Accident and pain

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Om: ashi when your mom returns 

Just say I'm sorry 

Ashi: I'm sorry shivaay

Om: why are you saying sorry to shivaay

Ashi: bade papa sorry mom bad

Shivaay: its ok ashi

Om: what the hell are you two doing

Shivaay teach her something

Shivaay: ashi is a fast lerner Om

Ashi  tell your papa what you have learnt

Ashi: stock market bad

More money in fund

Om: what? Shivaay what are you teaching her

Rudra: Om bro shivaay bro please stop your bickering..

I have some news...

Om : if you are teaching her about gym forget it rudra

Rudra: om bro this is serious 

Om: what happened rudra why are you so worried 

Rudra : bhai .. gauri .. bhabhi .. accident

Om: what?


Om pov

My whole world stopped after leaning that gauri was involved in an accident 

I didn't waste anytime and left to the hospital  to see my gauri

Om: doctor where is gauri?

Did anything happen to her?

Doctor : relax mr oberoi

She is fine just small bruises and her right leg is fractured 

Just make her rest for a couple of days

Om: thank you doctor 

Can I see her now?

Doctor: yes please go ahead and meet your wife

Om: thank you doctor


Om : gauri..

Om pov

Her beautiful face had small Bruises and her leg was bandaged

Seeing the pain on her face is really making me feel testless

Gauri: omkaraji!

Om: idiot , stupid do you have mind or not

Who told you to drive the car?

Who in the word gave you this brightest idea to come by yourself?

Do you have any idea ! What I had gone through ?

Gauri: omkaraji I'm perfectly fine

And why are you scolding me?

You have to ask me how was I feeling 

Om: you will say your fine

I know you are hurting

See yourself if anything had happened to you?

Gauri: Nothing happened to me omkaraji

See I'm perfectly fine

Om: really?

Then please get up and dance 

Gauri: omkaraji

Om: you cannot get up rite?

Gauri: no.. sorry.. please don't get angry on me

Om: angry on you?

I'm worried gauri

I died a thousand deaths when I heard about you

Gauri: I said sorry ... please forgive me

And stop crying 

I'm alive

Om: please don't do this again gauri

I will die if you leave me

Gauri: Don't worry omkaraji

I will not leave you so easily

Come on omkaraji

Forgive me

Om: idiot 

I love you

Gauri: the feeling is mutual

Gauri pov

As we were hugging and kissing each other on my hospital bed

We heard some one clearing their voice

Nurse: sir if you don't mind 

Can u please go out and get these medicines 

 Till the We will change patients clothes

Om: no problem

I will change

Please give them to me

Gauri: omkaraji what are you saying

Om: gauri ! Stay quiet

You are hurt and I can change your clothes in seconds

Gauri: omkaraji please leave

Gauri pov

I was feeling so embarrassed because of omkaraji antics

Even the nurse was feeling awkward 

Gauri: omkaraji please leave

Or you will have to sleep on the couch for the rest of your life

Om: no way!

You can't be serious gauri

Gauri: should I prove it omkaraji

Om: nurse please change my wives clothes

Please be careful 

Gauri: that's like a good boy 

Now leave omkaraji 

Om: ok 

I will be back shortly


Om pov

After purchasing the medicines , I was returning to gauris room

But I stopped when I hear a name ishana verma

I followed the nurse who called out her name

And she stopped near the gynecologist cabin

Luckily she left the door open and it was easy for me to listen the conversation 

Doctor: congratulations miss ishana the procedure you were going through the all these years

Was successful 

You are pregnant 

Ishana: thank you doctor

Doctor: where is omkara?

He must know this good news rite!

Om pov

This must be a bad joke

It is not rite, not rite

I have to stop this

Om: stop this nonsense 

What are you saying 

Ishana cannot be pregnant 

Doctor: you are wrong mr omkara

She is 3 months pregnant

Om: but how? Why?

We stopped the procedure

Why did you continue it

Om pov

Yes after gauri gave birth to a girl the second time 

I was afraid of buamas warth , so  ishana decided to go through a  procedure 

To get pregnant , but we stopped continuing the process after gauri gave birth to rathan

Doctor: I'm sorry mr oberoi

But 4 months back ishana mam visited again to continue the procedure

She said you both are desperately trying to have a baby

Om: no I won't beleive it

This child is  it true even if this is true this cannot be my child

Ishana: Om listen to me this baby is real and so is the fact that you are this baby's father

If you want you can ask your gauri 

She was also the witness of our union 3 months ago

She caught us on the same bed naked  ! Why are you getting so hyper about it

Relax Om! You should be happy with this news

Om pov

I couldn't handle it anymore

This woman was lying for sure

I just couldn't bear it and began choking her

Ishana: Om leave me

I'm pregnant with your baby

Doctor: please stop mr.Oberoi 

Otherwise she will die

Om pov

I left her , but I still couldn't beleive what I heard

She is pregnant?

Is this true?

Or a plan

What should I do now

Ishana: just listen to me Om

I have some other news for you

Om: what?


**********to be continued********************************************************************


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I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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