Part XXXIX: She's concerned

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Minju's POV

More and more students are visiting in our booth. It's almost 2 in the afternoon and our products are almost sold out!

"Good job guys!" Chaewon gave her thumbs up to us, as a sign that we did our jobs well.

I smiled and leaned for a rest on the chair nearby. The weather's really hot. If I'm an ice cream,  I had totally melted.

"Fudge, it's hot! Can someone give me a drink please?" Wonyoung used her hand as an artificial fan. We all look exhausted.

"Minju! Let's grab a drink! We'll buy some for them too" Chaewon suggested, handing her name tag to Wonyoung.

Good idea!

"Sure" I gave my small handwritten name tag to Yuri. Chaewon headed first followed by me.

"Ah, some booths aren't sold out yet. Good thing we're almost done!" she started the conversation while looking left to right, checking the booths.

I can probably regain the failing grade that I received last dissecting activity. It's our fault anyway but I'm doing my best to restock my good grade though.

We're still walking in the plaza under the heat of the sun. We're heading towards the gate and I don't have any idea where we're going at.

"Uhm where are we going Chaewon?" I asked out of curiosity. There are many booths inside the school which sells drinks and for the second choice,  the canteen is wide open.

"To the milktea shop!  Hahahhaha" is she even serious? We looked like Dora and her monkey friend asking which way to go hahaha.

"Seriously speaking haha. Where are we really going?" We're now outside the gate heading to somewhere.

"In that shop. It sells the best milkteas!" she excitedly said. That shop is not too far from where we are. We walked fastly because the weather's dehydrating us.

She opened the door and lead the way inside. I'm about to get in when I saw a familiar person talking with another familiar person.

Y-yujin? Is that Yujin? 

Just by looking at her back,  I can sense that it's Yujin. Her up to shoulder hair makes it more sure that she's Yujin. They're on the right part outside the gate while we're on the left part.

A man is standing infront of her and I think,  it's the director,  her father. He seems pissed just by looking at his expression and the way he brush his hair.

I stepped aside when another customer entered the shop. Chaewon is still inside so I'll just wait in here.

I looked at Yujin and the Director again. The Director's raised his hand and slapped Yujin.

What the?! 

Yujin's face stayed still, pausing on the side where the impact left her. She isn't moving. The Director raised his arm again ready to hit Yujin.

I promised myself that I wouldn't let someone to be hurt infront of me again. I promised that I will protect a person who is hurt even though I'm weak. I promised to help someone who is being mistreated or abused because I know how it feels to experience one, and now?  I'm fulfilling that promise.


Yujin's POV

After I went out of the booth,  a student approached me saying that the old man wants to talk with me. Psh,  another issue again.

I walked outside the gate since that student told me that he'll be outside waiting in the car. Tch if I know, he just don't want his self to be caught.

Our black car is already parked outside. That man wouldn't waste a time for a walk. Tsk tsk tsk poor man.

"There you are" he stepped outside the car,  slamming the door hard. That so called scary trick of him wouldn't affect me anymore. What is it that he wants?!

"Xyrene sended a voice mail with your voice recorded on it. Do you know why'd I called you here?" he played the record with my voice saying that I can kill the three of them without hesitation.

Fxck that coward! If she can't get through me then she'll get through my dad. Dxmn!

"No" I answered him directly. I wouldn't give a dxmn about his life as well as he didn't give a fxck at my life.

He brushed his hair harshly. With a sudden move, he landed his thick metal palm in my cheek.

I didn't move for a while, he's starting again. Dxmn,  if I would have a chance to return this abusing favor then,  I'll gladly return it to him. If only he knew, this fxcking hurts.

"No huh?! Don't you think that even a small duration voice clip can ruin the image of the school?! What if she'll send that to his father?! He might release an article stating the real attitude behind Winter's students and the worst thing is it's you! It's fxcking you! Good for nothing child!" there he goes again. He's overreacting. I'll kill that b*tch. I'll really kill her.

He raised his hand and I knew that it will hit me again. I can already taste the blood's iron flavor in my mouth. Looks like I'll go to school full of bruises again tomorrow huh?

"Yujin!" A voice from behind said. The old man's hand freezed after hearing that voice. He composed himself and stood straight. What a great pretender.

I stood straight and turned myself to the one who called my name.

M- minju. W-what is she doing here?

"Yujin! It's good to see you here!" she stood beside me,  panting heavily.

What in the fxckin earth is she doing?!

She met my eyes and even if its freaking weird,  I can read through her eyes saying that she wants me to go with the flow. Fxck she might be in danger because of this. This man won't let a student go without making him/her shut their mouth up.

Dxmn it! she really is an idiot!

I wiped the blood at the corner of my mouth before talking to her. "Ah y- yeah? Ah *cough* I came here to unwind. What is it?" Fxck this stupidity. We really have the gut to talk infront of this man. Oh sheet,  I have to move her away from here.

"We need you in the booth! Don't tell me you're escaping your duty again?! " She acted as if she's angry. She's freaking nailing it. Pfft kinda cu - - -

"N-no of course not" I acted same with her. I think this man is looking at us while we exchange this freaking awkward acting and conversation.

"Hello Mr. Director, can I kindly excuse Ms. Ahn Yujin right now? We really need her help" she said towards him. Dxmn we're going to die because of this.

Even without his response, she dragged me inside the campus again. Fxck how does a toasted frog to death sounds like?

"That was close whoo!" she wiped her forehead. She looked front to back, checking if someone followed us all the way here. I'm just standing,  looking at this idiot infront of me.

"I didn't expect that he'll do a think like that. Don't worry, I'm not going to spill it" she said, still panting.

I would've been full of bruises right now if not for her. It's a freaking dangerous thing but she didn't give a dxmn and went with our discussion not knowing that she's interrupting a daughter and father talk and also,  a student and a director talk.  Hell that was an insane move.

"Yujin?" she suddenly asked. I can't fxcking explain myself if she's calling me by my freaking name. It's as if something's racing inside.

"Hm? " I answered at her. I can't even understand why on earth am I being soft (if you call it soft though) to her. I mean,  I'm bullying her at first but dxmn, it's changing now.

"A-are you okay?" she suddenly exclaimed, walking herself near. She held the bruised part in my face.

She didn't knew what she was freaking doing so she suddenly moved away and looked down on the ground. "D-don't m- misunderstood that! I'm
j- just.........................

I'm just c-concerned"

Fxck this stupid freaking fist like thing. Why won't it fxcking slow down?!

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