"you can't fall in love"

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Jimin POV:
I got up early and went to jog as it was my daily routine. I got a call from my Manager to arrive immediately as we got emergency in our company.
I took a shower and dressed.

Yoon na POV:
"YOON NA YOU'RE LATE" mom screamed.
Suddenly I realized today was my first day, I got up took a shower and dressed into this.

I wore a turtle neck so that nobody can see my bruises my dad gave.

I went down saw my dad sitting on couch. I just ignored him and started to walk outside,
"YAHHH" dad screamed.
I turned back and looked at him.
" dad I really don't have time to listen all your nonsen-"

He slapped me so hard I fell on the ground , my lip was bleeding and left 3 fingers print on my cheeks.
It was burning like hell.

"How dare you speak like that to your father" dad said harshly.
I didn't replied him.
"Yah! You're ignoring me? .... who the hell you think you're"
I remained silent coz if I reply him he will again beat me.

"I need to g-"  I said and was cut by.
"You're not going anywhere" dad said.
"As if I'm going to listen you" I said and ran dad kept screaming
"You ruthless girl don't dare you came back here" dad shouted.

I was late on my first day hope my boss will be understanding.

Jimin POV:
"Where is she" I asked to Mr.tak
"She must be here by now maybe something impor-"
"Important my foot is my company a joke to her.. how can she be late on her first day, if this is the case she will not last long as others" i said sarcastically to mr.tak
"I'll go and check on her"

Yoon na POV:
I took a taxi and immediately went in office. Wait.. something is weird why everybody is staring me. I didn't care about them and started to run towards my boss cabin.

"Excu-" i was cut of by a man..wait is that man who bumped into me yesterday 'oh no'
"Now you'll give me your stupid excuses and ofcourse today is your first day and how can you effort coming late" he said.
"I'm sorry it won't happen again" i replied him.
"There's your tabl-"  he stopped.
He was staring at me continously, is something weird on my fa-.... suddenly something popped in my mind!


I tried to hide it by my hands
"Did somebody hit you?" He asked me very politely.
Shittt shitt am so embarrassed!!
"Umm-- ahhh! Actually I was jus-" he stopped me.
He gave me a glass of water and asked me sit

"Am iam fine" I said him.
"No you don't look fine"  he replied me.
Why is he so kind to me suddenly? He look so handsome
'Yoon na noo noo' you can't fall for him

Jimin POV:
Does she have any kind of torture on her? Does her family hit her?
-wait...what's that?
"What's that on your neck?" I asked her.
"Huh" she got confused and trying to hide that marks
"Wha.. th-there's nothing! " she replied.

"Look if there's anything you want to tell me you can tell me I can help you. Does your mother hit you? Or there's anybody who hit you?"
" no its not my mom it's my da-" she stopped
"So your dad hit you? Did he tried to choke your neck?" There something in her which remind me of how my step dad used to beat me when I was 15 years old. I can see my past in her , how can a man hit his own grown up daughter.

"Um- Mr park is it ok me to call you " she didn't replied my questions and turned it. I think it's uncomfortable for her to tell me.
"Ye- yes you can call me anything sir mr park what suits you"  replied  her.

" is that my table over there" she asked me so softly. How can she be so strong even when her cruel dad behave with her like that.
"Yes There's some documents over there take it and go give it to Mr tak and bring me a cup of coffee"
"Um- before going out just go to restroom or if you're not OK go to nursing room"  i said her as it is not okay to show her bare bruises face to everyone.

"I'm okay Mr park" she replied me so softly
" waitt.. bring coffee for yourself too"
I told her
"Thanks" she bowed me and went outside.

Ahh God why is she so pret-
Waitt noo you can't fall for your assistant.
~No jimin no~

Author's POV:
Does they both will fall for each other?
Can jimin change Yoon na terrible life into a true love color?

💜~Stay tuned~💜

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