CH. 23: A resolute promise

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Dear All,

as I promised, today I am posting CH.23 of "Loving You is Forbidden" that originally should have been part of CH.22, but as you know I decided to divide it in two separate chapters.

I really hope you will enjoy it because we have many things in here :-) so I'll be looking forward to reading your lovely comments!


I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of you as thank you and in particular to whitneypooh79 because I think you'll like this chapter given your last comments and as a special thank you for your support and for re-reading my stories so many times.

Here we have a picture of our sweet Viola (--> beautiful Leda Monster Bunny) taking a picture for...we all know ;) I selected a song that I think has a rhythm that will well match this chapter, in particular the interaction between Oleg and Anatoly.

I am so happy many of you really love the character of Oleg! That's great, thank you!

And now, enjoy it!

"A heart's a heavy burden", by Diana Wynne Jones in 'Howl's Moving Castle'


When I reached home after school, I ran to the kitchen because I was freaking starving; my parents weren't around but mum had prepared some food for my brother and I just in case, knowing us two bottomless pits very well. Dima joined me as soon as he got back from college and we stuffed our mouths while we played The Witcher. I kicked his ass a couple of times obviously, but he also managed to wipe the floor with mine; apparently the chipmunk was good at this game and taught a couple of tricks to my doofus twin. While we played, I told him about the accident in school and he stopped playing, suddenly cursing out loud twice in a row for two reasons: first time, he was mad at the fact someone tried to drug me another time with the same shit and then, because he had lost the game. I didn't manage to contain my laugh and because of that he first punched my arm and after followed me in that.

"But you didn't drink it, right?" He asked as he sat down and shoved a huge handful of nachos in his mouth. My eyes widened a moment at seeing his mouth entirely stuffed and munching like a pig: I ate a lot, but I would never reach Dima's levels.

"No, I spat it out as soon as I realised that water doesn't taste that bitter and fucked-up. This time the dose was higher, because it tasted terribly."

I played with an earring for a moment and thought about what Sergey and Adrian said. It really appeared like this one really had it against drugs and I tried to squeeze my brain thinking about anybody in school that had a known reason or past incident, or tragedies or whatever the hell could explain this. The second attempt made clear that it was somebody around me and that knew my schedule or such. I had to think harder and I had to talk with Oleg.

God I hated this! Why couldn't I simply enjoy some normal peace and quiet? Why couldn't I simply go normally out with my man without having my mind full of crap? What an incredible and stupid moron I had been that day I decided to join the gang. Ahhh...I should have known that my past was going to taunt me. Which meant this mess had to be solved fast. I had enough of this shit. Yeah, complaining was not the solution. I was actually damn lucky I had Oleg beside me and my family supporting me like they did. Yeah, I had no reasons to whine like an annoying brat: years ago I made a huge mistake and now the moment of solving this crap arrived.

"What are you thinking about?" Dima asked and then stared at my pierced ears. "You still wear them?"

"Yeah, why not? I like earrings." He chuckled and his entire body shook with laughter, as usual. My twin had a very loud and physical way of laughing and when we were in school together, I remember teachers kicking him out of class whenever he couldn't contain it for some moronic reason.

"I thought you had them because you were in that gang, but cool with it if you like them. I guess it fits your wanna-be-badass style," he joked and I rolled my eyes, deciding to ignore it. "Travis has a piercing on his tongue," he said while he resumed the game.

"I bet it fits him and I bet he knows how to use it well," I smirked and he shrugged his shoulders grinning wide.

"Yeah, according to Sasha he sure knows how to. Do you want to get one too and use it with your man?"

"How about your chipmunk gets one on his tongue, hmm?"

"He's not a chipmunk!" Way too easy to distract my twin from his own bullshit. "Drop it."

"Alright...midget?" I offered smugly and he tried to punch my arm, but I ducked it and he snorted out faking annoyance. I actually didn't mind Jasper and the more I knew the guy, the more I sort of liked him. He was way sharper and sensitive than my brother, but that didn't really take much effort.

"But seriously, bro, what were you thinking about before?"

"About what Adrian and Lebedev told me today in school; they think this jerk has it against drugs and gangs members because twice tried to spike my drink. I believe they're right."

"You talk with Sasha's shithead cousin?" He asked surprised, but not upset by that.

"Yeah, I stand his presence sometimes because he likes Viola and such and well, he's getting around his own shit. He wants to talk to our parents and such. I guess the skinny fairy worked her magic with him."

"Sergey likes that girl?" He asked even more surprised, his eyes slightly wide and his eyes brows arched in incredibility.

"That's what I just said, Dima," I teased him, but he was too shocked to realise that.

"Wow, man, this is quite something. I would have never thought that idiot would like such a cool girl and well, know what I mean. She dresses in quite the, err, unusual way?" He was being euphemistic by saying she dressed unusually. She dressed freaking weirdly and eccentrically. Dima scratched his hair and seemed lost in thoughts, so I could tell his brain was digesting all the information. "Err, so what? Sergey is less of a jerk now?"

"He's still a gigantic jerk, don't worry. That's his best quality for sure, but let's say he's not that much of an asshole as before. I don't want to judge him because I have been there before and if he's trying to get his shit together, why not?"

"Yeah sure, as long as he stops being the incredible asshole he used to be. I mean I don't care, it's his business. He punched me, I punched him back and we're even," he said with a whatever-like expression on his face and I just shook my head. Indeed my brother was very easy going. No wonder things got like this between us in short time: his attitude and disposition helped a lot. "Sasha though will take his time to get over what happened and I understand him."

"Yeah, the Mighty Sasha is different, but it's their business."

"For sure, but hey, what happened today is fucked up, man. You should talk to the school principal about this and then to dad. Have you told to...err...your man?" His wiggled his brows in his idiotic way and beamed widely. Dima simply couldn't avoid it, we talked seriously for too long for his standards and I face-palmed. "So, did you tell Oleg or not?"

"Yeah, I called him of course because I was in a bit of a temper. I punched the door of the bathroom and aside the fact that it freaking hurts, I also left a dent there."

"You're like Sasha in this," he said laughing in between words. "Oh Lord, he's such a beast sometimes. Do you know that yesterday during training he knocked out an idiot in our hockey team that tried to play dirty with him simply because he is a senior and thinks he owns the rink? They clashed to get the puck and the moron really played it dirty and dangerous, well, he got his lesson on who's the beast when it comes to clashing, believe me," he told me chuckling and I definitely could imagine that. Sasha was quite the powerful beast when it came to hockey and he hated people playing dirty tricks. "But seriously Tolya, I don't like this and I don't think we should say anything to mum because she'll worry like crazy, you know her."

"For once your brain actually works and does some real thinking, I'm impressed," I joked and he punched my arm this time, but he grinned back at me. "But you're right and I hope dad will agree on this," I slumped back on the soft carpet we had in the game room, as Dima and I often enjoyed to play sitting on the floor. I stared at the ceiling and I smirked thinking about the message I left on my locker. "I left a message to the asshole trying to screw around with me."

"What do you mean?" He asked looking at me with corrugated forehead and not veiled worry. "Did you provoke that piece of crap, by any chance? Because this is something idiotic you would do."

"I simply wrote there that if they wanted to get me, they had to try harder," I replied as I sat back and gave an evil smile to my twin.

"Are you out of your moronic, blockhead mind, Tolya? You just provoked that asshole. This is so typical of you: you're nuts, bro."

"I'm just tired of this shit, OK? And Oleg is helping me in this, so I'm fine."

"You do really trust him, right?" For the first time he asked me something related to Oleg with a serious expression.

"Yeah, I do trust him completely. I know he's not a machine and I know he can also make mistakes obviously, but I still trust him completely." I replied straight away. He looked at me taken aback for a short moment and then chuckled, scratching his hair. "What Dima?"

"Nothing, it's pretty cool you trust him this much. I know he's quite the efficient, creepy ninja, so I understand it. I hope your little message won't get your ass in more danger."

"Well bring it on, because I'm tired of this cat and mouse game. Maybe the jerk will try something else."

"You're insane, Tolya. Your man won't be happy about that," he said with amusement and his shoulders shaking with contained laughter. "By the way, how do you call him?" I stared at my twin and sighed out giving up. He was hopeless. "C'mon, you must have some names or such."

"Dima, we don't call each other in stupid and cheesy ways like you do with your chipmunk. I don't like that crap, it's not me," I snorted out and he kept laughing. "Why don't you ask him later, hmm?"

"Oh well, I'll pass that." Right, wonder why he wouldn't like to tease Oleg. I smirked and he shook his head. "Whatever man, I like him. I mean, I'm cool with him and you two suit each other just fine, so that's all it matters." He grinned widely and yeah: Dima indeed was very easy-going.

We kept playing and eating some stuff, being careful to not leave crumbles around, given how mum would freak out about that. After a couple of hours, dad stepped in the room and greeted us both, but it was evident he wanted to talk to me. His expression meant business and it was rather contracted and serious.

"Tolya, can you join me and Oleg in my studio? I want to discuss what happened today." His tone of voice was a mixture of worry, strictness and rationality. "I am sure you already told Dima, am I correct?"

"Yeah dad he told me and to be honest, this is completely fucked up," Dima grunted out and our father gave him a look that spoke enough. "Err, I mean, this is very...bad, yeah, bad. Have you told mum?"

"No and for this time only I believe it is better to not say a word. I do not want to overly worry her and I prefer to look into this matter and take actions."

"Alright, let's go talk," I only said and I got on my feet. "Dima, you want to join us?"

"I actually need to get ready because I should pick Jasper soon and I'll be late obviously. Oh well, my kitty doesn't mind if sometimes I'm late." He beamed like the doofus he was and I felt more and more for his boyfriend. That guy deserved an award for being so patient with my twin. "You'll tell me later?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry. Go fetch your chipmunk, Fido," I sarcastically mocked him, mimicking with my hand to toss a bone out of the door.

"He's not a chipmunk," he grunted out, ruffling his hair out of frustration. "And what you go and fetch..." Dad cleared his throat and that signalled for us to drop our bullshitting. Especially because I doubted dad wanted to hear jokes about Oleg and same applied to me when in front of my parents.

"Dima, Tolya, we have something urgent to discuss. You can continue with this later, when I will not be present." Dima chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

When we reached my father's studio, Oleg was already there, waiting for us simply standing in that impassive and motionless way of his and impeccably dressed in a dark suit. Whenever he wore a black dress he looked even more intimidating and someone that you didn't want to have on your bad side; he also looked damn hot and I ran my mind like a pathetic teenager under a moronic hormone storm.

Whenever Oleg stood like that, assessing people and the surroundings with hard and analysing eyes, he didn't look exactly like your usual normal human being, but strangely enough, I liked this of him. It made me glimpse at the efficient and incredible soldier he had been. However, right then his cold impassive stance was mostly to cover his anger and I knew that, because the moment I stepped in the room his eyes locked at me for a brief moment in a very eloquent manner. After that, he wore back his usual emotionless and controlled expression and we discussed the problem at hand.

"Mr. Denisov, Anatoly," he formally greeted while he inclined his head to my father, who returned the same gesture.

"I know son you have plans for tonight and so do I with your mother, as we are soon meeting Aleksandr's parents for dinner. I will be brief," dad said calmly, as he kept standing in front of me. "Tell me what happened today in school once more, please. But first, Oleg before explained to me he is looking into this matter and that he has found something. Is that correct, Oleg?"

"Yes, sir. I have found a few possibilities and I shall act as soon as I will receive more specific information," he replied with controlled and levelled voice, staring directly into my father's eyes and then quickly shifting his stare to me. "I will solve this matter very soon, if you find this acceptable and you have my word that I shall not fail. The person that tried to drug the water is somebody gravitating around you in school, Anatoly," Oleg explained directly to me. I slightly nodded, as of course he had arrived to the same conclusion. "It does narrow the research considerably and it shows that the person can freely move in school without attracting much attention. Yes, it could have been someone observing you and noting your habits, but I doubt it and that is because a common person observes habits well only of people around themselves." I swallowed down. He was damn right. "In short time this piece of human garbage managed to pour drug into your bottle of water, guessing you would have gone back for it: they had time and plenty of chances to observe you, Anatoly."

I very cold shiver crawled down my spine like a creepy shadow's long, spidery fingers retreating slowly at the feeble light of winter's dawn. I swallowed down another time and my throat and mouth felt too dry for my liking. He saw the thick uneasiness on my face and so he spoke once more.

"I give you my word that I will not fail and that I will find the identity of this vermin. It is a promise." Oleg uttered those words with burning and unyielding resolution, and for a moment his eyes abandoned that usual calculating and collected light, for smouldering like two dark fires. I went to say something, but dad spoke for both of us.

"Thank you, Oleg. We never have doubt about you and your skills. You will always have our complete trust and respect. Thank you for your invaluable help," my dad replied, smiling at him for a quick moment and then set hard eyes on me. "Tolya, you do realise we cannot overlook this second attempt, right? I will not say a word to your mother, because I do not wish to upset and worry her more than necessary. If Oleg is taking care of this, I know by experience that it will be dealt with and resolved very soon."

I gulped at the tone of voice and face of dad, because in that moment he looked like someone you didn't want to fuck with. He also had that menacing attitude and disposition, and right then he looked pretty much scary. What he said also proved to me that my dad had asked Oleg to take care of that piece of shit now rotting in jail, without any doubts. Not that the impassive bastard wouldn't have done it without my father's request, but freaking hell, dad also was quite the man to keep on your good side. He kept us all out of it, but I guess now he didn't mind me knowing, as for sure I wasn't going to say a word about it. We exchanged a silent look and we understood each other perfectly.

So I talked about the bottle of water and I also told them about my idea of provoking that asshole with a nice message left on my locker, explaining that I couldn't stand this situation any longer. As already foreseen, Oleg did not take it well one freaking bit, not to mention dad, who simply momentarily shook his head and massaged his forehead.

"What did you do, Anatoly?" The hot, impassive bastard demanded with curt and hard tone, drilling holes in my eyes as he stared at me with his dark wells. "Have you not considered the possible consequences of such reckless gesture?"

God, of course he had to freaking lecture me, and somehow his tone ticked me off and I took a step toward him ready to explain myself. My dad said nothing and simply observed us, but then he let out a loud sigh and placed a firm hand on my shoulder, sensing I was about to answer in a rather temperamental way.

"Son, calm down." I moved my eyes to him and I had to take a couple of deep breaths. "Oleg is right and I also would like to know why you did such thing. This is dangerous, Tolya."

"I fucking know that," I barked out and dad let my swearing pass. "But I'm tired of this crap. I can't walk around like a sitting duck and do nothing about that. That fuc...jerk should just face me if they have enough guts."

"Anatoly, this is not matter of sitting around doing now. I am personally viewing in this matter and I will find the responsible for this and I will then have a private talk with this rat." Oleg was livid and even my dad was surprised by his reaction. "What if this piece of garbage will try something else before I find out the identity? What if something happens to you and I cannot be there to get your back on time?" His eyes burned holes in my face and I felt my blood boil and I was about to counter-debate, but something flashed back in my moronic mind and I froze. His last question kicked-start my brain and I realised why he was so worried and mad. He had not digested the fact I had left the gang without telling me first and right when he was out of New York. Oleg had talked with Vincent and obviously he had a lot on his mind. I had been an award-winning idiot, but I still believed what I did was right.

"But you said you'll find this jerk, right? I can count on you and I damn know it. But I had to give the message that I'm not to be taken like an idiot. This...this damn jerk is playing cat and mouse with me and I freaking hate that. I might be freaked by this, but I'm not scared," I rushed out, challenging his impenetrable and dark eyes.

"Indeed I will soon find the responsible, Anatoly," he replied curtly, taking a step toward me and stopping right in front of me. He looked at me without speaking any word for a long moment and I knew Oleg was regaining his usual glacial composure and steel-made calm. "I will find the responsible, do not worry. I know you hate to sit around and let other people worry about you, taking care of things for you. I understand why you did it, but it was reckless and irresponsible." He paused a moment and then gave me a very quick smile. "It was something that exactly someone like you would do."

Oleg didn't say immature brat mostly because my father was there and when I turned to look at him, he had quite the expression on his face. I guess he wasn't used to our usual temperamental way of arguing or even just discussing.

"Tolya, I will not be at ease on Monday when you will go to school. You should take a day off, actually."

"What?" I almost snarled out and my dad gave me quite the stern look and I shut my mouth.

"I mean it, son. You provoked this person and in a way you did well, yes. But I am sure Oleg will agree with me that a day or two off will be good. Your message probably will help in this."

"Sir, this might be actually very right. I also believe that, based on the way the responsible behaved so far, nothing will happen in the next days." Oleg shifted his stare on me and directly addressed me. "This person seems to strike whenever you relax your guard, Anatoly. But this rat also made a mistake by trying to same twice: it gave away their weak spot and left a trace with your bottle." I hadn't thought about it to be honest and he read the reaction on my face, answering my mute question. "I will send the content of the bottle to my friend working in that private clinic. We have already made favours for each other several times and I am sure he will assist me in this without problems."

"Very good, Oleg. Thank you," my father said slightly nodding. I thought about his words and the bastard was right as always.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Oleg. After Halloween's party nothing happened much and right when I thought things were quiet the asshole did something...sorry dad," I said, given the way he shot me a look. I took a deep breath and swallowed down my annoyance at having to admit what I was about to say. "I'm sorry if I did something stupid, but it was a matter of pride."

"We got that, son."

My dad placed his firm hand on my shoulder and gave me an affectionate squeeze. He checked the time on his wrist watch, one of those freaking expensive Rolex, and then fixed his tie that without doubts was branded. I had never really noticed before, but it was obvious that my parents enjoyed a certain level and style of life, yet they never felt the need to parade it or display it in a snobbish way. No wonder Dima couldn't stand Jasper's mother and it was actually a surprise the chipmunk came out like that.

"I believe your mother will be back soon. She went to get her hair done and then we will go out. Only for this time I will not say a word, but Tolya, no more reckless actions please. We do worry about you because we love you."

I had to avert my eyes a moment, because I wasn't used to this; my father quickly smiled and then thanked Oleg. Before leaving them alone in the studio, as I was sure they had other matters to discuss, I quickly spoke to dad.

"I know that and...same for me," I munched out and then walked out of the room. "I'll get ready to go out."

"Enjoy son and say hi to your friends." I nodded and took the stairs to get my ass ready for tonight.


Reckless and immature punk.

What was he thinking about when he left that message? He had not specified the exact contents of it, but I could imagine all too well, knowing Anatoly. It was true that this piece of filth always seemed to strike when Anatoly expected it least, but I could be wrong because I was a human being. It was incredible and amazing the fact that brat trusted me without the slightest doubt and right because of his trust, I could not afford to fail him. When he spoke about that provocation, for a moment I thought my blood froze and then it began to boil at dangerous temperatures.

What if something happened to Anatoly and I was not there for him? The mere idea was enough to send me in a very bad form of cold, difficultly controlled anger I had never experienced before. But I made a promise to him, not only today. I had promised Anatoly I would always be by his side whenever he needed me and I rather die than break my word given to him. It was a matter of honour and also a matter of love, and when it concerned Anatoly they both became two inextinguishable flames blazing in my mind, heart and soul.

I had to act fast and I had to discover the identity of this rat that obviously did not aim to simply hurt Anatoly; after today, it was clear that twisted vermin wanted to kill him. They had used a stronger dose of drug, according to Anatoly, and I could imagine the consequences of it. I was beyond enraged with this piece of filth and I looked forward to entertaining a private and nice conversation with this person. But a mistake was made today, for this vermin struck Anatoly with the same mean and left a trace behind; my friend would not deny me a favour for simple reason I had done plenty of them in the past for him and mostly, because he owed Mr. Denisov for the job he held. Yevgeny Denisov was indeed a very powerful and influential man and nobody ever dared denying him a favour, aside knowing they would be rewarded generously.

I barely controlled my emotions in front of him and I was grateful he understood and respected my state of worry. Of course Anatoly was not a person to simply stay quiet and wait; this I knew well and I loved and admired this side of him. I was proud of his courage and of his wanting to face the matter directly. Nonetheless, it made me feel uneasy and I feared it would expose him to soon to strike retaliation; the fact drug was used twice signified, in my modest opinion, that the person did not like Anatoly escaping it with major consequences the first time. It was a vindictive and rather perverse attitude, and this personal hatred exposed the vermin's side.

Probably his reckless action was going to help in this, instigate some reaction in that person, if I guessed correctly; but I did not like the idea that the reaction was aimed at Anatoly. I feared the next move was going to be more ruthless and extreme. Also, this rat knew Anatoly's habits in school and today's events made it very obvious. If any, this seconds attempt allowed me to narrow the range of my investigation.

One thing only had to be done: to find the identity of this filthy rat in a few days.

The moment Anatoly left the room, Mr. Denisov asked me to remain another moment to discuss the matter at hand. He was visibly shaken, at least for my observant eyes he appeared so; but I knew he would mask it once in the company of Mrs. Denisov, whom he did not wish to further upset. It was the right step to take, because she had already worried far too much in the past years.

"Oleg, please forgive me for always relying on you when it comes to personal matters, but you are the only one I can completely trust. You also care for Tolya and I know you would not want to be left aside."

"Indeed, sir. It is correct saying I am personally involved, considered my feelings for Anatoly, but I would assist you even if that would not be the case. It is an honour for me and I will inform you as soon as I discover anything of importance in the matter," I replied in all honesty, because my words reflected the absolute truth. Yes I was in love with Anatoly and indeed I was personally motivated in wanting to find the culprit; nevertheless, whenever I could assist Mr. Denisov always represented a great honour for me. "I only fear that Anatoly's action accelerated the counter reaction from that person."

"I believe the same. Please, do take the entire week free; I will inform you whether I need your assistance in my business. My family comes before anything else," he said with piercing and hard eyes, his voice never altered.

"Yes, sir," I said with firm voice, inclining my head. "If my assistance is not required for anything else today, I shall retire and work on the matter."

"Yes, please and thank you, Oleg." He gave me an affectionate, brief smile and I responded by inclining my head in gratitude. "Just one personal question, if I may ask."

"Of course, Mr. Denisov."

"It is a matter of pure father-like curiosity: do you and Anatoly have plans for tomorrow?" His question did not take me by surprise. Mr. Denisov was not intruding in our relationship or somehow checking on it. He simply wanted to understand it better and it was absolutely normal.

"Yes sir. I have purchased tickets for theatre and a play from Pushkin will be staged," I explained and his face changed into an expression of serenity he always only had when it regarded his family.

"I did not know you liked theatre, Oleg. But I know Tolya does. Years ago, before you started to work with me, Natasha and I took them to a Shakespeare's play: Dima fell asleep, but Tolya was fascinated by it," he said with soft amusement dancing in his light-blue eyes. "I am very happy my son found a partner like you, because I can see you two have much in common." He tilted his head toward the door as we both heard Mrs. Denisov calling for him. "I shall leave now with Natasha. Once more, thank you."

"Thank you, sir. Always an honour for me."

The Denisov left and also Dmitri followed them shortly. I went to my room to collect papers I was going to revise once back at my place; I had a lot of work to do if I wanted this matter over in a few days and there was no wasting time allowed. When Anatoly called me in the morning it took me considerable time to regain the necessary composure, because I was aware of the danger he was facing, not to mention the other risky situation left hanging with the gang. I could not afford any mistake or loss of focus. I had to repress my personal feelings and emotions to keep perfectly efficient and resolute.

I swore to myself that I would not fail Anatoly and that I would rather take a bullet in his place. My eyes concentrated to the papers in my hand and then the door of the room opened and Anatoly stood there looking at me silently.

"What is it, Anatoly?" I demanded hearing my voice still slightly hard. He stepped inside and closed the door behind his back.

"Listen, I'm sorry I did something stupid, OK? I brought the bottle of water, here," he handed it to me and I nodded in response, placing it on my desk. It was good enough he had not thrown it away in the midst of his temper' outburst, something that could have easily happened with him.

I let go of a silent sigh and walked to where he kept standing, placing one hand on the side of his face. I was not upset with him, but solely uneasy with this general situation. There was no reason to be distant and hard with him, for I understood his actions.

"I did not mean to be that harsh with you before, but I seriously worry about this. This morning I wished to have that piece of trash right in my hands and believe me, nothing would have been left intact after I was done with it," I said meaning every single word. This morning I could have killed that person if left in my hands, thus it was good that had not been the case.

"Well, that's how I also felt," he said looking straight into my eyes. He was nervous and I could see it; therefore my lips gently kissed his and I smiled at him.

"You acted like the immature brat you are, but thinking about it, I should have expected it from you. Tell me exactly what you wrote there," I demanded and he did so. I chuckled and he gave me a crooked, questioning glare. "Very typical of you, punk."

"Impassive bastard," he retorted back and then moved closer, his eyes shining of a different and now very enticing, challenging light. I could feel the shift in his mood and it matched with mine. I kept my expression composed on purpose as I assessed him silently, my thumb softly touching his lips. "We're alone," he said and his lips curved in that bratty and very smug smile.

"Indeed, we are alone Anatoly."

I smiled in kind and let the other hand move deliberately slowly on the small of his back, pulling him pressed to me in order to make him understand how I felt whenever his gaze travelled my body with such devouring intensity. His eyes sparkled with more tempting light and his nose caressed my neck along with his warm, rough lips. His hands grabbed the lapel of my jacket tightly and a quiet growl left my throat as his teeth scraped my neck.

Aggressive punk.

"We do not have a lot of time, Anatoly," I said in the purpose to inflame his temper as I let my lips now stop on his ear. "What do you think about this, brat?"

"I think we have enough time, bastard. You got me fucking hard," he groaned as my hand reached for his length and grabbed it through his jeans. "Fuuuck," he hissed on my neck.

"Indeed, you are very hard, Anatoly. I like this," I taunted him while my lips travelled his neck and my other hand took strong hold of his ass. My blood simmered at the feeling of it, for Anatoly was very strong and his muscles were defined and firm, moving a real exciting and stirring sensation while touching them and his entire body. My mouth moved back to his ear and I smirked on it as I spoke. "But so I am."

He swallowed loudly at my words and tried to push my jacket down my shoulders. Therefore I took a step back and I removed it myself, along with my tie that we had not enough time to use at the present moment. His eyes stared at me in pure excitement and I could almost savour his own desire vibrating, melting together with mine. Anatoly removed his t-shirt and sweater in one quick and rather rushed move and let them drop on the floor; he went to kiss me, but I stopped him by turning him around, pressing his back on my chest and his ass against my demanding hardness. My erection throbbed at the contact with him and pushed stronger against it.

"I want you, Anatoly." His head tipped back and my hand closed around his throat while I nuzzled his nape, feeling his pulse quickening pace. It was a reaction from my words and from our physical contact and I loved to feel that. I reached for the front of his jeans. "I know what you want, but I will not let you have it in your way tonight."

"Bastard, are you doing this on some sadistic purpose?" He hissed slightly annoyed.

"Indeed, brat. I do it on purpose because I know this will render you extremely temperamental and aggressive tomorrow," I felt his shudder of pure lust and excitement, and the heart beat quickened considerably. I smirked on the skin of the back of his neck and traced it slowly with my tongue. He let go of a moan of pleasure that enhanced my own pleasure, in particular when one of his hands reached for my thigh, very close to my groin, and grabbed it assertively.

"Believe me, Oleg. I'll fucking take you so damn hard tomorrow that I'll drive you out of your fucking mind." His voice sounded rough and altered by sexual need.

"I know you will and this is exactly what I want, Anatoly," I murmured on his ear while I smirked more, turning him around suddenly and taking his mouth with a deep and ravenous kiss. I broke it and without many compliments I pressed him against the small portion of wall that divided my room from my private bathroom. I searched his front pocket, because I knew Anatoly's intention and because I had felt something in there before. He challenged my stare and without saying anything he opened my shirt and quickly removed it, opening my pants and slipping his hand inside my underwear. "I love this side of you, punk."

"And this side of you turns me fucking on, Oleg," he fired back and I pulled out two foils from his jeans' pocket.

"Hmm, I really guessed well," I mused with a dark smile and his eyes slightly widened in more excitement as I observed him silently, purely enjoying the view of his muscular and defined body, my hand savouring the firmness of it and the feeling of his feverish skin. "I will never get tired of admiring your naked body, Anatoly, or touching it," I said with strained voice and we exchanged a charged look, both feeling the same emotions and vital need for physical contact.

Therefore I made him face the wall once more without giving him the time to realise it.

"Fuckkk..." he hissed out and I undid his belt and his jeans, pushing them down along with his boxers. I did the same with mine and my hardness pressed demanding on his incredible and round ass, as my hand had slipped in front and seized his very hard member. He thrust in my hands a couple of times and my eyes closed a moment to avoid getting completely overwhelmed by what Anatoly made me feel. "Oh fuck Oleg...I'm so going to get it back at you and screw your brain out."

My eyes shot open and I growled at hearing his words and excitement coursed in my veins powerful and wild along with my boiling blood. I never exactly minded his swearing and I sure did not mind in bed. It belonged to Anatoly and it affected my arousal.

"I look forward to it, as I look forward to being inside of you, Anatoly." I ripped open the condom's foil and covered my length, and after that I opened the second foil that contained lube.

"When did you acquire this?" I demanded as I coated my covered erection with part of it while the other I used for him, entering his ass first with one finger and shortly following with a second one. A throaty sound escaped his mouth in that moment and his head slowly bent to the side, visibly stirred by sensual ecstasy.

"Hmm, Anatoly?" I inquired once more as my fingers slipped deeper inside, making him breathe louder and rougher, moving around them to enhance his own pleasure. I hardened even more and none of us was going to last very long.

Anatoly was incredible and I knew without doubts I was the only one owing the privilege of rendering him an explosive and very exciting, unrestrained lover.

"I stopped somewhere before coming home," he replied with raw voice, trying to contain a loud groan as my fingers sank further in him; he then turned his head around to look at me and the look in his eyes threatened my control considerably. "I've been thinking about it since yesterday." The smile that rose on his lips incinerated me even more and we both were breathing loud and heavy.

Our mouths searched for each other and closed in a feral kiss, as our tongues fought aggressively to get deeper in each other's throats. Anatoly was an incredibly wild and arousing kisser and I took his mouth with the same intensity my fingers enjoyed thrusting and moving inside of him. He groaned in my mouth as I deepened in him and he reacted wilder, for he bit my tongue and then sucked it in such ravenous way that I felt my control almost slash in thousands shreds. I broke the kiss and he snarled at that, but I silenced his protest by slowly penetrating him with my hard length. It was fire burning in my groin and it demanded to make love and take Anatoly entirely.

It took a significant effort and amount of will to rein my desire and lust as I slipped inside of his ass; feeling physically connected with Anatoly was such tantalising sensations that it almost blinded my other senses and need of restrain my physical desire. My eyes closed and I let myself listen to his body's response and reactions, the sound of his breathing that sharpened a moment and relaxed the following. We kept still for a few seconds simply lingering in this particular feeling and then we followed our burning yearn.

"I fucking want you, Oleg," he hissed out as reply to my mute question as I carefully moved in him and he pushed back allowing me deeper. I gave him a few seconds to completely adjust because some days passed since our last love making and I would never dare to hurt him. "Oh God...this feels fucking amazing..."

My eyes snapped open and my hands first grabbed his sides and pulled his ass further away from the wall, and then they seized his wrists, pressing them against the wall on each side of his head with unyielding grip. He shuddered in desire at my sudden and rather authoritative move and his forehead dropped against it, leaving his neck exposed. I could see the powerful muscles on his shoulders strain in undiluted excitement as I plunged more in him. Our love making in that moment was then very primal and feral, and it was mind-shredding. I loved it.

"You feel to lose sanity, Anatoly," I said with raw, husky voice as I thrust deeper inside of him.

We both growled out loud and my member hardened when he shifted around me and so I penetrated him more and longer, with strong strokes, holding his hands on place against the wall, while my mouth was on his ear, my chest against his slick back.

My lips rested on his ear and then on the side of his face and our rough breathing and excited growls were the only sound echoing in the room and filling it. Pleasure was burning powerful in my body and my member hardened as Anatoly went to free one hand and tangled his fingers in my hair, pulling it fiercely as my thrusting became more intense and deep, wanting to make him experience blinding and powerful pleasure, just like I did. My length penetrated more inside of him and the pace increased as our breathing sharpened and so his hold on my hair. Anatoly hissed out as we both reached for his member and began to stroke it together.

"Fuuuckkk...Oleg...God I love this..."

"Anatoly..." I let out with a voice that sounded dangerously altered by lust and desire.

My other hand went on his chin, tilting his face to the side so we could stare at each other. His eyes closed a moment as I penetrated him decisively and very deeply, stopping in the motion and keeping him still in my hands that reached his sides. My forehead tipped against the nape of his neck and we both shuddered strongly. We heard each other heavy breathing and then I moved more inside of him, each time sinking more intensely and wanting to connect us entirely. I thrust more, one hand firmly on his side and the other joined his in stroking his hardness; I thrust more until both of us shuddered at the blinding intensity of our pleasure, feeling my groin burning as I took Anatoly more avidly and hearing him growling out his powerful orgasm.

"Ohhhhh fuuuucckkk...."

Then he suddenly turned his head towards mine and claimed my mouth for a kiss that made me lose myself in the impossible strength and depth of my own completion. I kissed him harder as pleasure invaded my senses and body, one last powerful and demanding thrust, and then we broke the kiss as we stopped moving, only slightly shivering. We stared at each other without producing any sound, solely our long, raw panting; we let our foreheads touch for a moment while our lips softly pecked one another, our breathing fusing together. I slowly pulled out from Anatoly and we both smiled.

"That's what I call a damn hot quickie," he said with husky voice. "There was no freaking way I could last longer."

"That makes two of us, Anatoly," I replied and he turned around resting his back on the wall. We kept looking at each other in complete silence and only tenderly smiling, our foreheads touching. We were both still breathing rather heavily from our shattering orgasm and I could still feel it linger in my body, so I closed my eyes a moment to savour its last strands.

"It was fucking strong for me and I had to damn kiss you or else I'd go out of mind," he confessed as one hand rested on my hair. I smiled with my eyes still closed.

"I felt exactly like you." Then I pulled back and chuckled. "I believe we both need a shower."

"Yeah and some tidying up," he remarked amused and I said nothing to it, given we had been very wild and impulsive before. "Do you mind if I shower here with you and then I'll get ready? I think Dima should be back in thirty minutes or so, but he'll be late for sure."

"Yes, do shower here with me. I sure do not mind it."


When Dima came back Oleg had already left and my twin found me reading a book sprawled on a couch of the living room. Also River and Jasper where there with him, and I immediately got on my feet to greet them.

"About time, blockhead. I thought you had stopped somewhere with Jasper," I said tilting my lips in a wicked smile and he chuckled only, while his boyfriend obviously blushed. So that's what actually happened and well, good for me, so I had time for my own fun. "In your house, Jasper? You got it free and decided to take advantage of it?" The guy's eyes widened so much that I was afraid for a moment they would explode and then my brother and I began to laugh, followed by an equally amused but more subtle River.

"Oh boy, you are actually worse than Dima," the chipmunk said shaking his head, but then he giggled. Yeah, the thing about him was that he mostly giggled instead of normally laughing.

"Worse than my brother is not humanly possible. How you doing, Jasper?" I did not miss his pleased surprised expression when I addressed him normally and he timidly smiled at me. "You must have quite the iron-made patience to stand my idiotic twin and his bullshit." He relaxed more and smiled wider.

"Oh shut up, bro. What about your man? I mean, standing your stubborn and crazy self? Dad should give him a raise just because of that," Dima joked as he wrapped his arms around his chipmunk and I flipped him off.

"Dima, you're a moron," I declared and this time Jasper normally laughed. "What's so funny, chipmunk?"

"You and my tiger together," he said blatantly and I felt like face-palming when my brother grinned clearly loving to hear that and calling him "kitty". They were so cheesy together. "Uhm, what are you reading?" He asked probably guessing I was about to say something sarcastic and I decided to give them a break. For now at least.

"Actually the book you gave me two months ago," I replied and yeah, nothing wrong with that, because no way in hell I would join them in watching Star Wars and such.

"Awesome Tolya! So we can organize a Star Wars marathon next weekend," my twin blabbed out and I rolled my eyes.

"Over my dead body, dumbass." River chuckled and we both looked at him with a questioning expression. "What?" I asked in my usual sweet way.

"I had almost forgotten how you two bickering looked like," he mused winking at me. "However, shouldn't we go? Or are we waiting for someone else?"

"My friends Adrian and Viola will join us, but they'll directly drive to the bar."

"Sasha will also join us there with Derek, as I think his chick set him free tonight. She has family business to attend or something like that, and I don't remember what about Hayden." Dima shrugged his shoulders and River sighed out, which implied that he had already repeated it to my brother tons of times and his brain simply didn't take it.

"Hayden will join us later because he has dinner with Diane's parents, but Derek escaped it," Riv explained with openly exasperated voice and then checked the time. "I suggest we move, because I am sure Sasha and Dee are already at the place waiting for us."

Dima drove us to the bar and Jasper sat in the front with him, leaving River and I together. I felt his eyes studying me in the semi-darkness of the car and when mine shifted toward him, his lips curved in a very charming but mischievous smile. The music played in the car and he kept his voice quiet as he spoke to me, avoiding my brother to hear us.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but should I take that you also had your personal fun with your very handsome partner, hmm?" Sometimes I wondered whether also River was a real and normal human being or not. He was eerily perceptive and observant, even more than Adrian I believed, because he was more calculating his speculations, while my other friend was more instinctive, possibly emphatic.

"I guess it's pointless to deny it with you, Riv." He winked at me. "How did you understand it?"

"You looked particularly in good mood and relaxed, and there was something about you that reminded me of Sasha whenever he had his time with Travis." I shook my head and stretched my arms in front of me, as much as the space inside Dima's Grand Cherokee allowed it. "I heard from Dima what happened in school today: are you really OK, Tolya?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm fine," I quickly replied and I knew my brother had said nothing about Oleg working on it. We preferred to keep our family things very private. "It'll stop sooner or later and when I'll find out who is behind this, well, I'll have a nice chat with that shithead."

My friend said nothing for a moment and then checked on my brother, now busy talking to Jasper about a hockey game and the music kept playing.

"You have a person you can rely on without doubts, but I shall keep out of your private matters. I know you have people caring for you very much and this puts me at ease." He paused for a few seconds. "How is Sergey doing?"

His question took me by huge surprise and it showed on my face pretty much, judging by the way he smiled like some smug and smartass-like cat.

"He's trying to sort out his shit, so he's less asshole than he used to be. He likes Viola, you met her," he nodded at me, "and she obviously likes him back, so yeah, that's the deal with him."

"I see," River only commented and I guess he was doing his due consideration on the matter. But after a while he added, "I believe he will slowly sort it out and he will feel much better. Sergey always gave me the impression of being trapped in a role or mask of cowardice and I never liked that; but it will be interesting to see how things will turn out."

"Viola got the same impression. You two could become best buddies without problems, although she's a nut case and I think she'd pair better with Travis in terms of craziness," I commented and he only chuckled.

"I am actually glad you invited them, because they seem very nice."

"They are quite the smartass, yeah," I said smiling and then Dima announced we had arrived.

Indeed the Mighty Sasha and Dee were already waiting for us inside the place, in the company of the Taylor siblings. It was surprising to see V actually sitting beside my glacial-beast friend, but they looked at ease and I guessed she won him over by asking about his hot boyfriend. Derek "hey-duded" me and sat there with a wide grin clearly having good time, and then Adrian greeted me with a smile that showed his dimples, while his sister jumped on my neck as usual: my friends stared at me in quite a moronic shock as I quickly hugged her back and at how I patiently looked at her pirouetting in front of me to show me her new dress.

"Do you like it, Tolya? I bought it right because of tonight!" She clapped her hands and her hair softly cascaded on her skinny shoulders like a purple-pink veil. With the corner of my eye I could see Dima staring at V and with all chances trying to imagine her together with that jerk of Lebedev. I had to admit they looked quite the strange and oddly sorted couple when beside each other.

"Yeah, let's say it's less weird and fluffy than usual," I said and then decided to tease her. "You should show it to Seryozha, should I take a picture of you?"

She sort of blushed at first and I thought she would say no, but she actually agreed and we took a very stupid picture together where she made some bizarre expression and I gave him the bird. We sent it to him and the replied came after two minutes. He was so gone for her and he also wrote that "Denisov can fuck-off". As I said, being a jerk was one of his best qualities. Sasha arched one brow in a silent question and I explained him the deal in a few discreet words spoken in Russian. He remained silent for a long moment, wearing his usual poker-face expression, and then he spoke.

"He said he wants to talk to me and at first I replied no. We don't get along at all and we have quite a history of fighting. I thought Dasha also had a bad relationship with him but I was wrong and she called me, but you know me. I need my own time." I nodded because that was right. "But if he is really trying to get back to his senses, I'll give him a chance." That surprised me no little, knowing my friend, and he quietly chuckled at seeing my face. "I used to be very hard and too severe in judging people and I had been wrong with you, remember? If he'll apologise to Travis for how he spoke to him months ago and during last Christmas, I'll be willing to talk to him." The Mighty Sasha would move Hell and Heaven for his man and that was damn clear. "How are things for you?"

I told him about the water-incident in school and he swore under his breath, his jaw clenching visibly upset, but then avoided saying anything more, knowing me well. We were out having fun and I didn't like the idea to spoil it because of that sick fucktard. So he told me to stay sharp and to be careful and that was all; I liked this side of Sasha, because he knew when to stop asking or discussing about a matter. Then his phone rang and from the way his eyes softened, I got the call was from Travis.

"Hey my love, you called in the right moment," he said with gentle voice and then passed the phone to me. "Travis wants to say hi."

"Hey Travis," I greeted, feeling my friend's eyes on me.

"Hi Anatoly, how are you doing? I just finished some stretching and I wanted to hear my sex-beast and then all of you guys. Hell, I miss you all as fuck." Right, he was as colourful when he talked as I was: another thing I liked about him.

"I'm good thanks and well..." He must have felt my hesitation or perceived my pathetic shyness, because he started to talk. And the guy could talk fast.

"I'm so happy you got back being friends with my amazing and hot Alexi, it's fantastic, and I heard you also got quite the beast for man...I remember him very well and if you need any advice about places where to get things to get action more hard and wild in bed, just call me." This dude was crazy indeed and I really liked him. He had no filters, but in a complete different way than my twin brother. "You have no idea how handcuffs turn my fantastic Alexi in a very untamed and rough sex-beast." I shifted my eyes to the Mighty Sasha and yeah, somehow I could imagine these two playing it hardcore and rough in bed. "But hell, you're out with those crazy guys and here I am wasting your time, even if it's the fantastic and sexy me. Is cutie there, Anatoly?"

"Tolya," I corrected him automatically and he softly chuckled through the phone. I knew from Dima that cutie was the way Travis called the chipmunk. "He's there with that doofus of my brother, should I hand the phone to him?"

"Yeah, but first I need to hear more of Alexi's voice." They were gone for each other, no doubts about it.

"Sure sexy craziness," I joked and Sasha instinctively shot me a dark glare and then slightly shook his head letting it go. "And Travis, thanks a lot for well, for many things."

"No need to thank me."

"When are you back in New York?"

"For Christmas and you all better get your sexy asses together for a crazy night out with me!"

"You can bet your ass we will," I replied and then I handled the phone to Sasha, who talked to him for a while and then switched the speaker on and we all talked to his crazy half.

They all greeted him happy to hear from him and then the phone was passed to Jasper and they talked for a couple of minutes. It came back to Sasha and he excused himself for a moment, going to talk to him privately; I had an idea they were probably dirty-talking, because Travis gave me the idea of being someone that would enjoy that over the phone.

We ordered food and drinks when my friend ended the call, but I only had a beer and my brother drank a soda, having to drive. Viola obviously ordered the most colourful, pink-looking cocktail that was going to be my treat as promised and I could tell she had fun talking with Jasper and Derek, while Adrian blended well with River, Sasha and surprisingly with my brother. He also had watched Star Wars and that signed the deal with Dima, while I ignored them and talked with my other friends.

Then I took a moment for myself, silently observing them all and the way they were having obvious great time together; I felt like smiling at seeing that and I also felt like taking a picture in all secrecy that I sent to Oleg. His reply came immediately: "I am very glad you are having good time with your friends, Anatoly." I tried to hide the idiotic smile on my face, but Adrian caught my eyes and winked at me, for then talking to me very quietly.

"Thank you for having invited Vivi and me. I really like your friends and it's obvious my sister feels the same," he said, trailing his stare on her now giggling for something Derek had said. "You have great friends, Tolya."

"Yeah, I do have great friends," I replied staring directly in his gleaming eyes and he got the complete meaning of my words immediately and smiled back. Then I decided I had been nice enough, so my sarcasm took the lead. "Some weirder than others," I joked as I casted an amused glance at Viola, trying to eat a gigantic vegetarian burger, which I had no idea how she could possibly finish. Adrian chuckled and then the Hayden guy together with Diane, Derek's older sister, joined us. He surely wasn't going for Nobel Prize with his brain, but he was a guy whose company I didn't mind and Diane was as funny and sassy as her brother.

After dinner we went to a club and dancing wasn't exactly my thing, so I sat down talking with Sasha and Derek. But then Viola dragged me to the dance floor and I had to admit I sort of had fun dancing with her and the music wasn't bad at all. Adrian and River attracted immediately attention from girls and it wasn't a surprise, but then we almost got into a fight when three drunk guys got too close and annoying with Viola and Diane; in no time they were facing a very pissed me looking like a delinquent punk, Adrian's expression clearly saying to not fuck with him and with his fairy sister, Hayden that sure was big, Derek that was freaking tall and a scary looking Sasha threatening them with his usual glacial glares. The three morons beat it when they understood we had no problem in beating the shit out of them.

After that episode, Adrian kept closer to Viola and I kept my eyes on her just in case. We danced more together and I had forgotten how River loved this; he was actually good at it. At some point we all felt tired and we decided to leave and once back home, Dima annoyed me so much in watching a Star Wars movie with him and Jasper that at one point I gave up. He could really fry your brain sometimes and I decided to give in for once. So we sat in the game room watching the damn film, my brother stuffing his mouth with more food and Jasper looking all freaking enthusiastic and cheerful as it started; they both hummed the well known initial soundtrack and I felt like going mental, so I also wolfed down food to avoid cutting comments at their being so freaking geeky.

The more I observed him with his chipmunk, the more I thought they perfectly suited each other in their cheesiness. I ran a hand in my hair and silently sighed, thinking I had ended together with a couple of geeky and hopeless fairies, but then, as the movie kept going, I had to mentally admit in my great annoyance and shocking surprise that it wasn't bad at all. I actually sort of liked it, but one thing was sure: I was never going to admit it to my brother or else it would be the fucking death of me.

Author's chit-chat:

I think it was good to divide it in two separted chapters, right? As you can see I write long chapters and I am lucky you dear all don't mind it!

So, thoughts, reactions, ideas, feedbacks, emotions after reading this chapter?

They both needed that physical moment and I think we all agree on that.

Are you looking forward to their date?

Did you expect our Travis to make a quick "appearance" in the chapter? It fitted the moment, do you agree? What about their talking about Sergey?

Funny ending of it, hmm?

In a couple of days I will update "Fallen for an Angel" and this story in a week or so I believe, but I'll let you know, so stay tuned!

I'll be waiting for your comments: THANK YOU!!!

Lots of Love, Magic, Hugs and Meows,

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