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The next day, the sound of my phone ringing is like the sound of someone scratching sandpaper repeatedly against a wall to my ears. My head is pounding like never before as I move my hand around my bed in an effort to locate my phone. I finally feel it so I pick up the call and put the phone to my ear without actually checking the caller ID. I honestly felt physically unable to open my eyes.

"Hello?" I say, my voice sounding groggy.

"Hey. Did I wake you up?" I hear Remi ask making me a tad bit more awake.

I nod my head slightly but stop cause the action hurts and I remember that he can't see me anyway. "Yeah, you did. My head is pounding so bad right now, I feel like someone is cutting it up." I tell him as I try to sit up, my movements slow and careful so as not to trigger the puke that I feel coming up my throat.

Remi laughs lowly. "Sorry. Alcohol is not for you at alll."

I kiss my teeth before chuckling. "Please leave me alone. What's up?"

"Well, I did promise to help you with your business administration assignment so I'm calling to tell you that I'm coming to pick you up soon. We'll do it in my dorm," he says. I had already forgotten about that assignment so I'm grateful that he even remembered.

"Okay, but this morning though?" I whine a little.

"The earlier the better. I'll bring you something for your hangover as well, alright?" He asks and my mood is immediately lifted, anything to alleviate this throbbing pain in my head is more than welcome.

"Yes, please."

"I'll be there in fifteen." He informs me before hanging up.

With my back against the headboard of my bed, I look over at Kemi who is passed out, complete with her hand hanging off the side of the bed and her mouth open. It's a funny look, but I don't laugh because I can't imagine what I look like myself.

I finally drag myself out of bed and go to the restroom to wash my face with cold water. After that, I brush my teeth before getting in the shower. It doesn't take long for me so I'm out in about ten minutes. I'm still looking through my clothes for what to wear when my phone begins ringing.

This time I do look at the caller ID and when I see Remi's name, I pick up. "I'll be down soon." I tell him, already knowing what he wants to say.


I hang up after that and look back at the clothes before me. I end up picking out a short navy blue romper that Chinedum gave me when she was restocking for her brand and I pair it with a white pair of sneakers and white socks. I quickly get dressed and wear only a red lipstick on my lips cause I'm not in the mood for a full face makeup this early morning.

After making sure that I have everything that I need, my books and some other things, I begin heading out the door. Kemi is still sleeping so I make sure I close it quietly behind me before going downstairs.

I greet a couple of the girls I talk to in this hostel on the way, most of whom are in the break room nursing their headaches as well.

The sun is out fully for a Sunday morning, so I'm forced to squint as I look around for Remi's car in the parking lot. He's back to his Range Rover today and the car is powered on when I finally join him in it.

Today he's wearing a white t shirt with the words 'Anti Social Club' written on it and red Calabasas sweatpants with Adidas slides and as my gaze flits over him inconspicuously, I'm glad that I didn't overdress.

"Good morning," He greets with a grin. "Here you go."

Remi hands me a silver water bottle which I open to find a brown liquid with a strong smell that forces me to put the lid back on almost immediately. I look up at him in confusion, "Is this agbo?" I ask because it does indeed look like the local medicinal drink.

"I have no idea." He tells me as he starts the car engine and begins pulling out of the lot. "I don't think so though. It's this concoction that the head housekeeper back home usually makes and sends for me. It's not the nicest thing but it does get the job done."

Making a face, I bring the bottle to my mouth but I end up inhaling the foul smell again so I pull it away. "It smells so bad." I tell him with a laugh.

"I know. But like I said, it gets the job done."

The feeling of the continued pain in my head is what motivates me to force myself to drink the brown liquid. I have to close my nose with my fingers as I take a huge gulp and force it down quickly. The drink isn't much so after a few more large gulps, the bottle is empty and I drop it in the cup holder console.

I rest my head against the headrest, closing my eyes shut as the soothing sound of PartyNextDoor's Come and See Me fills the confined car. It takes just a few minutes for the concoction to kick in and soon, I begin to feel a bit better than I was.

"We're here." Remi tells me finally causing me to open my eyes.

For a second I had thought we were going off campus cause the ride was longer than usual, I didn't know the school was so big. A white and black modern looking apartment complex stares back at me and I'm momentarily surprised as I stare up at it.

Remi gets out of the car and I follow suit. "You stay here?" I ask him and he nods in response as he comes around to where I stand. "Oh wow. I thought this was like the management's complex or something."

"Nah, it's not. Not many students live here though. Only a select few." He tells me.

"A select few like yourself?" I joke, tilting my head up to look at him.

He sends me a cocky smirk before taking my hand and pulling me in.

Just as we begin heading inside, I see Hassan coming out of the building. He stops in his tracks when he sees up approaching and I mentally wished he would've just kept it moving.

"What's good, bro?" Hassan asks Remi with a wide grin that the latter doesn't quite return.

Obviously Hassan was more excited to see Remi than Remi was to see him and that much showed. I didn't really like the vibe that Hassan exuded anyway and I was partially glad that it wasn't just me who felt that way.

"Nothing much." Remi replies as the two dap each other. "You heading out?"

"Yeah, I got a thing." He says, the two share a look and Remi gives him a lazy smile. Hassan then turns to me and I notice how his light skin just glows in the sun. It's a good look, but I don't find him attractive like that. "How are you doing, Christine?"

"I'm good. You? Didn't see you last night." I say.

"I was there. You know I can't miss a good party. I didn't know you were coming though, would've linked up." He says as he sends me a funny look that I think was supposed to have me flustered.

"It was last minute." I reply with a forced polite smile.

"Anyway," Remi cuts in, "we gotta go. I"ll see you later, yeah?"

Hassan gives him a nod before leaving and once he's out, we go in. The whole encounter was off and seemed forced to me but I don't dwell on it.

The inside of the complex lobby is decorated in all white and very masculine. It had few paintings, and white, expensive looking furnitures but that was about it. "Do girls stay here?" I ask Remi cause the place looked void of a female touch.

"Nah. Just us guys. The girl's have their own place across." Remi replies as he leads me up a flight of stairs.

"Oh. How come Kemi doesn't stay there though?" I ask him.

He shrugs his shoulder. "She doesn't want to. She wants to be with her friends and all." He tells me.

"And you don't?" I feel like I'm questioning him but I can't help but be curious.

Remi sends me a quick smile, "My only friend lives here."

Nodding in understanding, I clamp my mouth shut this time. We meet a few other guys on the way, most of whom I don't know but I greet anyway. Remi takes ahold of my hand and begins leading me to our destination.

When he leads me to his room, I'm mildly surprised.

For some reason although he said we'd go to his room to study, I didn't think he actually meant it. I had a quick inner debate with myself about going in. I had already come this far so would it make sense to become skeptical all of a sudden? I knew I could say I didn't want to go in but then again, this is Remi. I haven't known him for long but I felt comfortable enough with him.

It's just to study, Christine, you're thinking too deep.

Unlike the other student rooms I had been in which had two queen sized beds, a study table, two wardrobes and a toilet, Remi's room looked like a hotel suite. The color theme, like the rest of the apartment, was white. White wardrobe, white cupboards, white curtains (which I can't imagine how hard to maintain it is); it looked classy.

"Are you hungry? I think there should be something to eat in the break room." Remi asks from behind me.

I didn't realize I had stiffened at the entrance of the room until he spoke. I turn to look up at him, my stomach making a small, embarrassing noise at the mere mention of food. When Remi chuckles, I'm so mortified I could die.

"I'll take that as a yes." He says with a smile. I nod shyly and instead of leaving like I expected, he gives me a head nod that tells me to follow him.

He leads me to an their break room which I notice is much bigger than ours. There are a few guys around along with two other girls but none of them pay us any attention even we walk in, all doing their own thing.

While Remi goes to get food, I take a seat on one the empty tables and pull out my notes and the Business Admin. hand book. I feel so sleepy but I try to fight it, suppressing a yawn behind my hand. Instead, I decide to go through my phone to reply my messages and check in on my parents as I wait.

Remi soon joins me at the table, a plate full of croissants and French toast in his hand and two cups of coffee on a holder in the other.

"I had to fight for these. Those guys had almost finished it all." Remi jokes making me smile as he hands me a cup of coffee first.

"Thank you. I hope I'm not about to eat someone else's breakfast though?" I ask him. I didn't like to feel like I was imposing but he reassures me that I'm not.

As we eat, we begin working on the assignment which turned out to be way more tasking than I had eventually thought and I'm glad I had him to help. It was a bit strange to me how comfortable I was becoming in Remi's presence that even when I didn't understand something, it felt easy to ask him. Especially when normally, I can be a bit proud when it comes to this type of stuff. I didn't usually like to come across as that person who needs help.

Over an hour later, we are through with our food and almost done with the assignment. A few rough sheets are littered on the table, and books have been spread open as well.

Remi lets out a yawn, before leaning back in his seat. "That Bademosi is a mad man." He says, kissing his teeth.

I chuckle at that. "You got that right. You sure we won't just put a pause on this and finish later?"

"It's better to just get it done though." He shakes his head.

With me being a big procrastinator, I almost want to disagree with him but some part of me actually wants to do this and forget about it. I had other assignments to think about as well.

University is not easy at all.

I take a sip of my water, watching Remi as he rejects a call for the forth time since we started. "You can take it, you know? I'll wait."

He shakes his head dismissively. "It's Regina, nothing important."

At that I almost want to laugh because I can just imagine her face if she hears him say that about her but I don't. "Don't let her hear you say that," I tell him with a small chuckle. "I though you guys had a thing?" I decide to ask.

"You could call it that, yeah, but that was when I was in Year 2. I don't fuck with her like that anymore." Remi reveals, smacking his lips as if the mere thought of Regina irked him which some part of me questioned because of the fact that the two still speak.

Or is that just him being cordial?

"Why?" I probe before catching myself. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Long story short, I found out that Regina is crazy," Remi says, chucking a scoff. "For some reason, she has this image in her head where we are dating and going to get married after uni and all, and so any girl that even shows the slightest interest in me is on her hit list. She and her musketeers."

That makes me laugh a bit. "But it is partially your fault though."

"I guess it is." Remi admits, stroking his beards lightly. "I respect her though. I've known her since I was younger. Our families are friends and all, which I why I haven't cut her off."

At that I raise a brow at him. Cocky much?

Shaking my head, I decide to dismiss the topic altogether, drawing his attention back to the job at hand. We don't finish for another half hour and afterwards he takes me back to my hostel to drop me off, although we end up sitting in his car for a while just talking.

However, Remi's words about Regina lingers on my mind for the rest of the day.

Sorry for the wait❤️

What did you guys think of this chapter? Are Chris and Remi finally getting closer?

And what do you think is up with Regina? Is she really as crazy as Remi says, or is that just him exaggerating?

Also, what's up with Hassan's character or is Chris overthinking it?

Don't forget to vote, comment your thoughts and share this book. Also, follow me to be informed when this book will be updated.
Till next time, stay safe!💕

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