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new character introduction



villan of this story

mistress and personal secretary  of omkara 

omkara trusts her a lot


om:how can it be ishana

ishna:what can I do  Om?

Your buama is missing

We cannot track her anywhere

I enquired everyone even shivaay singh oberoi  could not  trace her

om:I gave you just one work ishana

just find her

I want to deal with this matter as soon as possible

ishana:its for her rite

om:what do you mean?

ishana:its for your wife rite?

you are doing all this to get back into her good graces rite?

om:thats none of your business ishana

ishana: really om?

none of my business?

you are the same omkara who wanted to divorce her a few months back and wanted announce me as your fiance 

om:thats the past ishana

I'm never divorcing gauri get that in your head

she is my wife and I have a family 

ishana:when did you start caring about your family om?

you were not even there when your children were born, you were with me

and now you want to go back to them?

I will never allow it om

om:its my personal matter ishana

so please stay out of it

ishana: whatever you say om


ishana pov

I will just stay out of it om, but first, let's meet your wife

I guess she will be happy to see me


gauri:omi  wait!

what are you doing

thats  your dads personal room

omika:so ? dad said I can go anywhere

gauri:omi you cannot go in like that

omika:look at here

so many paintings

even you are here


beautiful rite

omika:mom see ashi's picture  with you and dad

its lovely

gauri:ya its great

your dad never expresses anything but he loves you all omi

he loves me

*******Flash back when ashi was alive*********************************

ashi:papa my painting

om: ok! I will make your painting

gauri:omkaraji, I want a statue

om:ok gauriji, ashi wants a painting 

gauriji wants a statue and you omi what do you want?

omika:I want family pictures, daddy

you were not there  in any of them

om:ok today  I will make a painting for my ashi 

ashi:big one

ashi big painting

om:I  will make a very big painting of you angel

and a statute for gauri and photos for omi

and rathan what do you want


om:see this gauriji

my  son only wants you

ashi:but I want papa

ashi's papa

omika:even me papa is the best

om:see gauri ji

I have my daughters on my side

and you have only your son who is still trying to eat mud

rathan wait dont eat it

gauri:poor rathan

dont gang up on him

you 3 are monsters

om:and you are our queen


gauri:stop calling me gauriji

om:then stop calling me omkaraji

call me om

omkaraji makes me feel like an old person

gauri:you are old omkaraji


I'm I old ashi?

ashi:no mama is old

gauri :ashi ki bachi

you are gone today

omika:mom you have grey hair

gauri:omi  wait I will show you what grey hair means

om:gauri stop running after them

gauri:ok I will start running after you

om:I have stopped gauri

I will not run  from you gauri , you can capture me anytime you want

omika:uh uh!(*clearing her throat*)

why are you both staring each other?

ashi see mom and dad always stare at each other

***********************flashback ends**********************************************

omika:mom why  are you smiling?

gauri:nothing omi

lets go from here

omika:mom there are more pictures inside

let see them

shivaay:what pictures omi?

omika:bade pappa 

how are you

shivaay:omi my princess

omika:did shivika also come with you?

shivaay:she is waiting for you down stairs

go and meet her

gauri:bade baiyaa

what a pleasant suprise

shivaay: nice to meet you gauri

go and meet anika gauri

she bought some crazy dish for you

gauri:ok bade bhaiya

shivaay:I have to find out what Om is hiding from me

why is he searching buama like crazy?

and what is with this ishana girl

she is getting too comfortable with omkara

why is she around omkara?

I have to find out


shivaay:what is this?

om:what shivaay?

shivaay:what are these documents and pictures om

you are divorcing gauri and marrying ishana?

om:I'm not divorcing gauri shivaay

shivaay:then please explain this om

what are these papers

and why is ishana so involved in your personal matters?

om:its nothing shivaay

I can handle it

shivaay:you are my broher om

but I always treated gauri as my sister 

if anything happens to her , I will not stay silent

I want you to remove this ishana chapter from your life

otherwise be prepared to bear the consequences

om:shivaay listen to me

shivaay:one week om

remove her from your life within one week

erase this chapter


ishana:hi gauri

can I come in

gauri:who are you?

ishana:your rival!

gauri:my rival? what do you mean ?

ishana:just warning you

stay away from omkara

you dont deserve him

who do you think you are?

you are just a village girl who got married to a rich a person, this is not a fairy tale gauri

wake up from dreams.

omkara doesnt love you , he only cares for me

gauri:who are you to say that?

ishana:I'm his ..

om:my employee


om:gauri get me some tea 

gauri:omkaraji who is she ?

what is she saying

om:gauri LEAVE! 

get that damm tea

gauri:ok !omkaraji

om:you come out with me


om:what were you doing in my house?

ishana:relax, om 

I was just talking to your wife

you know a friendly advice

om:I dont want to see you near my house again

If you come near gauri , I swear I will kill you

ishana:it depends on your behaviour om

by the way don't forget that you have another house

our house

om:I will come later

Please leave from here


**********to be continued********************************************************************


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I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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