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Second update this morning! Enjoy!

I wake up on a bed between Jungkook and Namjoon, the two of them wrapped around me so tightly that I can forget about moving.

I have no recollection of falling asleep, I guess it happened in the living room. I smile and free my arms from their hold to slide them above them and start running my fingers through their locks of hair, fingers brushing against their ears, a giggle leaving me when they twitch at the ticklish contact.

Their ears are so soft that I can't help myself as I keep stroking them from base to tip, hums slipping past their lips as they lean into the touch unconsciously.

It makes my heart melt, takes my mind in a very particular direction. Heartstrings leading the way to take me right towards a dream that I've always wanted to see come to life one day.

To have children with the one I would love for the rest of my life. In my case, with two of them. Would they want that? To have little beings run around the house, little beings that would call us mommy, daddy, fluffy ears and tails just like their fathers.

I've been thinking about it more and more, that this is something I really want happening with them, but we never really talked about it. Not since that day Moonbin and Eunwoo exposed me all these months ago.

I expected them to mention it at least once, maybe even some teasing, but there was nothing. I mindlessly rub their ears as I stare at the ceiling of their room, my old room long since completely discarded, a show of possessive display that I more than love.

Which brings me to another thing.

The house.

I honestly think it's high time we sell it. It's going to be sad to not be neighbors with Yoongi and Jin anymore, Jimin too, we've been seeing each other a lot more often and that's something we all really enjoy, but I can't base all my decisions on our friends.

I know that Namjoon and Jungkook have been wishing for this, even if they don't say it. They try to make this place theirs, but it's hard, their eyes sometimes stopping at a particular spot of the room, I can almost hear my voice recount events that took place in their minds, not the good kinds.

I've been saving money for that purpose, and with the money we'd get from the house, I think we could get something very nice. It's just... where? I'm not sure I want to remain in this city, but here is also where all our friends are, and it's not just my decision that comes into play for this. It's my hybrids' lives as well.

"You're awake, noona?" Jungkook murmurs, his eyes sleepily opening to gaze at me while I keep stroking his ears.

I smile at him and nod. "Yeah, but don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just thinking about some things" I reassure him, not wanting him to lose his sleep over that but he scoots up to his pillow to have a better look at me.

"Thinking about what?" he asks softly, curious about what could keep me busy so early in the morning.

I exhale slowly before humming, eyes turning to Namjoon, expecting to find him still sleeping but his exposed orbs have me startling and causing him to chuckle.

"I've been awake since you started rubbing my ears, I just decided to remain silent" he explains, amused by the expression I'm making.

He lifts a hand to my face and caresses my cheek softly. "What's on your mind, sweetheart?".

I bring my gaze back to Jungkook before looking in front of me, wondering if I should tell them. What would they think?

"We can't help you if we don't know what's bothering you, noona" Jungkook says, as if reading through my mind. I smile at that and decide to just go and say it. What's the worse that can happen, right?

"Well... I was thinking about the future. About us... children, a new house in possibly a new town, far from here, or at least a little away from here" I tell them, heart thumping anxiously in my chest at their silence.

"Is that something you would want?" Namjoon asks in a whisper, his voice thick with emotions. I turn to him to see his eyes wet with tears, even in the darkness. Jungkook sticks to my back, face burrowing in my neck, a wet feeling pooling in the nook.

"That's something I would love. Would you... would you want that too?" I ask hesitantly, wanting to know both of their opinion on that.

Namjoon laughs happily and pulls me into a sudden kiss, his eyes creasing beautifully as his dimple digs the deepest I've ever seen it. "If we would want that? Sweetheart, we've been longing for it since the day we heard about your dream" he says excitedly, sweet tears running down his cheeks uncontrollably.

I smile brightly at him, until I hear Jungkook sob in my shoulder. I panic at first but seeing Namjoon's smile widening reassures me instantly and I instead bring a hand back to his hair to soothe him.

"Please, we want that so badly with you noona" he finally manages to say once he's calmed down a little and my heart stutters in joy, that this is something we share.

"W-what about the house?" I ask, knowing that their excitement was based more off the children part, but they both nod at my words.

"No matter where you want to go, we'll be happy as long as we can be with you. We can make our life wherever you want it to be" Namjoon murmurs, his nose rubbing against mine softly.

Any words I could think of die in my throat as a wave of emotions hits me and I tear up at the upgraded future that once again offers itself to me.

I rest my face in my koala's neck, my bunny still back hugging me and we stay like that for a long time, minds filled with images of what can be.

Of what will be ours.


"Alright, do we have everyone?" Yoongi asks as our group gathers in my parking lot, the trunk of my van filled to the brim along with the second car, belongings for eight people most definitely taking a lot of space.

I look around to see the seven men doing the same and we all let out a laugh. "I think we have everyone" Hoseok muses before looking at the cars. "How about I take the first round of driving?" he offers with a smile, to which I hum.

"Sure thing, want to drive my van?". He grins. "You know I want to, that thing is gorgeous and I'm sure driving it is an experience to have at least once in your life, our car is shit".

We laugh at his eagerness and I throw the keys at him, his eyes bright with excitement as he rushes to the driver's seat, Taehyung hurrying to call shots on the passenger's seat, much to Jungkook's despair as he wanted to be at the front.

Jimin reaches my side and slides an arm around my shoulders. "I'll be driving the other car and I want Y/N with me" he declares and I quirk an eyebrow at him as Jungkook roars his discontentment before Namjoon's shushing him softly with a chuckle.

"But that's three hours without her! Three!" our bunny exclaims, completely against the idea but Jimin puts his foot down and stares at the hybrid with his free hand on his hip.

"Young kid, you have her to yourself all the time, all I'm asking for is three little hours! Anyway we'll probably take a break halfway, don't be so selfish! You met her thanks to me, you owe me at least that!".

Oh, Jimin knows how to use his cards.

Jungkook pouts and looks at me with his renowned puppy eyes before opening his arms, ears droopy and covering his face.

My heart melts and I coo as I make my way to hug him tight. "I'm going to miss you noona" he whimpers, and as despaired as he sounds, I can't help myself from chuckling as I pat his back.

"Oh my sweet bunny, you'll have so much fun with the others that you won't even remember that I'm not there" I tease him, to which he denies firmly with a loud noise, his hands gripping me tightly.

Namjoon pets my head with a wink before grabbing Jungkook and throws him over his shoulder before heading to the van, the bunny screaming unfairness, his eyes locked on me until he disappears in the vehicle.

Jin shakes his head with a sigh. "The seats will be all taken in the van, can you guys take Yoongi with you?" he asks us and after one look at Jimin, the latter nods with a smile.

"Of course he can. I was actually planning on it". Yoongi smiles at that and kisses his alpaca's cheek before going to sit at the back of the other car, leaving me to sit at the front with Jimin.

Jin stares at his other mate expectantly, to which Jimin blushes slightly before going to hug him, Jin beaming at me as he closes his arms around his smaller frame and kisses his nose before waving at us and enters the van to join the others.

Jimin sees my grin and huffs softly. "I see you, no comment" he lets out bashfully and I laugh as I head to his car to sit in the passenger's seat, the darkening light outside already causing the shadows to prevail.

When he enters the luxurious car and starts it up, Hoseok does the same with mine and I open my window to grin at the large group fitting in the vehicle.

Jimin leans closer to me to stare at the others too. "Hobi, you get going first since you know the way, we'll follow behind. I have my GPS set up just in case but anyway, if anything happens, we all have our phones, we'll contact one of you" he says and Hoseok sends us a thumb up.

"I'm alright with that. There's a resting area about maybe two hours from here, how about we make it our first stop?".

"Sounds good to me" Yoongi says and we all agree easily.

That is, until the back window slides down to reveal Jungkook with his arms out of the car and towards me, stretching as much as he can to reach me. I laugh and stretch as well to grab his hands, his smile at the act worth thousands of stars.

"I love you noona, I'll do my best to survive without you so you do your best too" he claims before faking a cry when Namjoon pulls him back inside to hug.

Taehyung ruffles his hair with his boxy grin, endeared eyes on his form and flashes me a wink that I don't really understand, but still, I smile back at him, knowing that he'll take care of our bunny well.

"I love you too, my sweet bunny, and I love you my dear koala, I'll see you soon!" I say out in the open, their eyes sparkling with love at my admission while Jin, Jimin and Hoseok coo loudly.

And then Yoongi huffs. "Okay, that's enough, we'll never get there if this keeps going, it's just two hours, get over it!".

"Yes sir!" Jimin replies before proceeding to slide up the window to shut it but we have just enough time to hear a "Oh, kinky" from Taehyung before silence takes over.

Silence until I snort.

"I'm going to kill that tiger" Yoongi growls and Jimin takes that time to turn on the radio to an upbeat song, his amused smile reflecting mine.

"I can't believe you two find that funny" the man huffs with a shake of the head but we can both see the smile on his lips as he gazes outside, a wave for Jin who sends us kisses as Hoseok departs.

Jimin follows behind and it's only then that it really sinks in that we're leaving to spend a weekend all of us together, something that reveals just how close of a group we are. My heart fills with the thought, that my family doesn't stop at only Jungkook and Namjoon but at also all of our friends.

I turn to Jimin, this wonderful person who took me to these two. He knew that we would be perfect for each other and thanks to him, my life changed for the best.

"You know, Jiminie, I owe you so much" I start, the impact of my words hitting more as the song dims to an end to leave place to silence, the volume lowered from the steering wheel, a sign that he is intently listening even if he's staring at the road.

"All this happiness that I'm experiencing now - I wouldn't have it if you didn't bring me to my bunny and koala. I owe you so fucking much" I continue, my love for everyone so big that I can hardly process everything.

I wipe my cheeks at the feel of tears on my skin and groan at myself. "Damn, I'm so freaking emotional these days, I don't know why" I grumble, stopping only when a warm hand covers mine.

"Sweetie... that's actually the reason why I wanted you to climb in with me for the first half of the ride" Jimin starts and I tense up, sensing that he's going to say something shocking. He's got that face of someone who's going to say something shocking.

"What?" I let out, anxious. Is it something bad?

Yoongi grunts and leans forward to pat my shoulder from behind me. "Little bee... we think... have you... went all the way with the two of them?" he asks hesitantly.

Oh. My whole body burns like lava at these words but I know I can be honest with them, so I shyly nod. "We have... why?" I ask weakly, worried of where this might be going.

Jimin licks his lips, as if nervous himself about what he's going to say. "Have you... taken any pregnancy tests recently?".

I freeze. I twist my neck to stare at Yoongi, but his eyes show the same hesitation as Jimin as they await my answer.

"No? I... I don't... do you..." thoughts start swirling in my mind, my sudden raging hunger at times, my overwhelming emotions, how tired I am nowadays and my eyes widen.

"You think I'm pregnant?" I ask them, watch as they both nod.

Jimin's hand squeezes mine gently, Yoongi's remaining on my shoulder as they both give me time to process.

Time to process that this dream Namjoon, Jungkook and I spoke of this morning might already be well underway.

"Holy shit". I wasn't expecting this to happen now, is it too early? We haven't even moved, I don't want my child to grow up in that house. Are they ready? We had said just this morning that maybe it would be great to wait until we find a house that suits us.

But there's a little being in my body?

There's a little pea growing in my belly?

Tears flow down my cheeks and I don't stop them. Our love did that?

"How do you feel, sweetie?" Jimin asks, but where words can't possibly explain with precision how exactly I feel right now, I hope that the squeeze on his hand and the smile I give him are enough.

His shoulders relax and he smiles back before looking back at the road, his hand squeezing mine back tightly.

A sudden package appears between the two of us and I nearly choke at what I see.

"That's good then, I was fearing this might come to you like a nightmare, but yeah, I bought pregnancy tests for you. You can use one later when we stop at the resting area" Yoongi says with a chuckle when I accept it with a trembling hand.

Gosh, this is real, isn't it? I'm really pregnant?

"Who of the two would be the father? I mean... the real father?" I mumble, wondering how they're going to react when I do decide to let them know.

"Well, that would probably be Jungkook, he's been awfully clingy, right?" Jimin starts with a giggle and I frown at him in confusion. Yoongi notices my concern and smiles.

"Hybrids can feel that sort of thing, without really being aware of it. His instincts are probably already picking up on it, but he's not aware of it, nor is Namjoon. You have time to think about how you want to tell them before they start being suspicious" he explains calmly.

So I have a little bunny growing up within me?

I inhale shakily, overwhelmed by everything I'm hearing, a hand unconsciously resting on my stomach as I try to process everything.

"Take your time, we'll be there for you, no matter the decision you make" Jimin reassures me and I nod, thankful that I have these two with me right now.

"Thank you for telling me in private. I'm guessing Jin knows too?" I ask them, to which they both chuckle.

"Jin IS the one who told us to take you apart for the ride, I'm pretty sure Taehyung already knows too, he's seeing so many pregnant hybrids that he must be getting used to the signs. Hybrids are sensitive to that sort of thing" Yoongi says and Jimin grins.

I think back to Taehyung's reaction earlier and suddenly, it makes sense. "Yeah, Taehyung knows for sure" I sigh with a small huffed laugh.

With that now said, Yoongi opens a secret compartment and takes some snacks out that he then shares between the three of us, my favorites handed to me and I squeal in excitement because that wasn't part of what I made with the guys.

"Jin thought you'd need some good snacks after learning of your pregnancy, they're all good for the two of you" Jimin explains and once more, I let a wave of adoration hit me at how amazing my friends are and up crying because it's all just too much, but they both laugh, endeared and supportive.

"My little pea is going to have the best uncles in the world" I sob out, heart bursting with joy and they coo, themselves very happy, relieved to hear that because that means I'm definitely keeping it, that I'm going to do my best to keep it healthy.

"And it'll have the best parents in the world" Yoongi muses back, to which I can only nod.

I'm already in love and I have yet to even hear its heart beat.

Imagine when I'll be holding our baby in my arms?


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