Father Daughter moments

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 gauri  pov

I have finally said the truth  about ashi

I feel a bit relieved now ,but I'm afraid that I will not see her again

As, I was totally engrossed in my thoughts 

I felt a tap on my shoulder

gauri:you should be here at this time

stranger:even you should not roam in the garden at night

gauri:tomorrow is the day

stranger:I know gauri

tomorrow we will know about ashi's report

and trust me I will do everything to save her

gauri:why are you so nice to us?

even ashi's dad omkara doesn't feel that much for us

stranger:I will always be there for you  gauri

any time

gauri:I feel bad for asking a lot from you

but you were always there for me and the kids

you are the only hope I got


om pov

How can I do this ?

why did I change like this?

I was not like this before

but now I cannot look  at my self 

I was very harsh on them

I was so harsh on my own family! why?

I   was so lost in my anger that, i didn't notice that someone was clinging on my foot


om pov

she was gesturing her hands to pick her up

I picked her up and carefully placed her in my arms

she was just like me longing for a father's love

om; ashi !why are you here?

ashi:papa... ashi room......

om:ok lets go  to your room

om pov

I have never stepped inside my kids room 

till now

and seeing the room for the first time is making me nostalgic

her whole room was pink covered with all her favorite cartoons and family pictures

but there were no pictures of me anywhere

all these pictures had only gauri with the kids and the other person who has taken my  place in this family.

ashi: my room

om:yes its your room

its beautiful

ashi:lets play

my toys

om pov

ashi was showing me all her toys  and asking me to play with her

how did I miss this?

she is my daughter


om:no, I'm not leaving you ashi

I will never leave you

I love you ashi

ashi:daddy loves  ashi

om:yes  , I'm your daddy


that is daddy

om pov

ashi was showing me the picture of the person who has taken my place 

not only as a family member but as their father

I have to stop this

I cannot let my  children idolize him


om pov

After successfully putting ashi to sleep 

I began to search for gauri

But I saw a sight that pained my heart the most

she was being comforted, by the same man who is threatening my position in  this family

gauri:I'm ok now

stranger:are you sure gauri

I can stay here all night if you want

om:that is  not  necessary shivaay

you can leave

I'm here for gauri

shivaay: finally you are back om

om:I had  to come back shivaay

its my family

shivaay:good to hear  om

gauri tomorrow we will  go to the hospital with ashi

om:I'm here shivaay

I can take care, I will go to the hospital with gauri and ashi

you dont need to bother about it 

gauri:bade bhaiya 

Please come  tomorrow, your presence is required for ashi

she gets irritated if you are not there


gauri:we can talk later omkaraji

bade bhaiya anika bhabhi must be waiting for you

you should go now

shivaay:yes, gauri

I will meet you tomorrow

gauri:thank you bade bhaiyya

***********************************************************************************************om:what is this?

gauri:what are you talking about?

om:I don't like shivaay taking my place in our life

gauri:he is not taking your place omkaraji

he earned that place in our lives

om:what are you saying?

ashi is my daughter

gauri:then where were you when she was born?

did you forget what happened when ashi was born?

om:what happened?

gauri:I will tell you what happened


anika:its a girl

congrats gauri

she is so cute

shivaay:gauri she looks just like you

anika:what should we name her?

call omkara and ask him

**************phone conversation************************************


om:what is it tell me

gauri:we have another daughter 

she is just born 


gauri:just ok?

are you not going to meet her

om:I'm busy 

I have lots of work

please dont disturb me

gauri:what will we name her omkaraji?

om: anything ! you decide

I have attend this meeting 

so please dont call me again

****************end of phone conversation**********************************************

anika: I have decided 

I will name her shakuntala

shivaay:thats the worst name anika

what about kamna

anika:it feels like kamini

oh please shivaay

you are not great in names

shivaay:so what did om decide gauri

gauri:bade bhaiya

I want to name her asha

anika:asha its too old fashioned gauri

plus asha means chocolate rite

shivaay:you are really stupid banika

asha means hope

anika:but still i don't like asha

we will name her ashi

how is it

gauri:best bhabhi

anika:see I'm the best

**********************end of flashback*****************************************

om: At that time , I was stuck in  a  very important meeting gauri

It was important for us

gauri: shivaay bhaiya canceled a whole week of appointments just to stay with ashi and omika

that is how priorities are measured omkaraji

om: you can never understand my situations gauri

the situations were not in my hand, but believe me I'm not a bad person

and I will prove it you

omika:mom I think I heard bade papa

gauri:he just left omi

omika:but he was supposed to get me my art supplies

om:art? omi do you like art?

I can get those supplies for you

omika:mom can you please tell bade papa 

to send me the  supplies

I really need them

om:omi ! I'm talking to you

omika:yes you are talking to me mr.oberoi

and thank you but  I dont need your help

om:its not help omi

it your right to ask me 

omika:I dont need anything  for you


talk to me omi

gauri:stop it omkaraji

please dont shout at her 

om pov

I was about to lose my temper

but I heard gauri whisper something to me

"just say that you will give all your art supplies to ashi"

om:ok ! no need to talk to me

I have a room full of art supplies which will go waste 

I guess I will give them to ashi

she can paint better than you rite


om:ok then i will also give some of my art supplies to ..


om:ya priyanka

she won that competition last time rite

I will go and support her 

om:I dont think it will work gauri

she is still mad at me, she can never accept me

where is she going?

gauri:trust me 

she will be back

she is just like you 

omika:mr.oberoi where are your paints?

om:she is back

gauri:I told you  so..

om:they are in oberoi mansion

but why should I give them to you?

I will give it to priyanka

omika:what do you want?

om:just one thing

call me dad


om:then i will not give you anything

omika:I will call you dad

but you have to promise me one thing

om: anything princess just tell me what do you want

omika:please dont leave us alone dad

we miss you

om:I promise omika

I will never leave you alone

omika:and please don't shout at mom

I dont like it

om:ok I will never shout at her

now give me a hug

omika:thank you dad

gauri pov

I feel there is  still some hope left in our marriage omkaraji


**********to be continued********************************************************************


Hi everyone, hope you all liked it

This is the longest chapter I have ever written .

Please comment and let me know how you feel about the story

thanks a lot for your comments and support

I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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