CH. 25: Shredding the last limit for ultimate trust (Part 2)

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Dear All,

Here is part 2 and I am sorry I didn't manage to post it yesterday as I wanted to. But I hope you'll forgive me as it's quite long and well, rich of many events and emotions. You will see by reading it :)

I hope you will enjoy it and I will be looking forward to reading your comments, so please let me know what you think of it! Your comments and feedbacks are always much appreciated and I love them :)

I selected a picture of Anatoly looking badass and like saying: don't mess with the Denisov  (--> handsome Alexander Ludwig) and a song that I found well fitting with the many emotions clashing in this chapter.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of you and in particular to Miss_Purplepop as a big THANK YOU for your comments, votes and for the love you always give me through them!

P.s. New quote because it seems better fitting this second part.

And now, enjoy it!

"Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned", by an unknown author


"You want to discuss about this at such late hour?"

"I want to know and I don't give a damn about the time."

He didn't reply straight away, but pondered over my request and then let out a short, but quite meaningful sigh.

"A professor from your school, Anatoly." I froze as he spoke those words and he didn't miss my reaction. "A woman called Angela Palmer. You do know her, am I correct? You have one class with her." I think that if someone would have punched me in that moment, I wouldn't have felt a damn thing. A professor? And one that I had classes with. I gulped down the bitter taste in my mouth and then realised I hadn't uttered a word for almost a minute. "From your reaction, I can tell you know her," he remarked with a not subtle note of resentment that definitely was not aimed at me.

"Fuck," I only moronically said, still quite at loss of words. Mrs. Palmer had it against me? Why on freaking earth? It couldn't be possible, because I mean, what could the reason be? I mean, what the hell? I never did anything to her, what did she want from me? Was he even right? I violently shook my head. Hey, if Oleg was sure about it, why did I doubt it like some idiot? He would never commit such a mistake and, if he weren't sure about it, he wouldn't have said a word to me. "Why?" I only asked and he shook his head. "Why Oleg?" I insisted, grabbing one of his arms tightly.

"I believe it is better to discuss it tomorrow morning. You are tired and it is late and honestly speaking, I do not want to talk about this right now. It is a delicate matter," he explained with his typical tone of voice that admitted no contradiction.

"Oleg, I want to know, because I have no freaking clue why she wants me pretty much six feet under. What the hell have I done to her? She hates me for my past? Because it's clear she has something against that, given the way she drugged me and shit like that," I almost snarled, feeling my blood boiling at the various thoughts and memories that crowded my mind.

Why couldn't people leave me in peace and accept that I was finally changing and getting back to my real self? Why couldn't most of the people be as freaking awesome as my family and Oleg? Yeah, right, good luck with that, blockhead. Most of the people out there couldn't give a damn about me and I had been blessed by having such a family, friends and partner. I heaved a long sigh out and let a hand travelled my hair, trying to calm down, because the anger that burst into me so suddenly brought me headache.

"What the hell she wants from me? Is she on some crusade against former pieces of trash?"

"I believe what happened to your friend and to Sergey Lebedev is all related to you. Your friend Viola has been caught in the crossfire simply to hurt you more and also because this woman has problems." He didn't say the word "problems" to excuse her or with any touch of sympathy. He said with repressed and very well controlled rage. No wonder he said he couldn't deal with this person as he wished; a man like Oleg would never put his hands on a woman or on someone that could not defend themselves. It must have been damn hard for him and I understood only then.

"I don't know what to think and I have headache," I grunted out annoyed, but at least not in such furious state as before.

"Let it be for now, Anatoly, please." I went to ask for me, but I stopped. The tired note in his voice was what made me retreat from further and more pressing questions, so I nodded and he pulled me back in his arms, his lips smiling on my skin. "Spasiba," he murmured on it quietly and a light shiver travelled my back. "We should go back to sleep and you should not overly worry about anything, including the open issue with the gang. I will not let anybody hurt you or the Denisov, so please have faith in me."

"You perfectly know that I completely trust you," I said without having to think about the answer, because it was how it actually freaking was. "And yeah, we should go back to bed. We can discuss about it in the morning."

"Yes, we will," he spoke very quietly. "You said that you have headache. Do you need a painkiller or something against it?"

"I only got it because of my lovely temper and quickness in literally getting blood rushing to my brain." He chuckled and then caressed my hair for a few seconds, being aware that the gesture would bring me peace and serenity. Oleg knew me so well.

He pulled away from the embrace gently and for a moment placed his hands on my shoulders and assessed me in his usual composed way, for then smiling kindly and leaving a quick kiss on my forehead. God...I loved this man to lose my moronic mind. When he went to turn and walk out of the kitchen, I grabbed his wrist and made him halt; I planted my eyes on his and held his wrist firmly.

"I love you, Oleg." I meant it with every single moronic cell of my body and every last drop of blood. He smiled once more and I let go of his wrist as he pulled it free and laced his fingers with mine.

"So do I, Anatoly." His eyes quickly ran to the clock hang on the wall of the kitchen and turned back to me. "Shall we go back to bed?"

"Yeah, definitely still too early."

As we lay back in bed, he pulled me closer to him and I let him, my head resting on a comfortable space he had between his left shoulder and chest; I could hear the calm rhythm of his heart and feel his hand on my hair, so I moved mine on his right arm and slowly, lazily traced irregular circles on his tattooed muscles. I fell asleep without realising it and my dreams didn't bother me any further, just like my endless questions about what I had just discovered before in the kitchen.

Now I finally understood that if Oleg needed it, he would count on me and I couldn't ask for anymore right then.

I slept longer than intended, but I needed it. I washed my face and mouth and then noticed that outside everything was white and apparently very quiet and silent. The snow had fallen for the entire night and the day looked very pale and cold; I wondered if we would still sit in front of the fireplace like last night and I hoped for that.

When I walked to the kitchen, Oleg was not there. He was in the basement training and the view pretty much got me hard immediately. He noticed that of course and it was damn obvious that the bastard enjoyed seeing the effect he had on me.

"I am almost done and then I can prepare breakfast for you," he said with calm voice as he lifted a barbell with bumpers attached to it that looked like something I wouldn't lift in my entire life. Maybe the Mighty Sasha would do it, but honestly, Oleg in this was not normal. My friend was strong, the strongest among us without any doubt, but Oleg was another type of beast and dear Lord, was that exciting. I realised I was staring at him blatantly and surely with wide eyes, so I reconnected my brain and tried to look somewhere else. Then what we discussed during the night in the kitchen struck me like a thunderbolt and my eyes darted back to him for a different reason.

"I can make coffee in the meanwhile and well, can we talk more about that issue?" I hadn't forgotten and couldn't wait any longer. Why she wanted to hit me that badly? It was personal and because of that, I needed to hear her reasons.

Oleg was very upset by the fact the vermin was a woman and I understood him well; what could I do to her? I wished it'd be some other guy I could directly confront and freaking punch in the face, but someone that smaller than me? No. I had sunk enough in my past and I would never do it again, not even in this case. Bitch. She must have known that, probably. Or probably not and she was only some psycho that for some forsaken reason wanted to send me to hell before my due time.

He nodded only and that was more than enough. It was plain evident that it bothered him no little and I believed the problem was that he had never thought of having to deal with such delicate case. With that other piece of shit had been easy: he treated him the way he had wished for and even then, he had controlled himself. But that one was even worse and he hadn't tried to prey only on me, but on other defenceless kids too. That really was a disgusting and sick piece of shit. This case was...different and I had to understand which reasons she had.

I think Mrs. Palmer had a kid studying in my same school and Oleg confirmed that. But I couldn't remember who it was and not that I really cared, given I never really blended well in my school, unless...unless she had against me because of that. This made sense and well, why else would she want to hit me so badly? What have I done in my past? Damn it! I unconsciously punched the wall right beside the door and then cursed out loud because it hurt as fuck.

Argh...brilliant idea, Anatoly! That hurt as fuck!

I was so pissed in that moment; because once more my twisted and fucked-up past was biting my ass and paying me back. Argh!!! I was furious with myself and I was freaking mad at this...this damn professor that had to throw it back at me in such way. I had not conveniently forgotten about my actions, no way in hell I could ever do that. But I wanted it in my past and not biting my ass every single day. I had been a piece of shit, freaking true, but I had changed and I had learned my lesson, I had learned to rely on people around me and face what happened years ago.

And I was so damn mad because that bitch took against my friends: why did she involve a girl like Viola? Why targeting her? She had done nothing, aside being a super sweet girl wanting to stick to a sarcastic moron like me and to that jerk of Sergey. Yeah, even he was targeted. Who the hell did she think she was? Oh God I was so mad that I was shuddering!

Without letting me realise it, Oleg stopped training and walked right where I stood, placing a firm hand on my shoulder. His secure grip immediately sorted the effect to slightly diminish my anger.

"Are you OK, Anatoly? Did you hurt yourself?" He asked, even though he did look concerned not much for my hand, but more for my state of mind.

"Yeah, I should have known that punching a wall isn't the smartest idea," I grunted as I rubbed the hand in the matter. He carefully took it in his hands and even more carefully massaged the knuckles, probably assessing if I broke something; after a few seconds he shook his head and then let go of my hand.

"It is not broken, but you better use some ice. Indeed, that was a rather absurd idea." His eyes scanned my entire face and then he stroked my hair, a gesture that every single time functioned as a switch to any outburst of temper, anger or bad mood. It cooled everything down in no time. "What made you do it? Were you thinking about that person?" I couldn't avoid noticing how his entire face hardened as he spoke those last two words. Yeah, I had been right. He was upset by the fact he couldn't give her the treatment he had probably wished for.

"Yeah, she's the mother of some student in my school as you told me, but God can strike me here with a lightning if I remember the name of that moron. You know the name?" He went to answer, but I stopped him. "Whatever, even if you were to tell me the damn name it wouldn't solve anything. Some younger guy I believe," I snorted as I felt my temper slowly cooling down. "She has it against me because I probably bullied that kid or whatever the hell. I don't remember doing anything too wild or mental in least nothing like that time with...with Jasper." My voice trailed down and became raspy as I said that.

It was still hard to think about that day and whenever it surfaced to my mind, which was pretty often, I always desperately wished to turn back the time or to punch myself for that. I felt like an incredible coward-like shit and I still couldn't believe how both my brother and Jasper forgave me for that so easily. It was in my past and I regretted it with all my freaking self, but it was still hard. Very painfully hard. Dima was my twin brother and Jasper his boyfriend. I had been lucky and blessed with a second chance beyond human comprehension. Oleg suddenly pulled me against his body and the mixed smell of his fresh sweat and of his skin made my blood pump faster for a completely different reason, stirring part of my previous emotions away.

Oleg...he always had this power on me.

"Stop thinking about that." And of course he could read in me without the slightly effort. "It is in the past and you regretted it heavily, am I correct?" I nodded and he tightened his arms around me. God, it felt amazing. How was it possible that such a simple gesture could restore the calm and serenity in me? He had quite a freaking magic power, I had to admit it. "You asked for forgiveness and you paid for that dearly. You do not wish to forget it and irresponsibly live as if it never happened. You simply wish to turn back the time. Leave it in the past, Anatoly. They graciously forgave you and you should cherish that. You should cherish what you have now and not letting the past ruin it. I will directly deal with this person and I swear it to you: she will pay for what she had dared doing to you, for having tried to make you fall back in the same state you were months ago. She will pay, in a way or another."

He pronounced those words with such hard and determined voice that it felt as if those words were carved in crude stone; I could sense his difficulty repressed and controlled emotions and for a moment I was the one returning a crushing hug. He spoke those words with final tone and they meant to be an unbreakable promise.

Yeah, she was going to really regret it, very much indeed; especially, because I wasn't going to sit in the corner and shut up, and because once Oleg would inform my parents, I could bet my balls that mum would go on her super scary, lioness-like mood. Yeah, Mrs. Palmer was going to freaking regret everything.

"Spasiba, Oleg." It was all I could say for a while. Then I pulled back and set my eyes on his. "Is she doing that because of what I told you?"

"No, I do not believe that is the reason, even though I believe her son, given she has a son, might be also relatively responsible. This only could explain how you were targeted so easily and without raising suspects. At first I thought only one person was behind your accidents, but the more I consider it, the more I believe two might be involved. But not sure her son has as much resentment toward you as his mother. I have found something in their place, but I am still trying to find some extra information. However, have you ever known a girl named Caroline Palmer?"

I creased my forehead as he asked me that, for I had no clue, but then I remembered the name, as it was some girl two or three years older than me or whatever the hell, and she attended my same school. I never really knew her personally and we never talked. To be fair, I couldn't even remember her face. Then my brain geared up and I stared at Oleg: was the girl related to that psychotic woman? Oh dear God I hoped not.

"Yeah, she was in my same school, but she is older than me, why?" I asked slowly and cautiously, studying his face and the expression he had. He kept apparently void of emotions and very controlled, but I could see behind that mask. "Is she related to that woman?"

Crap, was she her daughter and for some damn reason I did something to her? No. No, no, no. Not possible. I never touched a girl in school and never did anything to any of them. Never. Maybe I barked at them not very nice words and perhaps flipped them off when they shot me annoying glares, and intimidated them with the way I looked for damn sure, but nothing more.

"Have you ever had anything with this girl?" He enquired with deadly serious voice and I blinked once before replying.

Come again, what did he ask?

"What?" I blurted out even more confused.

"It was her daughter," he replied quickly, keeping his voice levelled and his eyes studying my face carefully. "Anatoly, have you ever had anything with that girl? I do not ask out of jealousy, for we already had this discussion. I ask to understand why this woman wants to hurt you."

"No, I don't think I ever had anything with her, I mean, I never was into girls and I just messed around years ago with some, but nobody from my school," I answered feeling not very comfortable in stirring back that past crap. It made me feel inadequate for Oleg, considering the incredible man he is, but as soon as that emotion crawled up my body and ensnared my heart, he softly touched my lips with his.

"Do not dare to even consider that thought. Am I understood, Anatoly?" His voice was authoritative and hard, yet it was tender and caring.

"Got it," I munched out and he smiled at me.

"Then we are good if you never had anything with that girl."

"Yeah, I didn't have anything with her. I would remember for sure, because I am not a complete lost case like my brother." But then a detail hit me at full speed. "Why you said it was her daughter?"

"She died some time ago." What? She was dead? I swallowed down and tried to understand what that had to do with me, but nothing made sense to me. "I am not entirely sure of her motives, but I believe there is a personal revenge based on very wrong facts. This is why I say I am not sure and I do not know all the details. Forgive me, time was short and pressing, but I will obtain all the details related to it." He stopped then and seemed to think about something, remembering some small detail with all chances. "I think she also went with the short name of Cally: does that sound familiar to you?"

At that name I froze on the spot and Oleg did not miss it.

"Anatoly?" I slowly nodded.

"It might be a coincidence, but there was a girl when I joined the gang that went around with that name; she...she tried to convince me to have sex with her, but I didn't want to hear about that. She was the woman of another member and the last thing I wanted was a fight over a girl. Not to mention, I wasn't into her type." I mean, no girl had ever been my type because I never liked girls in general and that one had been very insistent and a pain in the ass, but how come I never noticed her in school? Because she was older than me and because then she disappeared somehow. Yeah, that Caroline girl stopped coming to school I think, as I heard some rumours. But I was so much taken by my own shit that I never made the connection. Why had she stopped going to school? I wondered if the Taylor siblings or Sergey knew something about it. "I swear it, Oleg: I never had anything to do with her. Never." I was deadly sure about it and I saw how his tense expression relaxed suddenly.

"So you never had anything physical with this girl?"

"God no, I swear I never did anything with her, but she left the gang because the guy got tired of her and not sure what really happened after that. I heard she was involved with another gang's member and that some mess came out from that, but I really cannot remember more because I don't know more than this. I only know that the girl left school, but for which reason I have no idea." I paused and my brain made the maths. It wouldn't take Einstein to get to the conclusion. "My professor believes I am somehow responsible for her death?" I swallowed down and felt the palms of my hands covered in cold sweat.

"Yes," he only replied and then I really was at loss of every freaking thing. was that possible? I didn't know her and we never had anything could she think that? That woman must have been crazy or something like that. Probably the death of her daughter erased her sanity, which was understandable, but why getting it against me? I mean, because I was in the same gang of the man the daughter was involved with? Oleg sensed my complete and maddening state of chaos and let his hand caress my hair very slowly, very tenderly.

"She is wrong, Anatoly. I just need to get her taking a wrong step and then it will be over. I plan to visit their house again and see whether I can trigger some reaction somehow, but I do not want to make the wrong move and somehow stir her suspicion or make a mistake. I work for your family and I must be careful. Turning the table around can be easy sometimes and it is the last thing I want to happen."

What he explained was damn true and I totally understood his worries and why he wanted to act so cautiously. I asked more about this girl, wanting to comprehend why her mother had gone so out of mind and well, the shit was real. I couldn't believe at what he told me and fuck me, I was so glad my parents never decided to kick me out of school. No wonder I couldn't make the connection between the two girls. She probably left school before I could even realise it. This woman was mental for real and I began to think the son wasn't that far from her, if he agreed on this. Oh great, so I had two psychos after me? Just my damn luck.

But then something froze me on the spot. An idea almost slapped me so freaking hard on my face that I spoke before thinking about it. The idea burst in my mind at the same speed of a crazy thunderbolt and I blurted out before I knew I was doing it. It was the only solution and in this way, nobody would get wrongly involved.

"I will somehow provoke her." Oleg's face darkened and tightened immediately, his eyes turning in that usual severe and rather scary way, his entire features tensing.

"No, Anatoly. This is out of question." Was I expecting a different reaction?

"Think about it: it's the only way to solve this crap fast." I checked on my temper and try to actually reason with him. It was quite the effort, all considered.

"I said no and I will not remotely consider your idea. This is not a game, Anatoly. It is too dangerous and I will never put you in further danger."

God, he could be so freaking stubborn sometimes and I felt my blood boiling as my temper risked to get out of my reins. So I took a deep breath and counted till ten to calm down. I had to make him see that it was the best solution.

"Listen, I will not do anything mental or idiotic. I am not suicidal and I trust you, so please listen to me."

"No," he cut me off immediately and went to leave the room, but I grabbed his arm and made him stop, going to place myself right in front of him with quite a challenging stance. "Anatoly," he said with hard voice and I recognized that tone very well, but I wasn't going to give in easily.

"You know I'm right, for crying it loud. You know I won't do anything stupid and reckless. Just something like I did on Friday; I mean, if she's so fucked up, a mere message will soon expose her. Just a little, stupid message to her or to her crazy son."

"At what cost, Anatoly?" His voice sounded so hard and glacial that it sent down a very cold chill down my spine. But I did not give in or retreated.

"Nothing will happen to me, I'll be careful and anyway, you will follow her, am I right?" I damn knew he would do that; he would follow her every single day more than a shadow would follow your steps, and he would wait for the right occasion and watch her. There was no way I was going to be in danger, not with him watching over things. He nodded only, but his expression did not change. "Please listen to me: I won't do anything stupid, really. Just a mere message and it's not like she'll shoot me, right?"

"I doubt that," he said drily. "She possesses no weapons and I had searched their house carefully. I believe she wants to hit you in a different way, but I am not ready to risk it, Anatoly. You need to understand me."

"You need to understand me, bastard," I snapped badly and he sighed out loud, meaning his patience was about to reach its end. "No, don't walk away and don't get into your stubborn Hulk-like mood. Think about it: you need the right occasion to make her expose herself and I can give it to you by simply writing some stupid message on the blackboard or on my locker, or on that small fry's stupid locker. I promise you that I won't do more than that." We stared at each other as two fierce and quite altered beasts, but he then closed his eyes a moment and let out of a long exhale.

"What do you plan to write, if I am irresponsible enough to agree with you?" I couldn't help smiling at that and I told him what I had in mind. He considered it for a long moment and then massaged his temples, slightly shaking his head. "You are such a reckless punk, Anatoly. But...yes. If I analyse it in details, it might work out well and give me the right occasion. It is not easy for me, try to understand this."

"I know, Oleg," I said quietly and I went to hug him, but he stopped me, earning an annoyed grunt from me. "What?" I almost barked out in all of my sweetness, already gone patience and impressive maturity.

"Promise me you will not do more than that and that you will follow my lead. Clear?" I rolled my eyes and then nodded. "Anatoly?"

"Sir yes sir," I tried to joke, but he wasn't much in joking mood, so I muzzled my sarcasm. "Yeah, clear and I promise it."

"This means no school for you if I deem it dangerous and too risky. Is that understood?" Of course he had to dictate his rules, the impassive bastard, but at least I had managed to make him consider and use my idea and that was more than I could hope for. "Anatoly, she is dangerous and she is not stable. This much is clear to you as well." I nodded. "I cannot understand how she is allowed to teach in a school, but I believe many people are very good at hiding their true natures and I had seen it many times in my life. This is why I never judged a book by its cover." Yeah or else we wouldn't be here and together. He was right, as freaking always. "Anatoly, am I understood?" He asked again more authoritatively.

"Fine, I'll do as you say this time," I grumbled out and he cracked that smirk that would always inflame my blood and kick-start my desire for him no matter what. Fuck me...that damn dark smirk was something that made me want to shred all of his clothes, but he surprised me before I could do anything with a very intense and control-blowing kiss. When he broke it off, I was left panting hard and wanting much more than just a kiss, but he left me there in that evident horny state, probably as his own personal and sadistic revenge. Bastard.

"Breakfast, Anatoly?" He said with apparent casual voice, but still giving me that same damn hot smile and I barely nodded. "I will have a quick shower and you can prepare coffee."

"Fine," I said for then mumbling under my breath, "impassive bastard."

He leaned to my ear with his lips as I went to walk out of the room, stopping me by seizing my arm.

"I heard you, brat," he replied in kind, almost brushing my ear with his warm and rough lips. "I will definitely get even with you later." I abruptly turned my head to the side to look at him and the light in his eyes left me breathless. Oh God...yeah, he definitely was going to get damn even with me and I freaking couldn't wait for that.

"You think I will complain?" I asked as provocation and he only darkly smiled, sending a strong and vibrating wave of pleasure and excitement down my spine.

Fucking hell: an Oleg without restraints and completely liberated by all of his limits he had always imposed when around me was an Oleg that I damn loved to lose my mind, and that was exciting to very dangerous and insane levels.

After we ate breakfast, he paid me back in the most fierce and damn exciting way. I was still day dreaming about it like some idiotic doofus when my phone rang and of course it was hidden somewhere in his house. It took me some annoying time to find it and when I saw the number on it, I arched a brow not understanding what the heck Lebedev might want from me.

"Denisov, took you quite the damn time to answer. Were you busy with your queer business?"Couldn't he ever be more normal and not so ass-like? I doubted it.

"What are you calling me for, Seryozha?" I mocked his name and he snorted over the phone, but then I heard a well know loud giggle and a taunting, bastard-like smile formed on my lips immediately. Oh that was nice and priceless: an occasion to make fun of him. "Are you out on a date? Having some lovely and corny time in the company of many fairies?"I could be such an ass sometimes, but I just couldn't avoid it with him, and V wasn't going to mind it.

"None of your business, Denisov," he snapped at me but he was interrupted by Viola that with all chances took his phone and then twitted to me, "Tolya! How are you? Sergey and I went to see an aerial hoop competition and he promised that he will then take me to that super cute and lovely Japanese cafeteria! We must go there together, Tolya: there are cakes sooooo yummy and the slices are sooooo huge that you wouldn't believe it! I will take a picture for you," she explained me with super-fast and very enthusiastic voice. She was obviously having great time that with that jerk and I was happy for her and it was evident Seryozha was treating her like a fairy-princess. I had to give him credit for that.

"Yeah, take a picture and then stick his ugly face in a cake for me, will ya?" I joked, but it wasn't her that answered me after that.

"Where do you want to stick my face, queer? I'll stick yours in the toilet next time we have PE together," he replied in his usual sneering tone, but it was clear that he was not pissed or anything. Viola's freakish fairy-dust worked well on him indeed. "Anyway, as much as I love talking to you, Tolya," he returned the compliment with my name with even more sarcasm, "we are calling you because we remembered something that might be useful for you. We asked Taylor and he also remembered the same. Actually, he was the one that brought it up." He meant Adrian, but apparently the jerk couldn't normally call him with his name.

"What is it, Seryozha?" No sarcasm this time, because I had picked the difference in his tone of voice as soon as he told me the reason for calling me.

"When someone spiked your water in school this week and you arrived late in class, well, we just remembered that also the lovely Mrs. Palmer arrived late and Taylor thought she looked weird, but didn't make the connection immediately. If you want my opinion, she's always a judgemental old hag and gigantic bi..." He cleared his throat and I guessed he checked his language given he was with Viola. He was so whipped that he didn't even realise it. "But yeah, now that I think about it, she had a weird look and looked at you during the entire class. I doubt you noticed that, all considered. It might be bullshit, Denisov, but you never know. Also, she's the mother of some small fry called Oliver one year younger than us, well two for you," the asshole quickly chuckled, enjoying reminding me I was repeating my last year of school, but he never did it with malice or to make me feel a shit. He did it because he was a jerk and he couldn't help it. Once a jerk, always a jerk. "That other small and annoying guy, that we both cannot stand, confirmed to Viola that the dude asked questions about you. She asked him earlier as we thought about this." We. I didn't miss the way he said the word, but I let it go for now. Then my brain was lost: too many annoying little shrimps.

"You mean the depressed shrimp?"

"Yeah, that annoying Cameron guy...yeah, c'mon Viola, he's a pain in the neck most of the time and what the heck does he always stare at me and Tolya for?" She replied something I didn't hear. "See? You also admit he's not the brightest dude out there. Anyway, Denisov, that Oliver guy asked him questions about you."

"What the hell are you talking about, Lebedev? I don't know any Oliver guy for crying out loud."

"Of course you know him, Tolya!" Viola snatched the phone away and spoke to me. "He is that younger student you once saved from being bullied by Lawrence and his not-fabulous friends." Oh...that pathetic little thing and that other pathetic bigger guy that had a brain that couldn't be find even if looked at with the most powerful microscope. Why did I even bother anyway? The guy hated my guts for real then. No wonder he always looked so pale when wait, when glaring at me. So, the little fry wanted me horizontal and six feet under as much as his mother did. How wonderful was that? Arghh, so annoying. Just my damn luck. "Do you remember now? We wanted to tell you, so you can be careful and because maybe it will help you or I don't know. We're all very worried for you." Sergey snorted at those words and it didn't surprise me, but she ignored him. "And Adri thinks that well...that man is helping you, so maybe he will be able to find something out?"

I unconsciously smiled at her, because she was being very sweet and caring. She went out of her way to ask the depressed shrimp and then called me. Adrian also thought about it and yeah, it didn't surprise me that he was the one that noticed the weird behaviour. I didn't, because I was too shocked on Friday to detect anything, but he was an observant smartass, and even Seryozha didn't miss it. She must have been pissed then that the drug didn't sort the wanted effect. Now I understand why she smiled at me like that. I clenched my fist and then unclenched it. I thought about Viola, Adrian and even about Lebedev wanting to inform me. It gave me back the smile of before.

When Oleg reached me in the living room, as I was still there and he had something to do in the basement when the phone rang, he sent me a questioning look that I replied with a shake of head. I would explain him in a moment. V was sincerely worried about me and same applied to Adrian. They really wanted to help me and that was pretty cool; even that jerk of Lebedev helped in his own way and of that, I was really grateful. However, I couldn't tell them yet Oleg had already discovered everything, as I owed it to him and he was right in saying it was a delicate matter. We had better keep things quiet for a little while. I would tell them once this pain in the ass was over.

"Thanks, V. I mean it. I will think about it and see if it's something important or not. I will see you tomorrow, OK?"I sincerely thanked her. That mental woman and her fucktarded son...taking it against a girl like Viola. How much I wished to slap her face and then the face of that annoying little moron. My palms twitched at the idea and Oleg once more didn't miss it and stared at me, surely comprehending what was going on.

"OK, Tolya! Enjoy your Sunday and big rainbow hugs to you," she twitted cheerfully and then the phone was passed to Seryozha. "It's me, Tolya," he said in Russian with more serious and quiet tone. "She went to grab something to eat, so we can speak frankly. You already know who the fucktard is, am I right?" Yeah, he was sharp; I never really thought that of him, but Sergey wasn't an idiot without brain and he obviously had guessed it.

"Yeah, but well, it's not easy." He drily chuckled over the phone. "What?"

"Is it who I think it is?"

"Dah," I only said and he went quiet for a few seconds.

"That's fucked up, Denisov. Two bitches on your neck. Watch your back in school, but hey, don't get me wrong as I sure don't want to be nominated your best friend, but I'm not that asshole to leave you in this shit alone. I wasn't any different. I'm lucky I didn't get targeted by them."

"It's not about luck, believe me. It's more complicated than you think."

"Shit," he cursed, clearly reading between the lines. "So it has to do with your past in the gang."

"Yeah, you said it. I'll see you tomorrow and then I'll tell you more."

"Alright, Denisov. Enjoy your queer time," the jerk added with a sardonic note and I replied in kind.

"You enjoy your cheesy and fairy-like date, Seryozha, and since you are at it, I'm sure you can go to the zoo and feed penguins and then unicorns."

"Fuck you," he retorted back and I laughed quickly.

"No, thank you, moron," I fired back, but then I paused and let go of my usual abrasive and sarcastic trait for a moment. Once in a very while it could be done. "Thanks, Seryozha."

"No need for that, I owe it to you." With that he concluded the phone call and Oleg, patiently waiting standing in front of me and following part of the conversation, stared at me in a way that meant he had guessed what we discussed about. Thus, I quickly explained him and he kept in his usual apparently emotionless and rather still stance, but then his eyes hardened.

"Do you realise the risk you are facing in school? Then my considerations were correct: both of them are on you and to be honest, this really worries me."

"This guy was asking about me and so no more doubts, right? A message will shake them nicely." I asked back trying to change topic, but I wasn't talking with Dima.

"I had no more doubts after what I discovered yesterday, but this is not the matter at hand. Going to school is dangerous for you, Anatoly."

"I will go and just leave a message and then I will clear the air for a couple of days, if it makes you feel better and it'll stop make you worry worse than a mother hen," I tried to joke, but he heard none of it.

"I am serious, Anatoly." I sighed and sat on the armchair right beside me, running both of my hands in my hair. "He asked about you and he knew whom to ask: you told me that this Cameron person does not like you, thus he probably did not find it suspicious and did not mind to talk behind your back. I would not mind having a chat with him." Yeah right, and then the depressed shrimp would probably piss himself if faced by an angry Oleg. Better avoid it. He didn't do it to hurt me directly: he was simply plainly stupid and selfish. A sound smack on his fucktarded head would do.

"I know you are damn serious and I know the risks I'm facing in school. I'm fucking aware of it, but we both want it over, right? Me more than anybody else, believe me."

"That is very wrong, Anatoly. I want it over as much as you do, maybe even more than you. I love you and the idea of some disturbed and twisted person being after you surely does not leave me at ease and as impassive as you might think."

"I know that," I muttered out, looking somewhere else as the intensity he used when he spoke left me as if a punch had knocked the air out of me. He stopped right in front of me and squatted down, resting his arms on my thighs, planting those dark and penetrating eyes on me.

"I am willing to trust and use your idea, Anatoly. Believe me, this is a great effort for me and it is not easy, but I agree with you that it might sort out the wanted effect, especially after what your friends told you. Her son helped her and it makes sense, explaining how it was so easy to target you so closely and even to time the accidents so precisely." He was trying to contain his own emotions and that was clear by the way his face looked tense while his eyes smiled at me. His moved his hands on my face and pressed our foreheads together. "Watch your back tomorrow: am I understood? I know it will be pointless telling you to stay at home and if I deem it dangerous, we already discussed this point." He pecked my lips gently and then pulled back. "I can imagine that your message will definitely sort the needed effect, knowing you."

Bastard. He could be such an arrogant bastard sometimes. I smirked and nodded. Yeah, my message was going to stir some crap.


Anatoly and I were in my living room, he sitting on the carpet in front of the fireplace reading something on his laptop as he had to complete an assignment for the following day and me on the armchair, looking at something else on my laptop. In the morning we had quite the discussion over how to make the vermin commit a wrong step. He of course had a rather reckless and not very subtle idea that I immediately rejected, for the simple reason I did not dare to put him on the spot more than he already was. Yet, the very reckless nature of it without doubts was going to sort out the needed result and for once, I decided to accept his idea.

It was not effortlessly, but the sooner the persons revealed themselves with a wrong step, the better. I wanted to make them pay and have this behind us, in particular behind Anatoly, so he would no longer be in a dangerous position while in school and the object of a sick vermin that wanted to take revenge on him for something he was not responsible for. He never had anything with that girl; therefore what he woman accused him of was completely groundless. But why had she believed him responsible? I could not wait to make her talk and then make her pay.

My eyes momentarily moved to him bent over the screen of the computer, the soft and warm light of the fire slightly touching his face and I remembered the way we made love last night right there. I could not help the smile that formed on my lips and at the sudden grip on my emotions the memory of it generated.

Feeling Anatoly without anything had been beyond mere words and it made me feel more of him and of his shifts, of his physical sensations and it felt like somehow we connected even more. I loved to feel him entirely and I knew the same applied to him; I managed to control myself at the very beginning for the sole purpose of not hurting him, but the punk surely made it quite the effort for me, as always. Keeping control around him had become very difficult. As a matter of fact, it became almost impossible, because it was not only being inside him, but having him inside of me without anything. I loved that and I could not wait to have him unleashed once more. Such intense and wild aggressiveness in him that really triggered my desire more than I ever expected.

I took a levelled and deep breath to restore my usual calm of mind and composure, but I decided to indulge a moment on my feelings and emotions, so I got on my feet and went to sit beside him, wanting to touch his lips and connect our mouths. He must have heard me moving, because he turned his stare on me and smiled in a way that my heart rejoiced at the view of it. He was about to speak, but my phone began to ring and when I looked at the display, I remained for a few seconds rooted where I stood, staring at the number.

It was a Russian number and it belonged to one person only. Anatoly possibly felt my momentary and rather reprehensible hesitation, for he also stood up and stopped right in front of me.

"Who is calling you, Oleg?" He asked with forced calm and rather demanding voice.

"My brother," I only said and his eyes widened in the same surprise that had taken me the moment I had recognized the caller. "I better answer."

"Of course, should I go?" He enquired, but the question hoped for a negative answer, as he clearly looked uneasy at the idea of having to leave and however, I wanted him there with me.

"No, please stay," I replied sincerely as my hand stopped on the back of his neck, since I needed to touch him.

I had not spoken to my brother since the death of our father and the call at the time had not been pleasant or long; it had been very brief, very essential and it was evident in the tone of my brother's voice the reproach for having left and for what happened in the past. It seemed like he blamed me for the end of our father, while in truth we all knew it was a foreseeable end, considered his rather twisted habit. I pushed the obsolete memory back in my mind and pressed a button on the screen, wondering what might have caused my older brother to call me at this time, after a few years.

"Dah?" I answered in the phone and my brother for a moment did not talk back, but I heard him breathing on the other side of the line.

"Oleg?" He said hesitantly and I almost did not recognise him in that tentative tone of voice, for he never was a sensitive and timid person. We were brothers, yet we were rather different and distant with each other.

"Yes it is me, Nikita," I called him with his full name, because calling him otherwise felt unnecessary and out of place, all considered. He said nothing once more and so I spoke, enquiring why he had called. "How are you? Why are you calling now, has something happened?"

"No, nothing happened, can't I want to hear my younger brother?" I said nothing to that, but Anatoly overheard those words and snorted right there beside me, rolling his eyes in evident annoyance. He muttered "damn hypocrite" under his breath and shook his head. I smiled quickly at that and tightened my grip on the back of his neck. And he called himself a helpless nineteen years old brat?

We had talked more about my family, as he was curious to hear stories about my childhood and hear more about the persons around me; it was very pleasant to tell him about my grandmother and also about my mother and younger sister, but I had little to narrate about Nikita and even less I wanted to say about the man that was my father. I sincerely enjoyed sharing those memories with Anatoly and I understood his present reaction at my brother's words. To be entirely sincere, I also did not comprehend why my brother had said that and I found it misplaced in our almost non-existing brotherly relationship.

"I would find it normal in different circumstances, but we have not spoken in almost four years and you know what happened. Is your family well?" I asked once more, because I wanted to hear why he called me. He sighed and Anatoly eyed me with a questioning expression, about to take the phone and probably voice his irritation and personal thoughts. Yet, he did not do it and tried to recall all of his very limited patience, stopping his burning eyes right on me. "Nikita?" I pressed, while locking my stare with Anatoly's.

Having him beside me made me feel even calmer than I would have been in hearing my brother over the phone; he made me feel less inadequate and somehow, the guild I had always felt heaving down on my shoulders slightly eased. Anatoly grounded me there in the present and made me see what I had also being blessed with.

"Why you never said a word about what really happened?" His question honestly took me aback for a brief moment, because I never expected him to ask me such. "I have met the officer that was your captain in the unit where you served as lieutenant and he enquired about you, wanting to know whether you were doing well or not and whether you managed to forgive your father for what he probably did." My brother paused and did not speak for a few seconds, but I could hear his nervous breathing on the other side of the phone. "What has he really done? Why you never told me years ago?"

I felt Anatoly shifting closer to me and he took the hand I had resting on the back of his neck to link it with his. I did not like to discuss about this matter with my brother over the phone after so many years, but at the moment we had no other option. I believed he had met my former Captain probably days ago and, considered Nikita's nature it must have taken time for him to find the will to call me. I pondered whether it was good to explain him the truth that he should have anyway understood years ago and I was not certain if he would grasp it or even believe me, given how quickly he had deemed responsible. Yet, I did what I did and it could not be denied or cancelled. Anatoly and I looked at each other for a brief moment and he nodded once.

If my brother wanted to hear the truth, it did not matter whether it was said years after that dreadful night. If he did not wish to believe me entirely, it did not matter anymore.

"He had drunk in the way he usually did," I replied with composed and emotionless voice, because I did not mean to excuse my actions by blaming him for his vice.

"He hit our sister like an animal, isn't that so? Why you didn't tell me? Why did you make us all think that you were the one wrong?" he asked with altered and strangely emotional voice. I never heard him speaking with such tone.

"I still did what I did, Nikita. I was wrong in reacting in such way," I replied calmly and Anatoly hissed under his breath, clearly not agreeing with me. "Our sister was scared of me after that night. She never clearly and openly admitted to me, but it was evident in the way she stole nervous glances at me and at the way she stopped hugging me whenever I went home." It was not easy to state that, because her reaction made me feel even guiltier than I already did. Anatoly groaned out loud and I noticed his jaw clenching in not so well controlled annoyance. I know what his thoughts were on this matter.

"You almost killed him, true," he counter debated and then sighed out loudly once more. "But you took all the blame for no reason and from the way our sister responded to it, I drew the wrong conclusions. You should have told me, Oleg. We are brothers. That man had thrown us all in a living hell, in particular you and her. I was wrong, but you should have told me."

"You have your family to look after, Nikita, and I should have looked after them more than I did. I do not want to deny the wrongness in my action. I should have not sunk at that level and I understand why she reacted in such way," I honestly explained and I felt Anatoly gripping my hand in evident growing irritation.

"Bullshit," he swore right in front of me and shook his head in obvious frustration, his temper starting to give in and eroding his very short patience. "This is gigantic bullshit!"

"What did you say?" my brother asked surprised and I quietly chuckled.

"It was not me, Nikita. I am not alone." At my last words, Anatoly's eyes widened considerably and all of his annoyance evaporated giving space to evident surprise, as he stared at me without blinking. "I am with my partner," I stated with firm voice, feeling a deep sense of pride in having the fortune to speak those words. His entire face radiated his bewilderment and I smiled more at him. Did he believe I would have said nothing or denied it? Impossible to do so, for I really felt very fortunate and blessed.

My brother said nothing to that for a few seconds, also being in obvious surprise and possible disbelief, and Anatoly swallowed down as he threw mute questions at me with his shining eyes.

"I did not expect to hear it from you, to be fair, but I cannot deny that deeply inside it makes me happy." He halted and exhaled out loudly; he did not know what to say on the matter and wisely he did not press further. I was surprised myself by his statement, for he had never really expressed any concern toward me. " should have told me what really happened that night and our sister also should have been more sincere. I don't understand why..." I interrupted him, as there was nothing much to discuss and our sister died years ago. Speaking about her in such way felt wrong in my mind and in my heart. She was dead and she had been my younger sister.

"She is dead, Nikita. We have nothing to discuss about and it is an old story that we should leave in the past, where it belongs." Anatoly tightened the grip on my hand more and stared intently at me, studying my face and trying to read into my eyes and into my measured and always composed expression. He smiled at me and I believe he managed to read something. "I also believe that the phone is not the best option."

"You are right, Oleg; the phone is not the best mean. You still live in the US, I suppose?"

"Dah," I solely replied.

"And you still work for that family, right?"

"Indeed, I do still work for the Denisov," I said with pride and affection.

"They gave me the impression of being good people, so I am relieved to hear that you still work for them and that you sound serene and somehow, as if you'd found a sort of peace, something you did not have the last time we spoke." I did not expect him to notice this in me, but apparently it really was this much evident. It was me that tightened the grip on Anatoly, pulling him closer, for he was the reason my brother could sense that in me and he indeed was my peace and love. "I would like to meet your...partner." Anatoly coughed at hearing the setnece and indeed my brother today was somehow very different than what he had always used to be.

Nikita picked up that there was something unusual immediately, as he pronounced the word meaning he understood it and I did not miss the slight hesitation in his voice. It was all normal for him and it did not bother me. We were family yes, but if he would not accept or properly respect Anatoly, his being family was going to mean nothing to me. Knowing Nikita, his words already cost him quite the effort and I wondered why he felt the need to say them, but I probably comprehended his feelings. He must have felt guilty, but I never regarded him as such. He had his life and a family to provide for; he should have perhaps shielded our sister more, but as I said it is all in the past.

"Maybe one day," I only conceded and he quietly laughed.

"I hope one day soon and I hope you will visit us. My kids grew up fast and the oldest one is talking about enrolling into the Army."

"Talk to my former captain; he will help and properly guide him if that will be your son's final wish." He was a great and very respectable man that could be trusted without doubts.

"Spasiba, Oleg," he thanked me and then paused a moment. "You should visit whenever you feel ready for it. You will be welcomed." His words did not leave me as impassive as I believed I would keep. I never expected him to say such thing and Anatoly immediately registered it from me, as he gave me one of those tender and genuine smiles that always irradiated that soothing warm sensation in my entire body and mind.

"Thank you, maybe we will visit one day," I replied and Anatoly nodded, meaning he would definitely accompany me in that. I looked into his eyes and decided that yes, one day we would definitely visit my brother and my old, native town. "We will definitely visit one day."

"That's very good to hear, Oleg." He then hesitated a moment and I already knew what he meant to ask me. "May I ask your partner's name?" Before replying, I silently asked Anatoly his permission to answer the question by glancing at him and he nodded with a smile that I will never forget in my entire life.

"His name is Anatoly," I said with a tone of voice that clearly could not conceal the love I felt for him. Nikita remained silent for many seconds and I entirely understood him.

"He is Russian," he only said after some time.

"Dah, he is."

"I understand," he replied and he probably made the right connection. "I wish you happiness and I mean it. You surely deserve it, brother. I think I should leave you now, for I have taken enough of your time." Anatoly took my phone and I let him. I knew too well that his temper and impatience could not take more than this without letting out what was going on in his mind.

"Yeah, you're damn right: Oleg does deserve all the happiness of this world and about time you realised it. Great you noticed that and...We will visit you for sure. I want to see where Oleg grew up."

Something gripped at my heart when he spoke and I closed my eyes a moment. He really meant what he said and never in my life had someone stood up for me in such fierce way. I never knew what it would feel like, but Anatoly made me discover a new emotion and I loved him even more for this. He wanted me to rely on him? He had no idea how much right then he stood beside me in a way he will never entirely comprehend.

Indeed my partner was an exceptional and incredible partner. I could not ask for another man to stand beside me and to love me so deeply and so unconditionally.

"Anatoly?" My brother asked clearly taken aback by my partner's straightforwardness and directness.

"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you," he said making the effort to sound more calm.

"Nice to meet you, too," he hesitantly replied, still taken aback by Anatoly's intensity. He did not speak for some time and then I heard him quietly chuckling. "I must admit that right now I am very curious to meet you in person, Anatoly. You sound like the right person for my brother. You are right: I should have realised that time ago; I had been wrong for many years and yes, you will be very welcome to visit us."

"Spasiba. I'll return the phone to Oleg," he said and then sat on the couch, still looking at me, but smiling like the punk he was.

"Oleg...we will talk when you will visit us."

"Yes," I only said.

"Do take care," he added unexpectedly.

"You, too. Give my regards to your wife and to the children."

With that we concluded our phone call and before Anatoly could comment on it, I squatted down in front of where he sat and rested my forehead on his. He had many questions in his eyes and we would soon discuss this, but for now I only wanted to tell him how much I loved him and how grateful I was for the fact he stood beside me in such open and overwhelming way.

"I do love you more than I will ever be able to express in my entire life, Anatoly Denisov. I love you," I repeated once more to him to carve those words and the feelings they carried deep into his mind and into his heart; I immediately kissed him in order to convey my emotions in that very intimate and special gesture. "Ya tee-bya lyu-blyu," I quietly said on his lips and then he was the one crushing his lips on mine and in that kiss, I tasted many clashing and powerful emotions.

I never thought I would be able to face what was left of my family with such serenity and peace of mind and it would have not been possible without Anatoly beside me.


I gave a lift to Adrian and Viola, as they wanted to talk more about what discussed on Sunday morning about that psycho woman and Seryozha waited for us in the parking lot of the school. He wanted to talk to me privately, but we didn't have much chance. Once we reached our lockers, needless to say every sort of rather creepy insult was sprayed on mine and as well on Lebedev's and Viola's. Adrian had not being targeted, but it was not necessary to do it directly: taking it against his sister for him equalled taking it personally and painfully against him. I only smirked at those words and Seryozha questioned my sanity, but I quickly explained him in Russian what I had in mind.

When it was time to face the mental bitch, I readied myself and I could feel the tension in my friends, but...she did not show up in class. Another professor covered her class and he explained she was sick; apparently also that small fry of her son was not in school and my blood simmered in annoyance at the wasted opportunity to provoke them. I immediately sent a message to Oleg, informing him about their absence and he replied saying they were not at home.

Fuck. This was not a good sight.

I peeked at Viola sitting beside me and an idea crossed my mind, so I acted impulsively.

"Do you have that annoying little shit's number, by any chance?" I asked her in a very quiet murmur as the professor was trying to explain God only knew what. My mind registered nothing as I was too focused on solving this issue. She stared at me with a questioning expression, but she did not ask questions.

"I don't have it, but I can get it for you," she answered with an even quieter whisper and both Adrian and Sergey glanced at us, probably understanding what my idea was.

"Thanks, but hey, discreetly," I remarked and immediately felt stupid for telling her so. She knew it without having my smartass self reminding her; but she only gave me a sweet smile and then we all tried to resume paying attention to the lesson.

When school was over, I wrote something on that little pathetic thing's locker and then took a picture of it with my phone. I wrote to Oleg I had that guy's number and after a brief, yet heated discussion over the phone, we agreed that he would send the picture through a number that would not connect to any of us. I knew I could always rely on him whenever I needed it and I knew he would always find the way to move around efficiently and without involving my family. Truth be told, I had no idea what I would do without my damn hot and impassive bastard.

And now, let's see how she was going to react, because I had enough of this and I couldn't wait to have a lovely chat with her and her idiotic, annoying son.

Author's chit-chat:

Now, I am really really really curious to hear your thoughts, your reactions, your comments and emotions about this chapter: was it or not packed with many things?

Who had guessed it? Why you think she is so obsessed against him? We will discover it entirely in CH.26

What will happen with this woman once the Denisov family will confront her?

What about Tolya's phone call with Seryozha: this bad experience is slowly bringing them closer as friends, even though they will never be completely normal friends. I guess you understand the reason all too well :)

And now, what about the surprising phone call from Nikita, Oleg's older brother? What do you think of it? Did you somehow expect it to happen?

I am already working on CH. 26 but first I need to update "Fallen for an Angel" and then "Darkness becomes you". But I think in 10 days I should be able, anyway, stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed it, so let me know what you think of it with your wonderful comments! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR WONDERFUL SUPPORT AND ENTHUSIAM!!

Lots of Love, Hugs, Magic & Meows,

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