part -4

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Jhanvi: she just looks like om

What do you say Anika?

Anika: xerox copy mummyji

Her eyes and her nose are exactly like Om

Jhanvi: I just want to call her Om

I guess we have to name her omi

What do you say gauri?

Did Om and you pick any names for her?

Gauri pov


What should I say ?

He left me alone after getting me pregnant and  for 8 months , I didn't even see his face 

How could I even think that he will choose names for my daughter 

I just gave birth to my daughter and her father is no where to be seen

He didn't even bother to show up and see his own daughter

What kind of a man is he?


Om: ishana how can you be so irresponsible?

They were worth 50 crores ishana and you blew that deal

Ishana: But Om we can catch up

If you try to redo the changes the investors will come back

Om: investors will come back

But it will take 4 months to restore this loss

Ishana: it's just 4 months omkara

Why are you so hyped up about it ?

Om: I have to stay here for 4 more months

I already stayed here for 8months, I was not there for gauri nor my child

I want to see them

Ishana: so?

Om: I will miss seeing my daughter

She is just born

I want to see her, I want to know her

Ishana : you can meet her later Om

If you loose this deal you will suffer

Ishana pov

Why does he always think about that trash and her kid

Why can't he just think about me

I have to stop him from being all sentimental about his daughter

I have to stop this drama

Om pov

I was disappointed, I was not able to see my own daughter

I don't know how she looks

I want to see her picture

I called up shivaay to ask him, but he just rejects my calls

As he is angry that I'm not there with gauri

what should I do now ?


Shivaay: see gauri

Shivika loves to play with sister

Gauri: it's happy to know that she has atleast some one to play 

Shivaay: gauri you are worried about Om rite?

Gauri: worried ?

Why will I worry bade bhaiyya 

He just abandoned us

Shivaay: gauri it's not like that

He was busy

Gauri: That's just an other word for leaving us

It has been 4 months and he has still not returned

Shivaay: don't worry gauri

He will come , you are not abandoned

Gauri pov

I just lay my head in bade baiyaas arm and he began rubbing my hair to comfort me

It's weird my brother is comforting me instead of my so called husband


Om pov 

It has been 4 months and I didn't see my daughter yet

No one is talking to me , It's like every one is avoiding me

Whenever I call them they just reject my calls , they are not even letting gauri to talk to me

But today I will see my daughter,I'm finally going back 

I bought all the toys which would suit her 

I just rushed to see my daughter, but there was no one in my room

I searched everywhere but I could find no one

Om: mom where is gauri ?

Where is my daughter 

Jhanvi: you didn't know ?

Om: what happened please tell me mom

Jhanvi: she fell down from staring while playing so shivaay and gauri have taken her to hospital 

Om: what? How did that happen?

Why didn't any one contact me?

Jhanvi: contact you ?

But why?

Om: what do you mean why mom?

She is my daughter 

Jhanvi: are you sure Om?

Om: what do you mean mom?

Jhanvi: you just left after gauri announced her pregnancy and after a year you return and say you want to meet your daughter

What do you think of yourself ?

Om: mom please listen to me

i want to see my daughter , please tell me where is she

Jhanvi: niceeee hospital 

Om: thank you mom


Om pov

I went to the hospital, but I was stopped at the reception 

Receptionist: whom do you want to meet sir

Om: my daughter is admitted here

Please tell me where I can find her?

Receptionist: what is her name sir?

Om: name?

I don't know!

Receptionist: you don't know her name?

Om pov

I was so lost in establishing my business that I forgot to know my daughters name

I don't know , that was a hard slap on my face

Not knowing my own daughters name

As I was about to leave , I heard someone's laughter

It was gauri 

Shivaay: gauri see our Omi is such a strong girl 

Nothing happened to her

Just a small bruise 

gauri: then why were you crying bade bhaiyya 

Shivaay: she just reminds me of Om


And I cannot see my Om sad

Gauri: and we cannot see you sad bade bhaiya

See omi is alrite now

All thanks to you bade bhaiyya

You are our savior 

Omika: papa... 

shivaay: no omi it's bade papa

Omika: no you are my papa

Gauri : omi don't be stubborn he is your bade papa

Shivaay: leave it gauri

Don't be harsh on her

If she likes it then she can call me her papa

Om: no

Shivaay: Om? what are you doing here

Om: you are asking me shivaay

What are you doing here?

And why are you forcing my daughter to call you dad 

Shivaay: I was  not forcing her Om

Omi was just calling me

Om: omi?

Why are you calling me Omi shivaay

 shivaay: your daughter om

Omi is your daughters name

Om: I didn't know!

Shivaay: you were not here to know Om

Now that you are here take care Of your family

I will be leaving 

Om: thank you shivaay

Shivaay: bye gauri take care


Om: so you named my daughter  without  asking  me?

Who gave you the right ?

Gauri: please omkaraji

Everyone are seeing

Om: so? What ?

First you name my daughter without my permission and now you are roaming with my brother

Gauri: omkaraji what are you saying ?

Om: your truth gauri !

What a shameless woman are you

Gauri: your misunderstanding me omkaraji

please stop shouting

Om : stop shouting ?

Did you hear me when I wanted to speak to you

You didn't even try to contact me in a year gauri

Why will you contact me?

Why I'm i needed when shivaay is full filling your desires

Is he good in bed? 

Is he better than me 

Gauri: Omkaraji l'm silent that doesn't mean you can say anything

What do you think of me?

Om: I will show you what I think

Of you 

I was about to raise my hand on her , but I stopped when I heard shivaay's voice

Shivaay: gauri I forgot my car keys ...

Om why are you raising your hand on gauri 

What is happening here?

Gauri : bade bhaiyya 

Om pov

Bade bhaiyya ?

Gauri consideres shivaay as her brother?

What did you do Om?

You have broken all your limits in accusing her

What will you do now?


**********to be continued********************************************************************


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have a nice day everyone :)

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