arjun... Arjun horrifies...

Arjun: Di... Its not like that... They are teasing me... Shall we leave??? Its getting late...

Sid: hoye ajju... Then what are you doing with malini haan???

Madhu: with my relative malini???

Rk: ya who else??? Ajju dont blush man...

Arjun: Di... She is just my friend... This sid bhai and rk bhai always teases me like this... Dont take me wrongly....

Rk: Hey guys... Come lets move..

Arjun: Are you all going somewhere???

All in chorus: we are coming to your home man..

Arjun: whaaatttt???.

Pragya pleads through her eyes to arjun to save her from her friends...

Arjun: huh... Im happy you all are coming.... But sorry guys... We cant give you anything or be with you in our home...

Bulz di has went for some medical camp and she will be back only after a month... Mom n dad too went to our native as one of our relatives' wedding is happening...

We dont know when they will return... Di too is going to library to collect some notes... Even im also going for clubbing tonight..

Rk: oh... Its okay .. no problem... Lolly... We will come some other time okay...

Pragya did not look up and see her friends... She nods her head and rushes with arjun in his bike..

Madhu: strange....

Sid: something is definitely wrong...

Rk: They are trying to hide a big pumpkin in a small plate of rice...

Madhu: we have to find out soon what they are hiding???

Sid: Im sure... Something big has happen in this winter holidays...


Arjun drops pragya in the same place just little far away from college after checking no one is there...

Pragya: purab bhai n aaliya... You two go home .. i have an important work...

Purab: where are you going bhabhi??? Bhai will kill me if i did not drop you safely in home...

Pragya: Dont worry... Im gonna meet him only... Will come home with him, okay???

Aaliya; haan... Haan... Bhai come on.. we shall leave... Bhabhi is missing her loving husband na... 😉😉😉

Pragya fakes a blush and rushes to abhi's office...

A majestic building with a name "MEHRA GROUP OF COMPANIES" stands with lot of pride there....

Pragya looks at in awe to see d building and is feeling proud of her husband who is the sole reason for creating n ruling this big empire...

Pragya enters and enquires in the reception...

Pragya: Can I meet your boss Mr. Abhishekh mehra???

Receptionist : Madam... Do you have any appointments with sir???

Pragya: Oh im so sorry... I dont have any...

Receptionist.: But madam... Sir wont meet any one without prior appointments...

Pragya wans to spit out who she is and want to strangle the receptionist's neck...

But she keeps calm and takes a deep breath... Her only target now is onlg her husband abhi... Not this receptionist... Pragya smirks and made a devilish smile inside and fakes a reason..

Pragya: Please... It's very urgent... I want to meet Mr. Abhishekh mehra .. Please allow me to meet him...

Recep. : Oh... I dont know what to say... Sir is very strict regarding this... May i knw who you are and what so urgent to meet sir...

Pragya boils in anger and mentally screams...

I came here to meet my husband ... I dont need anyone's appointment... If i say my name, your sir will come running to me...

Stupid girl.... What sort of dress she is wearing.... Is she wearing her baby's dress... Too short n too revealing huh .. let me do something and send her out from this office. .

Oh no... Hey bloody bitch... Dont ever come near my abhi... I will kill you if you eye fuck my abhi....

Pragya comes out of her thoughts when the receptionist shooks her hard...

Pragya: Yeah... I'm sorry... I'm miss. Pragya... I'm a final year business administration student.... I want to do my final year project...

I want Abhishekh sir's signature to start the project... Tommorrow is the last date to submit... So, please help me... I want to meet him at any cost...

Recep. : Oh... Please calm down... Let me call abhishekh sir's secretary n confirm whether there is chance for you meet sir or not...

Pragya is fuming on anger but she is controlling her too much.... The receptionist calls nishi and informs about pragya and her where abouts...

After sometime, nishi comes down wearing an office suit....Though it is not too revealing and short, Pragya not at all likes the fact that her husband Abhi is surrounded by girls.... Pragya is burning in jealousy and she wanna throw out all the girls from his office....

Nishi: Hi... Im nishi... Abhishekh sir's secretary...... How can i help you???

Pragya explains why she came there....

Nishi: oh miss. Pragya... Im so sorry... I cant help you... Sir is very busy in an important meeting with foreign clients.... Sir asks me to not to disturb him in between....

Pragya: Its okay.. i will wait and meet him and go...

Nishi: why are you not listening to me??? Sir wont entertain such interruptions..

Pragya boils in anger and bursts out in full rage : Miss. Nishi.... I know what I've to do... You are only his secretary okay...

Just inform him that Pragya has come to meet him... Then see what is going to happen???

Nishi: 😁😁😁😁.... What will happen??? Sir will kick you out...

Pragya: oh really...lets see... Your sir will come running to see me...

Nishi: 😁😁😁😁.... Great joke.... The great Abhishekh mehra sir coming to see you...

Pragya: 😬😬😬 dont make me angry... Just inform him what i say okay....

Nishi shooks her head in disbelief and wonders who she is....

Two hours passed... Abhi finishes off his meeting and goes to his cabin.... He wishes to call his fuggy...

When he is about to take d call, nishi knocks d door and gets inside abhi's cabin...

Nishi: sirrrr.....

Abhi: what do you want nishi??? Why are you troubling me??? I told you na not to disturb me...

Nishi: sorry sir... I did not mean to disturb you...

A girl is troubling all of us for a long time... She is very adamant to meet you... She is acting too bossy and is ordering us..

She demands to meet you at any cost... I've explained her many times sir... She is not at all listening to me .. She is very stubborn to let you know that she is here and wont leave without meeting you...

Abhi: See... Miss. Nishi... Im not in a mood to meet anyone... Ask her to go....

Nishi: Sir... Vo..

Abhi: whaattt???

Nishi:. Sir she asked me to say her name to you and she also said that if you hear her name , you will run to meet her...

Abhi: 😁😁😁😁😁 great joke...

Nishi: 😁😁😁😁😁 I too said that stupid girl pragya... But she never listen to me sir...

Abhi; 😨😨😨😨 whaattt???? What name did you say???

Nishi: pragya... Her name is pragya sir...

Before Nishi completes the sentence, Abhi runs out from his cabin horrified... Nishi wonders what's happening over there....

What's gonna happen next???

What is pragya going to do???

Can abhi cool down his fuming , jealous wife???

Will pragya's friends finds out about pragya's marriage???

To know more stay tuned...

A long update na... Almost 2150 + words...

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See you all soon after reaching 65+ votes...

Yours buddy,


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