Author's Note

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Welcome guys !

First of all, let me inform all those people who are here for the first time that this isn't a stand-alone book. This is the fourth part of my LY series. You can find the previous three books of this series on my profile. The first one is 'Lovingly Yours - Winning Her Heart'.  If you are coming and reading this book without reading the first one then I can bet that you won't understand anything here. So I would like to request all the new readers here to go and read the first part before reading this one.

To my old readers here now, I hope that this book doesn't disappoints you and keeps you entertained till the end just like the previous three parts. Once again much love to each and everyone of you for showering so much of love on the previous books of this series which motivated me and brought me to this fourth book here now. Thank you !

Now lets clear a few things once again before we proceed ahead.

1.) This book is a very long one.  I don't know that how many chapters will be there in this book for this is the last one to this series here. So please read it at your own risk and don't ask me to end it anytime soon.

2.) My update rate is 7-10 days here. Let  me first of all inform to all my readers that I am a student here and writing is my hobby here. Hobby which is meant to do in my free time. So please be considerate about it and bear up with my schedule. 

Now... All those who are reading this note. I request you to do one more thing. As you move forward just inline comment in front of the number.

Number ?

The number means the number of time when you are reading this book now. If you are reading for the first time then comment √ in front of 1.

If you are reading for the third time then comment √ in front of 2.

So here we go...











This is just for fun and keeping a record.

Happy reading :)

Lovingly Yours,

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