My Wife

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Next Day

You were walking downstairs when you heard someone's scream.

???: Aaaaa

You quickly came down in the hall and saw Nene was checking out some boxes and then she excitedly looked at you. The others gathered in the hall hearing her scream.

Mrs. Kim: What happened? Why are you screaming?
Nene: Eomma, look at this. Calvin Klein, Dior, Celine, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci. All of these brands' dresses are here.
Delivery Guy: This is for Mrs. Kim Y/n.
Y/n: What? *Shocked*

Everyone looked shockingly at you. The Delivery Guy asked you to sign on the paper. You signed and looked at the boxes.

Nene: Unnie, Can keep some of these?

You were about to answer but someone said "No". You all looked at the staircase and saw Taehyung.

Tae: All of these is for my wife.
Somi: What? *In rage*
Nene: But it's too much. I can keep some of these.
Tae: No you can't.
Y/n: Taehyung, let her keep some of these.
Tae: Y/n has already brought dresses for you. Go and check in the guest room.


Taehyung was in his formal attire. You helped him to wear his coat and tied his tie. He kissed your lips before leaving the room. He left. You went to check the boxes when you heard him calling you.

Tae: Y/n?!

You came downstairs.

Y/n: Yes Taehyung.
Tae: Baby, bring that file I gave you last night.

You went in the room and opened your cupboard. You opened the drawer and lifted some clothes just to find that there was no file.

Y/n: Huh? I kept it here last night only.

You checked again but nothing was there. You checked in the cupboard near your clothes. But the file was nowhere to be seen. You started getting scared as now Taehyung will be angry. Your forehead was full of sweat.

Tae: Y/n?!

He called you again as you flinched. You slowly took steps towards the down hall. He saw you asked for the file and you shook your head.

Tae: Y/n, give me the file?
Y/n: I d-dont know w-where it is.
Tae: What?!!

He shouted and you flinched hard.

Tae: Y/n! I gave you the file to take care of it and you lost it! Why are you so clumsy huh?! Answer me Y/n!

He shouted again as your eyes started getting teary. Everyone saw what was happening but no one dared to say anything as they know it's like calling their death by interrupting your both's matter. But someone was smirking looking at the situation.

Tae: You're useless Y/n.

He said and walked towards the room leaving you there alone. You sat on the ground and started crying. You blamed yourself for Taehyung's loss. Nene came to you and sat beside you.

Nene: It's fine Unnie. You'll find the file soon. You know Oppa is Short Tempered right.

You silently stood up and wipped your tears. You forwarded your steps towards your room. You went inside and saw him sitting on bed while talking to someone. His coat was on the ground and a vase was broken near your bed.

Tae: Please give me a little time. I will make this deal.

He hung the call and looked at you. He angryly got up and took a towel and went inside the restroom.

You sighed and picked up his coat and set it in the cupboard. Then you started picking up the shattered pieces of vase. While picking it, one of the broken piece cut your finger as you hissed in pain. You rubbed it on your skirt and started picking it again.

Tae: When you don't know how to do it, why are you doing it?

He said more like a taunt. You looked at him and he turned his face. He was in a towel. He wore his trousers and put out the first aid kit. He sat on the bed and harshly pulled you on the bed not hurting you. He rubbed alcohol on your cut. You hissed again. He looked at you with expression less face and again at the wound.

When someone barged into room. You both looked at the person and it was Somi. She was standing there holding Taehyung's file. She looked at Taehyung who was half naked. He stood up and she came near him.

Somi: I think this belongs to you.

He took the file and opened it. It was the same file you lost. He looked at her and asked.

Tae: Where did you find it?
Somi: It was in the laundry. Maid gave this to me.
Tae: Thankyou so much Somi. You saved my very important deal.

She touched his bare arm standing so close to him. She spreaded her arms and immediately hugged Taehyung's bare body. He hesitantly hugged her back.

Somi: You still owe me a treat, darling *wink*
Tae: Ofcourse

They both laugh and Somi glanced at you before leaving.
Taehyung looked at you emotionlessly.

Y/n: But I remember I kept it in my cupboard. (Lowly)

He ignored you and put on his tshirt before going outside. You sat on the bed while guilt took over you. You were sad because you were the reason for Taehyung's rage.

At night

It was almost 11 and everyone had their dinner but you were sitting on the couch waiting for your husband to come. You were reading a book "It Ends With Us".
You saw Somi in her as always revealing outfit. She walked towards you.

Somi: Why are you sitting here?
Y/n: I'm waiting for my husband.
Somi: Oh so you welcome him whenever he comes home.
Y/n: Hmm

You answered without looking at her.

Somi: You can go and sleep. I'll tell him that you're asleep and also welcome him home.

Finally you looked at her.

Y/n: He's my husband so you don't need to tell me what to do okay?
Somi: Chill girl... I'm not snatching your husband. You do what you do. Good Night.

She left you sitting there on the couch. When you heard the opening of door. You saw a tired Taehyung entering the home. His hair were a mess while his face was covered with sweat. He looked at you and started going towards the room leaving you there.

Y/n: Taehyung, atleast have your dinner.
Tae: I'm not hungry.

He stared mounting the staircase while you followed him that's when he heard a growl and you widened your eyes. He looked back at you and again that strange sound. You looked down and held your belly.
He sighed.

Tae: Set the dining table, I'm coming.

You smiled warmly and went to the dining room to set the dinner for him. Few minutes he came downstairs and had dinner with you without saying anything. You shook your head at his behaviour. You were thinking about how to make this up to him.


Someone was talking on the phone.


???: Are you a fool? In this way you'll never get him.
Somi: So what should I do now?
???: Do what I said earlier.
Somi: But I don't wanna hurt him.
???: That is just a temporary pain after that he'll be completely fine. But their relationship will break.
Somi: You're so smart. I'm doing this to get Taehyung but why are you doing this to your own sister?
Stacy: I can't see her happier than me. I want her life to be hell. I thought that Taehyung is a Mafia so he'll treat her bad but he turned out to be Lovey Dovey Husband.
Somi: My Taehyung would never do that but that bitch deserves this.
Stacy: Good Luck.

So Stacy is now with Somi. There's a lot of trouble for Y/n but when she has Taehyung to protect her then no one can harm her. We're gonna have one more intense romance episode next so stay tuned... Love you guys....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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