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I struggled a bit with this chapter, finding the right pace to reach the end is not easy and I don't want to rush it, I will do my best to give this story a satisfying ending!

I will be updating it until we reach the last chapter so bear with me, it might take a few weeks but I say it's time we complete it, especially since we're so close! I hope you guys enjoy!

With the soft sunrise shining down on the path in front of me, I wrap my arms around myself, Jungkook's hoodie covering my skin keeping me warm from the fresh breeze as I make my way to a part of the lawn in front of the house that shows a view down the mountain

I reach the safe fence and look at the horizon, a smile on my lips when I can see the forest and the town beyond from afar, the colours of the sky taking on different tones and hues, it's a breathtaking sight that knows how to make a morning feel magical.

When I woke up this morning, I had Jungkook and Namjoon both holding onto me tightly, lips into sleepy pouts and their ears' fur all messy. It was very hard to escape their grips, but I eventually managed to free myself and stepped out of the bedroom only to find that everyone was still asleep.

I have no idea how late they stayed up last night, but I do know that I knocked out pretty quickly, I was almost drunk on sleep, I'm guessing that it's going to be somewhat common since I'm pregnant. The first months are the worst, aren't they?

I really want to go and wake Taehyung up right now because not knowing with certitude the state of my baby is making me restless, but looking at the sight in front of me at this moment, it helps me remain calm, it helps me focus on the reassuring words he'd said last night.

The baby is fine, Anthony didn't take my baby from me, it's fine. I just need to wait a few more hours and we will have a larger view on the situation, I don't even know how long I've been pregnant for so that's something we need to find out too.

"Hey, little bee, I was looking all over the house for you, I heard you leave your room but I couldn't find you anywhere" I hear Yoongi's voice from behind me and when I turn around, it's to find his sleepy eyes set on me as he comes over with a mug of something steaming in one hand, another one already half empty in his other.

I smile and gratefully accept the fuller one before bringing it to my lips, a content hum leaving me when I realize that it's tea, the soothing kind, it's a sweet gesture.

"Thank you, Yoon, it's delicious. I couldn't sleep anymore and found that everyone was still in their rooms so I decided to explore a little in the meantime" I explain as I turn my gaze back to the green land in front of us, he joins me at my side, the smell of coffee following along as he sips his drink before nodding his head.

"We did stay up a good two hours after you went to bed, they'll probably sleep for a bit longer before waking up, although I think Taehyung set up an alarm a little before the clinic in town opens so he can get an appointment as soon as possible, it shouldn't take too long now, it's already almost eight and I checked, it opens at nine".

That's good then, I can wait an hour much better than I can wait a full day.

We stay silent after that, the both of us comfortable with not talking, with taking in this peaceful moment. It's helping, to have his soothing presence by my side, him being calm helps me to avoid panicking over every little thoughts and fears that cross my mind, that's Yoongi's super power.

"How do you think I should let my mates know about my pregnancy once we know that the baby is safe? I really don't know how I'm supposed to break the news to them, some people do these incredible reveals but... I'm not sure if I'm creative enough for that" I ask after a moment and Yoongi breathes in slowly before humming.

"Well... knowing them, I think that sitting down in private would be great, either tell them directly or show them a positive test, I think that would be plenty good for them, they don't need anything special and crowdy. Learning that you're pregnant will be enough to make them jump in joy, don't you think?".

I smile at him and nod, relieved because that's something I can do easily, it makes me less anxious. I really don't want to ruin the reveal for them, it's not a small thing and I want them to really take it in, I want to see the expression on their faces when I tell them that our plan of building a family might start sooner than we thought, that our first toddler might be a cute little bunny.

"I think you're right, I was wondering if it would maybe feel like I don't care enough, but I'm glad you think the same, they're not ones to like grand and fancy things anyway. I'm really hoping everything turns out okay, I know Taehyung said that everything will go well, but I can't help but worry anyway, the possibility that my baby might... not be anymore always there in the back of my mind".

Yoongi's eyes soften at my words before he steps closer and he then wraps an arm over my shoulders to pull me closer to his side, a safe embrace that feels soothing, I breathe in deeply to keep my heart from breaking because of my own thoughts and rest my head on his shoulder while he rubs my arm softly.

"We're all with you, little bee, you're not alone, okay? We'll be here to help you through every single steps that you need to make, we'll even make them for you if you feel too tired, just go one day at a time and lean on us whenever you need to. Your baby will grow up healthily and we'll all get to see its cute little face one day, I believe this with all of my heart".

"Yoon... you're going to make me cry" I mumble, already feeling the tears rise as my heart swells with too many emotions, he chuckles and rests his cheek on top of my head with a soft sigh.

"You're going to have to get used to it, little bee, this is only the beginning of how we show you how much we care. Your baby will have five uncles ready to show it the best the world has to offer and we'll remind it every day just how much its mama and daddies have love to give, how lucky it was to be born in such a warm family".

I close my eyes at the burn of the tears, chin wobbling against my will, because this sounds like a perfect world and I wish so dearly it would happen.

"It will happen, won't it, Yoon?" I ask with a trembling voice, needing all the confirmation he can give, that this isn't a dream that will slip from my hold all of a sudden.

Yoongi kisses my hair. "It will happen, definitely. Now drink some of your tea before it gets cold, it's supposed to help with stress, you'll need it for the appointment today".

I hum through my tears and nod my head before doing as told under his endeared eyes, the taste of the liquid like a tender caress to my heart, it warms me up in the colder air around us.

"It's really good" I muse, words that have him preening in quiet once more. "Of course it is, I poured all of my love into it. Now drink some more, I want to see you finish it before you go back inside".

I giggle and salute. "I will, I can't possibly waste all this love".

He huffs and moves his chin to have me drink again. "It's never a waste when it's spent on you guys".


"Sweets, I called the clinic and they're waiting for us anytime we come by, are you ready to go?".

I look away from my phone from my seat on the couch a little startled, I didn't even know that Taehyung was awake, even less so that I was supposed to be ready to go right away, but thankfully for him, I made sure to be dressed properly just in case earlier.

I take a quick look at my bedroom's door as he walks down the stairs, a little tensed because what if Jungkook and Namjoon heard that? He didn't use his quiet voice and they would freak out if they learned that I'm going to the clinic without knowing why I'm going in the first place.

The tiger smiles at my reaction and walks over before crouching in front of me, both hands resting on my knees with a gentle reassuring squeeze, his tail calm behind him as it sways in large swings while his ears rest relaxed on top of his head.

"They're still sleeping soundly, don't worry, they won't hear a thing. If they wonder where we went or if they call to know where we are, we'll say that we went to get breakfast for them, okay? We'll get something to eat before coming back, that way they won't suspect a thing".

I nod my head as I relax a little, his idea works and they'd believe us without hesitation, it does make me less nervous about facing them when we come back.

It would have eased my mind a lot more to have them come with me for such an important appointment, but since everything is so unsure, I need to know first, just what I should expect from this pregnancy.

"Okay, that sounds good... we can go now, I'm already ready, I want this done quickly so I can know what to expect from all this, I don't think I can wait any longer in suspense" I tell him, after which he smiles kindly, eyes creasing before he helps me up to my feet carefully before leading me by the hand to the entrance of the house where we both wear our shoes in nervous anticipation.

"Oh, you're going now?" Yoongi asks as he peeks around the corner with a book under one arm, eyes taking us in as we move to open the door.

I nod, heart squeezing in my chest with every moves I make, gosh this is messing up my nerves.

"Yeah, Taehyung called the clinic so we have to go. Can you... can you tell them that we're... well out in town for a little while? Taehyung mentioned getting food, could you tell them to avoid eating anything big when they wake up? That would ease my mind" I request with some hesitation, but Yoongi reassures me with an easy hum.

"Of course I can do that, little bee, they'll be thrilled to hear the word food, don't worry. You two call me if anything happens okay? Let me know how it went when the appointment is done, Jimin and Jin will want to know too, we'll be waiting".

Taehyung circles an arm around me affectionately and grins. "I don't think she'll be able to stop herself from calling you even if you didn't want to know, she'll be too excited to let you know that baby Jeon is perfectly healthy".

Baby Jeon? I love that... and then when I'm pregnant with Joonie's baby, we'll call it baby Kim, this is adorable.

I stare at Taehyung with a melting heart, his assurance that everything will be fine, the way he's not even worried causing tears to rise once more in my eyes and Yoongi sigh, he's seen them all this morning.

"Don't make her cry on purpose, she's going to be exhausted before the day even begins" he chides but I let out a soft giggle as I wipe my cheeks again. "It's okay Yoon, I'll rest in the car, I slept pretty well last night so I should be fine".

Taehyung rubs his cheek on top of my head with a cute chuff. "You can rest as much as you want, sweets, I'll watch over you two. You can be sure of it, this baby will be the healthiest of all babies, no one will believe their eyes when it's finally born".

I giggle again, motivated with the images he keeps throwing my way and Yoongi raises a hand before shooing us away with it.

"Okay, stop wasting time now, you said the clinic is waiting and you need to get breakfast, don't you? Can't do all those things if you stay here, go on! Don't forget to call right? I don't want to be left in the dark, uncle Yoon wants to know how baby Jeon is doing!" he shouts as Taehyung pulls me out of the house, I can only beam at him as I wave him goodbye before entering my car, the tiger currently owner of my keys as he sits in the driver's seat.

"Uncle Yoon? That means I am uncle Tae, and then there's uncle Hobi, uncle Minnie and uncle Jinnie! I love this! Baby Jeon, uncle Tae is going to take care of you and mama well, I promise!" Taehyung chirps before turning on the engine, proud like a peacock at the new nickname he's given himself.

I huff lightly, a hand over my stomach in a slow caress, does it know how much it's going to be loved? I think this baby is going to be the luckiest in the entire world.

Namjoon's POV

"Did they leave?" I ask Yoongi as soon as he comes in after knocking on the bedroom's door and when he nods, Jungkook and I share a look, anxious to know how the appointment will go.

We really wish we could've gone with her, but that would require telling her that we know and it would only cause her more anxiety, more stress, the possibility that the news might not be positive enough to make her break into panic mode. Sending her off alone with Taehyung really is the best move we can make for now.

"How was she? How is she feeling about the appointment?" Jungkook inquires, one foot hitting the floor repetitively, he's going to need to run outside until we hear from her, else he's going to go crazy in here, I hold his hand tightly before turning my attention back to Yoongi.

The man hums and smiles lightly, his gaze meant to be reassuring but we all know nothing will calm us until we can hug her tightly, waking up without her in bed this morning was distressing enough, we only stayed in this room because we heard Taehyung scream that it was time to go and that we were sleeping soundly.

"She's alright, nervous, of course, but she left giggling with a big smile on her face. Taehyung is so optimistic and bright about everything that she probably won't be able to remain concerned for long. He's definitely doing it on purpose to help her relax, but like he said last night, he knows a hundred percent that your baby is safe, the appointment is mostly to find out how far along her pregnancy is to know what the next steps are going to be".

Jungkook uses his free hand to thread roughly through his hair, to know that the baby currently growing in her is of his blood is affecting every instincts of his being, he needs to be with her and protect her, yet he can't, not right now, it's making him feel uneasy.

In my case, my instincts are also reacting, but not entirely for the same reason. She might not be pregnant with my baby, but she's still my mate, as is Jungkook, so my need is mostly to care for the both of them until the new soul joins us.

Then I become a father and I love the little bunny with all of my heart, the same way Jungkook will love it with all of his soul, but never the same amount as its mother, our lovely mate. She's going to give all of her for the little hybrid, I have no doubt, she will be a fantastic mother.

"Taehyung offered her to go get breakfast to keep her from stressing out about finding an excuse when coming back so don't eat anything, they'll get takeout somewhere, just be patient until she finds the will to talk to you, I'm sure by the end of the day it will be done" Yoongi continues at our silence and we both let out a sigh, there's nothing else we can do but wait.

Jungkook turns to me, eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Joonie, what do we do about our plan? We had planned to propose tonight when the sun would set, what if she's not feeling good enough for it?".

I bite on the inside of my cheek at his question, because it's true, what if she's not mentally and emotionally ready for us to propose? During the sunset would have been beautiful, a moment for her to remember with fondness, that's what we wish for, but what if doing so would only stress her out even more?

"It's still early, I don't think you should worry too much" Yoongi assures us with a chuckle and a pat to our shoulders, eyes endeared at our nervous behavior, it's a reaction that makes me feel like we're indeed worrying for nothing, what if she comes back beaming with joy?

Jungkook whines cutely and it pushes a smile onto my lips. "But hyung, it's not a small matter! What if... what if she..." he groans before hiding his face against my chest and I chuckle before rubbing his back softly, my other hand going to his hair where I ruffle around the ears to ease his heart.

"We'll see how she feels when she comes back, bunny. We can adapt around her mood. If not today, then we propose tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, we find another day, it's going to be fine. We have all our life to spend together, it's not a race" I muse, saying these words aloud helping to solidify that truth, we're not working against the clock.

He nods slowly before hugging me properly, arms wrapping around me, I sigh and hug him back, I can feel his disappointment as if my own, we were so excited about giving her a new positive memory to look back to, something that could unite us all together even more tightly, but as I said, it's going to be fine even if it doesn't happen this weekend.

"You're right... it's just hard to remain calm with everything happening. I'm going to go for a run, they're going to be gone for a while anyway, I have time to spend some energy and take a shower before she comes back, I'll be back soon" he informs me and I kiss one of his ears before letting him go, then watch as he trots his way out of the room and down the stairs.

Yoongi comes to stand by me and settles a comforting hand over my arm before motioning for us to leave the room as well, no need to remain scooped up in here since she's gone.

Just as we step through the doorway, we stumble upon Jimin and Hoseok, the two of them looking like they were just forcefully pulled out of a deep sleep and when Jin walks out of his bedroom humming happily, we know right away that he's behind their clear misery.

"We're here for only two days, we can't spend it all sleeping! Is Y/N awake already? Did you guys see her? I didn't find Taehyung in his bed" he asks with too much energy, it makes me wonder where he finds it, he was the last one to go to sleep last night.

"They went to the clinic, Taehyung called and got an appointment this morning, they'll come back with food later" Yoongi answers before leaving my side to hug Jimin first, then Jin, it's cute to watch the way they all melt within each other's embrace, even Hoseok gets a hug when Yoongi notices the want in his eyes.

It makes me so very content to see how close we've gotten, how comfortable we are with one another, it feels like we were always meant to be a close group, like puzzle pieces finally finding their place together.

Soulmates in friendship, we've become closer than family, it's an incredible feeling.

"Is she feeling positive about it? Taehyung must be trying his best to keep her mind from wandering down the dark path" Jimin asks softly, his eyes turning worried for her before they fall on me, he can see that I'm not doing too well knowing her unwell and so far away from me, but there's nothing we can do but wait.

"I'm sure she's currently laughing at his endless jokes, she'll be fine, I trust the tiger to take care of her" I assure him, words I want to believe, her happy and optimistic instead of terrified, Hoseok smiles brightly at that, he's always so proud of his dear hybrid when someone compliments him.

"Let's follow his example and keep ourselves in a good mood then, it wouldn't do to welcome them in panic when they come back later, it would be better for Y/N if she comes back to a house filled with smiles and laughter" he chirps before going down the stairs with a hum, Jin nods quickly before following behind while I remain with Jimin and Yoongi.

"I mean... he's not wrong, she certainly doesn't need to come back to a house filled with somber faces. I'm sure we can find something to do while we wait, maybe take a walk outside? Some fresh air would do us all some good" Jimin offers and the two men from down the stairs gasp happily at the idea, it makes me grin.

"Let's go, maybe we'll find Jungkook on the way, he went for a run" I hum, and to that, we all make our way to the entrance, the belief that everything will go well on each of our mind, it has to be.

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