Chapter 1

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This is going to be a nalu au. I may keep writing this. That is if people like it. This was just an idea that came to my mind randomly so I don't really expect it to be any good. So if no one likes it I'll just delete it. Also I'm still going to be writing chapters for my other two stories when I get the chance. Sorry if I kept you waiting. (:
*Edited,well sort of.*

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.

Lucy's pov:

I wake up to find myself in the same cell that I've been stuck in for the past 6 years. The same darkness. The same old silence. The cell I'm in isn't no ordinary jail cell though. This room is encased in metal. The door is made of solid steel and the only window in here is the one on the door but it's made of bullet proof glass. They even have guards stationed out side my room, but that isn't even the best part.

Besides from all of the stuff they build and all the things they did to keep me in they still needed more safety precautions. By that I mean they have me chained to a wall. Even though my hands and feet are in shackles I can still move freely. Well, for the most part. I can't go with in 3ft of the door. By this point your probably confused on why they have me locked up like this. Well let me start from the beginning.

On my 13th birthday I watched my whole family get murdered right in front of me. My mom, my dad and my sister were all killed as I sat there being forced to watch. My parents were brutally stabbed, shot and then burned alive. That's not even the worst part. What he did to my sister was even worse.

What he did to her was just not human. He skinned her alive and poured gasoline all over her. Then he set her on fire. Their screams from that night will be for ever bound in my mind.

The last words that I heard that night wasn't even from my mom, my dad or even my sister but from the killer. After he finished them off he walked over the blood covered tiles and crouched down in front of me. He looked me in the eyes and said something that I will never forget.

"This is what happens when the insane get loose. I hope you watched closely kid." He said with the creepiest smile I've ever seen showing on his face.

The police hid this case away from the press so know one ever found out about it unless the were a relative, not that there we're any though. They didn't think it was important to let the press know since they caught the killer the next day. In my opinion that's just a load of bull shit.

After that I was put into Foster care and even they didn't know about what I had witnessed. My Foster parents realised I wasn't acting like a kid that age should have so they sent me to several different therapists and psychiatrists trying to future out why. They never found out though. Not them nor the people they sent me too.

I rarely spoke after what happened but when I did I guess the things I said scared people. I tried to make friends but they ran away when I spoke. After that I just stopped talking. I thought it was for the better.

At the age of fourteen I was documented as mentally insane after I killed my foster parents. The funny thing was that I didn't hesitate at all.

After that I was taken away and placed into a mental facility. I stayed there till I turned eighteen and then they sent me to a insane asylum or you could also call it the highest level containment facility there is and that's where I am now.

"She's awake!"
I heard several footsteps coming my way. About 5-6 people at the most. Seconds later the light above my door glowed bright red and a buzzer went off indicating that they had unlocked the door. I put on a smile as they entered the room. A total of 6 guards had entered my room and all except for one had their guns aimed at me.

"Okay psycho is time to get your meds."
One of the guards started walking over to me.

"Bad mistake," Right as he got with in arms length I grabbed his gun from his holster and shot him and one other in the head. I did this so fast they had no time to react but after the guards collapsed the other guards fired there guns.

And that's when everything went black.

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