part-6( Divorce)

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sai pov
i was in thrown in the cell
and i definitely know
who did this
i thought it must be virat
but to my surprise
i saw my mother
maya: so cute
you look so cute
when you are angry sai
sai: maa why i'm here?
maya : i need refund
sai: maa please stop saying nonsense
maya : nonsense ?
i'm talking about refund sai
how much money did i spend on your education ?
that you can't read the charges against you
i raised you better
sai: maa
i'm not asking you about what  charges are on me
i'm asking you what are you playing
it was you right
who pushed virat to arrest me
maya: really
does virat listen to me now
that's good
sai: maa
please stop this
i know you want to hurt me
but why are you making virat as a scapegoat
what will you get dragging virat in all this
maya: you are really blind sai
you can't see what i want
plus what can i do
when my own blood betrays me
i need to have a back up right
sai: Just stop it
please stop all this and let me live my life
maya : all your life you have been living
what you wanted sai
disregarded everything i said
i got you the best
but you always settled for the worst
did i ask you to sleep around with virat ?
and don't deny
i know he was staying in your room
while i was away on my business trips
so please stop your nonsense
sai: maa..
maya : enough of drama
now if you want peace and quiet
just sign the documents
sai: there is a custody document
maya: and also your divorce
don't worry
virat will always be my son in law
better use to solve the issues
you have dug up
sai: mom i'm your daughter
maya: no
you are weak to even bear the name mehrotra
you cannot be mayas daughter
now stop it and sign the papers
otherwise i don't know what i will do with your virat and savi
sai: mom no
listen to me
maya : sign
sai: mom i can't
maya : do you want to see the end of your so called husband and your daughter
sai: maa please stop
I will ..
virat pov
i was not understanding
was this the end
i waited all this time
to get sai back
is this the time for me to let her go?
i know i signed the papers
in a hurry
but i don't know
if i can ever move on
how do i forget her
what will i say to savi
can i manage everything
i was so lost
thinking  about the future
when miss maya came to me again
maya : good news
sai signed the papers
i have already submitted
in a few days
you will be free
and we can concentrate on how to bring up savi
virat: did sai really sign
maya: i know it should hurt you virat
but the daughter i knew
is  not the same
she is changed
look she didn't even want savi
virat : i can't believe it
maya : nothing is unbelievable virat
we just need to roll on with the plan
and now you need bigger things to concentrate
I want you to concentrate on our business
this is for savi
maya pov
i loved this
now that sai is out
i wanted to make sure i get virat on my side
a son and a grand daughter
people would love the image
as i was getting him motivated
virat got a call
and was looking anxious

*******phone conversation ****************
virat; hello?
sai: virat ..
virat pov
i heard the voice of sai
it was dull
it felt like she was loosing her breath
sai: virat .. can you hear me
virat: sai are you ok
sai: im not ok virat
you proved me right
I don't deserve your love
so now im taking the right decision
im leaving you and our savi forever
i don't deserve to be on the earth
virat: sai are you drunk
what the hell are you saying
sai: i forgive you virat
whatever happened in the past
i don't blame it on you
i blame it on me
i'm not a good person
virat: sai please
you are making me worried
where are you
sai: i don't want your worry virat
i needed your love
but now i don't have the right
virat: what rubbish are you saying sai
you always had the right
please stop saying all this
sai: no virat
everything is done
i signed the papers
virat: the papers mean nothing sai
tell me where you are please
sai: no virat you didn't mean that
i lost your respect
i won't see the same love in your eyes
do you remember the time
when we used to look at me
when we were kissing
i don't get that anymore
6 years virat
i waited for your touch
but i was blinded in hate
now everything is over
i took the whole bottle
virat: whole bottle of what
sai: the same bottle
which we drank at the first night
i'm here the same place
virat: just wait there i'm coming
sai: bye virat
virat: no sai
please i'm coming
*********end of phone conversation ***********
maya pov
i was seeing virat go away suddenly
maya : virat where are you going
we need to prepare strategy for the press conference
virat: miss maya
i'm sorry
i need to go now
sai has lost it
maya : sai ?
why did she call you
virat: i don't have time
please come with me
maya : but virat ....
virat pov
i ran to her
in the hotel room i saw my sai drunk and collapsed
the hotel staff was trying to pick her
but i asked them to back off
my heart was broken looking at her like that
i was trying to wake her up
but she was not responding
that's when i saw her wrist bleeding
virat: some one get a doctor
stop touching my wife
sai wake up
see i'm here
maya pov
i was getting anxious seeing my daughter like that
emotional i went to her
maya : sai ..
virat: miss maya stay here with sai
i will get the medical team
maya pov
i nodded to virat
when virat left the room
I was trying to put on more bandages to stop sai's bleeding wrist
that's when a hand stopped me
sai: so you do care mom
maya : sai
you are awake
sai: I was
thank you for making me awake
now i will get back everything
maya : what do you mean
sai : i can also play games mom
i'm your daughter
maya : what ?
author pov
what is sai planning now
will this new plan destroy her relationship with virat
or will cause a new feud with maya
let's see in the upcoming chapters
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