Abandoned Mansion

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You were denying but still he insisted you to once visit his abandoned mansion where he has kept the culprits of your last incident. You wore your outfit and walked out of the wardrobe as you found him setting his hair while talking to someone on the speaker and the phone was kept on the dressing table. No wonder the person was talking in a very low voice and was a the verge of stuttering due to his drop dead cold voice.

You took your sweater and put it on before giving him his sweater while the person was still explaining the whole deal which was profitable for Taehyung's company.

Tae: No! We won't compromise.

He said in a deep voice as the person just let out a 'y-yes boss". You shook your head and whispered in a soft voice.

Y/n: Tae, you're scaring him.

He glanced at you but didn't mind to change his tone as he hung up the call after ordering the man to prepare a data about the company's monthly profit and future profit for him to get an idea of his company's future.

Tae: He should be.

He said while putting the comb back and wearing his sweater fully which was now hugging his perfect body. He turned towards you.

Y/n: Why so?
Tae: If there won't be any fear of the boss, then why will the employees work obediently. And also I'm a Mafia so I should have this dangerous aura. Shouldn't I?

He chuckled as you shook your head and sat infront of the mirror applying moisturizer on your face. He stood behind you taking your silky hair care in his hands before sliding a rubber band on them. You looked at him through the mirror.

Y/n: Do you know how to tie a bun?
Tae: Nope.. but I'll try as I'll have to do this in future when my wifey will be busy and my daughter will come to me for this.

You smiled at him and pressed your lips together while he made a bun of your hair. It was not perfect but was looking cute on you as it was a bit messy. You touched it and said.

Y/n: Our daughter will be so happy.

He smiled as you both got up all ready to leave.

He opened the door for you to sit in the car and went to his side. Putting on his seatbelt, he started driving silently. You thought to break the silence.

Y/n: Why do you want me to witness them?

He chuckled as his one hand reached for your and held it in a soft grip. He was still focused on driving.

Tae: They are your culprits. Not mine.

He said in a casual voice as you just hummed and nodded. Again focusing on the road, there was an awkward silence between you both. You noticed that he was taking the car to the country side. Soon the car went through a silent place where no houses were present. You looked at him and found him already looking at you.

Tae: Scary, right?
Y/n: Umm not much but yea
Tae: Get a hold of yourself because what you gonna see now will make you sure that this place is scary.

He said in a husky voice which was reflecting his dangerous yet teasing tone. Shivers ran down your spine even if you were wearing warm clothes. He chuckled slightly looking at your situation.

He parked the car on the roadside in front of a huge tree. Ho glanced at you before getting out and coming over to your side and held the door for you. You come out of the car. Your innocent doe eyes witnessed a scene that you never saw in your life as the daughter of a mafia. It was mansion a huge one on the other side of the road, more like a haunted house. He smirked which went unnoticed by you.

Suddenly he held your waist, making you flinch as you looked up at him just to see his playful grin which crept up to his pink lips.

Tae: What happened, Sweetheart? Are you scared?
Y/n: Yah! Who says I'm scared? I'm not.

He chuckled darkly and hold you closer against his body as he walked past the road towards the big gate. He knocked on it as some people in casual wear came out of nowhere and stood in a row near him. You looked at all of them. All of them had a good physique and held a gun in their hands. Some has bigs guns and some had smaller ones.

Tae: Boys! This is my wife. Make sure to remember this and never ever go against her!

He said in a strict voice. The big guys looked at you. All of them. Making you feel a little nervous and scared. They all bowed in respect.

All: Greetings Mrs. Kim.

He hummed and eyed one of the men to open the big door revealing a scary as hell mansion's living room just like a haunted a house. He started walking inside so did you. After reaching in the centre of the room, he looked around for someone as one man came to him running. He whispered something to him which was not audible to you as you were busy looking at the classic mansion which was equally terrifying.

Tae: Let's go?
Y/n: Where?
Tae: To meet your EX- Fiance...

He said highlighting the word 'Ex'. With each step closer to the door of the room. You were remembering the moments where you were begging for mercy, crying and was a mess. That guy made you feel miserable about yourself but the guy holding you tight in his arm always made you feel confident about yourself and your body that's why you love him so much from the bottom of your heart.

He opened the door of the room and walked inside with his arm still wrapped around your waist. The scene made your eyes widen.

Jehun. His face was covered with blood and deep cuts. He was passed out due to the continuous torture. All the men stood near the walls in a row looking at their boss and his beautiful wife. Taehyung left your waist and walked near Jehun, slightly slapping his cheek to know whether he was alive or not. His filthy hands, which touched you, didn't have fingers anymore. There was dried blood near his chair and his face. His clothes were also drenched in blood. He was in a very miserable state. Taehyung looked at you.

Tae: Come here Y/n.

You nervously walked to him and stood behind him looking at the half alive person on the torture chair.

Tae: Eyes off Min or else you'll also end up in this chair.

He shouted making you flinch as you looked around to see who Min was. He was staring at you but quickly shifted his gaze when he heard the order of his master.

Tae: Ah it isn't fun if he's sleeping peacefully like this. Wake him up.

Taehyung said in a dangerously teasing tone as he held you and stood away from the chair on which Jehun was tied up. A man came with a bucket of water. Not normal but boiling water. He stood in front of his all set to pour the water. He looked at Taehyung as he nodded.

The boiling water touched the worn out skin of Jehun. The fresh and the old marks started tingling pain in his whole. Maybe he felt like dying at this moment. He screamed at the top of his lungs as you clenched on Taehyung's sweater and shut your eyes tightly not wanting to witness the red marks burning endlessly due to the lava like water. While Taehyung just laughed like a psycho making you more scared of the environment.

Y/n: T-Taehyung

You called him in a very soft and scared voice. Taehyung looked down at you who was shivering and snuggling into his chest.

Tae: It's fine, love. Yah! You stop screaming, you're scaring my wife.

He comforted you even if he was the one who scared you. He then shouted at Jehun who was crying and begging helplessly.

Tae: You have 1 minute to apologise to her.... Look at him baby.

You looked at Jehun. His gloomy eyes reflected guilt, sorrow and pain. He sniffed his nose and looked into your doe beautiful eyes which were never beautiful for him but this time he felt something else when he saw a hint of worry in your eyes for him.

Jehun: Y/n..... I'm..... s-so..... sorry... I know..... I was wrong..... Please forgive.... me..... I'm dying..... I'm..... extremely..... sorry.

He said in a shaky voice pleading you to forgive him. His eyes had hope that you'll forgive him and let him out of this hell and give him a second chance. You looked up at Taehyung who was alread looking at you expecting an reply.

Y/n: It wasn't in my mind to forgive you for whatever you did but I see you're guilty and this much punishment is enough for you if you won't repeat it ever again. I forgive you Jehun.

You said in a soft and sweet voice which was like a melody of new hope and life for his ears. He smiled weakly at you.

Jehun: Never. I'll never repeat it. Even with my wife.

He said in a low voice where his tone reflected happiness. You smiled warmly at him making his heartbeat raised to the most.

Tae: Okay Y/n... I have to talk to him so you can wait for me outside.

He said while leaving your waist and removing his sweater. He handed it to you. You nodded and took his sweater making your way out to the worn out living room of the mansion. Walking around, you were looking at the unattractive features of the house: spider web in almost every corner, dust and dirt on the wooden floor, broken windows and the tall men in black standing on the edges gazing coldly at you as you roam around.

The broken stairs caught your attention as you took your steps to the second floor of the two storied mansion. The roughness of the rust on the iron railing under your soft palm made you look at it closely as you wondered how old this mansion could be....

Mysterious doors scaring you to death but the curiousity was way more than the fear. Every door was almost the same. Brown in colour, broken pieces, faded paint and dark from inside but one room attracted you towards it. The door was similar like others but light rays were reflecting from the space of the door and the floor. You opened the door, and it was as same as the the rooms of the haunted house that is seen in movie. For your surprise, candles were lit up in the room. 'If no one comes here, then why the candles are lit' the thought roamed in your mind.

Hii cuties.. I know I promised to update early but I didn't get time so here is our new chapter and in the next chapter we have some 😉 parts.

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