Part XXXI: Her story

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Minju's POV

"Let's start off with our topic. It's all about the factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction" I pointed the words in the book for her to see. With her sleepy eyes, she just looked at it for a second and yawned.

"Miss Ahn Yujin, please listen. Look, I'm here because I was hired to teach you" I looked at her sincerely. If only she knew how tiring it is then she'll gonna listen to me.

"The factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction are: The reactants must collide with each other. The collisions must be of enough energy to overcome the 'energy barrier" called the activation energy and the reactants must form new bonds to produce products" she suddenly said while stretching her arms. I was taken a back by her sudden words. Woah,  I never expect that a girl like her pays attention to studies!  She even memorized the three main factors!

"I know I'm great so get your fxcking eyes off me" she glared at me while saying those. "It somehow amazes me. I thought that you're only interested on things when it comes to fighting, I never thought that you knew this"

She combed her hair using her fingers. "Psh, I'm not that kind of an idiot" she yawned infront of me again. Am I that boring that she keeps on yawning everytime I talk?

A drop of water fell down in my arm. The weather is quite dim and it will eventually rain,  I guess.

I started to pack my things up without looking at Yujin. It's better to move to another place than to be wet in here.

The water drops fastly as the rain becomes heavier. "Fxck it's raining" she stood up ready to ran to seek for shelter while I'm still packing my books under the tree. "Aish dxmn you're too slow!" she grab some books from the table and ran towards the gym nearby.

I followed her with some of my books covered in my head. I'm too weak and I shouldn't be staying under the rain for it might make me sick.

"I- It's freezing cold. I- I have to r-rest *achoo*" I'm starting to sneeze because of the rain. I took my books from her while still sneezing. Our uniforms are already wet. 

"Psh, such a weakling. Follow me" she turned her back against me and walk to the other direction which I knew is heading towards the locker. I followed her, still sneezing.

"Dxmn, you owe me this thing transferee" she handed me a red hoodie paired with pants. I looked at it, questioning if what am I going to do with it.

She took another pair of clothes from her locker and went to the comfort room. After a few minutes, she went out ang glared at me. What?  I didn't  even do a thing!

"Do you want to die? Just fxcking wear it. I'll just deduct it on your salary" she turned her huge back against from me.

Seems like I don't have a choice but to wear this thing.


Yujin's POV

This rain wouldn't stop falling like fxck. It's freezing cold.

I walked inside the canteen to find something hot that will lessen the effect of the weather. I almost forgot that the old man didn't want to install a coffee vending machine in here.  Instead, he told the staffs to install a milk vending machine which sounds childish for an old man like him.

I took two hot bottles of milk and just by looking at it, it fxcking disgust me.

"Oh? What's that?" A fool suddenly said from behind making me surprised that I almost fxckin punch her in the face.

"Milk machine? Woah I haven't seen this before!" she went near the machine and scanned it with her curiosity.

What an idiot pfft.

Minju's POV

This machine amazes me. I never seen this my whole life! I'm looking at it like crazy, checking on how is it build.

"Pfft hah- - - dxmn.  S-stop that, you might destroy it and your life isn't enough to pay that one" she said. I heard her walked away so I bid goodbye to the machine and followed her in the table near the glass wall.

Did she just laughed earlier?

"Did you laughed earlier?" I narrowed my eyes at her while smiling. It's my first time hearing her laugh so I'm grabbing the chance to ask if she really did laugh.

She avoided my gaze while holding the bottle tightly. "W-what are you fxckin looking at? Aish!" She raised the bottle and I thought she's going to hit me with it.

"Stop talking and just drink it you fool. You will die because of your weak body and I don't know where to hide that dxmn body of yours if you die infront of me" she opened her milk while looking outside the wall.

I just laughed because she's overreacting. I opened my milk but unfortunately, it's to hard to open.

sheez,  why won't this thing open?!

I put the milk on the table, giving it up. She just stared at it and poked me by the head. That hurts!

"Weakling" she opened the bottle with just a twist and put it infront of me. I drank it immediately since I'm really excited to taste a milk from here.


Yujin's POV

She looks thirsty just by seeing how she drinks this effin milk. She immediately finished it. She puts the bottle in the table hard,  as if she won in a drinking match.

"It's tasty!" she smiled ear to ear and shifted her gaze at my bottle. "I won't give this punk. You're abusing it"I drank the milk fast until the bottle is left empty. She's just looking at me while I'm drinking it. Dxmm that eyes.

I put the empty bottle and glared at her. She shifted her gaze and just looked at the view in the glass wall.

"You know what? I'm really jealous to the thought of you, having all of this but you're just wasting it" she maintain her contact at the view. I glanced at her for a second, wondering if she's telling her story.

"All my life I've wanted to have a father who will take care of me and will stay by my side. I always thought when I was still a kid'Why am I experiencing this? Am I not like the other children? '. Their fathers are the one who's fetching them from school while me? I'm only walking alone towards our house, wearing that jealousy.  When I got home, my Mom is not in there since she's working hard for us to survive. The only one who's left in there is my Father who has the urge to go home after drinking liquor with her colleagues. He's just letting my Mom to work alone while he's just making pleasure of my Mom's salary. If he's not in a good mood, h- he would beat me together with my Mom" she started crying.

*cough* I don't know what to do with her. She's crying even more.

I thought that she had already finish her words but she continued it while sobbing.

"I-I'm going to my school with lots of bruises and w-when my teacher will ask me about where did I got those,  I'll just answer that I fell down when I was running but in reality,  my evil Father is beating us up. I don't know if I should really call him as a father that time"

"I was worried of my Mom. She received too much. She looks tired that she even had a plan for us to escape. We left our father behind and decided not to meet him again. In that time,  I- I was t-traumatize that I can't even talk for months. That's the reason why I don't want to see someone being hurt and beaten up infront of me.  All I wanted was to have a father like the other children. That's the only thing that I've wanted but it never came true"

She's crying very hard. Her eyes looks tired.

I took my handkerchief and handed it to her. Dxmn this lady, she owes me many things today.

She accepted it and wiped it in her tears. She stood up and went behind me.  "Thank you for listening to me. You're the only one whom I decided to talk it with since I knew that you're not paying attention to matters like this." her cold arms wrapped around me. I didn't have the chance to move since her arms are put tight around me. Fxck why am I feeling this?!

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