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Once everything clean and out of the dryer, I make the bed that's going to be used by the two lovely hybrids. They don't know yet and I intend to keep it quiet until the last minute because I can already tell that they wouldn't agree.

They'd probably feel bad and I definitely don't want that happening, but they deserve to sleep on something more comfortable than a couch and the floor. They're now my responsibility and I intend to make them sleep comfortably for the first night over. I'm not having it any other way.

A knock on the door makes me look up and behind me to see Namjoon peeking into the room. "Is everything okay, cub?" I ask as I straighten the corners of the duvet cover. He nods. "I just wanted to see if you needed help. You've been gone for a while now and I know our coming here today wasn't part of the plan, I'm sorry about that" he says, worried eyes gazing at me.

I smile and shake my head as I grab the pillow covers to set them on the bare pillows. Namjoon grabs the second one to help me and once we're done, I put them back on the bed with the fluffy blanket that has followed me around for as long as I can remember. I think this one was given to me for my birthday when I was six. Crazy how fast time goes.

"I don't mind, cub. Although it wasn't planned, I've greatly enjoyed my day and night with the two of you. It'll also allow me to get some help to set up your room tomorrow, I don't think I would've been as efficient alone as I would like to believe" I say in a chuckle, turn back to see his eye smile.

"We'll help, that's a given. I enjoyed the day as well, although I still feel bad that you spent so much on us. Jungkook will talk about today for a long time" he says with a smile as he turns to stare at the empty doorway.

"Is Jungkook alright? I would expect him to appear at some point after being alone for a while" I ask, see his dimple smile as he grins. "He normally does, but this marvel movie you put on the TV is catching all of his attention. He didn't even hear the last five sentences I told him" he says in a chuckle.

I smile and step back once the bed is done and ready. "I'm glad to know he likes it, there are many so if he wants to see them all, he'll have all the time in the world. You two don't hesitate to tell me when you're tired, I wouldn't want to keep you up forcefully. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day" I say, hear his hum.

"Jungkook should fall asleep very soon, today was a lot" he says and I look up at him. "What about you? Aren't you tired?" I ask, see him shrug softly. "Not yet. But don't hesitate to head to bed if you're tired, we can make ourselves comfortable in the living room" he replies, his eyes telling me that I need only yawn and he'll excuse himself from the room.

I smile and shake my head. "I'm fine too, might pass out soon but for now, I'm feeling the last rush of energy, I don't think I could sleep just yet" I say, watch as he nods, pleased to spend more time with me as we walk back to the living room.

Jungkook turns to us when we enter the room and I notice that the movie just finished. "Is there a second one? I don't think I could sleep after seeing such an ending, there's got to be another one" he asks, wide doe eyes pleading for this to not be the real end. "Bunny, maybe we should stop the movies for tonight" Namjoon starts but I shake my head with a grin before reaching out for the controller from behind the couch.

"It's fine, cub, we can put a last one for the night. But after that, we should all get to sleep" I say, feel Jungkook's arms wrap around my neck as he stands on his knees on the couch. "Thank you noona, you're the best" he chirps before leaving a quick kiss on my cheek, leaving me shocked.

The sound of the movie starting brings his attention back on the screen, a good thing since my face starts burning up. I feel an arm snake its way across my shoulder blades and I turn to see Namjoon gazing at me with warm eyes. "Let's go make ourselves comfortable on the couch as well" he coos softly as I try to discreetly hide my cheeks by yawning.

At his words, Jungkook shifts on the couch to allow more space in the middle and I let Namjoon lead me around before releasing me to sit on the other end of the couch, leaving only a little space in the middle.

Just like earlier, I sit down between them, their huge bodies almost hiding me from sight as I enjoy the feeling of their warmth transferring to me. Now if I wasn't tired earlier, this is definitely going to make me fall asleep very soon. Knees gathered against my chest with my arms wrapped around them, Namjoon and Jungkook move to make themselves comfortable, by doing so snuggling into my sides, a sigh of contentment leaving their lips.

As we watch the movie, Jungkook's cute reactions keeping me awake for most of it, it eventually becomes clear to me that my eyes can't stay open anymore when at some point in the night, I close them to find myself unable to open them again. I rub my eyes, hoping it would work just like last time, but to no avail.

"You can sleep noona" Jungkook whispers in my ear and the next second, I feel his arm move away from between the two of us to slide around my shoulders, his hand pulling me in his side so I can cuddle him. It's too comfortable to resist and when I feel Namjoon scooting closer again, his warmth not leaving me, I quickly fall into a deep sleep.

Namjoon's POV

Seeing the proud look in Jungkook's eyes as he stares down at her sleeping state, it makes me feel just as proud and happy for him.

"She fell asleep in my arms" he muses, fascination in his voice and I nod, a hand going to massage the base of one ear, watch as he leans into the touch, eyes closing and a deep purr settling within him at the feeling, satisfaction at being with his two mates taking over the movie he enjoyed just a few minutes ago.

I stroke up to the tip of his ear and hear the soft grunt of agreement rolling past his lips before he turns his head to stare at me with love filled eyes. I smile at the daze taking over his face and I know he won't be able to stay awake much longer.

"Give me the controller, bun, we should head to sleep" I say, see him listen and slowly, very slowly reach out for the controller next to him on the arm rest, sluggish movement telling me that he won't last much longer before dropping dead asleep on the floor.

I stretch to help him and proceed to turn off the movie before standing up. With a sigh, I look down at the two beings adorably holding onto each others as if parting would cause the end of the world.

"Bun, you're going to have to help me a little" I murmur, see him open his eyes again to nod, ears drooped to cover his face as he gazes down at Y/N. I chuckle. "Alright flower, let's get you to bed" I let out softly as I bend down to gather her up in my arms with Jungkook's help.

"Don't drop her" he mumbles as he follows behind me to her room. I frown. "Like I would ever drop her on the floor, you even thinking it a possibility is rude" I grumble. He huffs a small laugh. "You dropped me once" he retorts and I shake my head. "That's just because you're damn heavy AND you forced yourself into my arms. I wasn't ready" I reply as I open her half closed door to reach the bed.

Jungkook keeps quiet but I can see the grin on his lips as he reaches the bed and pulls back the blanket to allow me to set her on the bed. After making sure that her head is comfortably settled on the pillow, I turn around, ready to leave her room to find maybe a blanket or something to sleep in the living room but when I notice Jungkook not following behind me, I turn around to see him already in bed with Y/N.

Eyes wide, I get back in the room. "Bun, we shouldn't share her bed, come with me" I say but he only cuddles closer to Y/N, his nose finding its way in her neck and staying there. It barely takes a second before his soft snores mix with hers and I sigh.

Reaching his side to cover his body with the blanket, I let my eyes fall on her vulnerable form. Watch as the small contented smile on her face now fades into a frown, small whimpers leaving her throat as she seems have a nightmare. Out of imagination or past events, I'm not sure. Knowing more about what kind of horrors she had to go through, I can't resist the growl from setting free and I hurry to the other side of the bed so slip under the blanket, my arms automatically going to wrap around her body, my head on top of hers to keep her safe. 

"You're fine flower, no one's going to hurt you" I whisper, a long kiss on her head to prove my point. I feel her body relax against mine and I sigh in relief. Closing my eyes, I push to the back of my mind what kind of reaction she'll have tomorrow morning, hoping it's not a bad one, because I can't help the feeling of belonging, of completeness that fills me at having my two mates with me right now, like this.

Allowing sleep to take over, I reach out for Jungkook's hand hidden against her waist under the blanket, his fingers reacting to mine and holding on slightly. If I could have this until the end of days, I would be the happiest on earth.

Your POV

As consciousness comes back to me gradually, something is weirdly different from usual. I don't remember ever waking up feeling so light and content. As if instead of a deep darkness surrounding me constantly and draining me of my energy, this time, it's a bright and warm sun giving me everything I need to start a day filled with positivism.

Something soft against my cheek makes me frown and I open my eyes slowly to find two long black and fluffy ears right in front of my face before one suddenly flicks my nose. I startle at the sudden hit only to realize that the presence of bunny ears in my bed isn't the only thing different this morning.

Strong arms wrapped around me as I'm pulled into a strong and hard chest. A nose brushing against the skin of my neck, the feeling ticklish, my whole body reacting to it with chills and a light pleased shiver. This is definitely not how I expected to wake up. I don't even remember falling asleep.

Jungkook's ears softly hit my nose again and I sneeze, the act causing my head to swing backwards, resulting in a harsh bumping against the head above me.

A groan reaches my ears as I also groan in pain, a hand going to my head where I feel like a bump will appear very soon, which causes the head in front of mine to raise so I can finally see two sleepy doe eyes staring in confusion.

The two bodies surrounding me freeze, breath caught in their throat as they process the situation. "Noona" Jungkook mumbles, eyes wide before he jumps backwards, now sitting on his heels. The other pair of arms slide from around me, almost regretfully and I turn back to sit myself, My head turning to take a look at the koala's chin where it's a little red.

"I'm sorry, cub, I have violent sneezing habits" I murmur as I slowly and gently stroke the skin to see if it hurts. It doesn't look like it hurts when he shows no reaction other than surprise, thankfully, but my head is still pulsing with pain so I'm thinking he's not doing much better.

Confusion passes through his eyes before he nods slowly. "It's... it's fine. Are you okay? Does it hurt?" he asks, only calming down slightly when I nod with a soft smile, especially when his hand goes to stroke my head gently, his warm hand easing the pain a little.

His eyes stare at me and try to gauge the situation. I haven't mentioned them sleeping with me in my bed yet, which I can see worries them when I turn back to see Jungkook's ears covering his face sheepishly in a protective manner as he peeks at me through them.

"Did you two take me to bed?" I ask, see them nod slowly, a little fear in their movement. I chuckle and take hold of their hands to soothe them.

"Things did not go how I expected, but I guess it did end up working in a way. I was supposed to sleep in the living room while leaving you the bed" I say with a chuckle, a hand then going to rub between Jungkook's ears and around the base, making sure to avoid the sensitive appendages.

The bunny sighs in relief and relaxes visibly as he closes his eyes to let me scratch his scalp. "I'm sorry, Y/N, we should've asked first but it just... happened that way" Namjoon says with pursed lips. I smile and spread my legs in front of me before patting my lap. The koala stares at me with confused eyes until I pat again. "Lay your head here, you giant cub" I tease him, see the light blush spreading to his cheeks as he does as asked, his tall body suddenly looking so small as he curves into a ball to set his head where my hand is.

As soon as he's comfortable, I start running a hand through his hair as well, making sure to avoid the ears until they request the touch themselves. He closes his eyes and hums softly, a satisfied sound leaving his throat from time to time while Jungkook makes himself comfortable, head on my shoulder.

"We should eat soon, the furnitures and everything else we got will get here in around an hour" I say after looking at the time on my clock. Jungkook whine and Namjoon, although much quieter, does make a cute little sound of dissatisfaction. I chuckle and pat their heads softly.

"Come on you big babies, up up up" I say with a giggle when they instead cling onto me, Namjoon rolling to his side to face my stomach, his arms meeting at my back while Jungkook wraps himself around my neck.

"Aigoo aigoo, what am I going to do with you two" I whisper, my hands going back to play with their hair to soothe the cuddly hybrids.

A sudden knock on the front door has them growling and I sigh. Who could possibly knock on the door at this hour? Especially on my door? Maybe it's just someone going around to try and sell things I'll never need.

It knocks again and I huff out a small breath. What if it's someone who needs help? Or anything really. I should make sure of it myself. Gently pushing the heavy hybrids off me to make my way out of the bed, they're quick to follow behind me to the door. I brush my hair a little with my fingers, knowing how bad my bed hair can be like in the morning and open the door.

Wide eyes as I stare at who's standing in front of me. "You're...".

Who do you think is standing on the other side? 🤭

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