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Whistling echoed throughout the cave as the wind whipped and curved around the pillars; making its way towards the yells happening deeper within its walls. Pieces of the pillar slowly crumble due to how long they have been around.  A powerful hit, if not a few, could collapse the whole structure around it. Small candles were lit up and strategically placed in certain areas.

The year was 1412 AD.

A year that for sure will go down her history log marked as disclosed. Anything she didn't want spoken about, was written underneath this specific category in her book. A book not many have seen due to how well she keeps it hidden. The pages are somewhat old– the binding is new due to the older one coming apart. However, the language written inside wasn't English, but Latin—her native tongue.

Voices that once echoed in the cave faintly, grew louder the closer to the area someone got to it. Each word is filled with some form of hatred, if not filled with venom. The complete situation was a complete misunderstanding but for them, it wasn't. While others deemed her an angel, a selected few deemed her a demon. People tend to fear what they truly don't understand. Which happened a lot in society. Could be from someone's appearance to their actions.

In the city of Rome, many believed in God. But others did not. These specific people who were in the caves yelled at her and happened to be the few who did believe in God. What they did with that belief was what deterred them from others. They were, what people had the term now, deemed a hypocrite. They claim to do things that are said by the bible in the eyes of others, but when alone, it's the complete opposite.

" În numele lui Dumnezeu, care sunt intențiile tale aici demonice? " Spoken the words that came out of the mouth of the man who stood before her. Right in the center. He was Romanian. This was Rome after all. The period where Tiberius was ruler and anyone who didn't do things the way he preferred.....

" I am no Demon." The woman replied. Her voice filled with determination. She was determined to get out of the place; determined to make her point loud and clear and she did– but it wasn't how she had hoped it would turn out. Quite the opposite.

Luckily, one of the men who had happened to be in the same room with them knew a little bit of English. They were still learning. "They deny being a Demon." His name was Nicu. She picked up on this when they were conversing earlier.

" Bineînţeles cǎ ei ar nega-o, Nicu." The middle man spoke again in reply to what Nicu translated.

They sharted arguing shortly after. Debating what to do next.

A rush of the wind that had been howling and whistling earlier, increased as the woman who was tied up in chains started to break it. The loops of each chain stretched and pulled with the pressure of being yanked slowly. Her wings flapped ever so slightly as she mumbled something in their language.

Before the interrogation had begun, hits were being placed on her. They were physically harming her. Demanding the truth of her; or in this case, their version of the truth that they wanted to hear. Either way, in the back of her mind, she knew no matter what she told them, it would never give them the pure satisfaction they were looking for.

Blood from the wounds they had given her, slid down her arms and made their way to her hands. The warm substance getting in between her skin and the shackle around her wrists was helping her break free. They were good news for her but not particularly good news for the men who happened to be in the room with her.

Fear had struck them as they watched in horror. This so-called demon breaking free from their clutches and will soon be free.

" Ar fi trebuit sǎ te gândeşti de douǎ ori la înlǎnţuirea mea. Acum voi provaca aceeaşi durere care a fost fǎcutǎ mine, pentru tine." She lowly spoke in a menacing tone. In translation, what she had said was you should've thought twice about chaining me. Now I'll inflict the pain made on me, to you.

From that moment the chains snapped and screams from the men who were in the room with her, echoed the cave. From a distance, splatters of blood stained the cave walls as not much of the incident could be seen. By the time it all stopped, no one else walked out besides her. All covered in blood; from head to toe. Her eyes returned to normal after it had been glowing as she was setting herself free just moments before.

Sounds of her wings flapping as she flew away grew distant as a pool of blood from the men in the room was the only thing spotted from the doorway.

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