chapter 10 - A/N

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Lucy's p.o.v




"Damn, you scared the shit out of me,"

"I can tell," he said rubbing his head.

"Sorry," I laughed.

He picked himself up off the floor and walked over and sad on the bed.

"So you know the guy who killed your family," he said looking around the room.

"Yes? Did something happen. Your acting strange."

"Yeah something did happen. A group of people broke in last night and they helped him break out. Most of the guards had already went home. The intruders had us out numbered.
The guards did everything they could to stop them but they were just to strong. I'm sorry lucy."

Before I had a chance to respond Gray busted through the door screaming.

"Natsu! Erza's coming to talk to lucy!"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, she was right beh-"

A red haired women walked in the room and started to speak.

"Gray thats enough. Natsu I need to speak with Lucy so if you don't mind will you guys please leave,"
She said cutting him off.

"Natsu isn't going anywhere. I won't talk to you if you make him leave."

"Fine. He can stay, but Gray your leaving," she said glaring in his direction. With out even saying a word he sprinted out out the room.

"Now that he's gone, Lucy I'm going to need your help with something. Well more like someone."

"what the hell makes you think I'll help you."

"If you helped me you would get revenge for the deaths of your loved one's and I'll shorten your sentence so your not stuck here for life. Are you going to help or not," she asked sounding agitated.

I looked at natsu and looked back at the red haired women. "Fine, I'll help you. But I'll only work with natsu I refuse to work with anyone else."

"I'm going to need you to help us arrest the woman who helped your families killer escape."

"I thought there was a group of people."

"There was but one of the people who helped him escaped was one of our officer's."

"Who was it?"

"Juvia Locksar."

A/N So this was kinda written after I wrote the last chapter, but for some reason I didn't post it. I know it's been a while and I'm sorry for that. Honestly though, I'm not really into this fandom anymore. I still ship them an stuff but I'm not as into it as I use to be. To cut this short I'm no longer going to be continuing this story. Not only am I just not really interested in it but if I were to continue I would have to completely rewrite it, and honestly that would take a while. My overall writing ability has improved and it kind of upsets me to see how poor it had been before. So I'm sorry if there are people who wanted me to continue but I thank those who gave me support. (:

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