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Minju's POV

"Omy— hey look at that girl—" Yuri suddenly said with her unexpected reaction. I can't tell who is she referring to since we're sitting across each other.

I turned to look at the girl she's referring to.

Oh— Chaeyeon, here comes the dancing machine.

"Over here" I raised my hand and waved at her. She look at my waving hand and smiled. She's wearing her uniform and I bet, these guys don't have any idea that she's studying in Summer.

"Omy— you know her?!" Yuri exclaimed again. She's way too excited.

"She's the friend that I was saying earlier" I replied.

"Hi, how's school? I thought you're going to stay at home?" I stood up and gave her a hug. She hugged me in return."I was bored so I went to school" she said.

"Uhm guys, I'd like you to meet my childhood friend, Lee Chaeyeon" I stood beside her and gave her a proper introduction. They all stood up and bowed to each other. "Nice to meet you, I'm Yuri— Jo Yuri" Yuri said and lend her hand for a shake.

Chaeyeon accepted it while smiling. Aww, they all look so cute. "I'm Choi Yena, I hope we can get along with each other" Yena said.

"Hello, I'm Miyawaki Sakura" Sakura gave her a handshake while smiling widely. Chaeyeon also accepted it.

"Hi, I'm Honda Hitomi and oh— you guys can call me Hiichan" she said, giving her sweetest smile. Goodness, she's very cute!

"Hello, I'm Yabuki Nako" Nako said, giving Chaeyeon a handshake.

"Nice meeting you all! I hope we can be friends" Chaeyeon bowed at them. We all sat in our seats. Chaeyeon sat beside me since it's vacant.

"W-wait— that uniform" Yena pointed at the logo in Chaeyeon's uniform. "You're from S-summer?!" Yuri asked unvelievably.

"Nani? Summer?" Nako inserted. I looked at the three of them and they all looked clueless about it.

"Uhh our school is a part of the four season top universities here in our place. Winter for the first one, Summer for the second, Autumn and Spring for the last" I explained. They all started to nod their head upon hearing it.

"Woah— that's amazing" Hiichan exclaimed.

"Yep, I'm from Summer." Chaeyeon said proudly. Yuri and Yena are still in shock, on the other hand, the three looks amazed.

"Haven't you heard about—

"Finally ahh, the ambiance is refreshing" the door of the shop opened and a voice from Wonyoung was heard.

"They're already here" Yena exclaimed. Chaeyeon looked back at them, figuring out the 'they' that Yena was talking about.

"See we made it—

The three of them stopped upon arriving on our table and seeing Chaeyeon, in her summer uniform.

Yujin's reaction is blank and I hope it's not like I think it is.


Yujin's POV

We arrived earlier than expected since we grabbed a ride. Perhaps the results in the office are quite many by now.

We entered the ice cream shop. The glass door made it possible for us to see where they are. "Finally ahh, the ambiance is refreshing" Wonyoung said, right after opening the door.

I noticed that there is another person beside Minju and why the heck is her uniform familiar?

We approached to see who the visitor is and dang, just as I thought. She's from Summer.

What the fxck is a Summer student doing in here?!

"Hi, you came earlier. What's the announcement all about?" Minju stood up and gave me a hug. Even though I want to smile right now— this student is giving me a reason not to.

"Relax Yujin" Chaewon tapped my shoulders and took a sit beside Yena. Wonyoung did the same too.

"Who is she?" I whispered at Minju's ear. "About her— she's the friend that I was talking about" she pulled me to have a sit beside her.

Friend? She can have many friends as she wants but why on earth does it have to be a student from that fxcking University?

"Rude of me to not introduce myself first. Hello, my name is Lee Chaeyeon and

she paused for a while and smiled.

you can call me anytime" What the fxck is she talking about?! They all laughed upon hearint it.

"As unexpected as it seems, I'm from Summer" she continued and bowed at us after she introduced herself.

She looks harmless but that doesn't mean I won't suspect her tch. "You're cute! I'm Jang Wonyoung by the way" Wonyoung extended her arm at her. She then accepted it. What does this kid think she's doing?!

"I'm Kim Chaewon" Chaewon also gave her a handshake. The f is wrong with them.


Minju's POV

Yujin seems bothered by Chaeyeon's presence. I can't blame her, we can't forget those wounds easily.

She keeps on looking at Chaeyeon as if she's trying to examine and watch her every movement.

"C'mon, she's not dangerous. It's okay" I embraced her again to ensure her that she won't do something stupid.

"What can I do? *sigh*" she whispered at my ear and hugged me back.

She then removed her arms around me and extended it to Chaeyeon. "I'm Ahn Yujin" she said shortly. Chaeyeon looked amazed after hearing her name forgetting the fact that she should've accepted Yujin's hand at the first place. Hahaha they look cute.

"Oh it's my pleasure to meet you— to meet all of you" Chaeyeon exclaimed, giving her sweetest smile.

We continuef to eat the ordered ice creams after introducing each other. Tomorrow will be the start of a busy day.


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