46. Positive Or Negative...

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Shot. 46:

Abhi pulled pragya closer in his embrace... Pragya hears her husband's heart beat which conveys lot of emotions...

Pragya: Abhiiii....

Abhi: hmm... what happened sweet heart???

Pragya: Are you nervous???

Abhi: Nothing like that Fuggy .. I am thinking what all the things  I have to do after these... I'm planning mentally in advance to face the situations in an elegant way...

Pragya: Seriously!!!!

Abhi: Yes.... A lot of things to be done... Have to consult in your college too... I don't want you to stress much... So, I thought of asking for some special seating arrangements, if possible...

If you were not feeling well, I am planning to ask them to make you hear classes through video conferencing... I'm thinking to make you attend the online teaching courses too .. And...

Abhi keeps on speaking a lot about Pragya's studies, but Pragya fumes like a volcano and starts to beat Abhi hardlu .. Abhi could not understand Why Pragya is angry like this...

Abhi: Arrey!!!! Why to mogambo mode darling... Calm down baby... Now, tell me what made you to get angry??? Oh god!!!! Already your mood swings started....

Pragya fits her hand in full rage:
Why not I 👊👊👊👊 you???

Abhi: whaaaattttt???? 😨😨😨😨..... Seriously.... Show some pity on me....

Pragya: Then what you... Stupid... Idiot... Irritating hubby of mine... Dont you have any sense...

Pragya keeps on scolding continuously....Abhi closes his ears and did not speak a word... After sometime, pragya poured out all her anger and is huffing and panting for breath...

Abhi smiles and gets a glass of water and asks pragya to drink... Pragya glares at abhi but gets the water and drinks it in a go and throws it away....

Pragya: youuuuuu ... Dumb.... Idiot.....

Abhi: noooo... Not again... Please.... My cute fuggy na... Tell me what happened???

Pragya: Then what??? I thought you will plan for our baby but you idiot, only concentrating about my dreams and studies...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂 you got angry for this silly matter... Fuggy Baby... you are my first priority.... We have time to plan for our little one... So, its not a big issue at all...

Pragya calms down:  sorry Abhi... Im over reacted. . .    Abhi... Why are you loving me this much???

Abhi: Because you are my foolish queen...

Pragya: what you said??? 😠😠😠😠

Abhi pulls pragya closer and pecks her lips: Then why you are asking me such stupid question... You are my best half fuggy... My soulmate... You are my everything fuggy...

Now... keep calm... Smile....  Haan better... Shall we sleep now...

Pragya: Im little bit nervous...

Abhi: Acchha....what shall I do to calm down my fuggy???

Pragya:😊😊😊😊 As if you dont know...

Abhi: I know but I dont want to take any risk until we meet the doctor... So, you come and sleep...  (Abhi pulls pragya and places her head in his broad chest)

Fuggy... Whatever happens think positively okay... Anything may be the result... Promise me you should not broke down if the result is not in our favour...

Abhi expects pragya to reply but no reaction from pragya... Abhi smiles when he saw his fuggy sleeping peacefully like a baby in his arms...

The next day morning, Abhi takes pragya to the hospital... As it is saturday, no one has college... All the mehras and aroras are sitting nervously in the Mehra mansion living room to know the result...

Half a day gone... But Abhi and pragya never turn up... They are expecting them to come as soon as possible... None of their phones are reachable...

Its almost 3 in the afternoon, a car came and halt in Mehra mansion... All rushed to see abhi and pragya but they are shocked to see purab coming inside the house out of no where...

Aaliya: Bhaiii... How come you are here???? You are supposed to come after 10 days na..

Purab: ya... But bhai only called me and asked me to come urgently...

Arjun: Did jiju called you???

Purab: yes.. bhai asked me to come... Have nt bhai informed you all to get ready... The bus will come at 5...

Dadi: what are you blabbering purab???

Sarla: Beta... We are all tensed to know what's the result??? What for we have to get ready??? What this bus and all???

Purab: That i dont know aunty... Bhai told me... Some Happy news is there for all... So, he asked us to get ready to come to farm house and we are going to enjoy there...

All cheered in happiness.. All starts to get ready... Purab comes down and spots bulbul standing there..

Purab is completely lost in bulbul's smile... He finds some difference in bulbul's speech... Purab feels Her eyes, her voice, her way of speaking to him is completely different...

Even purab is confused when bulbul blushes when he gives hand and helped bulbul to get inside in the bus...

Earlier purab is completely pissed off when abhi calls purab to come soon, but he came there to see his bhai and bhabhi's  happy moments eventhough his wish to see malini is interrupted...

His plans to spend time with malini is spoiled and he had to cancel the tickets of malini... Purab plans to visit malini before he moves again but he is now completely confused with the sudden change of behaviour in bulbul...

All settle in their seats ..

Mohan: where is Abhi and pragya??? When will they come purab???

Purab: Bhai... Messaged me uncle... They have reached the farm house already....   We have to join them...

All are happy that abhi and pragya are happy with the good news and they want to celebrate with the whole family...

They reached the spot and found Abhi standing there with a bright smile in his face...

Dadi: Abhi... where is my bahu??? What did the doctor said??? Is she alright na???

Sarla: haan beta... My Bp is increasing... Tell me...

Abhi: Fuggy is fine... She is tired... So, she is sleeping... You all go and freshen up... We are gonna party tonight... Lets all enjoy together...

All cheered up and rushes to get ready... When Abhi is about to move, he is stopped by a hand... Abhi turns and saw Pragya's father Mohan standing there with a worry and concern in his face...

Abhi: papa... You did not go to room...

Mohan: what happened beta??? I can clearly see something is bothering you... Only your lips are faking that you are happy but your eyes speak different story... Wont you tell your papa what has happened???

That's it...

Abhi hugged Mohan tightly and starts to cry like a child...

Mohan: what happened beta??? Why are you crying like this??? Pragya is fine na...

Abhi: No... Papa... Fuggy is not at all fine... She is completely broken... I tried my level best to console her..
But she is not at all listening to me...  😭😭😭😭

I have no other choice... So, I brought her here.... Please papa... Do something to bring back my fuggy to me... 😭😭😭😭😭

Mohan: what happened beta??? Is the result is negative???

Abhi: No papa... The result is positive only. 

Mohan (panicks) : Then what beta???

Abhi: The very next moment we heard the good news, we heard the shocking news too... We have no choice left than to do this... I had taken the hardest decision of my life for my fuggy's well being...

Mohan: please abhi... Tell me clearly what has happened...

Abhi starts to say the bitter incident that happened few hours before....

We started early in morning, as we had appointment... Doctor took pragya for check up... Then the doctor did various tests to check pragya...

Pragya was very nervous... But she gets stomach pain now and then... she is crying hard saying that something is pricking inside her .. I tried to console her but she is bothered much  ...

Doctor called us inside after sometime...

Doctor: pragya can you tell me when you had your dates last time...

Pragya: Its 2nd of last month doctor...

Doctor: so, you did not noticed that you have missed out more than 25 days...

Pragya: No... Doctor... I did not checked it properly .. some personal issues and problems, iv completely forgotten...

Doctor: Tell me when you got nauseous n all???

Pragya: for the past one week im not feeling well doctor... Im little bit tired and im not interested to eat ... But the past 5 days, im feeling severe pain in my stomach...

Doctor: That's what worrying me... All your results came... I dont know how to say... Better we will do scan and then I will tell the result...

I and pragya are wondering and is completely puzzled with the doctor's reply... The doctor took the scan and did not utter a word...

Abhi: Doctor .. We cant wait anymore... Can you tell us what has happened???

Doctor: Mr. And Mrs. Mehra... Iv both good and bad news for you... Better compose youselves and make your hearts strong enough to bear the news...

Pragya... you have age... You are young... So, dont worry... Everything is for good... God... Will bless you both with happiness...

Pragya: Do... Doc... (Pragya could not speak as she is nervous... Abhi side hugs pragya and pats her back )

Abhi: doctor please tell us what's the good and bad news...

Doctor: Here is pragya's results... The result is positive... Pragya is pregnant...

Both I and fuggy are glowing and flying in happiness... But it is very short lived... The very next second our hearts starts to bleed hearing the bitter truth...

Doctor: The result is positive but we have to remove it from your womb pragya.... Or else, its going to cost your life...

Abhi; what are you saying doctor???
( Shouts in anger)

Doctor: Calm down Mr.Mehra... Its the sad reality... Dont worry pragya will be fine... We have to remove the baby as fast as we could... So, decide and tell me... We can remove it in half an hour...

Pragya screams: Noooo.... ,😭😭😭😭😭.... I wont do this...

Abhi: fuggy.... Calm down... Dont cry please .. (turns to doctor in full rage)...
Why the hell are you saying to remove our baby??? How dare you to say that doctor???

Though we are not ready to get baby so soon, but god has given us the happiness... Tell me why you are desperate to kill our pragya???

Doctor: Mind your words Mr. Mehra... Im a woman and im a mother too... How being a doctor I will do like that???? We have no choice left... Its no use to make the baby grow... We cant delay as pragya is the one who is going to suffer...

So, dont think from your heart.. Decide using your mind...

Abhi: Im so sorry doctor.... I should not have talked like that .. can you tell me what exactly the problem is...

Doctor: Its okay Mr. Mehra... I understand.. The problem is that the baby has grown not in uterus but on fallopian tube nearby.. It will be lead to low abdominal pain...

It will be highly risky if pragya starts to bleed... So, its better to remove soon... Moreover, pragya is suffering from severe stomach pain and she is vomiting too much and not interested to have food.... ... (Sorry... If medically it is not correct)

I dont find it as a good symptoms... So, we have to decide quickly... She needs to take complete rest for one week after that..
I closed my eyes to calm down my  nerves and fuggy is crying hard holding my back without uttering a word...

But I have to compose myself as I have to stays strong to take the very hard decision of my life papa...

Fuggy is pleading to me not to accept and was crying like a baby.... But no choice left for me... I asked the doctor to make arrangements...

I could not call and inform you all as Im completely broken.... But I cant leave my fuggy like this .. So, I messaged purab to come and make arrangements for a small trip...

I want my fuggy back papa... I cant see her devasted state .. Still her cries are pricking my heart ..  But, I have to stay strong in front of her...

Please papa can you help me to bring back my fuggy.... 😭😭😭"

Abhi spots dadi who is standing shocked on hearing Abhi's confession.... Abhi runs and hugs dadi and tried his heart out....

What's gonna happen next???

Will it be easy for Abhi to bring back his fuggy to normal mode???

Will it going to affect fuggy's studies???

Will love blooms between Rabul and will he able to escape from malini's clutches????

To know more stay tuned....

A long update I guess as I made you all to wait.. Almost 2300+ words....

I know all are ready to kill me na... No bad words please...  But, I wanna show how a loving husband will stand in solving his wife's devasted state...

Cast you votes and pen down your comments without fail... But dont bash me...

Yours buddy,


Winding up...

Will be


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