Chapter 17.

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-Kim Taehyung-

{Chapter 17: Picture perfect.}


"Taehyung do you have Instagram?"

"Nope, I never saw the use in it. I only have Snapchat and wattpad." I spoke before looking over at Jungkook who was playing with the case on his phone. After the whole incident with his mother we ended up watching Netflix and cuddling.

"Hmm...we should take selfie." He spoke up opening up his camera before leaning back next to me, I laughed at his randomness. We snapped a couple of photos before we both we went back to our own phones, he had a smile on his face causing me to raise an eyebrow.

He's a strange boy.

"Taehyung look!" He flashed his bunny like smile before handing me his phone. baby boy I only want you. 💀💙🐰🐶 the lord is watching yo sinful ass boi!👏

Jimminie.boy: @ you act like the lord ain't watching you!

Prince.jin: awe so cute! My son has finally became a man  💖


hobi_bruh: smol bois.

"Oh lordy..." I said while smiling reading the comments, Jungkook only let out a small giggle while he stared at me. I handed him his phone back shaking my head at how weird his friends were, I was called a smol boi.

I'm not that small.

Or so I think anyways.

"You should really make a insta, it would be cute to tag you in photos."

"Maybe I will...its already 8:30 I should probably head home. I have work tomorrow after school, and I need my stuff."

"But hyungggg can't you stay another night? Who am I gonna cuddle with?" Jungkook whined laying down so his head was firmly placed on my chest, his arm wrapped around me. I sighed, if I stayed another night my mother would probably question some things.

"No I can't, I'm sorry Jungkook I just don't want my mother to get upset I'm not home."


She wouldn't care I wasn't home.

"Alrighttt understandable, just text me when you get home so I'm not bored."


"Where have you been staying." My mother said as soon as I walked through the front door, I took off my doc martins sliding on the white slippers.

"At a friends."

"A friend that leaves hickeys?"

I quickly reached my hand up to my neck rubbing it before dropping my hand to my side. She sat at the table with a glass of wine, wearing  a tight fitted black dress something she wore when she went on dates with my step-dad I took a seat next to her at the long table that was never used after my father left only when Jongdae wanted a 'Family dinner.'

"I guess you could say that." I replied spitting out a bit of sass, her lips flickered into a smirk causing my eyes to roll all the way to my 6 foot grave that I was digging in my head.

"Sassy little fucker aren't you? You're so much like your father."

"Don't compare me to him."

"Why? Because its true? Are you afraid to be faced with the reality? You're always gonna resemble him."

I felt everything snap inside of me.

"That night he left you. He left me. I never asked for both of my fucking parents to up and leave me. Why do you act like you were the only victim, I was a fucking kid. A kid! I didn't know what it meant when my father was kissing a woman other than my mother"

Her mouth opened and closed like a fish, her hand came in contact with my face. Her cat like nails painted in the purest white grazing my cheek scratching in the process.

"Why did you slap me? Because its true? Are you afraid to be faced with the reality?" I repeated the same words as she did that only came out of her mouth minutes before her hand hit me.

She was pathetic.

I'm pathetic.

But at least I know I am.

"W-why do you hate me so much?" She whispered tears streaming down her cheeks.


"I'm s-sorry... I'm so s-sorry."

"Sorry? Does that fucking work anymore? I was 14. They had me strapped to a metal table with a knife going down my chest. What fucking mother sits there..." My voice was a calm whisper but when I threw the wine glass that she once drank out of it created a sound so loud, I swear it could of swallowed me.

"We both sat there and watched Baekhyun die in front of our eyes. Because you had a cocaine problem and owed money. Pathetic."

I stood up from the seat allowing the seat to fall and clatter against the tiled floor, I walked towards the stairs not turning back around to face her.

"Oh and by the way?" I said as I reached the swirling stairs that led up to my room.

"I hope you drown in guilt for the rest of your life. You bitch."


🏳thank you for reading chapter 17😄

Edited by me💘

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