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I wrote this chapter listening to this video for a while, thought I could share it with you!

"They're leaving" Namjoon says from the window and I turn my head to see the truck effectively going away.

I guess we should go back then. I feel so ashamed by what happened earlier. What are Yoongi and Jin going to think? Surely they'll look at me differently, they'll find me weird for being affected so much by something so mundane.

Jungkook's arms tighten around me and I feel his hand push my head into his neck, his warmth enveloping me safely. "It's going to be fine, noona. Yoongi and Jin hyungs aren't going to judge you. They were worried for you and I'm sure they'll be happy to see you feeling better now" he murmurs, his words soothing my heart a little.

I nod and close my eyes to gather as much courage as I can before having to part from him hold. Namjoon comes to join us and offers me a hand to help me up. Once I'm standing on my feet in front of him, he cups my cheeks and smiles at me.

"You don't have to feel bad for anything that happened, flower. It wasn't your fault and never will be. You're not alone, we'll be with you always so don't be afraid, okay?" he says and I hum, a smile coming to my lips at his sweet words.

"Thank you, Joon, that means a lot" I reply, see his smile widen before the sound of knocking on the door resonates in the room. I tense up, just now really realizing that I'm currently in someone else's home without the owners being present. What if it's someone they know and they think we broke in?

"I'll go" Jungkook says as he jumps up to his feet and runs to the door. "Ah, it's Yoongi and Jin hyungs" he chirps as he opens the door. I relax, relieved now that I won't have to explain our presence here to some strangers.

"Can we come in? Is she feeling better?" I hear Yoongi's voice say. "She is feeling a lot better now, thank you for allowing us here and taking over with the men, and this is your home, you don't have to ask for permission" Jungkook replies, clearly taken aback by them asking if they can come in. I am too.

"We didn't want to intrude and worsen her panic attack" Jin's voice explains next and when the sound of the door closing reaches my ears, I see two heads peek in from behind the wall leading to the entrance.

I give them a sheepish smile and watch as they come in further, eyes softening when they see me in Namjoon's arms, face probably still looking puffy from the crying I did earlier. Namjoon strokes my back up and down soothingly, the act helping me to not fall into thoughts that I don't need to fall into. Still, I can't believe I made them do everything when it should've been my responsibility. I've really failed terribly.

I'm about to open my mouth but Yoongi speaks up first. "I know those eyes. Don't. You don't have to apologize for what happened. I know how bad panic attacks can get and how vulnerable it feels like to be in the middle of it. You don't have to feel bad" he starts, his words making me stare at him in silence, my mind processing what he just said as he points at Namjoon and Jungkook who comes to join us, his hand going to grab mine gently. "These two handled this pretty well, I'm relieved for you, not everyone knows how to react to this kind of thing" he says with a gentle smile as he turns to Jin, personal experiences washing through their eyes.

Mine widen. "You have them too? The panic attacks" I ask, see the man nod. "I do, not as often as before but it has yet to be a thing of the past. I remember when it happened the day Jin just got here, he was a panicking mess, I ended up throwing up all night" he says with a grimace and Jin looks down guiltily at the memory.

"That wasn't my best attempt at helping you... I think I'm doing better now though" the alpaca mumbles and I watch as Yoongi runs a hand through the hybrid's hair with a grin. "You are and I'm always so grateful for you being by my side".

Jin's ears twitch and a smile appears on his face. I can just imagine his tail hitting the air as well. They both turn to me. "So you don't worry about a thing, okay? We're always willing to help anytime you need it" Yoongi concludes with a warm smile, the look in my eyes pulling a chuckle out of him.

Namjoon runs a hand through my hair until I look up to meet his eyes. "See? I told you it'd be fine" he muses, his ears standing tall and proud, a happy glint in his eyes. I nod, a lot more reassured now that I know Yoongi and Jin aren't disgusted with me. Especially now that I know Yoongi's a lot more like me than I thought. His might not result from trauma like me, but a panic attack is never fun, no matter what triggers it.

"Now now, the men are gone but the furnitures still need to be assembled so how about we go do that? It would be great if they could have their bedroom ready before the end of the day" Yoongi says while clapping his hands, voice intentionally on a higher note to pull a smile out of us, the mood instantly going on the brighter side.

Jungkook jumps in place, instantly excited to get his new bedroom ready and I hum before taking hold of Namjoon's hand to pull them both with me out of the house. Jungkook doesn't resist for long before he's letting go of me and already outside, running around like crazy before he makes a beeline for the door. I chuckle at the sight, this bunny is always so full of energy.

I turn around to see only Jin following behind and he smiles at me. "Yoongi is just going to make sure we have the necessary tools to assemble the furnitures, he'll be back soon" he explains and I nod, thankful for their eagerness to help. I don't understand why they try so hard.

"You really don't have to do this, you've already done enough" I tell the alpaca, see his eyes soften as he shakes his head. "It's nothing you need to worry about. Helping you is a pleasure and getting to know you is going to make this a whole lot better" he claims happily with a wink, a blush spreading on my cheek in response.

I feel Namjoon's hand let go of mine and before I can ask him what's wrong, he instead wraps an arm around me and pulls me so I walk in front of him instead, his body shielding me from the hybrid behind us. Did I hear a growl?

A weird laughter reaches my ears and I look behind me to see Namjoon looking forward with pink cheeks, mouth into a pout as he purposefully ignores my eyes. "We're here" he mumbles as he points at the stairs, only to decide to just lift me up by the waist as he walks them up to set me back down in front of the door.

With confused eyes, I open the door and make my way to their room, not really understanding what the heck is happening or why he's so protective suddenly, but I don't say anything when I remember how sheepish he seemed. Jin's laugh at least proves that it's nothing bad. I think.

With Namjoon flanking my back as if someone's going to try to kidnap me, we enter the room where Jungkook is already looking through one of the boxes to find the instruction manual.

He turns to us when we enter and his eyes flicker between the two of us in confusion before he notices Jin walking in with a smirk on his face. I figure he must understand what happened when a small knowing smile takes place on his face and the bunny motions for me to join him on the floor so we can take a look together.

Namjoon lets me step away from him, the knowledge that I'll be with Jungkook probably easing whatever worries he has and once I sit down next to the bunny, my focus soon falling on the complicated steps to make the damn dresser, Namjoon eventually leaves the room when someone knocks on the front door. Probably Yoongi.

Jin comes to sit in front of us on the floor and proceeds to get the different pieces of the furniture out to categorize them in order. Namjoon comes back with Yoongi, the latter chuckling softly while patting a shy looking cub. Noticing my gaze, the man smiles. "Namjoon was just telling me how he doesn't really know how he's going to help. He doesn't want to break anything".

A smile spreads on my face as I watch Namjoon come to sit on my other side while Yoongi sets a box of tools down next to Jin before sitting down himself. "It's okay, cub, you can help me understand the steps and then we'll keep organizing the different pieces to make this easier to assemble, okay?" I tell him, see him nod before he scoots closer to look at the manual in my hands.

He helps me find the right crews and little pieces we'll need while Jungkook and Yoongi start assembling one part each that they'll need to set together, Jin keeping an eye out to make sure everything is in order and handing Yoongi the tools he needs as he progresses.

When I realize that my help isn't needed, nor is Namjoon's really, I decide to make us focus on other things in the rooms, such as the lamps, putting the bedside tables at the right place, washing the blankets and bed-covers, getting the pillows out of the bags and the likes.

Once the dresser is ready, I help Namjoon put the clothes he got from Jimin in his side of the shelves, what he allows me to see anyway and at some point, Jungkook comes to join us too while Yoongi and Jin take care of the desk.

We go through their few boxes and when it comes to their objects, I leave them to it to go wash the new clothes so they can be fresh and smell like home when they wear them for the first time. Keeping the clothes separated, I get a first load in the washing machine once the bed stuff are thrown in the dryer.

The next hours are pretty constant, a repetitive act of cleaning, drying, folding that keeps me busy while the bed is taken care of, mattress now starting to take form, decorations being selectively placed around the room.

It doesn't take too long for hunger to take over and when a cuddly bunny's stomach starts growling against my side, I huff a small laugh. "I guess I should get to making lunch, hm?" I say, watch his eager nod as he takes hold of the piles of clothes we just got done folding while I get the last one.

"Need some help with that? I don't mind helping with the food" I hear Jin ask as we enter the bedroom to see almost everything ready, the rug now in the middle of the room and the ceiling's light changed.

"That's one beautiful bedroom" I muse before shaking my head with a smile for the alpaca. "Very nice of you, but you already did breakfast. Allow me to make lunch, to thank you and Yoongi for helping us" I say, a little thanks for Namjoon who takes the clothes from my arms.

Yoongi looks up from his task and smiles. "It's been fun so don't worry about that, lovely". I blush a little, not really knowing how to respond to that, which seems to amuse the man. Jin hums with a nod.

"Yoongi-ah is absolutely right. Don't hesitate to ask for help, even if all you need is company. I'd be more than happy to fill in the silence" he says, his ears twitching with expectation. I perk up at that and motion for the door. "Then... I wouldn't say no to someone to talk to, but no helping" I say shyly, notice Namjoon and Jungkook share a look before the latter runs a hand on the taller hybrid's arm.

Confused, I stare at them while an excited alpaca pulls me with him out of the room. The last thing I notice is Yoongi waving at me and mouthing that he'll take care of it.

Namjoon's POV

I don't know why it bothers me so much to see Jin following her all around like a puppy. Yoongi calling her lovely just left me with such a bad taste in my mouth. The way they look at her as if she's a long lost treasure, it just makes me uncomfortable. When Jin said he wanted to get to know her better earlier, I knew he referred to himself and Yoongi as friends, at least I hope so, but I can't help but want to hide her all of a sudden.

I don't want her to forget about us. Which is selfish of me, because I know she needs friends, especially after losing all the ones she had during that marriage of hers. I can't help a growl out of my lips at that thought, how miserable that man made her that she now has such trauma following her around.

"Joon... she won't get rid of us just because she makes friends, you know that" Jungkook says as he keeps stroking my arm softly and I nod, my eyes closing as I breathe in and out slowly. "I know, bun, I'm sorry... I think I'm just feeling a little on edge because of earlier, I hate seeing her lost in the past like that" I mumble, see his concerned pout as he nods, his eyes telling me he hates that too.

"Do you perhaps... see us as a threat?" I hear Yoongi ask and I turn around to see him still seated on the floor on the other side of the rug, gentle eyes on me as he awaits my answer. Do I see them as a threat? No, they've shown that they're nice and caring, the kind of friends Y/N needs. I shake my head and see relief pass through his face as he sighs quietly. That strong of a reaction when they barely know each other. I frown at that.

"Why do you care about her that much? You two seem... highly attached to her for some reason and I don't understand why" I ask, see a knowing light flash in his eyes, although sad and angry at the same time.

"Right, you wouldn't know. She doesn't either and I'd like to ask you to keep it that way" he starts and stands up to go close the door. I sit up straight, a feeling telling me that this is going to be an important conversation. Yoongi sits back where he was and turns his body so he faces us.

"Jin and I, we've been living here before her and her ex-husband moved into this house. That was maybe... three years ago? Four? Anyway, at first, we thought we'd get acquainted, they looked nice and Jin was excited to make new friends. During the moving in day, she was smiling, laughing and had something about her that made her look so fun to hang out with. But a few months later, we had yet to notice Y/N walking out of the house. We'd talk to Anthony from time to time, he'd be nice, kind, would say that Y/N is the shy type around strangers, she doesn't like to go out and we'd let it be. Maybe one day we'd find her outside and start talking and then she'd realize that we're not bad people. That's what we thought, but it never happened".

I clench my fists, not liking the way his eyebrows furrowed.

"Around a year later, we were coming back from work and found her tending to her garden. We thought it was the best opportunity to talk to her so Jin and I walked up to her and as soon as Jin greeted her, she startled and cut herself with her shovel. That was such a frightful reaction and her eyes when she noticed the blood... she told us to hide behind the wall just as Anthony was walking out of the house. In the confusion, we did as told, not really understanding why this was necessary, but her eyes were so fearful, it was hard to not listen to her. He asked her questions, asked her why she startled, if she talked to anyone, to which she only replied that it was a squirrel. That's when we knew something was wrong. She either didn't want him to blame us for her being hurt or she wasn't allowed to talk to people, we could hardly imagine another option at that moment".

He shakes his head regretfully. "I wish we'd taken action sooner. After that, we barely saw her ever again and she'd usually go back inside as soon as we'd get back from work. We were quite saddened because she looked like such a sweet girl and we had yet to see a smile come back on her face. Then around 6... 7 months ago? I was going back inside from taking out the trash, I saw her walk out to do the same and I felt my blood burn at the sight. She was so bruised... maybe she didn't realize it herself, she didn't cover up as much as usual. That wasn't the kind of bruise you get by mistake. I hurried back inside and called the police. Told them everything I knew, how we barely saw her even after three years of her living there, how she seemed scared of that man".

My eyes widen. So he was the one who took action to save her from that marriage. He paid enough attention to her to free her of it. That explains why they care so much, why they're so excited about finally spending time with her.

He smiles sadly. "Even when Anthony was taken away, when we were notified that the case was closed, she was going to divorce and that they kept our identity secret like we asked, we barely saw her anymore. So we did what we could. Tending to her front lawn when we did ours, Jin wanted to do her garden too but I figured she'd start feeling indebted to us if we did too much so I told him to just let it be. That lasted a few months. Then recently, we started seeing her outside a bit more often. We figured she was doing better and this morning, Jin insisted that we absolutely had to try and invite her over, that we had to give her that little push to start seeing more people, surely it wasn't healthy for her to always be alone. Our surprise when we saw you two behind her. You don't know how much it warmed my heart to see how protective you were, I could see that she was in good hands now. That the same wouldn't happen again".

The smile he gives us next feels like one a father would give to her daughter's saviors. "In that sense, I can promise you we have no bad intentions towards her, nor is it anything romantic. We simply really wish for her to be happy and being her friends seems like a wonderful addition to our life" he concludes his story and that's enough to have me relaxing.

I hear a sob from next to me and snap my head so quickly it almost dislodges. With a soft sigh, I gather my crying mate in my arms, a kiss pressed to his temple as he tries to calm down. "She's okay now, bun, we're with her, we'll protect her" I whisper to him, see him nod as he wipes his face, ears covering his face.

"You two are mates, right?" Yoongi asks and I nod. "Does she know?" he asks again and I think for a moment. I don't think we mentioned it to her. Did Jimin tell her? Yoongi sighs.

"I think it would be good that she knows. It's not uncommon for owners to fall for their hybrid, if you two are already together as mates, then it would be good that she knows so she can avoid falling for you" he says, his words making sense but useless. I don't have time to say anything that Jungkook looks at him with a whine.

"Don't say something like that! She's our mate too, I don't want her to avoid us" he whisper-shouts, an eye on the door to make sure she didn't hear that. Yoongi's eyes widen. "She is? Both of yours?". I nod. "She is. We have yet to tell her that part, we don't really know how to tell her" I explain, hear him hum understandingly.

"That would make sense then... sorry for saying that. I just don't want her to get hurt when she's finally getting better. Seeing her today is such a huge contrast to what we're used to that it's almost a miracle. I had a feeling you two are the cause of it, but if your her mates, then that means even she's not aware of it, her heart knows. It must be healing simply by being with you" he says, his knowledge surprising me.

"How do you know so much?" Jungkook asks the man, his thoughts doing the same process as mine. Yoongi chuckles. "Jin is my mate. I did some research when he told me the first time. I was taken aback at first and wasn't really sure what would happen, so I got some books and read on the subject" he explains with a smile.

It's now my turn to have my eyes widen. "That soothes you yet?" he teases me and I bashfully stutter a yes, now aware that there's no way the alpaca would do anything to take her from us, he couldn't. I've really been a fool. My brain is still processing the information when Y/N's voice reaches us from the kitchen.

"Food's ready! Hurry before Jinnie eats everything!" she screams.

Yoongi laughs and stands up to his feet. "Jinnie, huh? I guess he already got to her. I've fallen behind" he says with a grin, not at all saddened, instead simply happy for his hybrid and mate.

He turns towards the door to head out but stops right before the look at Jungkook and I. "As for telling her, there's no right or wrong timing. Just tell her when you feel ready to tell her. She seems deeply attached to you two already, I don't think you have anything to be afraid of" he says before leaving the room.

We stay frozen in place for a while. Jungkook turns to me. "Do you think we should tell her soon?" he asks and I hum. Should we? How would she react to this?

"My sweet bunny and cub, hurry up!" Y/N screams again. Jungkook's ears straighten up tall at the my. I can feel my own tail wag and I meet eyes with Jungkook, a pleased look in his orbs as he moves up to his feet.

"Come on, let's go join noona before there's nothing left to eat anymore" he chuckles as he helps me up. I nod, wanting nothing more than to stay by her side. It's going to be a lot easier now to accept the interactions with Yoongi and Jin. Telling her would definitely ease my worries. Maybe we should get to it soon.

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