Last chapters -2( om's heartbroken)

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Days passed by
Arjun successfully trapped Omi
And Omi fell in his trap called love
Omi and Arjun made a plan to run away and when the time has come
And the plan was done
As for rathan , the constant pressure of his grandfather worst ideas hit him
And he wanted to know the reality of his parents marriage
And that's when Arjun entered in the picture
Being a manipulative person he made rathan believe the only half side of the truth
And rathan got to know about his father omkaras abuse towards Gauri  Gauri
and that their marraige was a mere deal and he was also fed a fact that his another sister ashi died because of his fathers careless mistakes.
He believed in half truth and couldnt see the whole reality that  omkara and  Gauri have resolved their differences and are leading a happy life
He was angry and the emotions were so out of control that  it took a drastic step of all times.
gauri pov
I was getting worried the feeling was eating me alive
I couldnt find her anywhere!
everyone was blaming her and accusing her but i know the truth
my daughter is not wrong
I feel that she must be somewhere
So i was searching everywhere!
but i stopped when i heard loud screams of papa
tej: I warned you om
that this woman only brings you misery
look at her upbringing
your daughter is left with anshis fiance
she learnt it from her mother regarding cheating people
om:mr.oberoi please dont create a scene
I dont think omika would have done this
shivaay:yes om
I'm sure this must be that arjuns sick plan
lets go and search
tej:there is no use omkara
after all she is just like this woman you call wife
who used her body to get you
om:mind your words mr oberoi you are talking about my wife and daughter
One more word .. and I will swear ..
rudra:bhai leave it
bhavya called she traced omikas phone lets go
Gauri pov
The whole ride was silent, omkaraji was very angry
and i was worried
what happened to my omi is she alright?
A constant fear was running in my veins
om:gauri tell me
gauri :what omkaraji
om:i know you know something just spill it out
gauri:i know that omi loves arjun
gauri:i had some clues omkaraji
but i never knew she would take this drastic step
believe me if i knew that she would leave with him like this
I would have..
Why did you hide it from me
Are you insane??
gauri: omkaraji stop blaming me and drive fast
we need to find omi
Om: I will find her stop crying
Rathan pov
Today I will not leave him
I was so angry with my so called father
I was driving like crazy
To confront him for his crimes
He has to answer me
He has to pay for his crimes
Ashi pov
I was trying to reach dad
As I need to tell him what rathan was going through
Rathan was not in his senses
I need to stop him before he does something terrible
Omika pov
I was getting married to Arjun
When I heard a voice
Om: you didn't invite us Omi
Omi: papa , mama
Gauri pov
I saw omkaraji fully fierce
And dragging Omi
Omika: papa leave me
I love Arjun
Om: no you don't
Stop creating a scene and come with me omi
Arjun : leave her mr. Oberoi
Omi loves me
Om: I don't need to listen to you
Omi come with me
Omi: no papa
I don't want to
I love Arjun
And I want to stay with him
Please leave me
Om: Omi he is a fraud
You know what he was sent only to take revenge on me
He is twinkles ..
Omika : I know what your going to say
But I don't want to listen to you anymore
Leave me
Om: Omi what are you saying
I'm your dad
Omika: the dad who never cared for me
I know everything dad
Stop pretending
Enough is enough
Gauri : Omi ! Behave
Omika: what behave mom?
Did he behave with you properly?
Did he ever love you ?
All the time he used to cheat on you
And used to make deals on his own blood
And I have to behave for him
Gauri : Omi what are you saying?
He is your papa
You love your dad
Omika: the same father who killed my sister ashi
Gauri : Omi what are you saying?
You cannot talk to him like that
Omika: yes I shouldn't talk to a murderer
Tell me dad is it not true
Is it not true that you my sister died for your selfish deeds
Tell me dad
Tell me
Thanks to Arjun
I got to know the truth of you dad
You are a murderer!!
Gauri: shut up Omi
You don't know the whole truth
Omkaraji was blackmailed by dolly maaji
He tried to save ashi..
Omika: lie lie lie
Another lie
Why do you believe this man so much??
Your so blind that you even decided to stay with him after seeing him sleeping with an other woman
Gauri : Omi... stop
It's the past
And it was my choice
I chooses to stay with your dad
Omika: past..
Yes mom it's a past
My relationship with pa.. sorry with this criminal was past
I have only one present and that's Arjun
I choose him
So I don't want your nor his interfere here
Please leave
Om: Omi ..
Om pov
I was looking at her
Is this the same Omi that I raised ?
The same Omi who used to say never leave her
Was just telling me to get out from her life
And that I was a murderer
Silent tears were flowing out from my eyes
Gauri : you..should i slap you now Omi
You are a disgrace
How can you talk to your father like that ?
You ..
Gauri pov
I was about to slap her but omkaraji stopped my hand
Om: leave it Gauri
She has made a choice
We are not needed here
Gauri : but omkaraji
She ..
Om: omi.. I know you are angry with me
And I'm sorry for all my crimes
But please because of me don't spoil your life
Don't marry that Arjun
Omika : I don't want your apology
Nor your concern
You both can leave
Gauri : omika.. listen to me
Om: leave her Gauri
She will not listen
Gauri : but ..
Om: I failed Gauri
I was never a good father nor a husband
I don't have the right to live..
Gauri : omkaraji..
Wait where are you going


Hi everyone, hope you all liked it

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I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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