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Second chapter of the day yet again! Enjoy!

"Ready to go?" I ask when I see the taxi waiting outside from the window. Jungkook hurries out of their personal bathroom fully clothed in black before grabbing a black leather jacket and his black spiked collar.

He turns to me all proud while Namjoon shoots me a grin. "Jungkook here loves wearing black". I nod, mouth agape. "I could tell" I mumble, hear their giggle before remembering the taxi waiting for us. "Right, we need to go! Do you have your collar, cub?". Namjoon nods, proudly showing off his pretty blue collar. 

I have a feeling they might not want to part from their collars, I guess I could just buy them from Jimin and bring two other collars from the shop, I tell myself as we exit their rooms and towards the entrance to leave. When we get there, Hoseok and Jimin are talking at the desk and turn to us when we reach their sides.

"Hey, you three ready to go shopping? You two stay careful and with her, alright? Don't get lost right before making your first step home" Jimin teases them, a laugh past his lips when they whine.

"We're not like Taehyung, we'll be careful" Jungkook mumbles, ears covering his face as he shoots the blond man a small pout. "Why do you say that like I'm not careful?" a tiger exclaims as he enters the room and Jungkook hides before the tall koala with a gasp.

"Oh hey Taehyung, it's nice to see you but we really have to go" I urge the two hybrids outside with a wave for the others. We reach the taxi and after making sure the two of them are safely buckled up at the back, I sit at the front. I give the driver the address to the mall and when we depart, I take a look at the list of what we need to get.

Beds, mattresses, bedside tables, two dressers for their clothes, lamps, bed covers, blankets, pillows, the list goes on. That's besides personal accessories they'll want to decorate the room with. It's a good thing that they come, they can make sure everything is up to their taste.

It's so quiet in the car I have to look back a few times to make sure they're still there and not suddenly thrown out of the trunk and down the street. They're so focused on the outside world passing by us, amazed eyes as we get further away from the center. I don't know how long they've been there, but I can understand their reaction. It's been a while for me too and I'm already growing nervous.

Jimin's permission to allow me to bring the two with me is much more needed than I could've expected. I don't think I would've made it very far alone otherwise. Clutching my bag against me, I softly hum to calm my nerves, seeing the huge building appear at our right. Once the car is parked by the doors, people coming in and out constantly, hybrids and humans alike having fun together, I pay the driver and step outside.

Jungkook and Namjoon stand in front of the tall building, wide amazed eyes gazing around them and I wish I could see the world the same way, but when someone brushes past me, pushing me to the side to get to their destination, I feel my resolve dissipate little by little.

Strong arms slide around my shoulders and pull me against a chest, which I know to be Namjoon when Jungkook takes my other side, shooting me a small smile meant to comfort me after glaring at the man walking away. "Let's do this real quick and then go back" he says, nodding when I hum my approval. "Still, take the time to choose things that you like, I can do this, just don't leave me alone" I whisper, slightly clutching onto his hand which he holds back strongly.

"We're right here, we're not leaving you alone" Namjoon whispers back in my ear, his body flanking my side securely.


"Noona, look at this!" Jungkook exclaims when he finds some sort of fancy blankets. It look really soft and good quality, also offered in different colors. Namjoon seems also interested and after making them choose their color, I don't bother looking at the price and put them in the cart along with the other things we got.

Which is a lot. Give Jungkook free reign and he'll take pretty much anything that catches his attention, always after asking me for permission, of course. He's one respectful bunny. Namjoon is quieter, not leaving my side, just like promised, his hand not letting mine go as we follow an excited Jungkook around to wherever his eyes take him.

"Don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything you want, Namjoon, we're here for you too today" I tell him, but he shakes his head. "I'm fine with the basic necessities. We can always adjust later. Jungkook is having the time of his life, I don't mind making this more about him" he replies and I smile while squeezing his hand. "You're so nice" I let out, watch as his cute dimpled cheeks redden.

We arrive to where the beds are and proceed to walk around, looking at all the styles they have. We spend some time figuring out what is the best for them, if they want separate rooms and separate beds, but it ends up being the same room with the same bed, so we start looking for a king size. They think it's too big, but two tall male hybrids like them must take a lot of space, I just want them to be comfortable.

"This one looks pretty great" Namjoon says, pointing to a bed set already equipped with everything we need. One more dresser is all we'd need to add. Without a warning, Jungkook picks me up and throws me on the bed with him, making me scream before my brain can register what just happened.

Eyes wide, I stare at him as if I just got stabbed, which makes him grin, one of his ears softly falling on my face to tease me. The mattress dips from behind me and an arm wraps around my waist. My heartbeat picks up the rhythm and I'm suddenly very glad for Jungkook's fluffy ear covering my face.

"Oh, it's very comfortable" Namjoon says, voice happily surprised, his chest covering my back as if it's the most natural thing to do. Feeling the vibrations of his voice as he speaks and hums makes my body tense, face heating up with every passing seconds.

A second ear joins the first and a face appears just in front of mine. "I can hear your heart beating really fast noona" Jungkook whispers, almost suavely so, his voice teasing me as he knows exactly why. "W-w-what do you think about this bed?" I ask in a stutter, mentally slapping myself at how obvious I'm being. "I love it, noona, I think we should get this one" Jungkook whispers again, eyes amused in the darkness his ears create. "Why are we whispering?" Namjoon suddenly whispers as well, his face sliding against mine to see under the ears. "It's between noona and I, Joonie" Jungkook whines, ears going away to let the light shine on me again.

Their eyes widen when they fall on me and I groan before hurrying off the bed. Patting my cheeks, hoping they would fade back to their normal color, I turn my back on them. My being alone doesn't last long though, a body wrapping itself around me from behind. A light hum into my ear. "Do we make you shy, noona?". I turn my head a little to the side to feel his nose brushing against my cheek, my heart still beating very quickly. 

"Have you always been so flirty, Jungkook?" I whine quietly, his laugh ringing like a melody. "Only for the right people" he whispers before I hear his yelp as he's being pulled away. "Joonie!" the bunny exclaims as the older one frees my heart only to latch onto me instead.

"You're making her uncomfortable now, calm down a little, bun" Namjoon warns him, voice deep and low, leaving no open door to any objections. I watch as the bunny's ears wilt, smile fading away into a small pout and my heart hurts.

"I- it's okay, Namjoon, he just took me by surprise" I mumble, see the light come back to his eyes. "Don't say that, Y/N, he'll start again, let's just keep shopping so we can see the sun again" the koala counters and I nod, knowing he's right. My heart couldn't endure more at the moment. I look around to find a worker to reserve the set.

The man we stumble upon ends up following us around and makes me buy a few other furniture as well, such as a desk, comfortable chairs, a bookcase, a fluffy rug and shelves to set on the walls. Their room is going to be thrice as furnished as the rest of the house... but it's okay! It's just going to take ages to get ready.

Namjoon eventually forces me to stop agreeing to everything and it's with a pout that I nod, then following an over joyous man to his desk so he can register everything we chose and make me pay for them.

When we're given the final bill, the two hybrids' eyes widen so much they almost pop out and I can see Jungkook's lips quiver lightly before I reassure him with a squeeze of the hand. Namjoon tries to persuade me to remove a few things, but when I swipe my card to pay for everything, he has no choice but to admit defeat.

"A pleasure to do business with you, ma'am, everything will be shipped and sent tomorrow morning" the man says with a wide smile as we leave the shop, everything else we got in the cart sent to the back to arrive with the rest.

I stroke Jungkook's hair softly until he calms down and with Namjoon clutching onto my other hand, we make our way out and to the next shop, which so happens to be the biggest hybrid shop around. They have everything, from clothes, collars and the likes to medicine and books.

"You know, I don't think this is necessary" they say but I just push them inside, feeling a lot more comfortable now that we've been here for an hour already. "Come on, this will be fun" I retort with a smile.

We grab a cart each to make sure we don't mix up anything, their cart for their clothes and stuff while I take care of the rest. "You both can walk around, I'll be going to the pharmacy first to get your suppressants and anything else like painkillers and such made for you, I won't be far so just scream if you can't find me".

Namjoon nods and tugs Jungkook along with him towards the clothes. "Oh and Jungkook!" I shout, wait until he stops and turns to me. "If Namjoon seems to like something but hesitates to get it, put it in his cart!". He grins and sends me a thumbs up before pulling a very discouraged koala behind him.

I giggle, knowing they'll be fine here, a shop made especially for hybrids and make my way towards where I can find the medicine. Since I'm not really sure which kinds to get them, I ask one of the pharmacists if they could guide me and help me choose whatever suits a rabbit and koala hybrids, knowing that their metabolisms are both very different.

We get a bit of everything, which makes me relieved because that means if they ever get sick, I won't be empty handed. To help me, they write on each bottles who it is for so I don't mix them up and I then walk to the library section, thinking I could do with some studying. I wouldn't want to stay dumb in the hybrid matter, every bit of information could help me take better care of them.

I walk through the rows and find a few for hybrids in general, then some about rabbits and koalas, all covering different things. It could be interesting, I just hope they don't think it's too weird, I guess I could ask them first. If it makes them uncomfortable, I'll have to learn on the go.

Walking around, I eventually see Jungkook and Namjoon with carts filled to the brim. They're standing and looking at a wall filled with what seems to be jewelry, until I realize they're for identification matter.

Before I can even reach them, I see their nose twitch before they turn towards me, eyes wide before they crease happily. Jungkook waves me over and I get closer, standing between the two of them as we look over all the choices.

"So many" I mumble, hear Namjoon hum as he takes a look at what's in my cart. I follow his gaze to see that he's watching the books. "Oh, right. I thought I could read a little about you two, make sure to not do anything out of place, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I can put them back" I say, watch as he looks up to meet my eyes in surprise.

"It's not a problem at all, quite on the contrary. It's very rare for humans to want to learn about the hybrids they adopt. If you have any questions, you can always ask us" he says and I sigh in relief before smiling. "I'm glad, I was a little scared that it would weird you out" I reply, hear him chuckle before we get interrupted by Jungkook grabbing one necklace and a bracelet.

He turns to us, eyebrows furrowed. "Which one looks better?". I look down at them, see two pretty but very different jewelry. The necklace looks like a metal tag, which it is, a very classic look that would look good with anything while the other is an intricate chain with little stones dangling from it. I hum. "Why don't you get both? You could actually get everything in here and I wouldn't mind" I tell him, see his eyes widen, uncertain. "I could get more than one?". I nod. "Go ahead and get a few, we'll register them all".

I turn to Namjoon. "The same goes for you, don't be shy". He slowly nods, eyes going over every choice before he starts reaching out to a few. The clerks registering those won't like us a lot, but who cares. As long as my bunny and koala are happy.

I take a look at their carts, see some colors in Jungkook's, which has me sighing in relief. Not bright colors or anything, but not only black either. Namjoon's style is very different and very versatile, going from clean and cool to colorful and fun. Even with his limited range at the moment, I've always thought that his style was pretty, so I'm excited to see what they'll pull off in the coming days.

"I'm done!" Jungkook exclaims, Namjoon nodding close behind as they set everything on top of the clothes. I hum. "You guys got pyjamas as well? Not just everyday clothes? Underwear? Socks?" I ask, see the blank look in their eyes before they shake their heads sheepishly.

"Alright, let's go back and grab what's missing" I say with a chuckle. We're already getting tired, feet starting to drag on the floor. "Once we're done here, let's go to a cafe around the corner and take a well deserved break" I add, which brings a jump to their step.

I'd say that this day is much more fun than I expected. It brings hope for what awaits us in the near future and my heart swells with joy. I can't wait to see what living with them will be like.

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