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You guys, we're so near the end now, so so near, only one chapter left after this one 😭

Also just a warning, this chapter might feel like it's going a bit fast? I'm not sure, I'm having a headache and I can't really seem to rate it properly but I hope you get to enjoy it anyway!

"Look at this street, the houses are beautiful" I muse as our group walks around the town on foot, the eight of us on an adventure today, eyes wide in wonder with everything we see, we understand why Taehyung and Hoseok got the house in the mountain nearby, this place is a dreamland.

"You're right, they look pretty recently built as well, is the town starting to expend?" Jimin asks with a tilt of the head, Hoseok nods at that, a proud smile on his lips, he did fall in love with this place all those months ago and he can see that the same is happening with us too.

"It is, you guys have to see the market district, all the shops and stands have been renovated to become a touristic stop, it's lovely and there's so much to see and do, they've been hiring more people these days because they keep getting more tourists, this place is becoming bigger really quickly".

We all nod our head, Namjoon and Jungkook by my sides holding my hands tightly as we take in everything around us. It's so peaceful here, the nature spread all over, the air is amazing to breathe in, I could see myself waking up in such a place every day.

"Man, if I had to move from the city one day, I'd definitely come here" Jimin hums, his mind taking him in the same direction as mine, I can't help but make an approving noise, living here must feel like a dream.

"Me too, you can hear so many birds, and the air is cleaner than in the city, I feel calm just standing here, I can't help but wonder what it would be like living here" I add, Taehyung grins proudly while the others contemplate the thought.

"I can see why you feel that way, it's quiet and calm around here, everything is pretty and well maintained too, it's definitely a good place to live in" Yoongi lets out, Jimin's eyes twinkle at that when he sees Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook look around with curiosity.

"How fun would it be if we all moved here together? We could all find jobs easily, we get a house each in this part of the town and there you have it, the perfect life, we could see each other everyday, we could see baby Jeon grow up, then baby Kim, and then whichever next baby comes, is it just me who loves the idea?" Jimin asks with excited eyes, we all stop walking to look at him, because is he serious?

"You would do that?" I ask him, because it would be a dream for me, I had wanted to leave the city and the hope he gives me at the mention of everyone following, I can't help but sway, my mates can easily see it on my face, the wish for this to happen.

It's a wish they can easily see happen here as well, they can see themselves living here, the daily runs for Jungkook, Namjoon would love using his bike here, no cars getting in his way and making it dangerous for him, and they love the idea of their babies growing up in this kind of town, it feels secure, healthy.

"Why don't we? Hobi and Tae already have the house nearby, it's so close, it's what... twenty minutes from here? Yoongi and Jin can franchise their business and open a new shop here, that's what I do for a living anyway, I can definitely make it happen" Jimin continues when he sees the interest flashing across every faces, he's so excited he's nearly floating over the ground.

Yoongi hums as he shares a look with Jin, the both of them tempted by the idea, as long as they all remain together, they don't really mind where they go. "I mean, that sounds pretty sweet, I wouldn't be against it".

I blink at our group, finding it hard to believe what I'm hearing right now, are they serious about this or is this just fun dreamy conversations that will never happen?

My bunny and koala both squeeze my hands tightly, the both of them feeling my tension as if their own, none of our friends know about my wish to move away, it wasn't set in stone yet, only a possibility but to hear that now... it's really making me long more and more.

"Can we make an admission real quick?" Namjoon asks, words that have everyone looking at him to hear what's on his mind. "Sure, what's wrong, Namjoon?".

He glances at Jungkook, then at me before speaking up. "Well... we were honestly considering moving to another city, to leave all the negativity behind and start anew somewhere great and... one thing that felt wrong was leaving you all behind so... if you're saying all this without really meaning it..." he stops there but the unsaid words are loud.

If you don't really mean it, stop feeding us hopes and dreams.

Five pairs of eyes widen on us, but then Jimin is chirping and clapping his hands happily like this is the greatest thing ever. "You were already considering it? Then we have to make this happen! You know we all need to stick together, I can't even imagine my life without one of you, let's do this!".

Hoseok and Taehyung beam at the sudden plan, because while the cottage they got was meant to be mostly a vacation house, they got it with the mindset that maybe one day, they could settle there for good, the town one that makes them feel at home more than the city does and they were hoping for us to feel the same way, they can't believe what they're hearing, their plan worked?

"Let's walk around then and see if there are any houses for sale" Jin hums like this is the most normal thing to say and Namjoon, Jungkook and I gape at them all, because were things supposed to go that smoothly? No resistance, no hesitation?

Is that the proof of the strength our bond carries? The proof that we all feel the same, the proof that we all belong together?

"You guys are crazy, you know that?" Hoseok chuckles, but he looks so happy, like he was wishing for this to happen, I stare at him before narrowing my eyes at him, this was all so sudden, this trip...

"You guys wanted this to happen, didn't you?" I ask him and Taehyung, the latter's tail curls up in giddiness as he quickly nods his head with his boxy smile. "We did, we didn't want to be the only ones in love with this town, this is going much better than we expected though, we didn't know things would move forward that fast".

Yoongi huffs and shakes his head, not surprised. "Well your plan worked, I guess we're all moving here".

I stare at Jungkook, his ears tall on his head, eyes round, then at Namjoon, his expression similar, ears tilted back in confusion before melting in relief when his eyes meet mine, such happiness in his orbs as he brings my hand he's holding to his lips to pepper with kisses.

"You hear that, sweetheart? It seems we weren't the only ones with such plans" he states proudly, as if us all being on the same wavelength confirms it for him, we're all soulmates bound together by fate.

"Well I mean, knowing that you two were already wishing for something of the kind, we weren't about to let you leave alone, were we?" Jin says with a content smile before adding "And anyway, as long as we're all together, who cares where we go?".

"Very true, I wouldn't have it any other way" Jimin concludes and I feel myself tear up, how lucky I am, how truly lucky.


Walking through the market district after our conversation about moving here was a lot of fun and even more meaningful as we all started observing what was available for our daily life, and needless to say, doing so only solidified our wish to come to this lovely town.

A building available for rent for business purposes called out to Yoongi and Jin as soon as we'd walked past it, they'd never wanted to settle shop somewhere as much as they did here and Jimin was delighted, the phone number taken in picture so he could reach out later today, there was no doubt about it anymore, we would live here, the eight of us together.

And now that we're back in Hoseok and Taehyung's house, I remain lying down on the couch in the living room to rest a little, the day having exhausted me more than I would've thought, head resting on Namjoon's lap as his hands stroke my hair gently and legs on Jungkook who massages my legs and feet, I couldn't be happier.

"I can't believe we're really going to do this... getting rid of that house is going to feel amazing" I murmur, hear both of them hum at my words, they felt that one in their very soul, that house needs to disappear from our life once and for all.

"Our new beginning, it's exciting to think about, I feel good about this, about this town, our happy life will definitely bloom here, it's the perfect place to raise children" Jungkook muses, eyes longingly glancing at my covered stomach, he can't wait to see a baby bump, can't wait to feel the kicks against his palm, can't wait to kiss its adorable little face and see it grow up into a healthy child surrounded by love.

Namjoon scratches my scalp at the right spot and I moan, eyes nearly rolling back under my closed lid at the feeling, he chuckles as he keeps scratching there before massaging properly all over, fingers weaving through my hair to untangle it with expertise, he's becoming a pro at this.

"Jimin will help us sell the house so I'm sure it won't be too complicated, he'll do the same for Yoongi and Jin hyungs' house, his own will probably be first gone though, he never goes there anymore anyway since he's always with the guys" he says, we all smile at his words because it's true, we've been seeing him a lot nowadays.

"Eunwoo and Moonbin are going to be sad though, we were finally back into dancing together and it was really fun... I wonder if there's anywhere here where I could teach dance? I really enjoy teaching it" I wonder softly, it has them smiling, the both of them happy to hear that I found my passion back.

"Ask them to come with us, then open a dance studio here" Jungkook teases, as if they would agree to come here too, there's a limit to how easily people are ready to change their whole life just because someone says they should.

I huff and pout, I would love to have them follow us but they have their own life, they would never agree just because I'm moving away, I'll have to figure something on my own, maybe open my own dance studio? I don't think I saw any around while we were walking.

"We'll stay in contact and call each other from time to time for sure, but I can't expect them to go along with my every whims" I let out and the man shrugs, knowing the two men, they probably would, but he won't say it knowing that it might make me feel more stressed, the day has been going well so far and that needs to continue.

"Y/N, my love, can you come by for a minute please?" we suddenly hear Jin's voice call for me and I lift my head up to see him peeking out of the kitchen, a spatula covered in... is that whipped cream I'm seeing? Is he making dessert?!

"Push me up, Joonie, I'm stuck" I plead, the sweet food appealing to me, it's pure fuel, I need it, the koala grins as he listens to me, hands careful as they push me into a seated position, Jungkook giggles before slipping my legs off his lap to help me to my feet.

Jin lets out a laugh when he sees me stand up to my feet with the help of my hybrids and brandishes the spatula in the air as if a siren song, which it isn't but it's working anyway and as soon as I reach his side, he pats my head softly, endeared before giving it to me, I lose no time in licking the cream right off of it and oh my gosh, it's not regular cream but cream cheese, I've never tasted something so delicious in my whole life, but that might just be my stomach speaking.

"Good? Want to help me decorate the muffins? I'm doing carrot, but filled with cream cheese, you're in for a treat, I made too much of the cream and I thought you might want to go through it while spending some time with me" he attempts and he got me right in the feelings, there's no way I can refuse such a tempting offer.

"That's a good timing, I actually need these two for something, you take care of our little bee, handsome?" Yoongi states all of a sudden and Jin nods his head confidently while I turn around to see Jungkook and Namjoon standing up to follow our friend outside.

I wish I could say that I'm curious about what they'll be doing, but the muffins and the promise of cream cheese waiting for me to lick clean is enough to make me turn to the kitchen with Jin, the sight of a few different desserts causing my eyes to widen, what is this?

"Are you stress baking? How did you make so much in the short amount of time we've been back?" I ask as I head closer to the counter to have a look at the cookies and brownies, oh man they look so good, I'm already salivating, this room smells like baking heaven.

Jin chuckles as he joins my side, a chair pulled over for me before he gives me the bowl containing the cream cheese that I love so much, its whipped state only making it better, it's so fluffy and soft.

"Not stress baking no, I'm just in a good mood and I thought we could all do with some sweetness, was it a bad idea?" he asks, already knowing the answer, it doesn't mean he doesn't preen at my large shake of the head, this was a genius idea, I am delighted.

"Your baking is the best, Jinnie, whoever complains doesn't deserve to eat what you make, I'll eat whatever they don't want, just give it all to me" I state as I dip a finger in the bowl to get some of the cream, he nods his head, satisfied by my words before turning to the muffins.

"Good, now tell me, what do I draw on top of them?". I look up to see him holding bags of colourful cream, I hum before licking my finger clean.

"Hearts, cover them all in hearts because I love you all so much and eating hearts feels nice".

"Oh you cutie, hearts it is, I will make the most beautiful ones just for you".

Their POV

Jungkook and Namjoon follow Yoongi outside to where Taehyung and Hoseok are currently setting up a pretty table by the fence where the sunset will shine its brightest, their heart skips a beat because of what this means.

"We're nearly there, Joonie, I don't think I'm realizing it just yet, we're really about to propose to her" Jungkook gasps out, hands clenching one another because he's so excited it's making his brain believe he's scared.

Namjoon, feeling exactly the same way nods his head, his confidence completely crumpled right now, not because he's afraid she might refuse, no, proposing is just plain terrifying and he didn't know it would make him feel that way.

"Come on you two, it's going to be fine, we're going to give you some time alone outside with a bottle of wine, enjoy the view a little before going along with the plan, this needs to be great for you as well, she's going to love it no matter what you say, no matter how perfect or not it goes" Yoongi assures them, but the two hybrids are not convinced they can truly enjoy it until they hear a yes from her lips.

"There you are! This good enough here? We installed this wood board near there to cut some of the wind, we can also hang some light on it so it gives a bit of an atmosphere while you gaze at the sunset, what do you think?" Hoseok asks as he points at what Taehyung and him have been working on, they're quite proud of it and they only hope that it will please them.

Jungkook's eyes take in their hard-work and he feels the slightest bit comforted, they're not alone in this, they have all of their friends working with them to make this perfect, Jin currently creating a diversion because she can't see this, not before it's ready, he had almost forgotten how great it is to depend on others when he's nervous.

"It looks really good, hyung, thank you, she's going to love everything about this" Namjoon assures them, himself feeling moved at seeing everyone moving together to help them in this project that means the world to them.

The two men smile in relief, they're glad they get to take some of their burden in making the environment perfect for the proposal, they know that if it was them in their shoes, the two males would do everything in their power to help them, it's what they do, they help each other out.

"You two didn't forget to put the dress on the bed for her, did you?" Yoongi asks as he adjusts one of the chairs, his eyes settling on Namjoon to find him shaking his head, of course he didn't forget.

"And Jimin took our clothes with him in your room, said he would make sure they look perfect, he wants Y/N to be impressed and swooning over us as soon as she sees us" Jungkook adds with a small giggle, he can already imagine her face when him and Namjoon join her in their tux, they've never worn one before so it's going to take her breath away for sure.

That's what they hope for anyway, they did try many different styles until they settled with their current choice, her dress chosen to match with them, everything was properly thought through and they double if not triple checked everything again and again.

Their small group looks to the horizon to see the sun slowly starting to lower and the two mates take in a deep breath, hands grasping together to settle their nerves. This is it, this is really about to happen.

Jin will send her to her room soon to get her changed into the dress and he's going to do her makeup and hair with Jimin's help while trying to keep her from guessing what this will be about, they can only hope that the proposal will not be on her mind, they want it to be a surprise.

"Alright, let's go in from the back, you can go in our room once she's getting changed, Jimin should've organized the hair products you'll need as well as your perfumes next to the mirror for you, I'll come in after a couple of minutes to help you but after that, it's going to be all you get, I'm not asking the proposal for you" Yoongi states, ends with teasing them, he grins when they both let out a small laugh, as if they'd ask anyone to pop the question for them.

"Okay, thank you guys, seriously, this couldn't have happened without your help, not here, this place is perfect for her" Namjoon makes sure to let them know and Hoseok and Taehyung both melt, aware that their cottage gave them a chance to make this magical like it's not often allowed, they're only too happy that it can be useful to them.

"Go get ready, little pups, you have a woman to claim" Hoseok muses, his tiger hanging around his arm with dreamy eyes, Jungkook meets his gaze and gives him a cute smile, heart giddy, Taehyung can hear his heart from where he is and he can't help but feel so proud for all the progress he's seen them go through, Y/N's arrival a blessing to all of them.

"That we will do, this night ends with our ring on her finger".

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