Chapter 13

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Justin POV

The things I never ever imagine to come to me came back. MY PAST.
Past i choose to forget past I hated past that gave me nightmares past that took a huge part of my life and that past was BRIELLA.

Why me? Why can't my life be like a normal life. If you asked me if I hated my life I would say 'yes' without hesitation. I choose to run away from my past and I did, my relationship with Victoria...... Oh Victoria i bet she hates me but I can't blame her i have been ignoring her since we got in the yacht and i hated it but what can I do am still stock in my past.

I looked forward seeing the sea the way the wind causes the sea to move, the smell of salt and water, the way the wind hits my face, the feel of the sand on my butt, the quietness of the beach....speaking of quietness I heard a foot step heading towards where I am, I looked to my side and up to the strangers face to find out it was Valentina.

What was she doing here again, I came here to think after what she told me. I was still in shock of it.


immediately we got to the yacht i excuse myself saying i was going to get a drink, Victoria looked sad and disappointed but I was going to make it up to her i just need to cool down my head when I got in and poured out a drink I took a gulp and poured more.

"Hi Justin" I turned and found out Valentina followed me inside.

"What do you want" I sounded irritated which i am, she could be very annoying and clingy i wonder why i fucked her in the first place. How stupid i was.

"Oh don't be like that sweetheart" she tried to sound seductive, keypoint 'tried'.

I was irked by her calling me sweetheart, looking at her. I tried to see or find what attracted me to her i found nothing thou she is beautiful. But i don't find anything special about her others may but I don't.

I remember Victoria she is my type of girl. I always get the shriver in a good way like I said she is everything I ever wanted, speaking of Victoria am sure she is worried about me, ever since she asked me about briella i locked her out but you can't blame me her question brought back my past i choose to forget by all means but as they say you can't run away from your past it will come back to hunt you one day and.....

My thought was cut short by Valentina's voice ".....I know you just pretending to care for her while your parent are around" she seductively brought her finger to my chest trailing her finger around, how she got near me I had no idea.

I took her finger and fling it away from my chest and glared at her deeply "you know no shit about my marriage, what we had back in the past should be left in the past and by the way am trying to make my marriage work with Vicky and I will so much appreciate it if you stop what you are doing" I moved closer to glare at her "cause it won't work" the look of panic were in her eyes.

With that I took my drink to leave when a laugh made me stop I turned back to see Valentina laughing "oh no baby boy that not going to happen" she said with an annoying smirk

"What do you mean by that" I frowned making my brow come together.

She moved forward to me "well baby am pregnant with your child" she rubbed her stomach while telling me.



God damn it I fucking used protection, I was so frustrated I moved my hands in my hair pulling it with anger, anger directed at me myself. I felt her sit beside me "I used a damn protection how the heck did you get pregnant or is that someone else child?"

She looked offended by my question "did you forget a particular night we had a very hot and hard sex which made the condom broke"

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck how the hell did I forget that. Now am sacred and I hate it I feel my past coming back to me, what have I done again.
Oh my god Victoria how broke will she feel no,no,no not her, not someone I care about again. This can't be happening in my life again not again.

"You know you have to take responsibilities for the baby which means you have divorce to her" the word made me snap out of my thought, no I can't, it happening again,not again.

I was so shock that i did not know when Valentina moved to kiss me, when I was temporary out of my thought i pulled myself out of the kiss. I was then I saw Victoria. Fuck what have I done?.

My eyes widen with shock and by the look on Victoria face i guess i broke her the look of sadness, anger, hatred,betrayal were written on her face am sure mine read guilt but I covered it up not willing to give her any emotion.

Valentina broke the silence "ohh Victoria you are here?" She said with a smile.

Victoria turned to look at her with hate, I noticed she folded her hand to a fist like she wants to punch someone's face in "what going on here Justin" she looked sad and i hated it, i hate her looking sad.

I found i it hard to say anything, I couldn't it was so hard for me to say a word.

"Go on am waiting" she sounded impatient.

"I want a divorce" i whispered afraid I won't be able to say it if I were to say it out loud.

"What" the shock was evidence in her voice.

"You heard me I want a" god damn it I find it hard to say the word but i had to force it out "divorce"

"Why?" she chocked out the word she looked at the verge of tears "tell me why?" she yelled at me.

That trigger something in me I was so angry that I angry yelled back "because I realized this marriage is nothing but a pathetic bullshit we have nothing to offer each other and you have noting to offer me" 'no you have everything to offer me but I don't I do nothing but offer you pain' I said in my thought I dare not say I out or else the facade I was putting on will blow out "that why I want to marry Valentina she has thing to offer me that you don't" 'lies'

She looked hurt but she tried not showing it "you and I know that not true" she looked angry.

Well I am also why isn't she fighting hard for me instead she is here questioning me, am afraid of what she might do, she might leave me.

Valentina choose to intervene "of course what else can you say" she then sounded excited "well let me break the news to you"

Oh no "Valentina don't" I pleaded with her but I should have known better than to beg her she is always ignorant.

"What?why? but she deserves to know" she sounded offended.

"Deserve to know what?" I could tell she was frustrated by the entire situation.

I looked deeply in Victoria eyes begging for her forgiveness, I don't want her to leave me i would feel broken and empty, please Vicky stay and help me. Am sacred. I pleaded with my eyes.

It was then Valentina broke the connection by saying "am pregnant with Justin's child"

I felt numb and empty, now she will leave me that for sure, I knew i fucked up again, for the second time in my life I have destroyed my happiness again.

"Oh" the shock still evidence in her face. What will she say, what will she do makes me scared to the core.

"Now you know, now get out Justin and were busy having a good time when you came in on us" val sounded proud.

What surprised me was Victoria laughing, loud and hard.

Val looked angry "and what could be funny"

Victoria stopped laughing and looked at both of us "so that why he asked for a divorce" she had the I don't care look on her face "well now you listen , if you think that you being pregnant will makes me divorce my husband well keep on wait in your wildest dream because I am not" she scoffed "and for all i may know that child you her carrying might not be Justin's child" at that word I saw Valentina flinched.

Well that was not what I expected Victoria to say, why is she doing this.

"Well not to bother we will be doing a DNA very soon to find out" val could not talk not a single word came out of her mouth. "Now if you will excuse me i have my husband to attended to" she moved towards me and took my hands I felt the spark which brought me back to myself and filled the emptiness.

I don't know how we got to the room but I seem to find myself there. I tried to talk to Victoria. And put on bed with a blanket covering me.

"Shhh, no talking just sleep and rest you had a long day, so now close your eyes and sleep" she whispered to me.

I did so and smiled at the process how the heck did I get someone as good, kind and understanding like her. With her in my head I fell asleep.


I felt darkness around me and next place I found myself is in my past house, the house I shared with briella.
What am I doing in here.

"Justin" I turned around to find briella running to me looking excited. "Justin I have good news"

I found myself asking "what news?" I smiled I missed her, I missed her smile I missed her smell I missed everything about her.

"Am pregnant Justin" she smiled.

I couldn't help the happiness I was feeling I picked her up and spined her around, ohh how much I love her. "Really"

She nodded with tears in her eyes, I hugged her tight "I promise I will take care of you and our child I will protect you, I love you so much bri" I moved to kiss her then I felt a wetness in my hand i took my hands up to find blood on it. Where did they come from my hen I looked and saw blood in briella's body.

"Why did you do this to me? Why? I trusted you and this is how you could repay me?" She sounded horrified and angry "you promised to take care of me and our child and this is how you could keep your promise, look you have killed me, why?why Justin?why?"

"No No No please forgive me am sorry please, don't leave me" I sounds sacred.

"You know what, you deserve to DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE"

No no no no........

I woke up to find out it was a dream, I was sweating hard and breathing heavily, I looked and find Victoria sleeping at the other side of the bed. It was then I realised.



Hi guys, am so sorry for the late update have been busy with my work no time to update but I will try to keep updating


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