My life before it even started

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My story begins in New York, New York we're in known as the bold chick with all the cash in the that comes from her mothers mystery baby daddy. Which u could say is my dad but that man ain't been there for me so he will get that title when he deserves it.

All my life I never fit in cause I was the bad black girl in a white town.I was feared by most and like by less. I never knew what my father looked like except his child support checks. But today is the day I finally meet the person who left with my mom who didn't give a damn about except her money and the way she looked.

I thought life was hard living with my gold digging mother and her ugly abusing husband. Wait till you see my life with my real dad and see how everything I thought was true was a lie and everyone that saw me thought I was just some black girl tryin to be bold  when I never really was.

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