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This chapter contains content that can be triggering for some of you : violence, physical and verbal abuse. Be careful and you can always come to me if you ever need to talk to somebody! I love you!

It's been a week since the two have moved in and it's been one hectic week to say the least.

Jungkook is always sprinting around the house as if his bum is on fire, Namjoon has broken a few kitchen stuff while trying to make food, a fire almost happened as well when Jungkook used a knife to get his toast out of the toaster and it blew up but it's fine because I feel more alive than ever.

I guess that says a lot about what kind of life I was living to enjoy this one more. It's chaotic, but it's also filled with laughter, smiles and cuddles, which makes it absolutely perfect.

"I'm sorry noona" Jungkook apologizes yet again as we walk down the row filled with brand new toasters. I turn to look at him pulling on his ears, eyes filled with guilt and I sigh. With a hand, I motion for him to come closer and I hug him gently.

"It's okay, my bunny, I'm just glad that you didn't get hurt, that could've ended a lot worse than it did" I tell him, a hand running up and down his back to soothe him. I feel a few eyes on us and when I look around, heads turn away quickly, too quickly. I can see the disgust in their eyes.

I frown and pull Jungkook with me out of view behind tall shelves so we can search for a new toaster without having to feel like our existence is a mistake. We're close, so what? I don't keep a leash on them, so what? They're the ones who should be tied to a leash with a dang muzzle on their face, that'd make them think twice about staring at us.

I bring my attention back to Jungkook and smile widely. "You gave us an excuse to get a bigger one so it's fine. Just remember to not use a knife anymore or unplug the toaster first, you might not be so lucky next time and I don't want you to be hurt, that'd make me sad" I say with a ruffle to his hair, watch as his own smile starts to take place, ears bouncing on his head in relief.

"By the way, where's Namjoon?" I ask him as I look around us, a few jumps to try and see above the shelves. Jungkook, tall as he is doesn't have to jump and so he turns in circle to try and find him, his ears standing tall and listening to the noises around us. Then, he suddenly grabs my hand before jumping over to where I'm guessing he is, my body forcefully pulled behind the overexcited bunny.

He leads us to the botanic section of the huge shop and the humidity hits me hard in the face as we get further into the large room with glassy walls to see Namjoon strolling around with a content smile on his face, a small cart in front of him filled with plants. I chuckle at the sight.

How can this tall muscle hybrid look so adorable? He looks ethereal surrounded by all these different shades of green. And he's mine. How lucky am I? I let out a soft amazed breath, which gets Jungkook giddy with pride as he eyes me from the side and my cheeks burn a little in response.

I give him a shy smile and playfully bump into him, a laugh fleeing him before his arms come to wrap around me in a hug. It doesn't take too long though before he starts tickling me and I yelp, my next scream muffled with my hand over my mouth while he lifts me up to start walking towards Namjoon who gazes at us with an amused grin on his face.

"If I didn't know better, I'd believe children are playing around" he says with a laugh as Jungkook puts me down next to the cart. I look up to meet Namjoon's eyes with my nose scrunched. Jungkook steps behind me and takes me into a back hug, his chin propped on my shoulder.

"Well you are older than noona and I. You're basically an old, old adult" he says, tone teasing and sweet. Namjoon frowns at that and opens his mouth to say something before closing it and repeats the process a few times. He shoots me a look asking for help and I can't keep in a snort from how he looks.

"He's right though" I say and Namjoon groans before taking the cart away from us. Jungkook and I laugh as we follow after him, one arm each hooked around his. "Why'd you go away without telling me? I was worried earlier" I ask.

"Ah, sorry, I found this place and then got lost in my thoughts wondering which plants would look the best around the house" he mumbles before stopping in front of another plant. I hum as my eyes wander the different colors in front of us.

"Well nothing happened so it's fine, but next time make sure to tell me. I should get you two a phone each, that'd make things a lot easier, especially if either of you get lost. I don't know what I'd do if we lose each other in a bigger place" I tell him with a concerned pout.

"Sorry, I'll be sure to remember for next time" he apologizes, his arm freeing itself of my hold to slide around my shoulders. He pulls me deeper into his side and walks closer to a small inside tree. "What do you think about this one? It'd look amazing in the living room" he asks after a while of staring at it.

I hum. "It's pretty. It would bring life to the room along with the others you got, I think it's a nice choice" I tell him with an approving nod. He grins and excitedly kisses my head before turning to Jungkook.

"Bunny, can you help me please? This one's going to be heavy" Namjoon asks and I watch as the both of them lift it up to set it in the middle of the cart. I stare at it, wondering if the taxi will agree to let these all in. The initial goal was to get a new toaster and I have yet to hold one in my arms.

Maybe I should buy a car. My skills must be rusty by now, but that sure would save a lot of trouble. Should I get a truck? I have a feeling Namjoon will keep finding things like that to decorate the house with. One day he'll ask to bring a human size statue back home.

Looking at the time on my phone, I find out that the shop's going to close soon. "Guys, you two stay here, together. I'm going to run back to the other section to get that toaster, we'll have to go after that" I tell them and I notice their postures tensing at my words.

"You'll be back, right?" Jungkook asks and I nod. "Of course I will. Help me find you easily and don't go too far please, I'll be very quick about this" I tell them before running out of the greenhouse to reach the row with the darn toasters. We've been here too long for such a simple task.

The fastest I find what I'm looking for, the sooner I can come back to them. I don't feel so comfortable leaving them alone like that, but they have their necklaces, if anything happens, someone will contact me.

With that in mind, I walk past a few rows until I find the one where I was with Jungkook. A large one... four slices... not too cheap but not overly expensive either... I guess this one would do? I reach out to grab it, but at the same time, a hand comes to take hold of my wrist.

I twist my neck and look up to find a stranger, a tall man glaring down at me and the hair on my neck stands at the sight of his eyes. Filled with hate, his hold strong, my blood already having difficulty reaching my fingers. What's that? What's going on? Why?

"You're those hybrids' bitch, aren't you?" he says and that's when I notice three other men coming to join the group. Oh crap. Trying to keep the little confidence I have to face them, I keep my head held high and look around to try and maybe find someone who could help, but obviously, in the face of danger, people run away.

So I'm all alone.

"Stop looking around, you disgusting bitch, I'm the one talking to you" the man growls before pushing me against the shelves harshly. The metal hits hard against my back and I wince at the impact. That seems awfully familiar. I thought that was behind me now.

"You're a disgrace to the human race, being so close to those vulgar animals, just thinking about it makes me want to throw up" he continues, a foot going to nudge against my calves and knees, as if testing where the hit would hurt the most.

I frown at his words, unable to let an insult to my hybrids go by without saying a thing. "They're not animals, they're the nicest people I know, hybrids or not. You could never reach their level, you're more alike to cow shit than the oh so wonderful human you seem to think you are" I spit out but that earns me a fist right in the jaw.

The impact makes me fall down on my side, a ringing in my ears as I try to process that I'm now on the floor. The four of them surround me with a dry laugh.

"Can't believe you dared say something like that to me in your situation. You don't get it, do you? You're a damn failure, shouldn't exist at all, especially not these beasts" his foot finds a path to my stomach, a hit between each words that steal my breath away from me. "You. Are. Good. For. Trash".

I close my eyes tight, a hand covering my head while the other tries to cover my stomach, but a hand grabs it and shoves it out of the way, a stronger kick following next. A pressure on my calve makes me groan in pain and I start getting disoriented.

"You're so fucking incompetent" Anthony screams as he kicks me again and again. He crouches and grabs my hair tightly in his fist before pulling me up close to his face, his breath making me want to throw up. "You said you'd do your best to be the wife that I deserve, you remember those words? What happened to that promise? You think this is all a fucking game?" he growls, his spit hitting my face, a whimper leaving my throat.

It hurts. It hurts so much. "I-I'm sorry, Anthony, I... I promise I'll do better, okay? I'll b-be the wife you deserve, I'm sorry" I stutter out between sobs, but his laughter fills my ears, another hit to my stomach and my head thrown back to the ground.

"Wife? Anthony? What the fuck man, she's crazy. Must be what happens when you stay too long with monsters, you become one yourself". I wheeze, all the air leaving me again as I open my eyes to see the strangers. Of all times...

One of the men grabs a box that looks heavy from one of the shelves and throws it at me. I only have time to cover my head with my arm before the impact and it feels like a piano just fell on my head. Mouth open in a silent scream, the pain that radiates through my whole body is intense and I black out for a short moment.

When I open my eyes again, dizziness on a whole new level, the pain mixed with the fear and a deep worry for my hybrids that manages to cover my every thoughts even through the situation, I push the box off my head and take in a deep breath, one that burns my lungs, as if I'm breathing fire, raging red fire.

Sight growing blurry, mind dizzy, I try to stand up, at least sit up but another kick and shove forces me back down, my head hitting against the bottom metal shelf with a loud thud. I whimper, unable to move as my body tries to restart manually.

"Should we go find her hybrids and give them a similar lesson?" a voice I haven't heard yet says and my heart skips a beat, panic washing over me.

"That's a good idea, I don't think she can move anyway".

No no. You can't. Not them. "D... don't" I gasp out, a hand reaching out for the nearest shoe but it slips past my fingers. "Bitch thinks we'll listen to her. Fucking bastard".

I open my eyes, energy running out of me and making it hard to process what I see, but I'm not blind to the foot about to meet my face. I close my eyes, body ready for the impact. This one's going to hurt.

Except it doesn't come. What comes instead is a deep growl, an animalistic sound that brings chills to my whole body, blood draining out of my body and making me freeze in reaction to a bigger source of danger than these men. That sounded like...

A body flies through the air before falling a little further away and another scream reaches my ears along with quick steps. "Taehyung, stop! What are you doing?!" followed by a gasp. "Oh no, Y/N, darling". A body crouches by me and I quiver in fear when a hand comes near my head, a pang of reminder of the pain that throbs all over my skull.

"No please, no more" I plead, tears leaving my eyes as I prepare for another hit. But the hand that sets on my shoulder is warm and gentle.

"If I ever see any of you again, I swear I'm not holding back, I'll kill you all. Get out". Feet scatter away in a hurry and the next second I know, a low pitched whine fills the air before another warm hand slides delicately on my cheek.

"Y/N, can you look at me, please? Can you open your eyes?". I know that voice. Slowly, I flutter my eyes open to see Hoseok staring at me with teary eyes, Taehyung by his side, his face wet with tears, an angry red slowly fading away to reveal a pale shocked skin.

"Jungkook... Namjoon... are they... are they safe?" I manage to ask, see their eyes widen in confusion before Taehyung's up on his feet. He looks around, tail swishing anxiously through the air as he searches for them. "In the greenhouse... I left them there" I explain and off he goes.

Hoseok takes a look at my state, a deep saddened frown on his face before he helps me sit up. I wince loudly, unable to keep it in when my whole body resists the movement and Hoseok almost panics, his hands shaking as he tries to figure out what to do.

"Hospital... you need to go to the hospital" he mumbles, a hand going to get his phone but I stop him, a hand over his to get his attention. "Please don't. I hate... I hate going there. I just want to go home for now. I just want to take my hybrids back home" I say with a groan, a hand going to my back and flinching at the pain that meets my touch.

I see the doubt in his eyes but he doesn't have time to voice his opinion when a high pitched cry reaches my ears.

"Noona" Jungkook exclaims, eyes wide and hurt as he hurries over by my side on the floor. Namjoon freezes, eyes taking in my state and I watch as his pupils grow black, expression darkening as he looks around us, a burning anger flowing through him.

"Who did this?" he asks Taehyung, his voice enough to kill someone with the amount of rage burning in it. Jungkook takes me in his arms carefully, his body shaking when I can't keep in another whine. They really went hard on me, I hope nothing's broken.

The tiger's tail slaps the air, annoyed. "Four fucking trash bags. Almost ripped them apart, I really did" he growls but Hoseok's head snaps to his hybrid with a frown.

"And you didn't because I stopped you. Violence against violence is not the answer. Hybrid rights are not as strong as human rights, I don't want you all to be stuck in a disgusting hybrid prison because you tried to defend her. We'll play with the rules properly and we'll be destroying them legally. They'll become dog food soon enough".

Hoseok's words make me laugh, which I deeply regret when my lungs turn back against me, a wheeze taking over me as I try to settle down. "Damn Hoseok" I let out with a forced smile. He responds with a half smile, half concerned frown as he shakes his head.

"I'll go talk with the security, they must have cameras, pictures of the guys, maybe a visual of what happened. Taehyung, you stay with them, bring them home, okay? You can take the car, I'll come back with a taxi" Hoseok says and Taehyung hums quietly. "Will do hyung" he replies softly, his presence making me feel safe, like nothing else can hurt my hybrids and myself now. Hoseok pats my hand softly before walking away in a hurry.

"Oh right, Namjoon's plants, we have to get those, he spent so long finding good ones" I say after a few seconds, but Namjoon huffs softly as he crouches next to Jungkook who's trying to stay as calm as possible for me, hands hesitating to touch me, afraid that he'd only hurt me more.

"Who cares about the plants when you're in that state..." he whispers, eyes guilty as he stares at me. "I should've gone with you, shouldn't have left you alone" he continues, his words filling me with warmth as I smile through the pain that keeps radiating through my whole body.

"You dummy... I'm glad I left you behind, I don't want to imagine what would've happened to you if you had come with me. This... this is nothing. This pain will go. I'm used to it, I'll be fine".

Jungkook's sob tears through the silence, unable to resist anymore as he buries my head in his neck in a lightly stronger but still delicate hug, his nose in my hair, his tears soaking it as he starts shaking even more. "I'm sorry noona, it's all my fault" he whimpers.

I try to ignore the ringing in my ears as I slide my arms around him in a hug. "It's not your fault, my bunny. Not your fault. It's the fault of industrial trash for being so freaking narrow minded and violent. You're not responsible for anything" I reassure him, a hand sliding up and down his back while the other cups the back of his neck. "I'm okay, I'm already feeling better" I add, hoping to calm him a little.

I then bring my attention to Namjoon, who looks just as conflicted. "Help me up please. I think I can walk" I ask him but he shakes his head before gently nudging Jungkook. The koala delicately scoops me up in his arms, extremely careful as he holds me close. "I'm not letting you walk in that state. You should really go to the hospital, flower, not home" he says but I open my mouth to counter his words.

"I don't need to go, I swear" I say but he again shakes his head. "I'm not letting you go back home in that state. You said I'm an old, old adult, well I'm gonna act like it and do what I think is best. So hospital it is".

Jungkook stands up quickly and nods, his eyes on me as he wipes his face with his sleeves. "He's right, noona. We'll stay with you but you really have to go, you... you have blood on your head". I sigh at that. I shouldn't be surprised.

Suddenly struck by a wave of sickness, I close my eyes and breathe in slowly, hand going to grab Namjoon's shirt tightly. "Noona?!". "What's wrong flower?". Taehyung's deep voice echoes in the now emptier shop. "I think she has a concussion, must have hit her head pretty hard, we should go".

To think that this all happened simply because I give love and respect hybrids. As if what they are should matter. I wish I could make this world a safe place for them, a place where they can be free and confident, proud and not scared of being themselves. Is that asking for too much?

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