Starting of journey 🌸

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I changed my writing style in this story , let's see you like it or not????


Beeep! Beeep! Beee-

Jungkook smacked his alarm clock and it ended up landing on the other side of the room. Jungkook shot up and was shocked for a second of what he just did.

"oops.." Jungkook tiredly rubbed the back of his head as walked to go pick up his clock.

Jungkook sighs in relief " ok good it's not broken " Jungkook places the clock back onto his night stand.

Jungkook was still a little surprised at himself he has never hit his alarm clock that hard.

Jungkook got up, took his shower, then got dressed he wore a black shirt with a pair of ripped skinny jeans.

Jungkook walked down stairs to greet his mom, he skipped breakfast because he tries to be early for school. Today was last day of school of his senior, his best friend Taehyung.

Kookie you forgot your school bag!! - her mom said with smile as she knew why his son is in so hurry

Ooops !! - jungkook took bag

Had you taken gift for Taehyung ?? - her mom ask

Yup mom!!! -he said and ran towards his car


Stop !! - jungkook ordered and get out of a big mansion

He took out gifts in his one hand and in another a beautiful rose banquet

Good morning Mrs. Kim - he greeted

Oo kookie come !! Have breakfast with us , i made your favourite banana milk too - Taehyung's mom said

Okay - he said searching his hyung

Taehyung is in his room ..maybe still sleeping- Taehyung's mom smiled

Thankyou !! Mrs. Kim
I'll wake up him- he made his way to Taehyung's room

He entered in and saw a Taehyung sleeping in without any worry of being late

You !! Brother of sleeping beauty!!! Wake up or we'll gonna late even in last day of school!!! - jungkook shake him

Hmmm... kookie go , I want sleep more - he hid his face in blanket

So you're not gonna wake up like this !! So...

In second jungkook jump  and lay on a sleeping Taehyung , firmly holding him

Ahhh kookie stop this old method, this not gonna work today!! - Taehyung

Okay!! So this !! - jungkook smirk and start tickling him

Hey..!! Stop it kookie!! Hey...stop it !!! - Taehyung chuckled

These kids !! - Mrs. Kim went to them

Hearing footsteps jungkook quickly got up from Taehyung and sit in corner of bed

Taehyung Hyung wake up or we'll be late !!- jungkook said with innocence

Hy!!! Taehyungiie why are you not waking?? See kookie is waking you for long - his mom scold him

Come kookie !! Have breakfast and you Taehyungiie get ready in five minutes - his mom fold her arm around kookie and they went down

But Jungkook not forget to give him his Bunny smile

Aish this Bunny !! - Taehyung got up and quickly be ready

Ooo gifts !! Kookie must put it here!! - he smiled and unwrapped gifts

My favourite Gucci collection perfume !! and his favourite mint chocolate- This Bunny knew how to make me happy !!

He put on some purfume and went down

Good morning Mom and dad !! - he greeted and took his seat beside jungkook

So you like my gift huh?? - jungkook sip his banana milk

No!! - Taehyung coldly said

Really!!?? - Jungkook asked being Jungshook

Taehyung took glass of banana milk from his hand

Cause I love it - Taehyung said and finished banana milk in one sigh

Aaaah !! It was mine Taehyung!! - jungkook complaint

Let's go or we'll be late kookie!! - Taehyung pat his head with smirk and went towards car

Jungkook followed him with angry face

Jungkook get in and was watching outside window

Hey kookie!  Wanna to hear this new song ~
Life goes on~~ - he asked giving him earbud

No !! - jungkook didn't even glance at him
Do you wanna hear song ??
Fake love .. fake love - jungkook whined

Taehyung bite his lips forcing not to smile

Hyy kookie!! Let up that !!see me !! - Tae

Okay!! - he sighed and hold his arm making him look at him

Here !!! - Tae

Aaaa my banana milk shake!! - jungkook grabbed shake with smile

Why don't you tell me before?? !! - jungkook asked sipping his banana milk

I want to see your reaction my kookie!! And you are still kiddo - tae ruffled his hair

Anything for banana milk - he took one more sip

You're really cutest ~
Taehyung smiled leaning on his shoulder

Should I add images or not????

Tell how you like this chapter previous cuties 💜

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